Variety (January 1962)

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~~ And His Old | Saath “Scent of Mystery.” ‘wiade pee “in 1959; ‘Mika’. Todd *Jr.: bowed: as} os: film’: producer with: a: -picture. -: that:: ‘literally:’: -smelled—thanks : toy’ 7 a. network of: ‘under-seat . jets’ ‘tof? ’ simulate. redolence of: flawers; pipe} £ tobacco, * etts.: The. gimmick . only. proved. b. 0. ‘repellent. A tongue-in-: : eheék, -Hitéhcockianmystery, it: in-} yvolved -Peter Lorre, Paul :Lukas, Diana Dors‘and':Denholm” “Ebliott “septs: ‘the: Spanish. ‘landscape: : “Oh. _ Yes, .it: featured. a“surprise”. Jast|’ ? peel ‘appearance. -by -'young: Todd's:} partner’ in. the: project, his former}: » step-mam, ‘Elizabeth Taylor. Put: out-on ‘hardticket, it played. only: three” ‘ dates—Chicago, : “New . York’ and ‘Los .Angeles. The. -dull, * grosses: convinced «Todd. he: ‘didn’t |. “have” a.-roadshow.. product,’ despite “the. ‘olfactory’. additions, -so «= he withdrew.‘ “Scent”: ‘and bided time. : ‘Recently, under. a percentage: deal : With National. Theatres, the: pic]. “! preemed again—in. Toronto—as_ a: ° “ Cinemiracle : attraction’. sans ‘odors ‘end retitled’ “Holiday in Spain. ake . The reincarnation, « reports, Todd, -‘fow. shells of a hit;. his figures to -date: having. ‘it. outpacing’ ‘the only: “eth er -Cinemiracle’ | attrattion,. |“ windjamimer, in: the same house.. . “The -reprise is ‘also on “a-: hard“ticket policy; and. ‘suggests that the -. difference is .in' the: threeanel: . pracess; . ‘which | apparently. enough « -to. command ; -upped. His ‘computing suggests. to’ Toad that: ‘the negative cost (assertedly | over -2,00;000 ‘orizinally,. ‘plus: an . other -$65,000. to convert’.to :Cine.. Miracle). ean ‘now be: recouped, and: *sparhape even. permit. -a -modest . "profit. Plainiy, it ‘will “have. to-go. “some, «sinteeven the: glubal . play "oft that. Todd: ‘projects. doesn't, en+ @ompass: ‘much more than 100. dates; a limitation: enforced. bythe three;: panel: process;. Foreign distribution: . deals still. pend, whilé for the: U.S:” Canadian market,. ‘Natiorial: ‘Thea-. tres. is: gunning ‘for’ every available: ‘Ciner ama ‘situation it can. get.Last | --/ report, via Todd,: had ‘at. least four |: “or five U. $s. ‘dates ‘virtually. set... ‘Todd,” ~hieanwhile,:.’ is: prepping} “two ‘more. film” :properties, . than? “Holiday. “The one expected. ‘to’ be first“ before’ ‘the’ cameras. is a. ~ gci-fifrolic: ‘titled ‘(for ‘the. nonce’: “Creature. ‘from the Bronx, with [ Leonard: Gaines co-producing and | *: Larry. Gore; theatrical ‘ressagent, scripting. * ined incidént..6f. aman. who -stole | _ a bis. Coast: tv. scribes ‘Bernard: ‘Kahn-. ‘and. Arthur © Weinberg -are :." gereenplaying; and wile ‘Todd: is. reticent aboul cast. possibilities, ‘it’s ‘understood he'll: ‘pitch: ‘thelead to. eae Keaton. or: Sid er BAT; Dick TANUCK SANGUINE ON ‘CHAPMAN'S’. SEAL| Holly" wood; ‘Jan.16. New that Jensing. on “The‘Chap-{; “man. “Report” <has -béen completed, | * producer” Richard: ‘Zanuck : doesn’t | “forsee any :seriails ‘problems’: in _ getting a‘Code: Seal: from’ the ‘Mo': tion ‘Picture Producers. ‘Assn. . He Plans to