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“Maria: Hour,” ‘on behalf of the Graymoor Friars, |
“Run Thi: ef” Run.” early (Mason-radio. ser ies as well as
Stephen. “Matey,
‘Paris, and London.
bri ow, the
Ralph) Kramden;
CARLO. DE ANGELO | Carlo Dé Angelo, 66, actor:. and'|
. Oldtimne radio director, died. Jan. 2.
in Cornwall, N.Y,, of a heart attack. For the past 10 years he: had besa produc er-director of thie “Ave. a Freligioso. program
Garrison, N. YY...
. ‘Chinese Pestaurant. “ahd: -eaterér;’
‘died Jan, -2°.of a ‘eart.-attdck ‘in™
New York. She operated the: eatery |
for.:23' years: ‘Before that. slie was co-owner, with ‘Rudy: Foo ‘of.. ‘the.|. ‘original restaurant ‘of: ‘that haine. in. Boston:
-She* “was | “the. “Welte of. “Frank:
‘Caspar whom she-, married. a’ year |
“On ‘Broadway he appeared . in the! ago--after. being previously. wed. to
rey ival ‘of “The Bells” in 1926. andi
vas *Ringsi de” in 1928. In 1956 he twas seen” in. “The Best. _House. in” Naples.” and in 1957 he staged
“He directed -Buck “Rogers | cand. Petry
Gibson Familiy.” Eno ‘Crime. Clues” i
FLORENCE. T. ‘MALEY Florence F. “Maley, 90; former. Soprano, concert singer “and voice : teacher, died Jan. 2 inPoint Pleasi‘ ant, NS. She | Was the widow of!
dn Loving
CHARLES Vv. wares
the . late Joel: ‘Pike.. Also-sury iv ing. bésides her. shusbarid aid “two. j Ganghters.:
|, HENRY. P. DOWLING oe "Henry: P. Dowling: 62; assistant
“The | director of municipal ‘publicity in.
Asbury Park,’ "NW.,’ since. 1950..and'!
and Jack: Benny in. his: rst: tadio. onetime « “éxecutire »; “secretary “to Show in 1932. , : Surviving ‘are his. wife and two died “Jan. 3 in’ ‘Red Banik,’ NvJ..
; ‘Brother of | actor-wrifér-producer: |
fornier “NJ. Gov: ‘Charles: Edison;
| -EddieDowling, he was associated -withhim’ overseas .and totiredfor. four. yéars .in: “managerial and. act=. “ing. ‘eapacities © ‘With,’ ‘Sally, Irene and Mary. ” He owas:
also’ iny wolved as manager. arid. Per: | Plaintiveness. of his"!
January? th, 1955.:
a legit character ' actor. She. Was injured when. st ugk
_ by a car-in New York. Noy. .2..:
She studied voice: ‘and: piano mil. at the ofd Waldorf-Astoria” ‘Hotel, |
Presbyte rian Church, all | in New" York: Sire debuted ‘at. Carnegie Hall, :
suiting: with . the: old New:
In ‘Leving Memory OF.
