Variety (January 1962)

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° . ing: a " greased radio: -web: ‘service. : ‘ “€ions’: which ‘had’ for’ years’. de-'. pended: to .amajor: extent ‘on. the) ** "networks for ‘programming found |; they’ now.-had: to. develop . their a -own, ‘sound . images: in conipetition |: 7 -One of.) te TA ‘on-the. basis ‘of this-pattern NBC's ": “to ‘ABC next. season): is fhe-No..1-show of. the season. Other: high-”| “ lights of the: key report:’ Of-the'Top 15. shows, CBS. has 10; NBC.*: . ~~"... Wednesday, January. 31, ‘: es Dp ea ails aes ox : fae . . tye : fm a . 4 7," ~ rs rere rr vs rrr Le . D “New Nie sens: Seasun' 5 Pattern Set | “Just ‘like last: ‘year, ‘the ational. Nielseris for: January. (first two} At oe weeks) reflect. the. viewing’ pattern established’ for the. Season. ‘And... * “Wagon. Train” ‘(which moves. -. "_. five. On half-hour ‘wins,' out:in front with 24, NBC with 17. |: and: ABC ‘with: nine. “shown. : winning, five. ‘nights’ -of ‘the ... > week: NBC 4wo nights: Average. audience: Fating B ‘spelled. mut a8. follows: CBS. 20.1; NBC. 19.0; ABC: 164. a -Here are. the Top: 153": : Wagon’. Train: (NBC) ‘Sees O88 eee is “be Gunsmoké: (CBS) : Jt ‘WWE a bbe be ee Serb er asta nens sane. 31:8 -.., Perry. Mason (CBS): Wee ce sae sewendesevcesesbosen SLL he _ Bonanza ° “ANBC): : . ede ebeeeangiy det sped ee bee's DOA.» _ Garry. ‘Moore. (CBS). eden ge bee eb ee as Sarre eser re 2 o's i. 29.4: aa Dr. Kildare.(NBC) rige vee so esa wee ey viele ge bdo ab ages (29.1 nt “Hazel: (NBC) ode Tao be ee aye vere c pesos eenseed: 28.8 me, “Red Skelton: (CBS). eens ree eeseeves: ew ase sie oeie'e alae, ‘27.7 “20.” Defenders (CBS). 2. ....0cscve Wee dbe cece wesebsas, 2Ua _Ed Sullivan: (CBS) raduangtieePhedtordnaens de tate BP Rawhide’ (CBS). :: -. ‘Candid ‘Camera. (CBS) .. oo. Route 66° (CBS). = : io 2 ~ Dennis. ‘Menace: <CBsy.” ‘ “prodtiction “and: syndication: : ‘of+ ‘ padio. station ‘identification: jingles |has. become ‘ big -. business; -. Total‘ sales -of sucht” Jingles ‘ a ‘total: tnue-. of. nore ‘than. $3,000,000 ~ @uring 1961, according. to -keygales. : execs, and may hit. ‘$3,500,000 dur= 62: . ‘Growth “has: been . most: ~/:pronounced. “@uring: the * “past ‘year.) ‘‘and-a half and reflects. the healthy: . state of: radio .s¥ndication—: in a contrast ‘to. -vidfilm syndication. . . .” Tremendous. increase. in’ use’ by |) ithe . AM’ers-: of ‘station’ jingles|-—— stems ‘almost’ directly. from. all i 2 ea a-.!: “with other local stations. -: “the major -gimmicks. used. in creat~ |. Ang, ‘such: station individuality : be|-.€ame thé ‘jingle: *. ¢lusive-to-y ou-id-your®. . marke. t | “basis ‘means. ‘that the stations: “acquired. a‘ ‘distinctive ‘musical ‘iden| Mtitication“-short-“and... --catehy— |: OTe no ‘competing ° ‘tation. can’ use aiid. the. big-scramble .in ‘radio | “today is for a. ;patticular, special-, ; dazed . “sound ' imdage.:” Station: jingles. derived: actually: “from, ‘¢ommercial jingles, ’ generally:|. credited ‘asteeing off. inthe early "40's. ‘when: Ginger ‘Johrison : “and: Alani Kent. ‘introed ‘the: Pepsi-Cola |: ingle. Later," . WNEW, New York, ‘came’ .Up ‘with . their own. briefie.. musical: ‘jd? ‘Ss, .0n-} " the. theory’ :fhat: if” a: ‘jingle’. can “sell: cand. ‘identify.. a: product, ‘same “goes “for’stations. “ however, -didn’t ' feel they. heeded’ Ahem. until web service’ all but: dis-' “. appeared. 