submit: the. finished :prod-uct:with music—scoririg hasn’t, been]: retarted, yet—in.four or five weeks to} Code Administration. of MPPA;: Producer. planes. ta Paris Jan: “157 "with “Chapman” print to show his ’*father, “Darryl: ‘F.. Zanuck, who .is ‘in ~’ France. At the: same’ time, Richard. . Will see. footage. so far“on ‘Longest ] : ... Day.” He will be gone-about a week. ‘from _. abroad,’ : filming. . “The. Longest: Day?’:. On: “his return. “Zanuck will concéntrate on storing “ the ‘Warner Bros: ‘release’ ta: erable. -* him’ to’ spend full time « on‘the. 20th “Pox lot for: “Fate: Is The Hunter;”: ‘his next.. Until then ‘he“ts. commut: : Ag: -between:* both’ Burbank . and: -. Westwood ‘studios, ‘same’ as George. “Chapman”: -Cukor: who directed . "and awaits ‘start: of. ‘Something: Is Got To Give.” to: ‘star’ Marilyn Mon “Toe! for: Producer David: Brown, ' calle | for .a picthat was: deficient as: a. “ 70m. yoadshow, : ‘both. “es " comedies ‘and. more modestly: sealed a rout” Joe Adelman’ Legaliziig” For: UA: on: West: Coast’ “Joseph. A: ‘Adelman: has. been: ap-: pointed west ‘coast: legal. rep’ of United -Artists:. A’ meniber.. of. UA’s legal department’ sinee : (1958, Adel-|: man began his new: .duties Monday” (15), ‘working. With Robert F. Blum|. ‘ofe;’ veep. ‘in charge. of. “west coast -operationis, arid: “Arnold. D. “Burk; exee assistant to .Blumofe; .. |’ ‘In addition, to ‘being ‘a. ynember of” theMotion: Picture . ‘Assn. _ of: copyright ‘committee, America’s 5 Adelman. has. also ‘been :UA‘s ep on the MPEA. file: eommittes:. st ley | Warner's 5 : ~ Happy Quarter “Stanley: , Warner” Corp” "opened fiscal .°62. with some cheering. . fig|. ‘ures, good: enough » “to. noteh | the ‘second best’. first : ‘quarter in “the diversified company’s history, Con-‘solidated“ net for.-the :period: ended. last. Nov. 25,'as disclosed: by: prexy Simon’. H.. Fabian’ ‘at. the -holders’: 's| meeting last ‘Thursday (11); reached | $1,312,700,. equal ‘to ‘65¢ per: ‘share. of commonistock: ‘This compares-to: the “record. ‘initial quarter, in. 1960, of $1, 470 600, . or: Te: 3 a: ‘share... oh aye t proved néwfive-year pacts for ae bian and” éxec. vicepresident.” Sami,| ; Rosen, bothof. whom ‘had “served: under: ‘two-year: ‘contracts, Re-etect ‘ed: ‘to: the board. for.two. years were. ‘veepee. Harry. M: Kalmine: arid ‘Dr: .Charles .F also. béing | voted ‘to ‘the board as replacement for. late zone manager. Moe Silver. .Fabian,. Rosen’ ‘and Nat ‘Lapkin, ’ first--veepee,*.are. in -the ‘middle: ‘of ” tworyear. board. terms: ‘voted. a.year. ago: Corporate’. income | for. ‘the: “first F ‘quarter,’ ‘Fabian reported, was over $35;000,000," a. ‘gain ‘of almost: $2, 000,000' over: :the~corresponding |’ 1960: period. ‘However; ‘expenses as |. ‘between: the. comparable. ‘periods, rase by. ‘everi more than $2,000,000in’ ‘the ‘latest’ ‘report. :“Company” s: (Continued: on: ‘Bage 20). : ‘The ther project | ig due. to: ‘be at? NYU’ Gessner Researches| _#sitent’—nio ‘dialog—called:“Bump| . Kin’s Holiday.’” based ‘on: a, head-.} “ Reasons* ‘Why: on: ‘Guns’ In what might ‘he. termed ‘the: ‘anatomy of a film boxoffice hit, a. professor, at New York: 'U.