Variety (January 1962)

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_' Mednesday, January: 31; 1962.28 RET papain THOUS $ ALSREDGE “JOAN DARLING 8 oo me NE Bo He 7 7 "THEODORE 1 FLICKER "AMES FRAWLEY Tm. PREMISE HAs: FOUND A wiery WOME aT THE an The PREMISE is EVERYTHING Irs OSTATIC SUPPORTaS _ SHOREHAM AND OUR TOWNIS FAR BRIGHTER FOR iT! .~ NERS HAVE BEEN SAYING! Theodore:). Flicker has surrounded ee e Ok foursome ‘to see’and: relish! Trenchant: point: of view and sharp . uy himself with a trio “of wizards at this fine: art of improvisation! All _ *shumor!, True,’ skilled: actors! They. play: with fascinating economy, -.. ~ four: are awesomely inventive! Abrim: with. sharp: comment! Make a _/°) precise -timing: and . supérior--concentration!: Their’ blackouts.. mM good deal-of sense with their nonsense! Shouldbrighten. the scene ot at ~~’ Sketches hare: eit, Yoo and -Spontaneity!!: A night. hip foura . here. for some’ time to comel!” “HARRY ‘MacARTHUR, WASHINGTON STAR. ) . wT Somer": . a —RICHARD. OE, WASHINGTON vost. ee a FY Tuy TOUCH On CURRENT EVENTS WITH BELL-RIKGING < nor we HOR r OF LNT ! fe e = oo ne BRILLIANCE! Mihada fine time eat The Premise! I'm grateful to the DON 1 HEAR, wasuinstoni STAR oe 7 + four wie rang the hell. TOM, M BONNELLY, WASHINGTON NEWS ~ Se Ped opal ay ie WONDERFUL! TAKES THE STUFFING our oF WASHINGTON'S STUFFED SHIRTS!” a mSEN.. HUBERT HUMPHREY. a ve aARA ANSON ao XIPP CURRIE eet ny wt FRANGIS BUX ° AL MANCINI ; * ants! PARALYZIGLY rum you 0 ARE COSTANTLY ENTERTAINED ate enosB, i nae rmiauNe y., ys. ‘ NEWOWEEK MAGAZINE. MLERT AN ocr! Reins ts er rch dart teate thee Is in sie and ini comment s HOWARD. TAUBMAN, N. ¥. TIMES =N i Ve JOURNAL. AMERICAN : ry AND ppc oe ~-ASATIRE AT ITS BES tae _ MOLE, WITT aap IMAGINATIVE!” ‘=, Ye MonKDTELEGRAM: ae net . LEONARD: LYON! me ‘MABDES, CLEVEREST 1 THEATRE r) ome ms - NEW: YORK ‘AND WASHINGTON PREMISES: DESIGNED’ BY. DAVE MOON” Sines 2 ft ~ _ 7 | "PERMANENT LOCATIONS. AND CONCERT TOURS BOOKED D EXCLUSIVELY 2 By NE ; ‘ARTISTS LTD.