Variety (January 1962)

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ET a Coser ear ee Se New Impetus “Madr id, Jan.. 30.: . The coproduced Western . is. ex: the first time ‘integrated teams of _ Scientists to work 6nmajor: couses of blindness within a single ‘centre, Architect forthe new building, construction of which -to com | ‘mence this year.: is. James -R,.. Edmonds, Fresent research: facilities : ‘at the | Wilmar . -Opthalmvlogical” Institutet, of Johns Hopkins: “ Research .to Prevent. Blindness ! was praised by Eisenhower. He. de clared that the . foundation holds future. .Jelationships between’ health: or-). significant promise’ -for. ‘ganizations and medical -schools joining ferces. in a ‘program that. will benefit: the. general, welfare. RPB underwrote all: fund-raising }. ‘Casts | and helped | the “university | qaise ‘mere than $700.600 in Yolun| tary contributions which. enabled! Johns Hopkins | to qualify’ for .a $491.000 construction grant from ‘the National Institute of Health. ‘The MCAboard chairman. is a: former practicing ophtalmologist. eS eee [Fastncttnntensneuntinnennanitenanciceanannnnnnttestsnatnnbennesaniae | J 5 honor Da ORG a Fanaa ‘SOURCE: “GALLAGHER. REPORT: of Baltimore.The ‘new ~ building. is also, designed ‘to triple |. Page Shenandoah; Gated: Commonwealth Circuit. ~.Redights Its State}. “ancas City, Jan. 30, Conrmenw ealth: -Amusenitent Corp. will “be rebuilt: as :soori. as. possible: has. reopened: the State. ‘Theatre* at : Shenandoah,. . Fowa-' following de-| i struction, ‘by fire ‘of. tlre ‘former: | firstrun. theatre, : “the Page. there. Jan. 9. ‘Fhe State” “was, -reoperied Jany 13 by:, special ‘effort :of .Frank-} ‘Kennedy, former Page mranager, and ‘Roy Tucker, ‘purchasing, . ‘and. Charles. Tryon, maintenance, éxecs:| from the. home. office -here:* ‘The ‘Page “broke: . { shortly. after . ‘the . theatre additional . fir e president, destribea the. loss : as: 5's. ISivedes § Send Hollywood | inated: Ingmar Berghian‘ S: “Through. a -Glass:. Darkly”. ‘ag .the:official ‘into ‘flames Swedish: entry. inthe. annual ‘Acad-: . Was: , opened. for: ‘business Jan: 9, Wilbur’: ; Smith. : projectionistreported : ‘that-} the fire. apparénily . started: from. \an. explosion. in..a.. battery -of eléc| | trical switches, Before it was. over. | ‘ companiés “fiom. three. nearby’: towns: were needed ‘bring the flames under. control. | ‘production in 1960.: See. Second Time Around As Paced Like:‘Return’ ‘vere, but: said eitcuit® officials. are. thankful -: -that no one ‘was hurt.-|Firemen had, to -fight. the blaze: inl’. sub-zero” temperatures. . woah ~ Damage Was partly:: covered ‘py urance. ‘according -to.