-is under-. ‘way with "aproject -to determine | :why Carl ‘Foreman's production’ of: “Guns ‘of Navarone”. scored. so well | with. the ‘public. Robert | Gessner ‘has. “asked: 300° exhibitorsas’ Well-as. his own stus | ‘| dents: for their: ideéas.:He’s going’ to | ‘the” ‘theatremen ” -becaus@. they’ re} ‘| likely’.to« Weigh . the: commercial | While;. ‘for. “balance, the; scholars. expectedly will consider} the aesthetics, © * I. aa 1. }Gessner:. sent uit. ‘quéstionalres |” ae ‘recently and so far has ‘gotten: ‘about: | | “His inconclusive .values,. . a 30% ‘return. |imipression at this point is. that. the ‘students ‘are. particularly aware of: the ‘pacing in “Navarone”. while the ‘exhibsunderlined: the ‘screenplay. | Partly. Cuing {he an essay “written in 1929 by late. Rus sian. director.” ~Serget... Eisenstein.. Tin. this the. ‘fainous. filmiaker noted.’ ‘that: wher 4:picture {s-a Suctess no‘): one bothers: tq-evaluate the artitsic. merits; it’s simply. concluded: that |’ ‘the’ picture: ‘Is a. hit and that’s all... Gessner: wants, to-find out: why a: given. ‘productien: ‘gucceeds:: He’s | ‘asking™ ‘the exhibs. and ‘students: to ‘evaluate star’ names’ and. .perform ‘ances, script,’ production. values, | ‘pace and ~ Andividual Ber music,” quences, . Gessner : gaia he: went . to” ‘gee *Navarone".. expecting: simply. ‘a ‘spectacle. Instead he: found ‘the pic ture reaching’ his: inside. The’ emo. tional appeal. was such ‘that: his.“intellectival., ‘Sudgment was’ s, cancelled -ing <'a‘profitable: picture.”") -. SEV Cia’: actually” was the ost: | ‘lier . of ‘the. -two, | patted by. Bronston; leads: to. im: > :.McéKahnn, with’. “veep: oh _tréasurer™ WwW. : Stewart “McDonald |: Stairs, ” ~ Saniuel ‘Bronston, An’ New York |". oes from London -over. the’ past weéka point “end, ‘states he’s ‘very happy” with |—— chis : ‘iatest.’ ‘two productions;-: “EL. .Cid,”” ‘twinl, roadshows: currently “on: “Broadway. Most :significantly, “he adds: “T! batikers are: very happy, too.” Visited ° :at his. .newOffices . “at . Eo ona’ new role.: . : -He’s ‘on eave: ‘of absence. of”: Kings” : ‘and. “The | 505. ‘Park’ Avenue, Manhattan, -pro| » ducer’. Bronston. offered --commu|" ‘lniquesfrom . associates showing that the. two’ pictures. avere ‘going | well—very:: welL:: The | impression drawn. bya: reporter. is‘that of. the} ‘two--films “Cid’“is the klondike, ..| But: yet, “ /|partieularly:overseas * where .rec‘ords‘have been established. In-cer-. “Kings” also. is’.a . click, tain’.areds_ this -MGM‘release As ‘| going: ahead’ of “Ben-Hur” in terms |" of “revenue nofably :in-.. ~ Tokyo, ; | Manila: and: Buenos: Aires and -inj. ‘the, class. with -the ‘best :of évery|. ‘thing in’-Caito. (where. ‘“Ben-Har” | -. . has yet. 'to be: -played): ~ It’s. strictly: |’ = capacity. in ‘Catholic Spain. . On’. the. other. hand. “Kings” in the : States: has. ‘been mostly’ “up‘but then. there are ‘weather. con}. ‘ditions «in: New York-:and. Los | Arigeles. “which: Influence: ‘the’ box-. ‘office. (Apart from ‘Bronston’s ob-.| ‘serxations ‘statement “by: MGM. ‘president. ‘Jo ig. the* ‘independent: seph R. ‘Vogel that “Kings” is BE Ov having :. -béen: brought ‘in at-a_ little. over $9; 000;-: (000 aécording. to-Bronston.