Variety (January 1962)

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? ~ ber. *Darling $5.000. She also claimed ., —a Continued from page — — ‘County ‘relatively . simple dance routines]: such as might be seen in any con| : ‘ventional burlesque | theatre ... .. “was that the Municipal. Court: ver _ing and wouldn't prosecute. Darling | ° | _2 . _PICTURES | ‘8 Gil in Rhapsody Brings i i Judge Turns Critie, Find ‘Burleycue Film: (from Los}? ~ Angeles) ‘Relatively Stupid”: OR, Columbus, ‘0. Jan: 30. Ty. Leroy C. Griffith, who: operates] the Parsons Follies; Columbus; in‘Allie d Artists spanning into. duly, per the word last. ‘week. from: sales. R.. Goldstein. -Thatis, in’ addition ‘to’ ‘the . year's ‘{nitialer, Of the’ pénding ‘. “product, “com. dicated he would appeal the recent. aecision .of: Common Pleas Judge Joseph M. .Harter, in Franklin Common Pleas Court. which upheld..a. Municipal Court conviction of his. violating ‘the state obstere exhibition ‘laws with the showing ‘of a film, “B Girl. in Rhapsody.” at: the theatre on Jan. 20. 1961. The judge made a. judicial-type criticism’ on. the film. Griffith expects to appeal ‘the conviction on the grounds that the. Ohio. statute is unconstitutional. . Judge ‘Harter,. hefore rendering his decision, viewed the film. ‘made | at and of..a burlesque show in Eas Angeles. He commented, | “Periodically throughout . .the . show, the chorus. ef perhaps 12. to}: 16 girls, suitably but scantily attired for. their work, performed: There were skits put:on:by male as female actors. during: the show of traditional burlesque : ‘Gali. some suggestive, some relatively stupid. . “Each girl had her ‘own tricks .... bumps, grinds, and other con-]. fortioris and there were. very few clothes to render the viewer's. ability to see the muscular coritortions difficult.” The judge explained: : “My responsibility, as a judge, is to review the exhibition as simply an item of evidence.” His ‘decision. dict had been supported ‘by. ‘com Petent | evidence.. "Astaire School — Continued” from ° “page 2 = =. instruction. for which‘she had:-paid that she -had given Darling $350 |. more on his ‘promise ‘that lie} . wouldn't -inelude her name in.. his bankruptcy proceedings. : But when the case came to” trial ‘Miss Lindstrom changéd her story, asserting she. Kiadn’t read the let-| ter before signing it. She.said ‘she could well afford the $5.000. whichshe paid for 1,0C0hours. of ‘teach- for deliver ing only 600. of them. “There is. no “question in my: mind that the. complaining witness]: has “had a ‘tremendous change ‘of heart,” said Judge. Lyons, . “The state hasn't proved. a ‘case and thére's. nothing. else that: I can. do.) but to dismiss .it” ~ ‘Dangereuses’ with a new legit: ‘show: tentatively set to later. ‘Astor received aw ‘hopping $160. = 000 advance on ihe. film irom the. theatre. and: 9né spok*sman esti-: mated that the theatre lad gotten back all but ahout $15,000 of that. money. The. contract . reportedly also specified that : management |had the right to unseat the pic} if grosses fell. below. $15.000 ‘for three weeks in ‘a row. Astor spokesTien .say it .never. did.. However, ‘other sources: epert that in: the last three weeks’ yrosses fell fron $12,000 to -a. ‘low of $7,500. last week: | Astor is now lining. WD a. ‘ave:: ‘over a5 soon’ as “possible, ‘and is: contemplating continuing to adver: | ‘tise pic in :the dailies in ‘an_ effort. to eontinue momentum. of Preem_ run. ; ; ; we, wet Teachers. Attack = Continued’ from. ‘page. ‘— 1. wood at a press conference, when | apprised of the Teachers Federa-. tion protest, Reagan said \that..