Variety (January 1962)

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“bbe Se lad . wot £ ‘ : wte nae Vow . “saneertainty “put ‘to: ‘nuraility: : The wholes “ereative ° process’“ ‘should : ‘be’. re-}° a “Edward: i Albee; Jack Gelbee cial J Jack Richardson Compared . PEM ee To. Odets, Miller, Williams: of the 7308, 2408 and 2308. REGETIMATE. 8 7 | istic: young intern with whom she. ‘is willing .to neck but whom she. By’ HAROLD: CLUE RMA : 2 nurse browbeats. her father whom | she. despises, . sex-teases an ideal-_ Epectsd. The limelight’ of our: thea: } L: : ae t ee, Le, oT yall not. think of. marrying this: “tre. tends. ‘to ‘sear~ young. taleiit..Saeraere — ™ a cane oe =. {salary is $42 a month), and. lords ” “a > T : ~ JA: French playwright, ahices ala’ veloped’. th. the 408a ‘dbaniaturey Feustration: but’ in: their aims” phe ‘some: “way. ‘an: act. of. love. ‘To. wliich tit’ over the Negro orderly who", “me .that Ahough ° ‘he. had: had: .40 vo Plays” produced: ‘he. constdéred -only devoted. to the portrayal’ of. vit~” tims: « ; ‘This: is the line ‘that: may. be . ‘ harbors thoughts of actively bors-of the. 30s. had faith; those of. Peter ivery: nearly: in. anguish. cries | proving his status. In a play. of ite “50s haye Nd’: cause, ‘sce: no ‘aut, “I don't ‘understand’. ime. a supreniée ‘compliment! “Si: or ‘thenr ood: . The. gentleman vds-how one ‘of the: Immortals of tre}. s Agadeniie’ ‘Francaise,-~ . ? This. instance. eonvcys: ‘an‘ititude : whie hi appears to, be Ww lroll: for ‘eign. ’ to. the: custom ‘of our: theatre... “Ale promising | new: plat. wright! WithE Us | “is-a signal: event. His atriv ‘al is not : ~ merely” aréeted: “it is hailed! He. is-.2 ; sought ‘after; interviewed" -by: “press _ ‘land . radio. ‘He is ‘questioned. on” teleti ision-on-a.wide-variely of suib=. “Jeet... He, may even be _attackéd— ‘ing: the. paragon: ‘his;. publicity: pro-* ~ clatins ; hit. “-eyentual.: ‘decadence ‘are: set forth: And ‘even: while: his. first /play ‘is’: being” “studied : in: ‘college dram3.: “courses his second ‘play. may have. "been produced’ aid: failed... ‘With " this: failure” ‘the ‘young Playwright. ‘rs pronounced: finished?” We. are an -impationt ‘people. “Wwe.” ‘orave. “novelty: “There ‘is. some vir-*. ~ tue, in: tits: itsnows’ ‘that:! ‘we have: an “appetite for: renewal. and: _for a. Pr i) “Lagvinnt in us ‘to, super heiality, Finmature. ity: antl a _Restlessness. whith Pere mits | “ots. “completion: ‘It * dis--. Courates growth. Te is wasteful and. “finally: ‘Satage.: my . “In” the. theatre, ‘at. any: ‘Fate, ‘it . Kould: be Wiser if we Mieu. cd: every ': plavitéight “imder. 43" !the-age ‘at. Wwhiclh.Thsen” ‘and ~ Shaw | entered”: a | their’ most prodigtive’ yeaysr. as” a “beg sinner: “Stich: an” attitude might. “prove more. helpful: than frenzied . adtlation | which vis ‘often :no: more than the. ‘yiask of. a: dleepseated. in-aif rence. te, ‘My: pur pose. in: “discussing: -our newest: and “votingest: -playwrigits: a esa tard. Albce;: Jack: Gelber: and, > Jack: Righatdson—isnot: tomMeas~ us Ure ‘the -destée. of :their talent ‘or te predict. their future” value : “but: : to’ examitie in) what: -manner: ‘hey. “ eollectiv ely: ‘represent. certain. -cene “tral ‘characteristics of: the. moment; | § -Forthough éach ‘of. these “play-* Mriehts: ‘iss differ ently endox ed and’ -Probably. headed, .in‘divergent. di-. Féctions.” there “can: beno: ‘doubt that: there: is ‘a: Kinship.