-home of: |. Ree officials; They -said: the Page |° -sitbstantial. doniestic’ ‘click in. the] ‘The State: had : ‘been dak. Ande eee ‘Reynolds’ starrer, ‘Second’ nitely. : ~| Time. _Araund,”” lacks obvious ‘in a: Jan... 265 inter-office. memo which} ' Leompares ‘the: pic’s grosses ‘to ‘date | to. last. -year’s “Return: to :Peyton "6 Place,” after: a like heriod of. .playIngmar: Bergman's ‘Glass’ | Gee Swedish: Film -Acadeniy: has nom. So. ‘far: "Second Time,” * which | compared. to $1,256:579fox “Re emy Awards... sweepstakes, foreign | turn” in the comparable situations. film “category. “It's “being: released in -the . United. ‘States, Dy. Sanus. Films... 20/:70° -* . Bergman's * iyi gin. ’ Spring? York, :$115, $87.356); indieatcopped .top. honors .as’ best, fovelgn ing the Reynolds‘ pic is showing its : peated | situations.. 2 On Initial BO. Take: “That ‘Sbth:Fox seems: to “have al! five -cliarges, now ‘pending. against . :played: first “dates = ‘in. ‘November, has.:a theatre gross-of $1,324'542, | is contingent: ‘Upor his: -| the. Ohio. Supreme Court’ s décision, -: Interestingly enough, this-is. despite fact ~ that .. “Return”. beat “Second Time in certain ‘key: dates. “New ; strongest legs is” the Tess . Saphisti In:.V-ARIETY’s ‘Foundup | of 1961: pie Second Japanese Fim |° Party Due lh Hawaii: theatre. and: of ‘tenants from: abate ments’ in .the same’ ‘building: _ Honotulu, Jan, 30. ‘band his mother, who occupied one: Japan’s ‘Toho. Studio p:ans. tol.of ° the apartments | ‘together, lost. send a.crew here: to make a ‘Mo-.all of : their possessions except’ ‘the: tion picture. Toho’s director. of | clothes: they “were. wearing. ° fereign business, ‘Tadashi’ Yone-| Prints of “The. Hustler,” “pit: moto, says*the. third part af ‘a!and the Penduhim’” and. “Ring: ‘of -three-installment’ film. © “Hong! Fire’: were ‘destroyed «in. the. fire. Kong no Yoru” A: Night ‘in Hong | Trailer for “Ring of Fire” has. just Kong”) willbe filnied ‘Here.. j lashed ‘cn. the screen when. Ken-. Shochku, another Japanese stu-! : nedy made’ ‘the ‘anhouricement _ {0 ‘die, recently filmed “Sanga Ari” ; evacuate the: premises. ; : here. “Richard: Grear, "Commonwealth Kennedy supervised: an .orderly | evacuation of: patrons. from” the |: which : ‘Universal’ s. Net Earnings: for fiscal 1961, ended: Oct. 28, was -| $3; 005.367, after: a pr ovision .of $2;-. 1 460,000: for Federal :taxés.,: Deduct-. Jing. preferred . -Stock . diyvy, . this | ‘amourited ‘to: : $3. 22 -per -share:. on |: ‘| the ‘common ‘Stock. ‘That's ‘a sub: stantial: drop’ ‘from | ‘the. Previous| ° year, but. ‘expected. Tt. demonstrates: the © OF. cominon. ad vintage. ‘year. Tans Universal “Pictures: net: earnings | relative, product. stiength ~to, ‘compare: U's. -books:in’ -the.. ‘wake of: fiscal: °60:. ‘showed |" net. earnings... Of 1" | $6;313,357, good for. $6.92 per: ‘share tion: in m England: . ‘prosses,. “Return” was reported. as: -having takenin‘-$3.000,000:in: dis tributor ‘rental domestically during the* year, with: a total. estimated rental: foreseen of. $4, 500; 000: mL Completes {Great. Escape” ‘Hal lywood,,’ Jan.. 30." screenplay of: “The Great: “Escape,” which. . Sohn’. ‘Sturges* -will-.. direct-{: early in. Apri): for:The Mirisch Co. |: and: United, Artists, . ' ‘Writer's: new ‘novel “The: Widow Barony”. has been’ set. for: * Publica ote Joe” ‘Wolhandler: Associates. : : ain et * > “oe Wednesday Senuary ‘3; 1962 To Spanish Oaters |¢ Lancind a Saat iN6i 7 ree ” ler at Me. "vets 2500 mm St :Paul, .Jan.:"30. The “fact that. “Charles. ‘anid: Shel-ae ‘{:30: days in the workhouge, by;Judge ..