Socicty, Ctub,, the: €incinnati Orchestra ‘and . the Arion ‘ ‘Society. She’ also. com: |
“posed several. concert songs: °
A brother and: sister sury iv ee ,
FLORENCE. A.. c ASPAR . ‘Mrs. Florence “A. Caspar, 2, av ner of: Rudy Foo's Den, N. Y.,
She later sang | _
: a N.Y, Pe
former ‘in: miusicals‘staged: by George, WwW hite: and Floren ‘Zieg| fold... nove og Ms
“DON. EVANS ©: Doki Evais, 34: revue,
f i
—thie Thonias. Chattertons.. the. Bix Beidérbeckes—are™” almost ~ nesli-.; -Only a handful—Hank
‘All-time; in. his’ country. musie: Sam” ‘}Cobean, the life crushed out, of him |
‘the: ‘tuner |:
: bé. tried” by: his” topicality., 7 i : tuality ‘does’ nbtalways: “Nake. for | a ‘postlitimoushess. © tomorrow,
Tempia ‘Emanuel and: at: the Brick ! and! pianist. of ‘the off-Broadway; ''seter «than,: “Sions “Along.-the: Cynic. i Thus, if is-no’ ‘nei: Vosue—as.‘some :
Route” currently ° at. the ‘Actor's: speaple believe—tor. ‘comiédians. 10:
died Jans: 2° in” New: ‘make ° phonograph records. ‘Moran ; BES L Srite. ‘two: Tiumediate: nei
‘his -own ‘fashion;‘is . fiagnificent,
‘+ Berle. ‘is funny,; ‘Sahl -humoroiis; the Pe
one “-campy; ..the: -other:: ‘cerebral;: Berlefairlyancient,’ Sahla ‘mere. -‘apprentive;’ ‘and ‘so “on. ‘The differ: ence — the: chief ° ‘difference--is that. Berle‘Has withstood: ‘the. with: ering: ‘of’. the years...
: Sofar, which : ‘amounts to. somte
‘his part, “has. done. fiarvelously: well: | s ‘But:a decade is but..a ‘day, ‘at least’.
rin: ‘terms of. d--career. “The. ‘people who. sontehow. suffused, theit sltort Spells: with: ‘splendor, With, a tiny ‘but. far from trivial: body:: ‘of. work
-sibly few.Wiltiams,. dead: of. drugs but nev ‘ertheless very: much, ative, and. ‘for
‘in: his.twisted: Jaguar, but: ‘the‘life }: of him. still ‘living ‘in the ‘grace and:, Wit of Chis -cartoons: * in“old New | ‘Yorkers;-Brooks: Bowman:: ‘scarcely:
yout: of -Pririceton -and. six feet.in
the “gitound, “but. haunting every: -Seneration ev er: to: come: With ‘the: :
‘Sun’—are: iminortal. They: achieved’:
Z| pernianence. So as:.gifted. as He. is.”
Y and “he is: abundantly. gifted: Mort
. f Sah! has. 2° long. wax. togo’ in, point“ S08. time’ -before--he.. eal” assume’. a: , place’. ‘in’ the annals. of:
Ainefican: Re .xvill: forex er: ‘Pune ‘
“humor. Moreox¥ er,
* For‘aAvith every : -today” ‘S. is. suddenly: yes-, ter day’s paper.“
“Biit, ‘be: it. said.‘ “Ov er: thé “years | |
. _ [that makes: ‘peoplelau: ghe Has not.
J changed’ so ‘very. nich. + William |
musical: directoi ‘Shakespéare™: Was a.’ “nimbler: pi |
“say, .Petet: Dev ries.
2 : York: He-had_ been.‘a. pidnist’ anid: & Mack,.“The Two Black. Crows," ¥ ork | ‘Symphony, the. Musical Arts | -orch leader‘for-Dick Haymes; Mariw ére..doing: So-some: ‘4 .years’ ago. -::
; guerile: Piazza’ -and ° ‘other. ‘nitery : : Nor--is-there. ‘anxthing: SO" yadieal, “3
’ singers.. He “played: piano ‘in ‘suely: N.Y; -elubs as the Blue’ Ansel, and. Lt pstairs at the Dow nstairs.:
His mother survives. *' ous
“Mother: 73; of Cornell Cab ‘aad:
| Not anky
there ‘ahead: of... “him.
*about:-Shelley. Ber man's eilploying “fhe. telephone: tO" ensender, “mirth. Tele| phone: but Gror ge Jessel. 400). sot |. *. But’ ‘you’ couldn't care . less:-W hat ‘matters;
the late’ Robert ‘Capa, photogta-| ‘lis the’ measure. of: thie tnirth; a man.
1 hers, died Dec. :30-in Néw York | inspires.” Boe he Te ny the Mendelssohn Glee: Lafter’ a Jong: jllngéss. She’ “was the: —————S ‘Logs Angéles. '
‘ tidow of | Deszo! Friedmann. swho
died. in: 1938.