-among’® “thems They tell us “soinething: abaut pr esent day. youth! but. even “more, about = oitr | “Nmeriéan “world Ben" for not bes. The symptoms ot. his: : play wrizhts © of. ‘théelate. ..°50s . sounded . in-the: concluding. tines: ‘of “the ¢ play. ‘Williams. ‘The: yearning .and, pi‘otest -of Odets and Miller were “still ‘gultering-in ‘Willianis but: ‘they. ‘are. aurned. inward,..." wots Et revealing” ‘than -he = ‘may. ‘realize —“Paddy ‘Chayetsky-another | ‘young: playwright—has*. ‘the atheist . “The “Tenth: “Man” Say. “betier:: to. bélieve in a *Dybbuk than’ in. noth. “ing.” -Thiis isthe‘sort .of -affirma-. ’ -in. ‘more: than. / Sream-custalty.nightman' eS. Oy oe “They” are : yehat. “Bdwatd” ‘Albée in. . on ‘feats ‘permanent transients;” They As’ -a*'Sort-_of, . joke—hut : ‘more are : ‘attached ‘to nothing—noteven | ‘to. women::. (Hardly: -any:. of. these * J new ‘plays.’ deal vith. ‘thé: ‘Telation, of ‘the — Sexcs;: ‘Adhere’. are Very. ‘féwe important: wonien..’ “characters. “in: them, ‘and séxual passion is. almost: “néver: ‘referred ‘to as ‘either ‘a de- traced. tothe’ ‘work’ .of‘Tennessee’. ‘issue. ‘The best of:.then¥ can ‘do to. Pr ecisely ‘the reaction of the audi-" ‘ence. “ayhich: fails ‘to: -sce. “the © . . Ut ra relevance’ Of chis ‘play—and -sev-! era) ““erak.of the of 1ers—to’ Our, ‘present. . sovial’ conditiom, ‘The. dramat: '¢, “upstiot of: the. play. is that Jerry. dics: or. rather . com; its: Suicide. fle forces. Pster .unwittingly’ and nwillingly to kill } liim: ‘To. restate. this ‘less literalli: Jerre: already driven: mad by thecomplacency. o£ Peter's . middle=. class” world | only... tion—T say this without, malice ‘Tight. ota solace) Freedom. hie’ iii it. in the end,-by ‘forcing. it to” that‘several, of our talented young. ‘dramatists. haye’ now: ‘reached, ‘S00 ta, speak, on: ‘the: “upgrade! :Connection’ Is Stylized, ‘Basically: N attiralistie ~ The ‘rote ty pical of. the youngest . “is: . Jack * ‘Gelbér's’ “The. Connection’. “first: “perfor med July"15,. *59),. The. . plat, “as: everyone | ‘kniow s, théugh ® ‘shelidy ‘stylized, is: abasically: ‘nat-: diralistic” ‘picture’ of : ‘what goes: of “ jin;a junkie’s pad: that is to: say, it. ‘the. Jingo As still unfaniiliar‘tovou., a place’ where addicts . take" ‘their fix. or. -dose OF ‘heroin, . (The: play? 'S:: “chorus”: ‘Keeps: yeneating : tlirowshe ; out the play.” ‘That's. the. way it. is." That's’ the. way Hit -really “is."1. SUIL | --not. Awndamentally’’ “about: ‘drag addicts: ‘if it. were ‘it: ~ would | ‘nol have: niade the” strong. . people: “with small inéeds” ‘and’ little: Ww fiase. ‘Tmpréssion. it has. Lo A: -cliaraéler in: “the: ‘play idea: ‘it ‘is to “make ° a. mov ‘ie: about. junkies ’ ‘answers’ ‘the “Suaeestion 2) that the: “He -Bomb’ rift? ‘might-make : & More arri esting, subject, “Well; if. ait