~.. Emmett “J.: Jackson: 4 The work..“.” house: teri -and$500. pf ‘the’ “fine. : | were’ suspended, ’ ‘on: condition’ he™: “| -show no: more ‘indecent: Six’ Ohio. Supreme’ Cc jurt. judges’. concurred” in:-the. Warth which may: have some’‘effect. on, the « Edward. Eads, ‘31,:. ‘manager ‘of: the . Fat Hills Theatre -in, Oakwood, O.,.: adjacent: ‘to Dayton. * Eads: has. been. ihivisy. 0D Warth S ate pected to become a familiar part |1961 "1960... Advertising, Pages. read —_ an Se ne. don Rubenstein * were « willing: to of. the Spanish production. scene.| Pos... Pos. © Magarine OR es ¥ear Yoel Year 1960: *., wos ” | oF Dee, | 8berid: '.:$25,000 “to: improve’ and« -following Jack Lamont, directorof{ 1° |:1° New Yorker. we ope ete ci aes sees ae fee ee SS, 133: hoe SBIR FES. 3g | béautify ‘their -49c. admission . triple: ae . Argo Films, agreement.with His-|) 2 ..2 Businéss Week-......5..: me biveedvaved 4.207% et 175,815 -=13.6/feature ‘neighborhood “Faust thea-. .. ~~, pamexta film “Kid Rddelo” as} “3 = 3 ~Life......; Sete eee cae er esr oo weadie 3, 158 Tg oe wc 8,360. “46.0; tre; whieh . they: arclaim, ‘now ‘to. be’: one of a three-film program:‘bring-| 4. 4 "Time ...... vebewvege . a . wees -°2:505:: Tee 2,959 ‘= 15,3, the ‘city's’ most attractive, reflects eT a ing the far west to the shores: of See ees Newsweek: ace tei eee hewaee : DEED 2,465: “2,877 "143: confidence. in .-the . film. exhibition’ vf : the Mediterranean. 1.6 “6 3 US.:News é& World Report eee ce se 12427 ote "2,836 _ -+-14.4] business’ present”'and_futuré.yooh “Kid .Rodelo,” based: on. Louis | 7 .°2 ~~ Saturday. Eyening 'P Post’ vein ee. mentee 2071. 0.0 2,988. . _—,25.7 |: So: commented Bill” Diehl. in. st.” L'Amour’s novel “Desperate: Men,”:| ‘8°... 8 , Fortune .... Sedecsweeed geese PI 867. 2,242. -—= 16-7 | P aul Dispatch. oe will star ‘Cameron: Mitchell and ag ae i Sporty ‘Tilustrated.. eee te ece ge cee abe anew ei vase 2 B eee me > PS tt -Dan Duryea:. Lamont is: dawn. as}.19 “138 Yae ng* : creep tegannratetennede i ' 4,99" oF OL executive’ roducer: with Geor el. 11 oe 13 . . Look a's of =e . ove oe “wletece wes ewees see. 1595. . “1,641. °: . — 2.8 %* Sherman handling the” ‘production /12. . u vogue are way. . eevee co ee eee o+ eee * aoe 1e ee re: ae a Lene ae — cred Bae ‘Lovers’ ‘Quarrel ins. duction start’ is ‘sched-| *% «© .23.. sunse Eis Medak tage nelne ene eee decease 7 40, Ao. — 8.6 — — oar led “for. early spring. Lamont. is | 14-415. “Seventeen... 5... 