7 The -useby. the ‘stations -of dine gles: has. broadened.. ‘eonsiderably. ‘ Originally,” they ‘were. used. -virtu _ ally. ‘exclusively . at regular station | break -intervals. -: Now, however, | the jingles * are. ‘completely : ‘inter ||. Woven . with: a: Station’ Ss music: pro“gramming, : Continued: On. Page. an): Ne TV Fri ti Plot: day, ‘which has.“‘Sing Alotig™ With.|. Mitch”. movihg,. * word is that Jack: Paar’ ‘will assume | athe: 10-11 p.m. spot. °° “Hence, the: NBC-TV: Friday. sked } "an ’62-'63 would read,’ unless there ‘are.more changes, this: “way: “Inter- ‘national Showtime,’ ‘7:30, -Mitch : Miller 8:30,: “Vive Judson: ‘MeKay,": , 9:30. Jack ‘Paar: at. I0. ™ 0. “MeKay,”. now-in’ ‘pilot: ‘forin: As ec ‘telefilmed halfhour.: situation: eomedy. set .in: ‘Paris. : It.. was ‘Pro= duced: ‘with ‘NBC: coin ‘by. Don Mc-. -Guire, “who. mtakes : /MHlennessey" “qver. at } CBS-TY.: Dror! mneneees a | fe Sing-Along Mitch" (NBO) <a. coy es vetoed eeeranenee ape tae ees “e ep 6 bes, © eee, ) ara 3 wun Tue . GAll Tailored to Station de ; -Fact..that’ all’ fine] vee ‘packages : ‘are “sold on. .an.€Xx|. -indies ~ such as! ‘Web: affiliates, . Jingles. ‘are’ “used * e as Teported. earlier; J: “ into. the 8:30. hour, and. the. latest | se sgetses’ . ° oF a se erees wae oe Dia tines peed Baws oNale Roe’ $ ABC Slot: S “Yale. ‘Roe, .. formerly: ashistait ‘general: ‘sales. manager., of . ‘KGOTV, ABC’s San /Francisco o&0,. ‘has been -naimed ‘assistant: daytime.|: sales mahagerfor’ ‘the: web.. ‘Chicago: o&0,:and. WABC-TV, New. ‘York, a8 $:well: aS, ‘San ‘Fréneisco.. * op Tpit ‘straws ‘fn ‘the’ wind . i indi. ‘wate’ a ‘solid . economic. base: for}: . ABC-TV's run “with: feature “films |: on. ‘Suriday, nights” ‘starting April 8. All ::the: bankrollers -. -of « the © two | shows: knocked ; off ‘by’ the: ‘films, Bus: Stop”. ‘and: “Adventures ‘ in-|] -have.. bought” into. the |. films “and additional . advertisers. are “now * ‘in. ‘the. Process | “af. ‘being | + Jem on its. hands.’ “Virginian,” cidentally ; Will ‘be. shot in. color, at 1Original order: for this” season ‘was | Paradise,” lined. ‘Up: Returning” ‘advertisers. ‘include ‘American: . Chicle, -Block.’ Polk-Miller, . -the: ‘aura ‘of: quality. and: ‘star names tools. | While: “ABC-TV ‘ts still ‘commit-| .ted .to-regular™ programming. after }: :the ‘run: of United Artists: films. is; over. ‘in-Séptember,. there’s : still ‘a. definite ‘undercurrent. in ‘favor ‘of the retention of: the feature film | ‘night,which’ has. been the ' Weakest | link An ‘its’ schedule. : ~ MI Stat TV Gab has. lined -up*.“‘an ‘all-star cast’ to discuss ‘the . ‘Future: pf. Television | in’ New’ York.” ‘Forum will take’ “place : Thursday. “(6).-at the. “Acad: ‘emy’s.40th St. 6ffices,. ‘Leonard, : is also a directory, ‘CBS. veep ‘Mike oe ‘and ; — : When; a “ couple’. months pack, ; wal “ABC. negotiated : with. Revue’ Pros |’ |: ." ‘\ductions forthe inheritance next | [| Season of NBC's: hottest: tv: hour, : * 1 namely “Wagon Train,” for some-. | thing like $20,000,000 anid covering .. oe en ‘* oe we 26: ot Drug, ‘Brilio, ° Brown. & -Williamson;. Ted |. Bates, : : “International ‘Latex,.. ‘Johin-'|) . son. .&: Johnson; ‘Thomas. “Leeming, -Lesteil,’ Miles Laboratories | .and. ‘Network: ‘sales * execs. said. that’ advertisers ‘are:“showing-| littié résistance: to. , films. “In fact,’ are’: shaping. into. “powerful ‘Salgs. ‘format: .NBC-TV. will bé running. J with. ‘feature . ‘films on’ Satiirday:|. | nights:-for .next:‘'season ’. and, de-. pending. on. the | “pix-on-tv.” rating pull. there's. ‘g-good : chance that.| |there’ll. be -a ‘weekend : of. network ' ‘films. for the: :1962-63 ‘span; © Mitch: and Paar’ “NBC-TVhas a. new plan. for. Eri-: ‘And ‘if that comes to pass, ‘there’ s | ‘expectation that’ CBS-TV may: also |: try.