avasin't junk, T would hive* “been ° ‘involved: with: something: else,” “Anz; "other. character: ‘commients. “That's ‘vere herdic.” ‘The. reply: deseribes’ w the” ‘play’; ay a whole: INO: “doctors: Bite heroes, No “natives, “no. Christs That's. a, Very ‘good. score” . “Before: the. final: Curtain: ‘descends: ‘{liere’ is: a. repetition, of “the: most: telling. _ithoug she avordless} scene :of: ‘the. play ia ‘character: ‘enters : who. * “goes to,-the liglit“socket in centre= . ‘stage and plugs. inthe: Gord: of the.’ “portable . phonograph. He opens. “the. ‘plionographi | Charlie’ Par ‘ker (Jazz: ‘record. sEvery-.. and: puts on ‘a° is ‘that, ‘ot: progressive: jazz... which Sports no identifiable: theme but : ; leaps: wierdly.. in erratic rhythms: : “How did. these. people: get" ‘that. Pway? ‘We ‘might speak: of the ab-.. “sence of -arecognizéd, motak atte... ‘the itt: and: ‘of.-’a. fréely ‘accepted | diserpline.. “Bit this onli, -the.. consequence. ‘of’; ithe. Social. ‘histor ¥ ‘or the past. “40 years and: ‘the. “pies cent: earful: Stasis + in, avhich” prose”: "perite. and... success . are: the | ‘only: sure. norms: of: yalue.: os :: THe. ‘Sheei ific‘human “Tesuit. of the: ‘familiar histor VI have sketched is | “most in<sisively dvamatized, in tree | vor: Edsvaid-" Albeé’s: oneact’: plays Which” he | modestly . and, ‘properly “refers | to: as‘ his’ “n novice. work.”. Just! -ase: ‘there, are no. heroes ‘or. jhacty: s in anv of. ‘these. ‘plays? “the: e “are. ‘also. no. Seniuses Or“peo-, “ple. of exceptional, gifts, Thé -cen-* tral: Characters. ‘are’. calwars. litile ‘or no possessions... ALL thes, as} pire, . ‘to ds. Some. “ginal comfort, ’ “Laughably Small. Room’: | Tn. Uper. West Side:N.Y’ !So Jerry” the’ orphan: ‘of: ‘Albee: The Zoo’ Story) written in. 1958 . "and.: fi¥stproduéed—aitéer its world: , ie ‘premiere. in. Berjin—in New York’ on’ Jan. 14,:1960: is “iti, his. late : :30s..; livés -jsolated, ‘on. thie. ‘fourti: floor. of ‘a: dismatroomingliouse ’ in New. * Mork’s upper’. West “Side.” As” hes. a: “highly “efficient: mechanism, j something | small ‘but he, can: create nothing.:though .Giraudoux and Shaw whose man “ desé rides: rooni” his = “laughably”. sone of: its walls: is. made. of: :destroy’. ‘him: as: ‘an: unintellig sible * eae Oe ‘peculiar: history not! 80. much in ican Dream”: ‘“—a. « more’ ‘patently ‘siylized.-play:: influenced. E-surmise. by -Tonesco.. -“The American. ‘Dream’. tpreduced® ih. ‘the.. fall: of ! : IMGT! isa. caricature of ‘the: Ameri i achieves ‘comfaet | 1 wor ~ thie: 30s this nurse might have been: : presented ' as'a “reactionary bitch”. 4to use the summary terms of the © but Albee reveals: he r as.a. person: caught in the same -blind °~ ‘alley of a. “closed” society: as. the. . Yearning but ineffectiv e intern. and Ke secthing: ‘but cowed orderly. The climactic speech of the play” is: ‘that of the Nurse. who cries out ‘with a vehemence: which transcends: naturalism: “I am. sick of. Pit! 1 an sick; I am sick: of everything in this. hot. stupid, fly-ridden and ‘betw een the. Way things are, i as they should bet. Iain sick of this ‘Peter ” ‘in: a “way? has ‘his own. | “THe: Zoe, Story” asin’ The Amer fae of . you. i thought: of you makes me jieh, desk ; ....I am‘sick ef this uniforny —it scratches, Iam, si¢k of the [the *orderly,. id I:am sick of the disparity the . ‘T. ‘am. ‘sick of hinv [the intern]. I any. phone: in this damn stupid hospital. ‘lam sick of the smell of Lysol > an middle-class -home. Here’ ‘Papa; could die of it’. .