Variety (January 1962)

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‘VAUDEVILLE | ot 7 “wey ie Merman to Hake ~ Tato Fier Arena for’ | oye’ "15,000. youngsters . paid | Cooper Union Prepping” ee 800,: at” ‘$3. 75 top, to: see and: «hear: ‘Chubby’ Checker: at Cow Pa-" . A Vaude. ‘Kaleidoscope’. “Cooper: Union College based: in: . Jace’. Saturday’ (27)" night;. while | outside the.soldout:arena hundreds | B of other: teenagers. fought..a.series New: York, is seville A Kaleido. .Of ‘violent -fistfights and: a. 19-yearscope of. Vaudeville” cin. its Great Hall: Feb; 9.: Perforiiers” to: “appear. ‘in this as “old: marine was stabbed. Trouble. ‘began: ‘when. “Soldout” : eee ‘show, for Which rio admission wil ff ‘be ~ charged, :: “include. -the:) Mura | ‘sign. ‘was. posted at: .7:30. P.M.,: . Jeaving:an estimated -2;000 youngshaa. _ ters’ ticketiessand” surly. Their: Dehn ‘dance group. Johnny. ‘Hud-|) Wa tas -. gurliness erupted. : into": series. of. -gins, “James -Berry: tBerry” Bros.), 4. ' ‘brawls: which. cops. said o¢curréd:| Bert.Gibson; Buster: Brown, Stomp. * “every twominutes.” . Marine’s'|i&-Stompy). Baby Lawrence, “JSohn-. |-: , knife: wound was minor.:: And an--tny’ & Gail. Taylor and: .the.Codaks:.| ‘Among’ the: musicians ‘retained .are | ‘Dave: Martin, Buster Bailey, . Milt |. --other. * -13¢year-old: boy's ?injury;: * ftom. a severe -kick to stomach; Was: ‘Henton;;: Dick. Vance, Danny” Bark:er. “and: Fred ‘Moore: | : “| Set: yet:.. | burgh. -has been’ going after new. ‘also relatively ‘minor. -At-least five. » other. youths. suffere ed: slight inju: ries.". wht ‘Inside’ the. big: hall. 'b5: eapshad ‘their: hands’ full’ but “Managed: to “keep. order by. threatening to.-turn Hones, Helen Grayco File ° ahem actually oe eaten: “$750 Pay. Claim Vs. Air’ *-“ecastonally” « did. Twist on, their Force Set. Over Hawaii Gig chairs. L ped nas, preceded." yal : “Hollywood, . Jan, 30. -| Ter Donald: ‘Summervilie. of ‘the ¢ity ‘& ‘Deedes, The: Untouchables ‘and: Spike. Jones: “and. his singer-w ife: council: and ‘a. director’ ‘of the -CNE,: , Bobby Freeman. vo ‘| Helen Grayeo; -through. American |: * Summerville said. he: -also’ wvaiits: Guild of Nariety Artists, ‘have: filed | ra ‘bigger. slice’ ‘this: summer ‘of: re-. pay a ‘claim against: U.S. Ait Force: ‘ecipts. : . from’: midway Attractions -“D6ronto, Jan: 30. “For the first time: in. three: years, n on “Promotion: was. work: ‘of ‘a “Friseo. “ peeord: plugger: named Pete Marino | Sgt:. Wilson |; -§,.. Hutchéson, ..who: and: ‘food: ‘stands; books talent. ‘for. officer and.’ “NCO: : | toe Capades’ idles Waa i co | Her Nitery Bow in. Veeas| AA 3 Take| ’ Ethel Merman, will play-her first | y e nitery. Starid in the fall: Shé’s been | _ Epacted. by the. Flamingo Hotel, Las]. =| Vegas,: with: the date: not. definitely |: Flamingo: operator Morris Lang-|. ‘names: of ‘late. ‘Mitzi Gaynor, who]: Fécently -played:-two dates: at the| | hotel, was given a ‘slice of the. spot) | for her ‘first engagement, there," a _.. | charity... Now: entertainment ‘di-: ‘2 Trector of: the. Sahara’ Hotel here. | Hie-is: to-play ‘the. lead-and direct. | “Make a Million”: to. be “presented. ; ‘March. 