0505.0. cae cee 1,390 "TA ©, a 37 Continue’ trom Pace 7 ae also seeking to tie up..Don ‘Prin-| 15° -.: 11: . Motor Boating... 00223 isp eee cues yee ee! 1,335 * 7,687. 21.3 | 2. matter which ‘is: readily ascertain Gle’s ‘screenplay ” “The Grass is 16. 2.19 . Harper's Bazaar: 0.52 .4ee2 00 TE ve 1,192" 17168 ©: : + 03 able: . The knowledge. of. obscenity Lamont had an: option . covet 18. | 20... Glamour: ce i beter 1,097 :. 1,146 « ; (om 4.3. ‘convietion ‘under: the: law is either.” years ago for his caproduetion. proWa 18. Holiday. 22.20 vseecanee}eteieieeah: -1,062... oe Ue 148 | actual knowledge’ or, where the ob-~ gram in Spain. | 20°. 17 -. House 1 Beautiful. TEENIE SES gg wt 2° 12g1-: 160 4 scenity :ig‘hard-core pornography : ; Spanish w esterns, initiated’ with: | 21... °26° “Mademoiselle © te Pereetiiriegr on te ge . = 3,018 :. “OL: ‘or isa matter of-common knowl_ ns ae lo ation filming’ for “Sheriff. of 22.5. 2380 Me@as oo eee eee ee ee ee ete eg 1,030" | 1,103. — ' 66. edge, .. constructive ‘knowledge... The . [ ml, Fractured pees 1958, were re-|-23: = 25” ‘Reader's Digest. ciretrese tees Seed gesel 989. “902 + :9.6 | ‘possession’. required, to: support a : cently spurred with completion. of. 24.. 24. ‘Saturday Review 3... ae Pati eerreelnees . 988. © * 7,089: .<=." 9:3:/ conviction: is ‘not: the mere: private™ “Ss ve. Guns” (also ‘known as: 25. 22. Good. Housekeeping © oSalg gece ceed pense” PBL 3123... . —,12.6 | possession’ of’ an‘ individual.for ‘his. .. oprutel Land’ "a Ca ricorn-Tecisa | 26. «21: Popular’ Science: . . seeceeseectereseenee | O72 + (4,125: :. — 13.6 | own. gratification; but a: Possession: _ co-venture Michael ’PCarrerasai-| 27 43) TV Guide™ :.--. ... “ : 958" +. O87. + 39.4 for the: wrongful. purpose--of' cire.-" “rected -and. produced entirely in:| 28. 27 — House & Garden: . vee see ‘nev. 945987." : i= 43. ‘culating. or -exhibiting* obscenity, | Pade e é moa a i ase my 29: 25 Esquire 200 o0.5 0.2 veda sedges eecte gee i 942. . 1,030 | ‘= ‘BS | whether’ for: profit | -or.-otherwise;. Spain for M-G-M release. | 30 . 29-° ‘Town & Country. 23, yeteent ceneeeaceereen. | 98L--y -980 =. => 5.0 | The’ statute ‘on--which. this’ ‘convie~" “31 31" Cue... rebar ender vreges oe eee 925 2, B48 —'. 24 tion*is based. is, a valid exercise. of: 32. 28. ‘Popular "Boating wee leben! sesee bee. 916: : 957 —-'-6:81 the’ ‘police. power: of Ahe State,” the .. Hemingway's S ‘krms’ ‘Out | 33. 30.:.Dun’s Review & Modern, n Industry anges «5 B49 ~ 957~° -== IL-3 | decision: declared: .34°36: Farm Journal... . 225-5. seb eee aire “808°” VB — FA). . Judge Taft said in part: * T. eaiinot. In 1963 When Wald Pic: (35-320, Ebony ae veel kew ee wee cee 800" 246 “3.75 15,4 be “as: positive: in, condemning: the... 36. 238 7 Field’ & Stream: ~es coma: ieee ee ones wor eos * "989: . 7 ‘$21. — : 3:9 |; ‘filin iny olved: ‘ot. as’ ‘the . majority... Wi ll H Pla d Off 37°", 87 “Successful. Farming .. + es-stye.geeee T6L. “859 ‘IL-4 | opinion -is.: “Under: this..statute,-if : ill Have ye 38 40, :. Outdoor Life .. Si vee ea eeeee reeds .. 