-: I am sickof. has: been . ‘disembowelled‘and. de-s aoing to -bed ‘and. I am sick of: a sexed” by surgéry and. Mama . isa “bejeweled ‘souse Whose~ quatking Papa. silently. ‘suffers. While Grandma’ ‘isa. crusty and..cracked old -seothsayer * whiose’ hometriiths’ . ine, ‘trude_ on’ the bedlain: | of. discon. “nected ‘dialog: “like -idiotic. ~ir-! ’ Felevancies: Mama’ and Papa*have . chad: no .children. but: Grandma re-:: “Veals: ‘that, they had: ‘once . adopted“ a. ‘bumble’. ia baby. In: the. course “of: niaking. it’ -into a: proper ‘child. they chad) Slowly: dismembered it. ‘The: ‘baby. Finally Vanished: «= oo." . “Into: this: ‘household: Tow, comes. La -handsomieyouth, as perfect. a: 4 specimen. asa refrigérator.: fit for J modeling or anv. other: form: of. coinmercial * éxploitation.. He © is’ ‘looking: for. Work: lie. will: do. any=. thing ‘for. money. The. boy ‘reminds ° Grandma of theearlier. ‘ ~bumble.” xX splendidly: packaged : ‘youth, the boy. ‘confesses :himsel£, ineapable ’ of love: though . everyone” loves zhim.. ‘for his ‘phyiscal: ‘attractiveness.. He retary ‘he can ‘perform: W hatever. Yabor is’: | Mirror. Waking up. ‘fired. of: the. truth and Tam sick of talking to people on the.” “Toam tired: Iam ‘tired. of Iying about. the truth 2... .l am tired of my. skit. Out... -Fruit of Seed and Soil” Our Society Provides oF en 4 | a © Want es “ 1 do not blame those who disli 2. these’ plays’ If they do not actually ‘the . -barrenness ‘of. the. everyday: life of our community. ithey are certainly the fruit of the: “ seed" and soil. that” our ordinarily: ' “provides.” - society , a Jack Richardson is. the pleacant=. est, of the three writers we have. ‘to consider and: in a certain sense’ the | most cultivated. Perhaps“he. “Should not even be enrolled inthis scowling ‘league of youth. Tiiz two. ‘plays’ “The Prodigal” ¢F 10.. 1960) and “GaHovus Hamor” i” VApril 18, 1961) he tries to express “confidence jin life, and to smile like the smiles. of net -and‘language he occasionally ‘beaverhoard:.’ ‘Wwe. learn : that, “his demanded (of him. His :name. says. imitates. |. neighbor. is:-a: “colored” homosexuat as lonely. as. Jerry himself. -In. an: wT “other. -sniall -. apartment: lives’. Puerta Rican: family: “a. hushand. a \wife-and : ‘Sonte Kids: ‘T-don’t ‘kno’ hon many. "Neither: does he know.: “.Grandina. is’ the: American. ‘Dream: “‘This-ov erlong, play’ 4s biling’ but ; ‘in. <omparision -. Wwithe “The ‘Z00 story ‘rather arid. : Its” audiences. are ‘on the: ‘whole: vastly amused’ by vit.sbeCause for one: thing: Albee. is . Yet auc cessful | “The: Prodigal. ” of his -two efforts, ihe ‘more. -ideolozically runs parallel with its. it is .anti-heroic, antianti-commitment. zallows’ Humor ‘¢pevals: “ politic al. ‘second.part. of ‘ erally ” ole ‘assiimes ‘an intensé. pose of lis-. any -of ‘thre people ~ .on ‘the. second. ‘ often. funny “and, can “waite..