17 for. the -benefit of the} a Centre. Prot in 3 Years “Hhe.annual fortnightly “Canadian; “1 National . Exhibition’ -24,000 Seat }'* {e¥andstand . ‘show . madé: ‘a: profit |: jand: will: continue © its policy of]: ‘: importation... of.’ American |.” headliners, . ‘according : to’ Control: |. er Blader’ $ SSM Annual Biz Pittsburgh: Jan. 30. “One ‘of the most valuable travel-_ ing shows in the history: ct. shew. business may be sold today. ‘Tues,), |at a ‘stockholders’ meeting at ihe ‘| Hotel ‘St:. Moritz in. New Yerk; according to a_ statement. . made here by John H. Hartis, chief: stockholder -and. general . manager. of “Ice Capades.” . At press time no -decision had been 3eac hed, Because ‘of a lengthy ‘agenda. Some. feel a turndown is most likely The 12: stockholders of four .corJewish’. “Comrunity ° ‘porations, Lone Palm Realty Ice‘| ecapades: Inc. Ice: Capades. Inte na-{tional .Inec..and North. American, Attractions ‘will’ meet. to discuss four‘ offers made during ‘the past. | few. months: for the show property {that doés an annual grass Of over |-$8,000,000. Among the 12 are Walnl ter Brown of the Boston. Gardzn, {Lou Pieri of the Providence Arena, | Hub? s Lone Burley Eyes : ‘New Site But Bumps Up |i acm of uti Tae Fe ~ Against Civic. ‘Opposition’ Sollenberger. of the Hershcy Chee Jate Co... Vie Bizer Tyrell’ of ihe '-Boston, Jan. 30. .{Jand Arena,. Pete Tyrell of th . : Boston's one. yemaining. burlesque’ Philadelphia Arena and Hat ris, theatre ‘is ‘seéking a home..!): hiniself. Other stockholders. are . The’ Old. Howard ‘Casino, which"! wives of the principals. . added the Old Howard to: its’ bills}: “parris said that he would.préing: after. the demise ‘of: ihe: cele‘Sent. the: ‘warious offers to the. stoek-". |brated: -hurlesque. house on ‘How ard ‘holders today and if. they vote not ‘has to: leave its: Hanover, St. |-to: ‘aecept any, the matter will: be Stan: Trwin Turns Comic” "Again for Vegas Charity ’ Las Vegas, -Jan. 30... > Btan: Ipswin,. who. started: “as. 4 comedian, -isreturning: ‘to his: orig= |: inal . vocation: ‘for ‘the benefit: of. Vegas. :) Most ‘of the’: east will: comprise. jocalites, but Irwin: is expected to recruit other = Brofessiona\s. Anto | this. ‘project | as. well. me St. Mitchell’ “and: -Tom ‘Donahue. from* ‘After | paying ~ “the: “production | Jocation. to: make way fora govern| ‘closed. until: “the next! meeting ‘Couple. Sailed:; on~ one. of. ‘Matson: ‘costs : of . $443,446 for the: separate’! ment . centre:. . The’ management | which. will be. held: this summer. “who said he’d:cut two deéjays, Bob: -Bartells’.: KYA," ‘in on. pieces * of |'clube™ vat | Hickami. Field, “Havwaii:: ‘Lines’ talent: cruises | early. in: ‘De-afternoon: and: evening. grandstand would like’ to: moye ‘to the old. -‘Lan= | in ‘Atlantic City. Ile addéd that ©. ross... eee a-way.-of getting. the y station: hind...