“in|* wait and | hear what somebody, say's ; ‘before. . fairness, they should: attacking.” “It's a sad day if vou: -ean't. dis-]" cuss issues without being attacked'|-.° in: advante,” hé told: the reporters. “Who. is’ defending. the extreme |. Tight?” asked ‘Reagan who menfioned he’s not a John Birch Society member. —~ an viceprez.: “March; Aled Artists Seis 8. Bint” ‘Feleases . are. slated from Morey “George. Raft Story.” pany Ss pig guns look: to: bé “Re| prieve,” Ustinov’s : “Billy”: ‘Budd,’ ” ‘ticketed : for. June; -. Other: pix’ are “Bash-. ful Elephant, ” .February; ‘Hitler,’ “Big: Wave”: -(eoproduced: with .Tono,, Japan), . April; -**Con 1 fessions. of an Opium ‘Eater,”. May: | “The Bridge,” June; and “Day. of. ‘the: Triffids, * sci-fi: entry,” in July. Holmes Novel, ‘Horn’ To Roll as N.Y. Indies Rooks New Siddhartha | Acquisition of “The: Horn,” ‘novel _ about .ajazz ‘Saxophone player. ‘by John Clellan. Holmes;: for a feature’ filrn is. revealed: by new. pr: oducer-. ‘director: Conrad Rooks, ‘whose only. previous: screen experience. was. ont: ‘the New . York-made. exploitation ; item,’ ; Picture will -be produced “under: ‘ “Girls. Ine:”: a limited partnership, | ‘hudgetedat $120,000. with: provision for .102* “overcall.” Of that total, about $40,000: already’ is’.in, Rooks reports..: Cast ‘will: be: composed . principally | of .-realjazz ‘musicians, -with all: be -done:. on New York locations. Eugene Shufton, who did -) Horn.” * ‘Rooks: company ily : name ‘of . Buddha,. 13 For ‘Kings’ in Denver : | EL Cid’ ‘Then Follows Denver; Jan. 30. Sam" -Bronston production, Cid? ” has-been slated: to. follow “King ‘of. Kings”. into: the ‘Denham ; ‘Starting Feb. 8::Same_ “reserved: seat policy and prices will: prevail. as for “King ‘of ‘Kings’ ‘currently: and pr reviously “Ben-Hur.” a ‘Theatre was remodeled: a: “Couple ‘lof years cost of $250: 000 :: for the: “Ben-Hur” “showing: which pan 56 weeks and was. followed. by “Byodus” which ran: 11, arid “King! of.-Kings”. will ‘haye completed. expect d ‘to appeal ‘the Regents’ | weeks when “EL Cia”. takes: over, : “Spatra. On the Promo: Feb. 10. . ‘the: ev “ent. Oj jai Shopper S. "Theatie: * + Ojai, ‘Cal., ‘Jan. ‘30. Es Open within 90 days thereafter. Theatre. ‘yet unnamed, will east’ the: briefs and. other: 1 material ‘sub-| around $250; 000... “due in. April, andPeter: |; the .camerawork-on.:‘The. Hustler”. and ““Soniething~ Wild,” will’ per-. | |form the same Services . “for: “The | is ” Siddhartha |’ Productions. For .those ‘who might |: not ‘know, ‘Siddhartha is ‘the: fam. “Fr ank . Sinatra, who hasn't been’ a making many promotional | appear-*. Me Govel _. [ances in recent years., will act as; host: to 2.500. orphans ‘and. handi-: capped children at an-early-:morn: |: ing. preem. showing: of ‘his’ United -Artists release. “Sergeants Three,’ at the Cap itol: Theatre i an New York the ‘basis: ‘for: ‘licensure. refusal. W as. ‘contained | in’ a létter written. ‘toy; ‘A number: -of New: ‘York ‘welfaré: ~ Films i organizations are. participating. in: here am this ‘artists’ colony: some a. mes” ‘north. of. Los: Angeles. \ipliction. starts within’ 30 ‘days !suant. to-Section. 122 ‘of the“Edu-: moject. headed by. Saul Mahler’: cation” Law.” * ; and Jack O’Laughlin; fs expected: tol — ; Continiied: from. pase 3 — . 