“Kings”. “at | -a’little.’ over | :Knowledge © “of” “the was: entered, $8, 000, 000.” releasing ‘and ‘financing . arrange-: ments for both prodiictions, .as im: |: portant. trade: angles.. “Kings” -was:taken over by MGM! t In the -. course. “of. production ‘as. ‘both ‘partial: financier cand. global distributor.” Metro. thus. became ‘a partner. _in:. both, production: ‘and distribution.. “Cid;” ‘on. the other | fhand;. saw Bfonsfon : -a8 . sole pro-. ducer-.(no. partners)’: with distrib-' ution . ‘and... financial . participation) taken by. local ' “global ‘operators... Bronston’ ¥s:-nowon: ‘the: -verge'] Of. making *: Wo -other : epics” and.|. “he: doesn’t want: any. more: ‘major company. partnerships, He says he feels“100% in. ‘favor’ with .MGM”with the. way’ “Kings” has been handled: ‘but: still. would prefer .to ‘make -his own ‘pictures, -wholly :on his: own. He Says. ‘in ‘effect ‘he: has} faith nm. his: own: ‘people, notably: -directors*. Nicholas. Ray <and.“-An-| ‘thony, ‘Mann:-and writer: Philip Yor-: dan. “and: ‘there's a -Mituality of: confidence, 80. why anybody. else? . -Bronston’s © ‘next: two: are ‘to. ‘be |: ‘made, mainly, in the Madrid -area'}’ ‘and. the. two.-combined..are: budget-. ‘| ed: at, about ‘$16, 000,000. : Specifics, must ‘await. casting: ‘but one, “The _.(Pontinmed ‘on: ‘pase 19) “King |: "tn Culver City, is here to take and ‘banking circles): was. mixed. “‘Dhe : “strong gainers. “included: MCA, which. started out :the: year: ear Fe LTO Peer eed Selle May Recoup| OR E A PARTNER Ne { But Rewarded, : _» But Looks Like Theatres ‘Stuck 2 Resentful elements in exhibition’ we continue ‘to plump for tight ena. ‘| forcement of the Paramount con sent decrees, suspecting ‘laxity and “Doubling as sTke | ‘Paris; Jan.: 16... Henry’ Grace, supervising set “| creasingly ‘the trade hears, -con--| trarily, from other showmen urging ~ | that: the ‘decrees be ¢ither revised ‘or vacated outright: This latter arg“ Lument contends that the. film pro-.. 7 ducing companies, l'first | envisioned —the. exhibitors, have. benefitted from the consent « desigher ‘at the: -from -MGM.: to enact ‘the’ part of General: Eisenhower. (the re.. semiblance’ is” remarkable) ‘in. --Datryl F. Zanuck’s “The. Tone: 7 _ est’ Day.” N y. Stock Market Nery Perky in ‘il By ‘GENE ARNEEL “The New “York: Stock: Exchange ‘over: the. past: ‘year: was--an unusually: active: ‘trading . centre. for ost. issues... The ‘buy-sell activity. rwas..the heaviest. since; 1929. The ‘historic highs were numerous. But this:.'was’ :the. market ‘generally; some film. issues showed power but | -amusement .industries (the. plural dis used. asa singular. in Wail Street. ‘at -, $38:50;. and’ “bolstered . by anticipation ‘ | company ‘backlog: buyouts and entry. into: its. ‘own: theatrical -production,: Jumped ‘Léew’s,-.up., from: $15. 8714" fo [a‘closing of -$42. 75," as. ‘investors got | -| behind: the Tisch. clan’s ‘free-wheel‘ing* financial. enterprise;. and: War-.} $82.75,. to: $83. 