-mé,” ‘.explained : hows, -the 1961. CNE budget: will i cember. ‘and while’ inHonolufu’|® get: will |.caster film theatre across . from nothing ‘would induce.him to ‘re Marino. KYA. decjays plugged. the: were. -booked’ for “four ‘nights at’ show a “Surplus, ‘of: about $28, 000° | i North: ‘Station;. -but | clergymen and ; main.:with the blader :if ‘it ‘were ‘Hickain clubs by Hutcheson, AGVA. reported Summerville::who. is ‘also | businessmen / ‘strongly’ voppose .the. |sold and he. would only be inter7 _ ‘ ton” ~ " Bubstantiate’ a common vielualler's sy ve Charge. — ‘bash. hard. for fortnight: ec er’s’ take. for . his:. ni ht’s ; “work” was --about: $23,000. : Cow | complaint: states, -It’s further’ al[® partner. in F athe P layers Ca. ’ Palacé officials: said: the turnout’|leged that-Hutchesdn came up with’ ne lan Corp. e. entire ..WaS.a record for.a-stagé show. there (only:three dates—aJl played: Jones {SCtUP. ‘made an operating: profit of. arid. Miss: Grayco. want the. ay. for. {$231.165. ‘but. debt” charges on. fourth night. : .| buildings, * ‘paid: . for by . ‘Foronto, a ‘youshow” President enne Y. a stag show.” . “. ~ ‘Contracts ‘prov idea: Miss’ “Grayeo’ will” total more ‘than $800, 009. ‘Leet $1,500 for four. evenings, Jones | $1:500.' ‘Thas ‘the ‘performers -want, $375 each: “AGVA Coast: chief. Irvin: | Mazzei,, ‘Who fs. ‘demanding, ‘Hutche|-son., Pay,’ slates: “pacts. are. Play-or-, pay. * we, ‘Hickam. ‘chibs: regularly: ‘buy ‘acts; | and’ have. franchises. ‘with’. AGVA ‘and. with’ AFMLocal: 677; Hono= aha.’ Sirietly. contractually,. Jones” Worked: éngagements. under AFM ‘| pact. and: AGVA* (to. which: Miss 'Grayco. ‘belongs) -offi¢ially. can. ‘ask. only coin-: for “her.”. ‘However, :in | Billed at’ the. time: Was. ‘George: Hawaii, the’ two: ‘anions. have ‘elose| Jessel. “whose . tour “of: Canada. had ‘working: ties. 2° ": been -billed “as. a‘ “last goodbye’ eet ‘. before his ‘retirement. dn’ March: “Jessel; contracted: for a. “week, can-. "” celled. out -and“:let. owner. “Barney. Gorenstein: Off the: hook for: the. >. bulk’ of: a: salary tab. whieh could. . have’ reached .$4,500::. Gorenstein: . blamed~. the aub's: “failure. on ~ cost of: -1ame-talent,. apathy. ‘of the’. public and: ‘the: fact: -that: -Winnipeg:‘has ‘the ‘largest. <jaumber ‘of -cabaret -licerisés.. per. |. _ eapita.: of any: : city’: ‘in Canada. : -Wiaie' $ ‘Oldest Witery Folds Jessel Passes Up. © Most of His $4, 500 Pay P Wirinipeg, Jan:. 30, "the city’ S -‘oldest.* riitéry, the. Rancho. Dan Carlos, ‘has: closed -its . doors: Tt” was ‘the’ ‘only. club’ in’ town | featuring | big-name -enter tainment,: and: the first: to: ‘shutter in: ‘seven: Years. the | “Shriner's “Circus, . 1 the. ‘CNE is negotiating. with . Chi-|cago... -interests .. -to. produce. an $80,000. ‘afternoon: ‘grandstand show,: the Shriner's. Circus: ‘pulling ‘out Of * ‘this: “summer's CNEven: ture," He. -ariphasiéed. “that ‘the "separ. ‘Tate ” -éVening “grandstand ‘show would -:follow.” ‘last year's: all-Ca. agian, pattern, -He : “specifically: referred :to.the “dropping Of .$255-.‘The. clubs’ are. ‘in: iio: wise éfticial. 1063" in" evening’ ‘grandstand, show. U. S>: military operations, -butare fits: when. “Phil. Silvers’. and‘|‘Niaintained -by.; :.théir: . Fespective re -When. It I vel. hi d: -meniberships. Jones: observed:-“We’ ctor Borge were alternately hire ‘Wwére bought fot fournights, “hence | during the 1960: CNE ‘presentation: ‘He added’ that the all-Canadian. our ‘clain. We: look upon: the en-, format—and: a °$28,000profit Jast: | gagements.: purely” .as”’ ‘commercial | yen hae certainly. prove a: “me. ‘ones, whieh. they. are-irt that audi-. ences’ sre. limited -by club. amember|. right.” ‘ships. and alr. ‘servicemen’ fannot | a attend. _ : . The. ‘comic ‘added that: if. “AGVA's | cqniplaint : to: Sgt..