7 fice. “of: President. oF. the’: United States So Schumach’ apparently: doesn’t rece dgnize: thatthe Academy of Mo*. ° “tion: ‘Picture . Arts and. Scienées::is |’ ‘ “academy”. in the true‘serise -of.:the word .and ‘that the Oscars | ‘aré. determined ‘on the: basis..of a]. populari: vote . of . some ™ 2,000" indi" viduals. “If the Oscars ‘were to be |’ ‘decided: by -a. ‘panel. of ‘judges;* all |. acknowledged: artists of: superior | : a¢compHshrient i in ‘cinema, then ad-. vertising | ‘might ‘be ‘out ‘of’ ‘place. » --The. only. way to attempt. to. keep. lthe. ‘Academy. awards ‘represerita vails’ is. fa. get: out‘the. most, voters’ and to: advertise: pictures, perform {oe -undér. the. system which ‘pre | would not. he: desirable ‘for: voters. | } ta. £9. back -and: ‘have: a: second look |. at . pix. seen ‘as. Jong 360.3 ‘as. Janus; 7 ary, 1961. ‘ing ‘itself: ‘open to ‘justifiable -eriticism=—that. is in -permitting produc-. ers to” “down “grade... performers: jfrom. lead to ‘supporting: roles ‘sim --l ply to.give. them a:better. chance to qualify: for, nominations. Latest ‘to. ‘take adv -antage’: of this’ Jamentable practice’ is Warner Bros., ‘which. has. ‘Warren. ‘Beatty. down. ‘in the sup-. porting : category for. both. “Splendor.-in . the Grass”. and. fair to actors :who -actually” ‘played. ‘supporting roles. and . At's.. unworthy of ‘the: ‘Academy. . Regents, Rap — ;, Continved. -from . page. 5 mmm — lable in’ printed. form; may, with. ‘| equal’ legatity, . ‘be ‘itilized in ‘a mo- }tion picture: . The . ‘presentation | of-| Feyents and. the. iiseof -lariguage. by: , ‘| motion picture on. the .screen” is.| pot at: all: the: santé.’ printed | CORP, form. © It: might be. _ possible: to. de ; Scribe | “an > act’ “of” Intercourse”: jn as,-to" escape. the charge: of pornography:. Certainly, ‘dozens of “books now. in. circulation -whith attenipt to ‘do. this.. The pres ‘entation: of the same scéne -as. ovit:,|.; ‘lined: in the book by: live characters: -on:-the‘seréen cannot * ESCAPE: ‘the: éharge: of: “obscenity.” ae a Ephraim. ‘London, who ‘appeared |in ‘oral argument: at-New: York; is| _| ruling; to’ the courts.. “ ‘The special’ review commiittee: ‘of. tthe’ Regents hadas ‘its. chairman e.. newest member, . . Joseph: We} ror, a’ ‘ practicing: ‘attorney’ as wellas professor of -law at Ford| hain. University. : Serving. with him. ‘were: Carl H. Pforzheimer Jr., -and‘Edward M:. “ME. Warburg, both also. of -New York -City; > -The.800-word decision noted’ ‘that! Harold. -. Wiesenthal, . of. ‘Around the. World. ‘The:-communif gation directéd. the elimination: of | “certain: language”; also the elimi “tnation” “on: aStill--shot: ‘ofa nude. “} woman ‘Kneeling on ‘a_ bed: with ‘Nery, F00seat film: house ‘Will. be. buttocks. ‘toward the: camera.” » "The built: an. the. new ‘shopping: ‘center: réason for: the ‘elimination’ ‘given t j bY. : -the.:Motion . Picture ‘Director | (Louis: ‘M. Péscée) was “obscene ptir heard: oral argument andexamined ‘initted, . ~ media; ‘though: it was: employed. MacLeish’s. _recerit “allegorical. Stage’ play, “J.B.” .: “Phere are already::. some~ ironies’, apparent in this.” case.. American ‘press. simply. cannot print the word about which’ ‘the ‘dis7: pute revolyes. Hence there is.a certain unreality to the news stories... _. The:.mentak image of. the nine. justicés of. the U: Ss. Supreme‘ Court: |: _ ultimately’ ‘sitting. en bane: to’ ‘eount : the: 80, ‘times «1 is. 5 already: in-. “Wiguing. attorneys ‘and journalists ‘ peo3 vs ar in ‘one-line of dialog ° in Archibald The: ‘There: is: however, one area tan” [e it appears ‘to “have. “escaped: Schu| ‘mach). whére ‘the. Academy. isleav~ 2 ‘right.’ a * Germian’. count)proudly revealed : that. he ‘as “a‘very rich her. left. (German industrialist) an-. “Roman . Spring of Mrs... Stone.’”.’ ‘That’s un-: Bav arian: Joden « cloth. ‘coats: ‘are now : gold-plated); : . | St. James Club,’a. by-meimbership: = {only club that is‘open:to’ just 99. printed’ form: ‘with “such” ‘restraint. there. dre}. “Felaimsto: be the for mer adjutant pay: was to exchange. “his: ‘seat ‘and. get “behind. the: ‘bar. Now. {he’s . half. way.’ to .a “full-up‘mem <imany? has. just opened an ‘old«Rus-. ‘Lsian ‘restaurant. and. club: called: | Datselia. Guests’ can:sip champagne: | from a ‘copy of. the former -Czar's “The ‘Regents. résiewed the. film: :,...:‘{ Munich-. At:an ‘entry. fee fot. “$12.50, the” Munich‘Deutsches | Theatre” Was: jammed: to: the walls: L-with... ‘celebrities. -and'-rich indus-' ‘Expect Shapiro To Sue "Rogonts lnwin'’ Shapiro's distribution company,’ Films Around: ‘the ‘World, : ‘. Via attorney: Ephraim: London. ‘mayServe. papers . within .a week. oo ‘on the N.Y. StateBoard of Regerits: as. a first. step’ to forte the : ‘rejection of. “The. Connection” into ‘the courts: The’ charge. that. a" _ stale may not. constitutionally: forbid ‘the: “dirty word” inquestion.” _is believed to. “bewithout previous adjudication in . the United : : States. The word. in. question Appears. on. the ‘soundtrack: ‘some: 80 TO " Limes, so is not an “isolated ‘instance.. ‘The: word “is common today. in noveis bat. ‘still’ ‘taboo: in: most : : music ‘of ‘three. orchestras... “|'sisted of ‘a. plot. of.:ground in .Rio 3 ‘Swiss. télévision: ‘starHeidi .Babel, .| Singing ° ‘came. fromthe’ new: local ; find,” _Israe}i. -chirper Carmela Cor: 1 ren.-In the: midst: of: all the. dia| s Behring.” aos ‘acteristics: of an: “abnormal dog,” but:-he. -eaty.describe his. experi-:" _. ences with’ oneé-—the:huge mastiff ‘which plays. a small but significant: .. a : Sot ~ role in ‘Continental. ‘Distributing’ s ‘wacky. comedy, “La Belle Ameri: ea Re scaine.” helping: to ‘launch: the’. first ‘U.S. dates for-.“"Ameriéaine,” Dhery “displayed by his ‘canine discovery. ° .. The-script called “forthe: ‘dog: to” ‘growl and bark. fiercely: when. we ‘he ‘spotted :another dog.: The mastiff: yawned:. Dhery stood ‘outside ‘.. : | arices,. ete. is the only .way' to alert. |. om ‘the: yoters: ‘Perhaps. Schumach has |’. a. bettér plan, ‘but if he does. ‘he. ‘apparently . Ss: not ‘yet.‘ready to} ‘Spring it. Certainly he couldn't be |. So naive as:-te .believe that all ‘the. -| Acad voters Have: seen. all. -the pic: |. = of camera :Fange with a-cat. ‘The dog. looked’ the other way. : ‘Dhery.. " ly’ they ‘decided, that they :would ‘starve’ the .dog.into-taking an™ ' interest in his work. Three. days he went without food, and when. he. ‘was. finally.. tempted. ‘with a plate « of. red. ‘meat, he svasn’t hiingry. © “have, ‘been: ‘Seeking? ‘with. ™monomaniacal, ‘professionalism. for ‘years. ~ Germany’ s: Rich. & Show Biz. “continued ‘from’ Page 1 American wife,’’:and ‘the guest ‘on | | “Deutschland: ‘deine. Millionaire” nounced © ‘that | he’s’ going® to” St. Moritz for. the winter: season with his: actress-w ife: SO that “everyone can.seé her new. ‘chinchilla coat.” . Down: Munich. way : (where : the “playboy ~Named : Jamies’ -Giaser has’ just operied the’ -Fuschl: aire Wilhelm: Becker. -.