7527, “796 .. “i. J+. 35:5: anyone looks ata miovie ‘film that:, Hollywood. Jan. 30:.-|'39.. 33-. Better Homes. &: Gardens .<.:. weve: MEE See TAB = @40-: “+206 lhe has lawfully ‘acquired. to deter-':: ‘Ernest Hemingway's “A Farewell | 40::° 34: Ladies: Home Journal 1s in 2ceyigededceon M45". 928 .=~ 19.7 | mine whether he should éxhibit it... -{0 Arms” will be reissued. by 20th-|. 42 39. : Parents’: 2.0.2 200 Seen sess vee “44d , 821--.. =: 9.7) and finds’ it to be ‘obscene; he is). 1). * Fox ‘in 1963.. The company has re-| 42 “41 Progressive Farmer seetetss 2 826 UE IQD so ee v= 82) forthwith *-and’ at that. instant. , repistered the. title: to protect it. . -43: we 42 ‘Mechanix | ‘Alystrated -levee Sees ste ee "683. " TB2 °°" . = 12.1 -guilty of : ‘a Serious: crime.-As a. Tes : in the future. a: ‘ 7 44 ” . 44: Forbes’ ee eyeleje ars = a0 core bese ae : 663. : : ‘ 681°; : —_, 2.6. ‘sult,. sone: “wha: might “otherwi ise. 2Although there hed been: diseus‘45:. 45 ~ Sports “Afield Wit tee ere regener pees] > 680 ~ 679. ~ 72. ‘Jook at movie films that-are not. ob: gona for. re-Teleasing: the David. ‘O.: ee . 20 7 Science &M Mechanics : *? cr a ee ae eee ‘for *, B80 “ : + ae scene ‘td. detérmine ‘whether they.” var sete) ete net| 32. Rgnomgns Sami Cie 000, bea at Scan ak ‘Jerry Wald. pic. “Adventures. ofA] 4%: +46". Nation's USINESS 6s wr ene te wetness 358! _., 868: be 165} Young vad based on Heming | 50 59-. Redbook... wor ptaat hese haere vee! BOS. agg Tp sa ‘tree: Agta’ Benpededs tare Way's Nick Adams short . stories,|91. 63. Playboy’... 0S. 3 4, 1 pO6™. | 354 28 | sag d* that, ‘ in?-hi on,: “tli Shooting: on “Adventures’ wound| 22 48... ‘True Story ...-.. : ‘ G84 12 587, Seomtsoat fa to" e the ee f ihe at last week and is slated for” summer “53s 61. Atlantic... .2....25, Sede ce etae sees | 481* 535; 2 ote 10.09 mi is,:to use. the. words: of: the . * release. 154. 52-. ‘National Geographig vebevew “465 “+596 °: mm 16. statute, ‘obscene, : dewd © or. “lastix” ver, $55 ° °.53. . Harper's Magazine sale ane eviedegpee gen ed's, 460. 509: a 9.64 VIOUS... aa teed —_— OO" VBE. 56 Woman's Day. .: net wodiewese, 459... 420 oe gg fm ‘the other. case: ‘fnvolvirie. ‘The. i. HILTON EISENHOWER” -4° 590° 57: Americati Home ae “yveneeee, 4° 442. : "464 .. ager 47+ Lov ers,’ the-high. court reversed the-“}58° 54. Flower Grower-Home Garden’ as ance YS eee 503° ("2 323 | Conviction . of. Allan +S: :Warth, . 59." 55° Scholastie: ...04. is 2. ne yee leeecester $03. . 485°. 216.9 ‘former manager: of the “Art. ‘Thies, PRAISES STEIN PLAN] a Stem’ orm Bh 5S MAL ee adam an ata : . Gl. 47. .Coronet "...... facet beens rrrcrs -36T. * 588. 2 37/6 bt he quire. hea ire. , cincinnati,. peccareh to, Prevent Blindness | $2. Gp Gommet 220 SUNIL 6 ee » ET04 | Wo’ was charged under’ diflerentJules C. Stein, ‘Doar 'd ch tia fe 63. 