-Hutcheson. does | Loss “on. ‘op¢rations: ‘since. “Feb, [not result: in payoff. he will chan| Duary,: 1960" when: |: ‘Gorenstein: Inelanother, complaint. : through |. .. “bought. the. club’ from ‘Charlie. Maz| AFM. . “zone, . was “about -nil.’*: “But-at. ‘the |: ‘The. ‘sergeant’ ‘timanages™ Hickam:| . Tn, bat ' 0" Pad 2 4 “ Baaton, Jain. 30.: a ia “Vit the“real Lee Wiley please | oof Stand. cup?” “could ~ have been. the:! time : ‘he. assumed: ‘liabilities :~ of ; ‘elubs ‘and ‘his duties entail hooking: as $40,000. which he! has, Jbeen unable} talent for’ them... “to ting 3 also résiilted: Jin“can= BW AY ASSN, HLECTS “LEIGH: AS: PRESIDENT! < eellation ‘of. a contract® with Eartha ‘Douglas Leigh; head. ofthe élec-| oe “Kitt,.-who was scheduled’ for’: a eweek ‘starting. ‘Sat, (299, : -Former “owner: “Mazzorie;’ nov . " Sesident™ ‘of. Edmonton:. -where” hie | Ww hich: developed. between: George | Erazier, Jazz: authority ‘columnist: on. the Boston ‘Herald; ‘the. Schine. Ini operate milarl ery: “trie ectaculars~ firm, . fias. .heen. a wo 3 Delloted tobe interned Tate, ‘lected. president of the Broadway | Chicopee, and:"Lee Wilef.” |. = “Assn., -succeediig: James: .V.. Ed-|' Erazier;who. wrote. the. Lin: er} :, Opening. the club Which ° he: ‘Tan att vn ae ‘profit: ‘for some 15. "years." HU LICENSING BOARD .. SHUTTERS SHOW BAR : Boston, .Jan.:. 30, The Show Bar, Jongtime: Hunting-". ‘Ave: * nitery, Was -elosed | ‘in-; Robert.:M.Simpson, ‘N, Y.Téle“definitely ‘by the: Boston -Licensing ! “phone: Coi,’ secrétary;. and “Walter: “Lee Wiley” Board. Thursday 125) for levving-a-G. Schaerer. . ‘Empire. Trust” Co., -thie Lee’ Wiley that he ‘knew.: “. ‘eover charge’ for.-a Twist : Gane, | treasurer. ‘Managing director gon: |’ The management’ of. the inn, ac “Pius complaints : of “Service: to.’a; ‘tiniues: to be adire} AS ‘Stamm... -Thinor,. and ‘seant: food supplies: to: _ SS v.: a cording . to: Frazier,’ had’ accepted Heense:" : ‘Kabuki-Bu :Modern, the | ‘Police. ‘said they. found. a $1 over’ ec ’ Japanese’ dancer. -Suzushi. -Hana ‘sign’ at ‘a :table:. at: the: entrance. and saw ‘couples. doing The . Nagi'made-her’ American solo debut: Jan. “1L at the’ Hunter -College. ‘-Twist..A ‘caver. charge is’ not legal: ‘for. entrance” to’'a’ restaurant. ‘Sgt. ‘Playhouse; * New. : York, with, ‘the. Frank’ Walsh said-he : went to the -Japan Society as sponsor.:“kitchenJan. 19, ‘and :found: a ‘cold : Though steeped’ in -her. country’ st : Fange, ‘crockery: ‘andcontainers, a: classi¢al -“ tradition,.;(1Kabuki),. *"Yusty ‘sauce’ pan, ‘and.a’ refrigerator. : Gotham” _Appedratice Was “devoted. ‘Boston. Herald. column: “As of. early * with beer, ‘but ‘no'food: . ‘|.entir ely, to. ‘contemporary, dance. last’ evening in. this. town ‘some. 80 “She's in: U.S. on an-ex¢han ge visa, | miles..west of: Bostoni.’. . The: ‘inanager, James: Gert, ‘said. ‘hier -had:, been: a flood: .in-: the: and. sire: last ‘spring ‘has: been ‘ap-| Lee ‘Wiley: had yetta: ‘stand. up. But ‘| wards, ‘of -Town. Hall... “Organization | ‘notes “for: the’ ‘Storyville LP, “Lee, | seeks to police the Broadway. ‘area.