-films . to’. bolster: ‘its’ Thursday: ” replays: “mia ‘N.Y. chapter ‘of ‘the. ‘Acad ‘show them: daytime, emy., of Television :Arts.& ‘Sciencés. ‘On ‘the: panel ‘will be producers | ‘Herb. | ‘Brodkin;Gene . Burr, -Herb’ . Norman. ° “Jewison (who. ‘Dann. and “AFTRA, exec’ b Becretary, , Pon. Conaway. ig ite al wT :1sodes in the whole rangé.of jockey|.ing for position between NBC, ‘CBS. ABC. ... a two-year “span, it ‘was to all in “,”'/ té coup of the. year: Even . | as.recently .as-this week, with the |. _. “| elease of the: new ‘national ” _NielSens—perhiaps: the key ratings. of. the” season’ sinte ‘these. are the’. "61-62 | “pattern—the’ “Wagon . -Train” ae|. .| quisition “took” on: ‘even: niore Nielsens : that reflect .. the . glamorous. overtories with. “WT. in il | undisputed “No.:1. position. ‘Add: tot | this the fact.that ABC will be per-'|. ‘petuating the habit. ‘continuity with |. its‘ continued slotting of. the. show |. “Wednesdays 130-10 8: 30. a “But ‘suddenly’ ‘the: picture ‘takes ‘Fon: a “slightly.” different ue, cueing Roe Jhas -been..with. ABC” “since: 1950,.. ‘workirig at -WBKB-TV, . the. ‘some doubts: in :some .quarters. as’ to .whether “Wagon " Train” -will prove. to: be: ‘the. pravytrain that was: initially. anticipated. “.' “[sinee ABC. made. its ‘deal -with. .| Revue for a new..season of “Wagon ort |E Train's” “ “[playoff: of some 180 “WT”. -reruns ~: -'| that.were formerly shown on NBC. :. -| For: one’.thing,. NBC. ‘went. to.the selfsame Revue shop’ and,: -in ‘a’ _ | daring ~ / programming’. ve nture, | : ‘negotiated: ‘for :a New. series: 7 ;westerns, " this ‘one « of. . 90-minute tT length, ‘plus : guaranteeing the “The. | Virginian,” ‘against :. ABC’s. ” “Wagon * Train. ” (Whetiier. . “Virginian” : stand“ that: ‘built-in : audience. ‘pull off if. wT" ‘duplicates on ABC ‘its: current: suceess story). But. should. tially -hot' entry,.ABC’ a -prob-. $200, 000 per. episode. ot Secondly: ‘from | the Took ‘of plays :6f.:WB’s ‘Warners ‘..wants’: to.. knaw. pronto ‘else .the: ‘major’ will .go -into, ‘syndi ! cation ‘with’ the’ two. shows).. ABC-:|: “TV. thus.-is. on a deadline: im ‘con advertisers to. go along. with a post|: hours; but: the cost. of. advertising. onABC-TV: daytime is: relatively low, maybe ‘too low, to-really com exposing. “Train.” ‘before. ABC-TY < begins its ‘prime “posure. “The | ‘current intramural ‘schem-|": me ‘ings. and.’ plottings” ‘attending--the} _| Drojection-of network tv, schedules | “frequently ‘contribute more. -fasci| "’,-|;vating : footnotes: than. the . actual. a : jaiting of the shows themselves. * “Take, ‘for exarople,. the “w ednesaay ‘night ‘story”:-as -it relates to. mg chextseason—certainly. one ‘of .the | more .-exciting: (to: the. trade). ept} See. “Lenny the Lion”. on-tele.. vision, taay ‘be rectified during _the.. Easter: holidays,;. ‘of { to be: ‘thrown " smack * into : reompetition. can” with-: ‘of “WT remains tobe seen, but in‘. yj any: ‘event. NBC is protecting itself with. only a: 13-week_firni deal. on. ' “Virginian,’ iad permitting it to back. ““Nirginian”.. take | off, as .a ‘poten injsemester. : “with” 32 ‘whether ABC-TV: plans to: 80 ‘ahead. ‘with’ the. ‘latenight Stripping (or ;and’. David “Niven vincing :both. affiliated stations: and: ‘11:15 telefilm. shaw. ° ‘Some. adver| tisers:: ‘say it'll. “require. a’. small” “miracle for.