| millionaries, -ofwhom 50° are ‘ale : | Teadysigned: and sealed: (A West German: ‘millionaire: has: \to: -have’ 1,000,000: marks, or .$250.1000, which: puts’ him just one-quar=. ter .of “the” way’. to ‘being a. US. ‘millionaire).This: . élegant.-wooden ‘walls’ from’ a centuri ies. old fatmhouse -in “Barayia, and” the. ‘fireplace: comes. from. a: ‘thousand-‘year-old = castle. He. invited 130.) * guests for ‘the. opening. night. ‘free=|_ ‘for-all,;, but 300 showed up. and: did | him out. of 4° 25-quart ~ barrel of whiskey:" plus. -46--bottles | of | the ‘stuff, ‘and 72bottles of. champagne. ‘ Door mati” -is."a “count ¢probably ‘without -a‘_ rich. American.’ wife). Count-Aljoscha”. . Sabaroff,: “who anger. anyone,” plained, rr azine, “Quick.” mee! ‘Community Aroused jf the Russian. €zaF, ‘Graser:. got: his: "experience‘for. ‘opening the’ plush: pub; he: claims, |-by spending .25 years .on . a: bar’ ‘stool. He decided ‘the. only. Way; to = seeing: filin, ‘going. :to. | atheatre. fense. attorney, ‘who -had requested bership “of millionaires.’ .:.”:: “Down ‘Duesseldorf . way,. ‘promoter’ Helmut. Mattner’ (who: “brought the: Moscow State. Circus to Ger ‘tion. to contifiuity”. crown, an -18-carat’ gold productior dex “ked : with | Siberiat’. emeralds. -Which “he : “Claims: cost " $12. O0e: to. ‘reproduce. : Every seat.. the -Datscha’ is’ decked :with . sable, ‘at. an alleged -cost: per place of ‘about ' tainment. ‘value, Bent ‘y?’“e shape‘ of ‘the ‘trika. sledin. which: Czarina., . Elisabeth. used : ‘to Blige: fendants: about. ve ; : Unfortunately, you ‘ant Bay the|¢ tab in rubles. ae ‘Munich’s Plush. Bali-” 1 ‘An expensive . Fasching:: Ball” ‘oft : the: ‘select::: Madame ‘ Club ... just’ ‘kicked off: the’ pre-Lentén’ ecarniyal |; Rose, Shavelson ™: Naples,” frialists doing: The ‘Twist. to ‘the in Naples ~ Prize’ tossed out. at the. Tombola: retain joint interest. (form of lottery. here)was a. $25.-. 000: chunk. .of ground:.on. the Ital= ian Rivi iera. Secondary ‘prizes con-. de. Jarieiro and. a toy poodle: Mistress :. of -ceremonies”. ‘was: to get: only: one... . +. ‘Mands, minks and‘ tails appeared upo n: completion: of “Action,” ‘only -oneé ‘simply. clad Man—a -gen-.' vine . Streetsinger, : 58-year-old: péatded: guitar plunker’: Christian: “And. ‘iow, t bring. the. fhew fon byt ‘Rose, ee ever, his: eye’ was: caught -by:‘the: mastiff; because he ‘hadsuch a: | --. ‘nice, gentle, : disarmingly -stupid: face, The. mastiff’s trainer -hadn’t: cnt as a exactiy” tried::to, dissuade . Dhery. ‘from taking the: mastiff, but. <2. 7. woe rather. ‘had: ‘sought: ‘to. interest :the: director in -anothér. dog. ‘Dhery le Dt ‘persisted, and‘he‘now claims he would have.trouble finding another. Tt et : animal; any -kind-of animal, that: could. possibly, equal. the ignorance: “French: stét-divector Robert: Dhery caniiot. easily: detine’ thé-chare s.. -In-New.. York: ‘last. week: just before. "returning to ‘Paris ‘after aon oP “and his: wife (and -costar) Colette ‘Brosset-.récalled: with mixed ° 2.00500 2d, ‘horror. and: gaity their. €xperiences’ ‘with: “the. world’s. dumbest’ 25.0 0 2: beast.” ‘When he sent out.a-call for:a dog. for: the picture. Dhery © es : ‘said, -he -was. ‘beseiged. with. trainers’ with all: types ‘of .dogs,.:most ee OF. whom chad: the ‘makings: of: a’ Rin-Tin-Tin. Unfortunately. hows .”