| Wiley Sings.’ Rodgers: ‘and “Hart, ” Ottiers “elected. ‘are’ Thomas’.:V.| released: around. 1956, and ‘is“:an’ Kelly, of Macy's, first veepee: Rich-|. ‘authority on, .the : singer, Feceived | : ard. L. ‘Rafalsky, of. Mark. Rafalsky,. ‘an invite. from the inn's pressagent | realtors, second vice president; Jo= to come: ‘up ‘and catch “Lee: Wiley.” séph. D. Johnson, of "Western ‘Union “He. drove over’ 80 miles ‘of “snotw| performing: It: wasn't ‘t ‘there. ‘would: be 20 farther’; ‘misunderstanding... Blasts. . the: ‘Déception © a On: his return: to: the typewriter, ~ Kitehen and renovation ° was | ‘in ‘pearing ensemble’ with ‘the. “Martha ‘this “was ‘stareely™ surprising, since, JOE IR et wae | at that, twilight: time, ‘the’ real. Lee! Progress, "Graham troupe." he -The ‘operating veurplus:. of © the. evening grandstand : Show. was: off-. set ‘by.’ afternoon ‘performances: -of. which, “broke ‘even, id according . jo .Sum-_ nierville, ‘Meanwhile, he. reported, . _ing. the merchants’ stoup: : Frazier Mab est the Scene at Mass. 7 ¢ Wiley’ Wasn't the McCoy |: “Title for a jittiepiece: of odd ‘drama: | tail’ lounge’ of ‘the. Schine. Inn’ in | third: veepee; John -D. Dornbusch; of | lined’ roads and..through intermit-|-">. Central :Savings: Bank, fourth: v.p:; | ‘tently driving -snow.” ‘in: His ‘own, © words;.:to ‘find -a_ singer “billed: .as{'.. ‘the. ‘singer as ‘the: real Lee ‘Wiley |: and: was, billing her. that way. Fra-: zier. ‘Suggested to. the’ management | ‘that. they. take’ their signs ‘down,.| ‘and’ got. ¢ompliancé. plus guarantees | ; ‘her. Frazier: ‘blasted the: ‘deception: in his | ‘the real] j transfer, Ata ‘heaving’ conducted ‘by city” “censor Richard J. Sinnott.chief of ‘the: licensing divisien of Mayor. -Collins’: ‘office, a_-spokesinan’ for. ‘the -burtesquer ‘Wartied. that the ‘Lancaster. will. be.. turned: into 2 “Twist, parlor” ‘unless the. city al-. ‘lows the .“Casino: Follies.” .name under’ which. ihe burlesque house is. registered, . to: _ transfer. to: “the ‘pr emises, t principals before he p1 resented this Attor ney. ‘George ‘A. “McLaughlin, | proposal. to the stockholders.. representing owners.of the Casino, {: “Ice | Capades” declared. -that‘relocation. to. the. |. ‘years. ago by’ Harris and members ° [North Station: area ‘would: result in.| ofthe Arena.Managers Asn: whe abe “$225, 000. Amprov ementfor the are the principal stockholders an district.” |: ; the firm. . Franklin Fox, "president ot the: “ested ina capital gains deal. He said the’ company must: be sold: ‘on “its ‘earnings: regord. and. not on his remaining with the com-_ pany. -He also. added that he will to anyone in the future .except those who put up '$160.000 good. faith money. .-He: noted that an offer fiom. Gener. ‘al-Tire came fron) ‘a. broker, and: he: Would like to ‘talk 10 the Alleged Zoning Violation May Shutter Loop’s 1st New Nightclub in:Years . Chicago, Jan. 30... Kit-Kat Club, first new nitery in hi's Loop in years, is in. danger Of being’ Shuttered by the -citv’s -.| zoning admisinstrator only “three 4 months after: its opening. . The /}Randolph. St. elub ‘above’, Flo’s "| Restaurant}. had. heen. operated as {a nitery under several different. names from 1941 until 1960. Fhe area in which the ¢lub is located was zoned in 1957-as 3 re-.