” Baward ML. " Satinders, 13. 8 assist |
lant general ‘Sales manager af Metro:
from. 1943°. until: his retirement ins ‘chairman. ‘that ° T ‘wonder. Af iL ban, ; Bet: there” at -all,’ sane
1958; ; died. Jan. 1. ‘in: : Bronxville;.
“Conmies—Like Firms—Need ‘mage
WHEN ~ell..
Continued from pase 17.
~ Lecture Circuit:
Continued ‘fcom | ‘page. 2: ="
‘Thege ‘are the. times’ W her? tr tish: i Tnot only’ that i chad “Mark. ‘Twain's ! "j wit. ‘but. his:'schedule as: well: ou ’.™ ‘see; ‘alt: is -not ‘chicken. and: Breen peas on “theJlécture circuit any more than. it: is**all brisket, ‘and *
mashed ; ‘potatoes...: _
“Right” in ‘the: centre “of. the hard :
"and. ‘the arched eye! ‘no. moment: Only: what a ‘creative’! ‘core ‘is the’ bane’ of ' all Jecturers: SE
look of umbrage, : ‘the’ -artist—be. he. comedian, -. writer,-: “the three. Speeches for ‘the.-pricé
shistt swishiness, and’; . ¢ “But! sculptor; or ‘what-not — does -not.j Of. one.. Three’ gardenia-ed‘ladies ” it..is: of any ‘importanee. Thus,’ ‘the meet ‘me ‘as J. déplarie:They--areé
_ all: there-—the image of. Benny.
nothing more -is. needed, ‘for. -it |
There are: so -many who, ‘unfortunately: shalkdispense with naming them. Eustead, sides. Beans:
. Berle
and. Phil Silvers... Chaucer's’ *
‘do: not’ own ‘it but wein a “court of Jaw,’ irrelevant, |:
charge that Berle. appropriates his | ‘the’ Ww elcoming ‘Reception, -euphmis> colleagues’ ‘jokes. -is,.éven af proved. tically .-so-called:This * welcoming’:
lregeption. is-so small that. as I ap:
Is “Hamlet”. any less: a -master-: proach‘-my.. hostess’ house‘1. spy*..
we shall think: “Of; be-j piece beéause: its . plot ‘originated | two. policemeir, directing. the.. cars. and::.Durante and } With :al2th century Danish. chroni|-’ : the ‘likes: of Gleason’ as'icler ‘named: Saxo ‘Graminatictis? ‘Or spéech TE ant. paid ‘to deliver, after: "Monk’s ‘Tale’ :to’ be dis-thé “banquet..1
‘This, ‘is speech: I.. Speech 2 is the:
“haveno” objections:.
as Bilke; Skelton as a! handful of; missed ‘becatise, Boceaccio. ltilized | to”: ispeech™-2. Butit tis-spéech. 3°"
hams: ‘and, naturally, . Joe : Lewis. who. could say, ‘after. seeing} “My. Fair Lady."
eversthing considered, is:.as deft a! one-liner” dismissal’ of | Elsa’: “Maxwelt ; with, : “Just. ‘another preity face.” Folk. Frivotity
These people, having éstablished ‘ their images. are part of our frivol-; ous folklore. As: for certain ‘others: of beposing. rcredentials—well, fusss. critic.cam.take them or leave. then. Didn't Saniuel Johnson. hate imunedsion?
ed -b3, s:ay. Irvin Corer and. Jackie. Miles, .oth. or: whom make me’ Lan zhs: which ix what,
Virorum.. Tilustrium’’?, Is
Faithful? Or,. for. that matter,
i by vice of its being a romana clef?:
E.<the story earlier in. “De: ‘Casibus’[that.=“Butter| ‘Halfway’, ther dugh: ‘the dessert -one “F don't care Achat ! field: 8” inferior because there’oiice . of :the‘feflows “sitting.: with mie; anvbody says—I Tiked it.” which j.lived: ‘and’ died a. girl named: ‘Starr jon” the dais. Conspiratorially: tugs’). is. iy sleeve: and.in muted: whispers, .! as Hermione . Gingold’s ‘any’ toman .a clef.spurious. merely [as ‘though.
sometimes. “ ‘gets.: “me. down.