25° and: closed . at iners;.;up from. $53 to beautifully.” propped. ‘by: a’ 400, 000 plus share -fender and a “proposed } four-for-one* split: (up. for’ a. vote. rat the “Feb. -:7.-annual ; -meeting). “(Happiest man: in. town was the fellow whobought Cinerama on the American ‘Exchange at the low ‘of $4:6245° ahd sold at ‘the high of. $22.50: This. Nicolas Réisini-headed | organization. ‘got’ moving . in high ‘gear in, production, distribution, exhibition. and ofher’ areas. The. Reisini blueprint. ‘stressed: expan: sion. ‘and: diversification.) *. Paramount closing’ ‘at $55. 15. was | close. tothe ‘year's. leadoff. price of $56.1236:--But this was an-erratic |: stock, -having ‘been’ ‘up to $85.75. Bullishness ‘waned a9, among other |‘things, Par’s Telemeter home -toll. system. uriveiled as: ‘being possibly. : but. certainly “not | ‘a ..longrange.. lear-future winner., oh “Twentieth-Fox began ‘the . year ‘at “$41.75, : gained: to closed at '$35.3614.. “Investors ran | for-cover as 20th chad” only: sizeable Production lossea: to: enter . on: ‘its “(Continued on page: 20)" “MY ACHING ‘BACK! “poston Jin, 16. more. as apain: in: the: sacroiliac. A, Sreat: deal depends ‘onthe story. ‘being, told; of :course: ‘D. W.. Grif- fith’s row... Wilson: remarked ‘about the film ‘that it was -“like: writing : ‘his-tory “with. lightning.” ” -“Engrossing |: ‘subject: matter. makes. ‘the: ‘differ: “Average release’ today’ runs: ‘be : ‘tween. 105-120-minutes: Motion pic|." ‘tures: which have runlonger, . reAcademy: cently, -include :. the.’ Award sinner,’ ‘The -Apartment, " “Bellg Are: Rin ging,” -:“Fanny,” “Can-Can,”: “The ‘World: .of Suzie. | Wong;”* “Roce and: His Brothers,” |“Inherit the Wind,” “Hell-To Eternity,” “The Dark at. the Top: of the ; of -Kings,” . “The: ‘Story’ ‘of Ruth,’ “The Sundowhers,”” . “King. “‘Swiss.:: Family . Robinson”... and “Scent-of Mystery,” a. gimmick. pice. -ture ‘which -gave ‘off: odors -in. the. ‘theatre: whieh h produced a. seporifie u By. ART MOGER ~ -" “Are. “inovies-: “too long? | “Many think ¢ 80, “regard three--hours~ or |" “The Birth. ofa: ‘Nation,’ of | 1915, ran. about three hours. Wodd-: 162, cup,” 203; “Ben:Hur,” 212; “From. the. “Terrace,” 144; .*110Command effect on the: viewers;: ‘thus caning the: ‘strain on their. backs. : ‘Add. thelongsits “for .: “Cimarron,” ” 147; “Elmer’ Gantry.” “The. Alamo, * 190;.“Sparta ments," 219, and.““Exodus,”220. Just a: “couple of. decades ‘ABO, the} ‘average film was:.only one hour 13. | minutes—73 : minutes. . That. “Was ‘back in “1941. Ten. years. ‘later: by. “1951, ‘the ‘mean Average : ‘running: time ‘for. a -motion’: picture «feature. ‘was ~-one. hour and 20 minutes. In'1956, it-has | ‘| been ‘upped. to’ 91. ‘minutes. Predic: tions of. things to.come were being ‘forecast by “experts ‘In the movie: mecca,. Hollywood. . Even: ‘European makers. took .a. leaf ‘out. of: the American producers’. ‘Films: from Japan, Italy: and Frarice began to. filter into the U.S:A. with: timés' increased from previous pro-. | duetions, “was: Fecorded I by atalistl: 7 wed subject, cians. me Tet $33.25. and}: ’ “The. Bridge: :on. the «River: Kwai,” 161 minutes: “Song Without End,” 141;-| ‘notebooks.’ Under Consent, lawhreaking «all around;. but’ in situation. _ -Whatever ‘the ‘merits either side’ and . able. observers say they are; . to ‘be found: in both viewpoints— it. ‘may ‘serve’ to’ look bevond .the |.pro-con to’ the realistic. ‘prospects ‘for amending. the decrees from the. -vantage: of:-the. judiciary which ‘would. have the ultimate say. Herman N. ‘Levy, as general coun 1 sel for Theatre ‘Owners of: America. (wherein. the dominant view in-. ‘lines to favor :repeal), is’ at. hand witha. parallel that suggests the Par -decrees.“would stick even if* | one of. the parties to the .case (as Tequired)‘should. petition for re-. ‘For'-the latecomer, this. vision. and not —as. any automatically’ precludes exhibition from the initiative, since the thea- tres were. hot party to the original “4 suit (except.for the limited involve. ment, as an amicus curiae). On the. ‘basis.of past performanee,the Dept. of Justice. ‘is not: likely ‘to broach ‘modification, and,-as Levy empha-. sizes, distribution, as the paradoxi cal . unintended beneficiary, -has maintained an. ‘understandable si-.: lence. ° “At any tate: Levy’s discouraging analogy: ‘concerned. the major Chi ‘cago. meatpackers. “Following a Fed. .eral antitrust ‘action in 1920, the™ meat: eompanies-. signed a consent agreement. which they have .twice: -. sought urisuccessfully to ‘havere-. pealed. ‘The. last: attempt was ‘in: 1956. ‘In denying the petition, the’ | Chicago: Federal Court harked back. : ‘all the way to the view, expressed in |: ’ 1932, of: the late Justice Cardozo ~ . ‘of: the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled. the decrées reinstated. after alower. court revoked them ‘two: ‘years. ‘before. . As: Levy: points out, ° Cardozo’s : “4 opinion is: instructive as a portent’. for ‘the film. industry. Quoth ‘the ™ jurist: : : “No “doubt the (meatpacker) a defendants ‘will be better off “if the. injunction is. relaxed,. buf’ they. are. not stiffering . ‘hardship so extreme and un‘expected as to justify us in . saying. ‘they: are victims of. op: Continued: on ed’.on page 1 19) | N. Y, IMPORTERS GALA _. FEED AT: ASTOR HOTEL ~ Approximately 500 persons were: : on hand last night (Tues.) at annual _{dinner.. ‘of. the: Independent Film “[Inporters : and Distributors of. America at. the Astor Hotel in New. . York. Dinner: awill see presentation -Of.a. special award to Dick Brandt, and forier : tnember of the IFIDA governing committee, for his con tributions. to IFIDA as well as to the’ cause of foreign films. in the U:.S: The* oecasion* also: featured the. presentation. of. the annual IFIDA film. awards, including the Burstyn. ‘award to Astor Pictures’ “La Dolce Vita’ as best foreign language picture of ‘the year. Also cited were. Continéntal “Distributing'’s “Satur-" day ‘Night ° and. Sunday Morning” . as ‘the best English language im ‘port; dubbing ‘expert Peter Riethof ‘for his English. Janguage version of Times Film’s. French’ import “Purple Noon,” and: George K. Ar-. as best: thur’s: “Praise: The. Sea,” short ‘subject... A special short subject award was also made to Kings~ ley: :International’s “Children of The Sun,” a. John ‘Hubley animated. prexy:” of. Trans-Lux -Distributing.