62: Harvard Business’ Review’ aes ene ee 345. -* 360°: i: 42 law with ‘shawing the ‘same’. filmic! qu A. ; ar ct aun Z che | “64 °66 ..Césmopolitan: we re : 329°. 300: GT ‘Warth. Nad: beencant: icted. under ‘a. | . mae aves e. > a one e} 65. 64. ‘Boy's: Life... 309. _ B43 | j at 99} law making ‘it. a ‘misdemeabor™ to. | /cons rh ion agi a § se. 66° 67... ‘American: Girl. iplee nee 265° 988" | [=> <'8.0)-possess any ‘obscene: ‘film . without’. hing MI gu mg tit Gone 3 Th 67 92° ‘True. Confessions | on vette eas “261: * 225. > 4.16.0 [reference to ‘knowledge or-the tle Ins We Mi alt ns oo Elser h alll 68°: -70. Argosy wea tee ee eet 260 .. 246 1 +f 6.1 | ment of knowledge on: the part :of: ° Houki “per ws Th Isenhower, | 69. 71. _.Netional Jewish ‘Montiiy-” .. liveies —_ wie. 259 “1/283. E111 [the accused. as to its. obscenity. -"* ¥ oP ins Pre : re project. repre 70" -65.. “Modern: ‘Romanee:.: ee en, ce 2a "301. ‘> 18.6|.. Dayton’: police: ‘confiscated. ‘the-” sen 's he firs step mae So aroaty: us 69° Grit. 2. wes Leys ut : be sace sea eare 1 2G 249 . om AA, film ‘On: Noy.: 20; 1959: ‘A ‘Dayton’. wh PFOB ti oF ti . t othe 92 7 68. Photoplay © .eh ase weveaweyee | 224 273: = 37.9) municipal. court jury. found--him: : whose ‘goal is to stimulate ey. 73 TB: Christian: Herald pbs ope eiee’ ous eeste: 206 — * 208° == °1.0-)-guilfy, on Feb. 3; 1960. after’ about. most iensive ae ch attack « ever| 74-75. ¢ Bike Mag Legion. wet we aeewed peg ewe. 68 : Tho’ oe 4.67) three. hours”. deliberatic on. irected again indness.” : 5 : 160. Elk lagazine .. é rrivtse pe! "164.. 170 (ae 3.5] “The new facility will enable. for | —-— Elks Magazine : A88-0 = 38 wA&s: fined $1.000..and ‘entenced to. aoe decision, ~ a ree convicted of exhibting ‘two ‘ebscene:.." "| :films, “Sins ‘of Youth? “and. “The®: Immoral. Mr.. Teas,” “and. has-three_similar * ‘charges’. pending . “before: .” Oakwood ‘Municipal Judge | "Fede", Tick Howells: Daniel Said disiviissal.ofj the. chay ges: review" of and what effect. that’ decision: may: ~ have on. the law ‘under “Which ‘Eads’: -Wascharged: ‘Court: -held:: unconstitutional. that. ‘seetion._ ‘of: the law. Which. “makes: “mere. possession’ ofobsecne-, matter . rin? itself -iHegal,MeDaniel‘eould.: ‘still havé “Eads. .prosecuted: under another. section’ of the. obscenity: laws, that of .“having knowledge” ” -merit would be nécessary-: ‘Eads. Was «. "| fined’. $2,500. .and ‘handed’ “a *six« .| month. jail senténcé: ‘but. both ‘were: ay. R ‘Burnett. has completed his. Jheld:: dn abeyance pending:} his ap. ‘peal. Harold. 7 Salemsan has. ‘joined First assignment js Charles-‘K. Feldman’s preduction of: ““Walk:on; ‘the wild cnr 71 Side,” oe Columbia. release. a Oakwood: ‘Proseéutor ‘Prarieté Mes‘. Since the: Supreme . of ‘possession. 6f an obscene ‘film. . |. Because: this section. constitutes a 2 _ :-t felony. charge; ‘a ‘grand: ‘jury: indict* 7