-he “were ‘passing. top Secret stuff: tells: me there’ is. a
{Is “Hemingway | “to. be rated’ ‘Jess’. little. fathering. to. which’ Teaniin-.
'highhy “bovause his“ stvTe. had its’:
seeds ‘in: Sherwood... “Anderson? ¥ Shakespear é,, . Chaucer, -. O'Hara, ‘Hemingway,
masterly. than their material: deed,..a ease eould::be ‘made fhat |
“more news. Certainly. “amdést. ‘memorable one-liners’ ‘Would.:
ask af a funny man. As.-for favor«;} been’ ‘no. ‘problem. in-. Little. ‘Rack. }
inz any school ot humor, ‘those who: enjoy: Berle.are “alsa ‘amused: bs"
“Orville “Faubus,. isa nite. enough) fellow, “said Sahl, “but I ‘wouldn't
a‘ton Berle, too; have.all:been: more :direeting’ In-! tired: ag T am;
J, fur: example,.am. as" Mort: Sahl .would -have to close.up" tHe. ‘pity. and. ‘eoiumiser alioni. bored br so-annd-s0as I amy delizht; sh OD: if “suddenly. there: were. no! folks. begin telling: nie I shouldn‘t ” “one ‘of. his) york so" “hard; that,T pughtto take
-alterall, I never: ‘Have: been possible: had ‘there j is. relax.’ ‘tomorrow
‘vited to: meet. “4° few: important People. of. thecommuinity:’
Bethe> time Te reach’ this: jJittle
sand, if you. wil: Mik. ' gathering: T. tealize those ‘two -€ops .:
traffic. are | “getting” as.
“eories” “The .
“ Speech.’ “3. After! which:
: itv easy: van: relax: ‘What: they. mean migh€: at® the ‘Other Buy's ‘shindig HO. tonight:
at. theirs.: . Every: ocditpation has. ‘tts: ‘occu: 7
fini: a: hew * approach; to the: oas= of. his ‘tradeé.-is m0* indication of. a. a ‘|-superiority. to’ Berle.” Each,. after |
: ard: ‘Bar thelniess, «Charles Chaplin, Cecil B. De Mille, ; “Sid -Grauman, ©
ra ithin. two: miles, of. aS beret
about 200: feet’ te ‘a: mew ‘East: of. the *
theatre. Herts”
_-Edtwational Alliance: and -played: in Little: Lord. Fountleréy”: and. in <The: Prinée. and. ‘the-Patiper,”: My father. equated ‘an actor. §eith a ‘bum. ‘As: long as..J ‘stuck to the: '“Educatiofial Alliance, I: ‘managed to: -Set.away with. “it; but’ once.I hooked , ‘ip: with some. “Hindu, players who: “were ‘doing..a’ season..in” the. old.” Madison. Square ‘Garden and that; “ erided: -my theatrical -¢areer.. “tathey could “not: ‘understand ‘ what a: Hind was, and. {the old] -Madisont Squaré. ‘Garden was on:-26th.
"Lionel ‘Barrymore, in: ‘speaking™ to'one-of the other mourners, gave... the: ‘mast: ‘personal touch... ‘He said, °
iA gold” ‘monument.~-should: be: erected . cat. ‘the: corner”: o eee and Hollywood Boulevard: ’ . to
‘of: Vine™
Ww. Grillith, greatest!” -:-"
‘The. borly was own bacle to Ker tuéky ‘and. taken. ‘to. Mount: Tabor,
-Hally WW ood’ Ss
” Cemetérv: and ‘there he was. uri ied
e-had ..been* bor n.