‘stricted central business” district in: which supper and highiclubs . are prohibited, although cabarets ‘operating prior to the. rezoning “many ‘continue to operate. _Zoning administrator “John Ma-. | loney has ruled that the year in‘the ‘real Lee’ Wiley was ‘not “only which the room was dark exempts jit from provision about continuing ‘standing ‘up, “but: also, by -Heavens, ! . : lifting het voice in-song of-sorts. ‘oper ation in the £ Pio Samuel ng : ‘“For all I know, this girl,may be |-Vevine, owner. of Flo ‘sand the. named” Lee. ‘Wiley ‘too, but: ‘there | Kit-Kat Club, has maintained .-to. | are: those of. ‘us. to ‘whom she. will | the city. zoning’ board -of -appealsneyer ‘bé,'so to speak. the :real Lee} , that :the room ‘was Gust. dark for. ( ° remodeling. A ruling by the spWiley:: Considering. that,-T think it |, f ‘Would: be better for all concerned |: peal board. fs. expected farly ne od 4f this Lee Wiley — the one at] ‘Schine Inn. ae. were. e to change ‘ber name.” aa : ‘GROUP BUYS LL CLUB The’ ‘yeal Miss: Wiley.’ who fis. iit . IN $1, 000, 000 DEAL | Semi-retirement. ‘stated at her New |" “Ei; Patio Beach Club, Atlantic ‘York home that she has been faced | Beach, L:L, razed by aitive Jest with: ‘the ‘problem of the. spurious | September, has -been sold to’.an. | Lee: Wiley for:about: a dozen years: | investment group headed by Wilfirst.having. ‘bumped: into’ it. when | liam. Michzelman for a sum ‘repot‘’ RCA..singet, shé would: be} ed‘'to be around $1.000.000 The some, other place: when’ -actually | purchaser plans construction ‘of a asked . lrow..she. tiked.Florida: oF ; :$750.000 ‘cocktail lounge : and -1¢s. ‘she hadn't been .there..° 3): -| taurant to replace the destioyed Nor th. : Station... Merchants’ " Assn.; ‘Said transfer:of.the burlesque house into the area ‘would. “déstroy, _Withgut question, our entire. organiza-'| : tion”, and ‘the program of extensive. |... ri '! rehabilitation. : Pietures.|_ ‘outside ° ‘the: ‘borlesque: « ‘theatre { “should ‘not -be. in“an area where | impressionable. youths” pass by .to} ‘attend, Boston Garden. events, said'|'¢ attorney: ‘Clyde Patten,. Tepresent 1 Wiley, was at. ‘homeon. the. east: side} ‘0F ‘Manhattan, — “What : was’ ‘surprising, ‘however, | ‘| was that-at that hour in ‘the cock-. this’ town,:'& “woman claiming to -be | 7 fe se Problem. Miss’ Wiley says. she. has. taken j structures. the problem to™ ‘attorneys ‘“whotell t. _A name talent polic ty is. coptem.< |her: that.she. must enjoin the spuri-| plated for the. new ‘“operatian. a? ‘ous Miss. ‘Wiley jn every state. She : “Blueprints. call: for. the. nitery ‘sec has ‘also. complained to ‘the Ameri-. ition ‘of the 1.600 can. Guild: of ‘Variety: Artists. which while. the cocktail lounge . will ae “says it~‘nothing since :the|commodate 500, “Another ' public other. Miss Wiley’ ‘is not a member. |.room for functions 460." -.Toe ‘ the‘ best: of. her. knowledge. |. -Thusfar, theTito Puente’ Orch. Miss ,Wiley : says., the: other’ Miss. has been signed. for the nitery and. Wiley lives in Clifton: NE, and: the McClevertys go into’ the leunge that's. not here real name. . wow fat the start of the season, ~ was -for nied 22