-One “mocks! at Conformity and the rule Clifford: Odéts: and Others stening and. Narry carefilly. picks. and: third: . Aooi:s : — “except: thiat™.. wonders: however, jf these: ‘audi‘of habit: the first) part ri sup. the-“Fecord; ¢loses: the -phonbthere's: a lady ‘living in one of. fhe. .ences.. realize: that’-in.Taughing: at changes ‘on. the. axiom: take a ; Oo” ere: ‘Rebels’ of the. 308:~ s the 30s: oa *, oo swete | Such talént® as thieis. emer ged. ins ther i—C ‘liiforidl Odets préeniinently: “rebels”: Whose. values were _ Based -anthe classic preinises . of Tour: oldest religious traditions: “hue ' “ man brotherhood; / social: justice, a concern: for. . ‘the’. underprivileged, os ahdroism,” -But the’ young dramatists’ ; ” axapli,. “unplugs. ‘the’. : Cord, and | Jeax: és. There ‘isa lon? pause; One ot: the’: “hnisiejans : ‘onstage. starts ; landlad¥: 'S maney doz..whoni’ Jerry: cementing. their: feeling.” " o a” “This ; is: the’ ‘play's peliloust®? rituala concentration. ot and an." absorbtion’ inthe. wild wail: tlie The ‘rooms: ‘who. tiits ‘all thetime. ‘The’ this ‘devestating ¢artoon they: are chance ’.on life. Fhe -accident ‘and. * landlady: ‘is * ‘fat. ahd. drunken; “ugly, unw ashed: There’; jis: also: ‘the. air ies desperately.” ; but. ‘unsuc cess “in ‘Central: ‘Park: Jérry. confronts. Peter: a amarried. marin. his’ early | the: ‘younger. generation. ‘thinks ef In’: AOS?" publisher's: editor: Who earns... our world: today ‘is “Thie‘Death’ ‘of. is’ indeed somewhat : ‘strained -be= lauching: ‘at’ themselves: — ‘or. at. their: ery. close: relatives. “Death of Bessie ‘Smith’ ~ Is ‘Approach ‘to: Realisin : The third demonstration: of w hat hurly-burly which. are. at the core Hot: being are -not only to be ‘ac© | ¢épted™ but embraced and rejoiced in. The world is so crazy and~so “l fidamentally without: design that ev en. food may ‘be expected of-it. “Gallows “Humor.” the hunior “hope: for peace, resistance to.ty ratt:“Tete eh as: -of. the: Jazz,.enizma, -$18.000'a-year -and/ lives ayith. his. Bessie. ‘Smith’*a play: in: eight “Cause its-fables do not inevitably ny. Odets and Jiis fellows may. not” “Se ha: Le ten At chope’ ‘tho * wife and childrert-in the East -70s. Short-scénes. first. produced in Ber‘produce’ its ‘precepts. wey Deal’ ete. after: the, war “confronts? ‘Peter be. Orestes will not také. sides with”. BE ‘believed ‘in God. but ‘tliey: ‘be-ieved.:. ‘Their.-héroes -wére .' No’ hig hts: in shining armor’ but they *, vatere®: ‘either secking new. her OCS OF *: enjoming Us all’ to“adopt. alr heroic.’ “' starice,: to‘be heroes’ together, zit " Worst they -deplored: ‘the Jack of: “heraes: of jhe: -debatich{ng. “of+a. youtir whic’ might withihe: help: of _ sane. . “Social. > elreunnstatice : attain” Tne: impetits’ ‘of. the’ 7308. was ‘eure’ agaist I ascisnrand “Nazism. after: + Mir ‘Oshima, ° Salter: the. -Fetir It. ‘to‘hisiness ; ‘as. ‘usuak: after: “constant talk: of dis| arinamenit ‘a€commpanied bv increas: : “ing pi "eparafion, for and. ‘appr chen-. ‘sion’ of “nuclear: ‘war, Solly the ‘in: tellectualin, “The ‘Connéction®: ‘de. ‘clares,.