Fig years. “Yafer arty: wood’: ate ‘anted to. express .its niemory.,a° ‘Little more féelingly {Han Te Ai: au doue;. so. through’ the -Scieen “Directors”. Guild’. the’. bods ‘was -taken’' ‘up: ‘and. moved: “grave: where: a ‘stone. Was set,’ in? place: OX er ‘the *grave,. with a symbol cat. each “end: of ‘tlie‘Screen: ‘Difeetors “Guild. ‘Three : “Of; “his .slars) loved: him: cnouzh (to. “come, Ther Were | MatyPicktord:. ‘Lillian ° Gish, ‘aud . Richard ‘Barthelmess; also" present was’ Al‘Rovell represeenting: the. Guild. His. widow, “Evelyn: Gritith, ‘as. also: there: Fence: Fails. Werte: taken ‘from. the. ‘old:« farm: ‘and = : Placed, ‘around : the’ graie: and there -they. are ‘todas, very fitting . and. “a ppr opriate, , Ont top: of “the gfaygstobe! is, earved: . ;
Born. Crestwood, Rentucky,:: . fof . January, 22,°1875-°
“Died Holly: WOO *-Calitornia,
he * July 23, ‘1948
“bers ‘of: his. family still live. :and -I
azain. want. to: thank ther: ‘for: thie. great help they've’ been: to me: “His brother ‘Albert: Ja: ‘Griffith: lives’ at. “325 * West, Avehuel Medina: New: “¥ork.’ His’ Widow, Mrs: ‘Evetin: MM. ‘B.. Griffith? ‘lives at S83: Evist. I4th
St reet, New: York: He has-six relaz
“Lis: es: living in. “Oldham: ‘and JefferSon “counties, : ‘Kentucky,, and “he hhas‘eight relative cs diving in. or “neat.
The inv entory. ‘shows: that’ tie dete. “a gross: estate :of--$25.039.97. "Fhiere : .Weremany’ billS which. he: had run,. Sup: thalast: ‘few. ‘months: He. nien= ° * tionéd 10. people: jn “his “wil, ‘all...
relatives; the. money: that’ was: Felts a as divided. anyong. tlremi. >. 5 -..
“As-T finishy this. ‘story. T think’ is. myself: “What Will; be his. place* ‘in’ “history? Will he continue to be the. Forgotten: “Man. “of the. ‘enter! gin
‘ment ‘gtage?. E doubt it’: “And, some . ‘Wayor other, ‘I: ‘Hope. there: "won't. He. ‘came , at “the. ‘very “birth of a! new ‘and mighty ‘art! It can. almost’ © be. ‘Said: ‘that. he* nade an. art. There. is somet hing touching. and. “poignantabout. a man who: yearns., to. do: sométhing. ‘and™ fails—and-. then, in: a: “kind: Of 'l-show-you way: -makes.. a ‘commanding: “‘suiecessof *something “he . secretly "-looks. . ‘down: on. It”. has, . it. seems. to. me, thes :élemeontof. the. Greek: theory. <of ditama: that | every -man’-has . Within him: seeds that. ‘make shim _avidseeds that destroy: -iin—sometintés ‘the: same: séeds: 0.
“26th ‘St: Way: Uptown
q ‘did: ‘not: altogether: evade. the! I. sjoinéd .:Alice . Minnie” Children’s Theatre in, the,
St. "way -up .fgivn,, Who’ could tell.
“what. ‘would: happen ‘to! a: boy. up
Mort Sahl—as, unlike as they. are. ‘ Want nif sister. to-marry: hint.” And patiovial. hazards. ‘There: are’.such., town?.
SahtAp. ‘of the. so-called’ new fit “Adlai Stevénson ‘had ‘not“made! things as: bunny. stuffer's
schon, — leisurely.. ‘sently-bar bed. are offen out of Junz rather than: Joe Miller, by Berle.
a source not untapped. “In doth cases, however,
peal is ‘the valmost ‘surgical, skill
J get! nominated.” what endows them with their ap1! H-Bomb, _
‘ something of a career of: running
ani intellectual: His -obsertations | j for the Presidency, could Sahl: have |
remarked, “ ‘Sonte™: ‘Democrats. feel hé cotdd be elec ‘ted. except: ‘he: ‘can’ *t
_ could :. JSahl: caution, “There's no appreciable increase in‘
rial to their own particular styles: ifamily” 2
Of itself. of course, : NOt. untapped !