-ABC toconsummate the | Jatenight exposure, ,although | ° ABC: sources~ late last ‘week ‘Said |. -| there was a. dégree. of new. hope. . To. ‘make up the vast: ‘guaranteed |. ‘expenditure: on replays’ ‘of “Train my ABC-TV: has to’.get multipleexposuré -out: of those reruns. With-: 2 4 out the three-a-week of a. latenight. .| déal; the ‘web will probably -be hard. a} pressed ‘to amortize the cost of the True;:. ABC: gan always’ ‘weekday “penisate . ABC’ for. ‘the: trouble of: An alternative : that. ‘ABC. is re-’ portedlyconsidering is exposure: of. “WT”. as. Sunday-6: 30° replays, ‘just . ‘time sked,: But ‘that's only’ one: ex: There : care. NO dull: moments were around ‘ABC these days. “| “el in Pena Ne NewS Shel: _ Thors Night Gets Real Slugging. + . * Prime Time London, : -Jan. 30.: . The Jament. by ‘Prime. Min m. ‘Harold’ -Maemillan, “when © ~ speaking : : at’. -the: .BBC-FV." _ Jubilee Dinner last November, .-” ._ that. his’: official duties: had. made it impossible for-him to *: Mentriloquist. Terry’ Hall. has: Offered -to bring his. dummy to . the’ Premier's home during the . : vacation, and put on @ show.” for the Prime, Minister. ‘and his : __Standchildren:, we OR a NBCTV Locks hh 3 as Holdovers; Fewest Casualties “ Hollywood, I an. 30: -NBC-TV. has picked 13: shows. as : certain: fioldovers * -next season. Web's . program, “board in’ own personal index ‘in laying out next. fall's. schedule. : Shows pen cilled .in for renewals. are:. For: ‘things have ‘been happening 2 “Saturday Night. at.the Movies.” ” “Car 54, ‘Where Are’ ¥du?”. “Bo-. nanza.”’.. “Laramie”. (already. renewed}; .. “Hazel,” ““Dr. Kildare,” iad Disney’s. World of Color.” “Sing {Along with. Mitch,* “International | ‘Show. Time,” “Dick. ‘Powell Show,”. (already renewed:; . Perry. Como, Dinah: Shore ‘and “87th Precinct.” ‘While. the © list’. is: incomplete, ; future. ratings will determine. other ‘survivors. ‘Web’s.. _programmers . indicate’. ‘that. four or five -‘others. will. lock. -in.. their-time for next. season. ‘Trade observers haye -estimated: ‘that. NBC. will have ..the | ‘least * : gancellations ‘of : the , three networks, with . ABC-TV. the: most. Order: ‘for: 32-new “first-run“Laramie” Segs:inyolves an. estimated $4,000,000 -in. production. coin. Thé |. -John ‘ Champion produced series also.: ‘received . an order for four additional segs to finish. out this installments. ‘\for. 28. segments. ' It will be the’ fourth’ ‘season for| the’ hourlong -oater, which: . will .;again’ be. color, as it was. Slearite. postll: 13: p.m. nade ithis semester. for..“Train”. reruns. along ‘with: re-.! “Roaring-.20s”. and. “Maverick” (and the whole.. e¢o-. nomics of that,:.$20,000,000 “deal. rests on. ‘finding’ good rerun’ timé).. ‘“Dick Powell Show" ordér is. “tor 30. first-runs.. ‘and ‘20 repeats, same as this season: -Production on the ‘new product.’ begins in. Febriary. or -March, ‘with the ‘first telefilm. or. two. to. ‘star’. Charles Boyer, who is. partnered — with. Drexy . Powell inthe.” telefilmery. 7 More than’ $5,000, 000 in produe fion: coin. is: involved ‘in: the: ‘new deal. « re Upgrading af German.” a mas Market Cues Brit. ~ Demand on Seript Fees, London, Jan:.30: “EV. ~ and: Scréen ‘Writers’ Guild | LEVER & GF EYE Has’ warned ° ‘Writers to watch. out for: clauses. in contraets concerning. sale--of. telerecordirngs. ‘to German stations.. According to the : Guild, | U.K: commercial contractors. have |: ‘begun inserting “German rights” | paragraphs inte pacts under which ‘they. need’ pay‘scripters’ only 25% ‘of ‘the original fee if his taped play. is ‘sold ‘to ‘German -tv interests.. ingly’. ‘good. market. for British authors,’ says t1é Guild, and fees | offered . for..scripts compare favorably. w ‘ith those sécured. in the U-K.. Therefore; . the © “writers” union has. instructed ‘mer bers’ not. te accept: less, than 400°. of. tlie: original. fee for: sale of: ‘topy fo. Germany: . other than “CBS ‘Reports;” | “Father of ‘the Bride” and_ a few. others. reruns -. Jtent,. Poe “Hazel, ” ‘both: high-raters: lover, it is. now possible that -CBS. “ae 10, have the advantage of facing. off vs..a quality .stanza but one that . By MURRAY HOROWITZ --Program gasualties ’ on the: CBS-. TV ‘schedule which will not. be “| around for next season now en compasses ‘““Hennesey,” “Alvin 8° the Chipmunks.” Gertrude. Berg, the entire. Thursday night lineup plus . ‘As the web begins plotting. ‘its ’62-'63 course, another highlight: is ‘the possibility of the toprated Red ‘| Skelton show being expanded from a half-an-hour to a full -hour: The checkerboard movement of shows in time slots is far from | set at this stage, but the weakies }on -the current CBS-TV. .schedile are discernible and. their’ “no. future" status is being tagged..” . Thursday night has proven: ‘out ‘to be the ‘weakest rating night -of. the week, spelling fini in ‘62-63 to “Frontier Circus,” “Bob Cummings Show,” “Telt. It To Groucho,” (midseason replacement), ‘and Gertrude. Berg. “CBS Reports” will be the only show to stay, with the ‘prestige — pubaffairs series prob ably’ remaining ‘in its current. time slot, from'10 to 11-p.m., in spite of an initial flirtation to. more it to N, ve] :30 p.m. -next’ season. ' marked ‘the secret ballot -as ‘its Me “The: day-by-day. analysis. for next. season finds “General . Electric “Theatre” out of its Sutiday 9 to. 9:30-p.m. berth,-with the remainder: of ‘the | “Sunday program schedule remaining intact, although. there's” been some talk. of moving. Sack: Benny to Tuesday night. ~ 7 _ “Ben Casey,” ABC-TV hit medico. 7 show,: has. taken the rating ‘star‘dust ‘out of “Hennesey,” “Casey,” in‘ effect, has slugged: “Hennesey” — out of the running for.’62-’63. Mone day.-nights next season will find “Window on Main Street” gone (see_. separate story), and “I’ve Got A Secret”: moved up from its. 10:30 berth, giving the web an. hour ‘to “fill from 10 to 11 p.m. Alt other ~. ‘Monday night entries look secure... “Passwerd” and “Ichabod” will -be shelved from the Tuesday night . lmeup. Web pians to -continue. its of . “Gunsmoke,” .. titled {Continued on page. 48) CE Hr. Anthology ~ To Thurs. NBC? "here is'no deal yet, but NBC ; Tv is reporied close to getting that. General Electric weekly hourlong ‘anthology for its 10. to.11. p.m. Thursday. berth. Web ‘and BBDO are. now involved in dickers. ‘NBC plans to, move ‘Mitch. Miller (see separate story) out of the time period. -GE evidently: wants the. hour: slot, now that .itcan't get its weekly Sunday half-hour renewed for next season ‘at CBS-TY,: because of the strong leadin con“Dr, Kildare” followed. by (More. will keep, “CBS Reports” ‘Thursday, _ in| which case, GE. “might has not in that time’ period. been much of a Nielsen-puller.t STANLEY HOLLOWAY Lever Bros. is: contemplating a. half-hour situationer for next. sea son.called” “Higgins,” done ‘out: of. Screen. Gems and fronted by Brit _: {isher. Stanley. Holloway.While -no‘Latter are becoming" an increas-. deal is set, the master plan ‘shared ‘with: General Foods: by. Lever) is ‘ to ‘use the half-hour 8: 30 to 9 on. -Mondays over CBS-TV. . ‘The two. bankrollers first thought . of putting a new. Lucille Ball ‘half-. hour in that Monday slot, ‘but now . they want to move it ts 8: 30: ‘Tuesday on CBS-TV..