“ ‘You-ate fed: up-with ‘every. thing. for. te: tnoment. : And: like thé rest: of:us you.are.a ‘Wiltle : ‘hun ; ‘after. i ‘say Jerry: .. _calse. the ‘conversation in. the: Park. . SeCarthyi ‘igm:: 4s “is: iniposéd: on’. Peter: by: Jerry's | Jin in 1960. and’ in, New Y ork. in the | ‘Winter of 196F: oe . Lf Bessie". ‘Snuith”, ‘Is as, “elose:: ‘an: ‘A gameminon against Aegisthus: or “ce versa. He is indifferent to his . fierce deterniination -ta talk.:to. “approach: {o realism; as Albee’ ever; mother's adultery, to-his father's _ S6meone’ how} : might. _ Understand ° make.. All his plays have-.classic -heroism, .to the new order... bis. “specel. if ‘nothing else: This ‘something ‘of. the: ‘parable. -abouit:"-his: father's. rival wishes to. estab“speech: is” a” stylized’ ‘amalgam. of . them. (am inclined to regard Al, lish, Orestes ‘merely: desires that: ‘sophisticated ” literacy with -street-" Corner. + slang‘. ‘madé. ‘bee's ~ realisny: “aS ---one. OF ‘the: : comically, i ‘soundest “aspects of his writing, ‘obtrusive. nd-* uninvotved.” ‘his* freedom “be “indolent, “un He. “eloquent. by : Albee's s. almost’ exces: ‘Symbolism is rarely Valid ormov-: just wants: “to. Jive” -or to put it: ‘in: ° “the. -blunter language of the au sive facility: , > Jetty: ‘is; “igaressively oitile ‘and. “eonciliatory : the. same’, ‘tinies pis -except when itfs couched: in” supremely. -expressive Jangnage . OF ; ‘when’ -its roofs’: are deeply. im= ethor’s » “contemporaries, he ‘wants out.” too. . se mot ta fed: or modified: by the -spasm. of": ‘Bry. for a Jittle’ hope. So. you Wait” no ae ar “much . to’ say, hig: pathetic example jury:.ofthe: ‘play, “tliat tlie. people ; ‘Peter’: tries. to. Be. “friendly. thioush’. bedded ‘in the :soil. of: Seeply im: |" When ‘Orestes: is condemned to ‘he* is. “discomfited’ When” héeisnot 4experience.! What. is. ‘especially re-exile . Jor -his'-hedonisti¢ anarchism‘. appalled : by: ‘Jerry. The | . Contrast ¢ ‘markable.’ about” “Bessie: Smith” ‘Is. che. is delighted. to leave. the “silly ‘+ the war. the late '30s-_Arthur-.and’ worry, A-fix.ofhopé. A fix'to “Miller “continued. the “religious”: forget: A “fix to. remember, to: be (6F "the: -hortatery! line... of! the. sad; to: be happy. to: be,.-to” be.” S9.. a ‘dramatists: of ‘the preceding decade... We. wait. ‘for’ ‘the -trustwarthy: Cow: yon : Willy Loman-:ivas if anything. less’ box. ‘[puryeyor. of heroin} to gallop. ‘and’ ‘renders: ‘thie boint.. of. the. play: “might: have: appealed. to. anyone ‘of in “which: hot :and_ cold. wars are.’ oe istrous than: any: ‘put :the. finks in. fhe ‘upon. . a. White: hoise.-Gallant’, ‘unmistakable. .. thee. “Vadical™. .. dramatists | of. the. prepared. ‘and’ launched. “Ihaye. 7 oo betty A poor “and "sorry: 4 gure, .white pow der”. Lo vchich: someone “On hearing. the: ‘description: “of. Thirties—Albee. ‘deals’ : with’ (the “ché my. friend and travelling ¢. “but Milier vowed ‘that: ‘he was worth. reforts’ “There “ ain't -hothing "gals “ihe ‘tenants in Jerry's s‘,Fooming° ‘material. . ‘in. an \ original. -manner. ¢ompanion..’ says Orestes,” a peér-.-<o otde. atteation.that: he-. possessed. ‘Tant abouit: ‘lieroin, . baby" rhouse: Peter dlurts owt, “F-find. it ‘The: ‘subject is” the fate, of Bessie . son whose: only ‘worth is his charm= os admifable -human “traits "pitifully ° “So “The Connection”: te “after, believe ’ that . “people: such ‘Smithy . the: “famous * blues ‘singer ‘ ‘ing uselessness.. 1 am sickened by .-. gbne ‘fo seed. Loinar: might have’ ‘alleasoeial ‘play—withea differenice. [ as. that. réally are. ‘To ‘begin with... whose death: Was ‘indirectly, cansedstate. ethics, find ‘religion; at its. . ‘epne: redéemed: orif this were ‘foo. “Lused. to. think.” says-the: Negro’ * Peter lad, supposed ° Jerry. to be a. by. the refusal ‘of: various. hospitals | { best, “high ‘comedy, .dnd having Greenwiclt: Village | “intellectual” ; in.-the “South ‘to. admit ‘het ate -betn: tutored in wrestling. since a ee ; ¢ {to which .: Jerry's . Fesponse ‘. .is. * the: emergency... -O£ . an automobi e. boy,-T can't remember -having. wont “Ie sit: serie: Re armas. to at. ane we eae dee: ihe: peéple. “What were’ “yout. ‘trying” to. do? , accident. -because ~shiewas: ‘black. (3 fight.” a The :Cra “ible” Miller: lisanve doth: f ht aba tt ote: Make’..sensée-. of © things?” Bring !.. ‘We ~ néver.. see. Bessie. “The j.-: All, three. writers deserve. enLane 7 thle ak no. WOFTY ‘so-much a out re hex order?: ‘The. old. ‘pigeonhole: BIE. tragedy. of Bessie’ Smith’ s.death “is. |-couragement. careful critical” seru: character's capable of self-sacrifice «day, the: ‘people who worry: so.muich.“Phe~ play” makes. that :vold :ab{not hers .but.-that’ ofa ‘nurse who ;tiny: and: an’ attention’ that. once “and. . even moré. ithportant,-of.“ac-. ‘ahoutthe next dollar, the new: coat,! straction: the: .word: aliénation’: ‘al| works: at. oné of: the hospitals. to. was. given to’ omens and oracles. tire” ‘resistance. .“ These: characters. the chior ‘ophyll: addicts, thie’ aspirin «tégetherconcrete in‘terms of our.. “which Bessie: ‘nas beeri. ‘brought... | For -frail-as their combined works oa -.:' Oppose the ‘forces of ‘evil-—evil. be-.addicts, : those: people, are hooked -immediate: :: ehvironment.”". Jerry. This nurse’ .is..'a “lower “tniddle | still-are—in: number .and. in scope -!”/ ind¢. defined. as° that. which’ would. “worse: than'me.”. "+ -: Tee [seeks ‘eontact.: a ‘relationship, ‘even | class ‘tor. “poor, White). girl : whose |—they | have. their. importance. te, muddy gonscieneeand.cundetmine | ‘The. differencé ‘between. ‘the’ but: Lif it: only be that of reprobation. or ‘decrepit father has: ‘pretentionsof .. 20s" Feason.: vt Pe éasts in “The Connection’ and. the:} enmity.” The: landiady’s. dog's. -al‘deseendance « ‘from *‘ muelv. “finer”. _Toseilier, swith Mille there de; ‘dissidents, of the "3081 is fot. in A their tempt. tobite e hin. he: says... wt as | in 4 People ‘in. ante-bellum days. The ' foe, Te bee le ars oof oA . 1 . 7 : wit ya Lee . ‘What. happens : ‘to them as artist< ‘and. as men may welt augur some Hthing of our own future. he 3 os . at roe