The. mere. ‘tact of Saht's eniplay= ¥en, whichevec the: “case: “may be. :
Or,Ww ithout: an:
litigs: ‘and
‘welder's. Warts. As” there ‘are ‘hraz-
Irving. ‘Berlinwas ‘also a. ‘eantor’ si.
‘son. .I did. not-Know him ‘back in:
‘the efforts of”: fia
; more.
. politician: came. around : Avith‘the. ‘rent money. 3
ards $0 ate. there joys: The welder 4, those“days: He must-have Jived in
' puts things. together,. ‘let’s. say; and: another. heighborhoda. ‘Besides, -he.:
‘happy at. Cliristmas.: And--I ‘get’ to: cause Herbert . Swope’: always caddress_a sea of ‘contented ° ‘faces | Claimed: that. he found’ ‘Teving™ in
the: bunny. stuffer. makes ‘children: | Must have come a. little: later’ be
‘and: ta tell: the folks what I‘think | Nigger-* Mike’ $:But’ back in ‘the:.
‘Lgesting ‘the. ‘briskétor -the™. ‘chick: |: i per We: peed ae aie or w ope: e: new 12 name of ¢
ve ee ae
Retetey Jee 12008
A Sad. Ending For D. We
Continued from. page: 18 “Morite ”: : Blue,’ ‘t “Arthur:
"pikband “who.” : —
Heayst's. ° editorials: _ against, ‘the :
Jean." Wersholt,} trusts. . Walter -Huston,: Jesse’ L:. Lasky; [‘:| Eouis: B. Mayer, Hal. Roach, ‘Macks
Sennett: ‘and -Adolph Zuikor.. ee
We.-alltiated t the tindis, although’. “truly ‘it niadé. very. litte. differenice .:
to” us ‘if: there was: a trust ‘or: not...’
Nobody: ‘had: any. meney and: a cent’ . ‘more -or less for ice’ or -for. ‘oat. made’: Tittle difference. : ‘Only: the. rich. ‘ean save. -pemnies; have nothing to save. .. AE ro
The ‘theatre. was. the. ‘pedinnine.“of professionalism.’
‘story in dialect: or’ ‘make an. -audi-"°
the’ Pook
A ‘fellow who ce ‘could. not ‘sing or. ‘dance or tell: a_
ence laugh. or :ery...coutd‘ony’. hee. me
connie ‘a pants: presser, ia milinery. .
salesman,‘or a ‘salami’ Seiten. IE:
= ¢ost mone¥ -to ‘learn. ‘to. ‘he @: doctor *
or a‘lawyer; but. it God save‘one:a ‘sift: for. ‘the the: itre, -niones? a
~. Cradle” ‘of: ihe. Movies: . And’ many ‘of these: ‘children’ ve
“inimiavanis Were. ‘gifted cand . bee ; “came : stars on, Broadwav.: ‘Or-they ©. Awont. into “the ‘business. side “OF: “the.
theatre: and eventually; ipite... the’ “I “remember. .thePenny: Artade on. Tth ‘St. Wwhich® was thé-
for erluner. oL.: ‘the. movie jiidustry..”
J think it was: ‘run by: W iti: ant. FOX."