.. : thought perhaps ‘the -mastiff had some: affection ‘for : his’ trainer, a ete Ee, and. made as if to:attack the ‘trainer.: The ‘dog: seeméd. sleepy. Finalwer That Oe ; Reported. Dhery as the final :irony: ‘the. ‘dog is ‘new-a celebrity ae ~ 7 mage in great, demand. ‘by ‘film, and“tv’ ‘people, It .is, .in-short,.a. variation’ ..°02004 tures. released ‘this year, or that’ it,” -on' the: old:-Show -Biz ‘success ‘story ‘of: thé: empty. headed’ amateur:. :.. . ‘who: happens onto the. right part-and gets catapulted to fame others”... j of: rich: entertainment -onto’ the: oe eT aT ‘television. screen’ ‘as well,.Beriid-* Engelmann -is doing. a. ‘series: titled: Te (Germany; . Your Millionaires) ° ‘for’ ¢...+ ‘Northwest: Television of ‘Hambureg.. Ce First: part: deals with Munich2in2: 0. dustrial financier Rudlof. Muene2. 0 ‘mann. Nextcloseups concern’ Adi... «=... Vogel; husband’ of. German ‘actress: °° 0.” Winnie Markus. and owner -of the: = swank’ hotel’.in.'a. castle,“Schless» =. -and . Duesseldort million: Poa Dt “1 ‘ill, present . the millionaires: Mabe tt as ‘they really are. The shows -will’..) -7.... ~. ‘not be aggressive. I don't ‘plan. to Engelmana eX = wee Engelmainn haé also sold’a géties: es locale ‘features ES the millionaires. ‘to the .Ger-':. ” ote ‘| man-niass ‘circulation. weeldy, mage. Pah Jey . a — "Continued, trom page — =e ara a ‘number of: “juveniles. took ‘stand; a ws picture was screened yesterday: for: ~~" ‘Municipal. Judge . Carson: “ Taylor,.: who ‘ruled:that jurors. would’ get a: _4 fair. presentation ° of evidence. by: ns in ‘court’ instead: -of °°... ‘Courtroom: ‘screening. ‘was objected “ta ‘by ‘dea :thrée five-minute breaks ‘to Y charige’ 7 hots reels’ distracted ° fr om film: S: enterBoye “wasn't: obscene and: 3 Feleased | oF ae = Continued trom pase 3. mes nan, _ ‘Paramount: on a stock. @icharige:*. ee ren basis; ‘with. exception’ of two! pix, 60 2/0... On: the Double” ‘and’ “It. Started ort 8 ‘which: they’ ‘made whder °° 2 702 a" ‘the Capri banner and in which they: weet ee He ‘said’ pair “gplit’ ‘ND: ‘after. ra Tote es years of filmmaking ‘together, “for 2000+ ‘reasons. of time. and -ecoriomics. “Ft. *! |. -. takes the ‘same: length of. time aiid: ~~’ -| the ‘same .money. to. maké one-pie-* 9 ° 2 ie | | ture together -asit: does: to -make?. °¢:./ : “one: alone. This way. they..gét two--".0 0... > pictures in’ the: same. time: they. used. 2. "Rose ‘expécts. ‘toBo. to” ‘Europe’, ree where he'-will develop screenplays”... °° on his two ‘next:films, -““Purpose9... * -Pleasure”. and “Every: Wednesday) 7. os -| Nigbt.” ‘Both. are. original, comedies a oe re aa Joa lus 0 cee . on wey . whet Paes eo Ns . . : nels ” ee ce ‘oo Leese 7 : eee, eo OR ‘ . : ” er tte rr. a ia erie Lek Riri arenes 90) Bren! lesan eal ena er ee eo oe en Te anne: we Pr . a Jet Sr geeks eet ae eet ae acec een Re ee sete et el ye o PT ce oe . a . ca woe, at oes : eet vee me em ea ee a ens i ee nl . . . ot . PT IY eter te “ede gee, theatre: shawing. after, first -object0 et ‘ing “to, film: even being’ shown on’. 7)... “grounds it: was seized ‘contrary: t0* 2"... 4 laws of-search and-scizure.:Defense’ °° |: ‘Attorney ” Fleishman . ‘argued™ after’. ly Judge Tay lor had'seen /picin morn-| 2 ‘irig and before’ afternoon :, jury”... “screening: “that: poor. lighting, dis oe -torted “sound: and-“the: _interrup=:: ede a! ear ly. last’ year cniised a er arrest of three: theatremen., when it, Oren Was ‘shown at Monic§..Theatre,.ins °°". 0: ‘Los: Angeles’ county, bit'a Beverly OT. ($4,000: The: bar’ is --builf in: sata judge ruled” that. picture... ¢... v hag ee Pe ae as wT ees ener.