who. came ‘ott of oneof the gav-. . cment ‘industries OF, Luvs. or ‘somes
«Ung like that. Ce Movies were. wade ‘at. ‘Fort ‘Heer’
“NIL on ‘the other Side’ of the phd ~ ; Son" “River, from 125th Stre et. We :
all used tO. 20: there” to: ‘Bet: ‘33° ‘as
“an ‘extra’ and some: Staved,, It. ‘east. 4 « aw NICKIe-to see. a Movie: And those “~ : * No. char sed a nickle: became’ mile: wy donaites: whieh ‘is More. than can’. o whe’ said. about those’ Who ‘are today.” _— char wing Slvor eve oT mre {0 “eet Sato ‘a movie house; ; we
oo “And: We
LO: ed. the old: silint’ ‘pie. tures” ‘it. Was the: first ‘chiance ‘kids. ~ had to #0. to the theatre, and: Sit in’:
“thé dark Without ‘their D. ireiats’ tlle: .dng: then, ta.-be.: quiet. __ tr. movies enous “trouble ‘at home. Without:”
~ Kids. We
“to ‘laugh. . “Fhiete. w an
pay ing. ‘a “nickle: 4d Watch. “some”: Of .‘course; ? “Pauline ° White and. Ti: eda’, Bara. avete not exactly.”
-arouscd “our. ‘imaginations.
lains.. This* ‘Was ‘as: good: if not. bét-..
“Ver than. the shoivs_on‘thte. Bonne
“avhére | ‘the. iero -alwais. saved ‘thie girl: from. a: life. “worse. than: death: ‘We “used. to: get’ “tired of ‘sonie of ®:.
0 thosePlays’ because. when: the: vite a
‘Jain -came.. to collect. the. mort aise. ‘“mones, “he had. us: way. ‘out’ ‘in: “yer: ’ field. “We had: no: “morigages: “we, ‘ ‘paid -rent. And. if. we failed. to” pay...
‘Fent,: ‘the, landlord: ‘put. ‘our ftir ‘ni-. os
x ha. heeded ce) "
-but then: ‘they Awereee “different. fromy.anybodt “4 eKrew. ve . They 7 . Pauline. White Was'a. heroine. wha 7“ ‘as .always ‘being: ‘chased! ‘by vile
ture:-on’-the,, sidewalk -and.: ‘everys.
‘cried ‘until ‘the: “Tanimany. ©:
“We did “TOh: need ‘to. BO. ‘tae a
wt ‘theatre: to léarn’ about..'thie‘trage<. dies’ -of: life; *: We -knew:. -tragédiesev eryday. But: ‘in, thie ‘mov ies it was, a
‘possible. ta: Iaugh,: 19° Yanstt : even’ at ‘the: cops: Phat was :truly. ‘somes:
thing.: Aad when Charlie: Capita a
Harold. Lloyd. and. ‘their’ “il: came ©
—apon the scene’ ‘the movies. became
a ritual in: ever child’ s life. Then; as. now, reformers complained that.” movics: were vulgar, ‘but. we were.
:vuilgar—so tie’ movies: were: reat © fees we NL, .
a ea
et & Weiss
“oNeie. ‘Yotk Film Critics, inf: theie’.” annual . “Hest” “Note: : just’ about:
utterly: “neglected ; Cath" "Foreman's.
“Gains 2! ot” ‘Navi drone,” _Colambia*’’ release. This: “Ts. the prodaction. that
Tesistered: the.” most. : amount -of | Jnonex: in, :VARIELY’ 3. annual: tabar *
lation: However, ‘the’ ‘Gotham’. Séribes + voted. “W ext ‘Side’ Story’: the tops:;
and. ‘this tis) not. dhcluded: in .the:
av Amery ‘list: because. ‘thé “United Artists. ‘release ds not™ "yet: in* suffi-».Glent* circulation: ‘to ‘provide the
‘pasts for’. ‘a ‘boxoffice’ foreca: st.
ite “aid Mrs: “Ferry ‘ite: ‘son, Dec. “29... “ Manhasset, :4L,... N.Y..
kins: father: ‘is:. -production. -Stage
Mr. ‘and ‘Nirs:: Bab: Feinberg, son,” rc
“with which they fashion their'mate| radioactivity, but’ don't; ‘plan adarge | while. they Spend” all: thé: time di-|.days Iam’ talking. about;: We, did. New: York, “Jan. 2: Father js. press: .
rélations* head. of: the: William: Mor-.. ris* Agency.” oo
-Mothet: is. danter’ ‘Maureen Hop=:. . :
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