Variety (February 1962)

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Atlantic City, Jan: 90. . “Three: beachfront. recreation. cen -. ters feature a master plan provid-] ing. for municipal ‘expenditure . of) approximately | ‘$29,000: 000. over a period of 30 years ‘for the “orderly |: .. growth ‘and: continued. rebuilding” . of Atlantic City. 7 The: . tofal~ amount to. ‘be. spent, Z ‘snctudiig ‘federal and state. partic-: ~s ipation... funds, : could be . around | $100, 000, 000; “according to.. ‘Albert -“B “Johnson; . chairman of: the. Ate lantic City: Platining Board:: The -plan -was.’ présented ‘to ré sort. officials: ‘and: businessmen ‘last week -byMurray: MM, ’ Bisgaier, ‘pres-| ident of Comniunity ‘Housing: (& Planning Associates, of New-York, ‘whose firm: has ‘spent: -morethan four years making a: ‘study ‘o£ re sort needs under a contraet by. the |. _city.-The -plan_ could generate$1. = *. 000,000,000 of new eonstruction: in. ‘. private industry. .A’ theatre centre, which: would | again give the resort alegitimate | house, and .a sports centre’ which |" would: make possible . top athletic” -eyents; would be erected -on -both “ gides of -beachfront’.’ Convention |’ : ‘Halt. The third, a ‘éulture centre, would be located. uptown ‘on: ' the ‘boardwalk. — ‘Even’ An. ‘Aquarium Other ‘recreation . projects rec ommended . inelude ‘an. ‘aquarium. and. observation fower .. on.. city owned :Garden Pier, a ‘back: -bay | “boardwalk . wind-. sports . lagoon, ‘breaks, . tourist information’ cen_ tres, “a Northside ‘recréation . centre for the resort’s Negro. resi dents.. playgrounds: and: two: “par, 3” golf courses. . ‘$960,067 each year for its share ‘of the" 30-year. “down ‘the -various projects. into. 10 year periods. ending: in. 1980. ‘It. is: designed to. strengthen visitor .at tractions and give the city: a more _varied economic’ base. Funds to .meet the: ‘program’ > would | be available. from" present luxury tax ‘collections, a 3% city. wide tax aimed principally .at the “resort. -visitor. -which brings approximately $1.500, 000 into the city’s:treasury. This. money, since, 1944,. has’.been. used for eity. im prov ements... ‘the plan made no-mention. of. airconditioning .Convention Hall ‘and placed” this.. project*-as 'a‘must: on the city’s program for the. future. “He said that it ‘would cost in-.excéss ‘of $2,000,000 to. air-condition } the main auditorium, which covers. a: block ‘and is four «stories high.| The city,.-he pointed out, -has spent |: $4,000,000 in the -past five years modernizing the 30-year old: hall. The: resort is confronted with, the problem. of meeting compefi _ tion from other cities having air-conditioned:. facilities for conven-tion gatherings. Only the ballroom : of the big. hall is air-conditioned. carried. ‘out. =. . ita ak ty Sp ‘Sa id | To Lure Visitors Unde Mase Pa ‘Chequer : ‘in. “Sydney, Burnett, a frequent. ‘visitor ‘to. the | he: “EELS. on. name’ buying. expeditions, : : plans: ‘to’ buy: top: performers. for Atlanta 1-the. new operation: : He’s. currently |. Lo 3 Atlantic Gity Niteries “program and breaks. annually. Gac RESUMING OWN ENTER: PROMOTIONS General Artists Corp.. will: ‘re-|: suine ‘its: awn ‘one-nighter . ‘and: jazz { concert: promotions with’ the reten-: tion of Sid: Bernstein: in’ ‘the. one|:‘ ‘nighter“department. The agency. previously was engaged in ‘promo~ tio. during © the: ‘tenure: “of .Tim Gale, who --resigned: to. ‘return to. promoting on. his: own. as. well | 38.) do" personal | “Inanagement. *: Bernstein, while: ‘pattneréd: ‘with John Drew, “promoted” “the” ‘New-. port. Jazz Festival ‘for one yeat’as. ‘well as: various Judy Garland con-} certs: anid. stageshows.. at the’ Brook-|: Iyn *: ‘Paramaunt © and . elsewhere: He'll report to Bob ‘Weems’ rat GAC, Le head. of. the music Sept. "Reopen. as Conventions. S, Atlantic City,. Feb. 6.” ‘Three. “night... ' spots, . ‘since: the. ‘end. of ‘the: ‘Season, ‘have reopened while’ others. ‘braving Atty "tout through the ‘off-season : ‘Slack period : have. brought ‘in “added. talent’ in‘ anticipatioii . of ‘the’ “new convention season. guests are -due.inthe ‘resort: ‘the will. be.followed by: thé American “Assn: “of ‘School. Administrators: ‘The. plan pr Oposes the city spend: Feb, 17-21. with a. 15,000, delegate influx.Dozens of. smaller meetings. have. also been : booked: Le. Bistro,-midcity. spot. put: on the lights. again. with one of the: better. shows, . Arabian’ ‘Nights: fea|: turing. Terry. Madison and “a. line ef 20 girls, Black, Orchid, newest ‘Fesort nightclub, and Paddock. n‘térnational, with . Rummy . Bishop, are: also. back in’ ‘business. ” :. Hialeah, Which Kas been packitig | them: in weekends: ‘and ‘Wednes| day nights -with the aid: ofthe. Twist” as Gabriel . ‘and: -his ” Angels: plus ‘the -Arthur. Murray.: ‘Dancers:. : |The 500-Ctub has brouglit’ in ‘Nejia. MayorJoseph “Altman: ‘said. ‘that Ates: while | Luigi's: ‘Gondola: room ‘has. : Kelly Walters: and Charlie |Beachfront ‘hotels. ate. Delmar::’ booked solidly for the two’ big con -ventions. and the ‘influx. is.’ fa shot in, the arm to the. entire resort. Carel Channing’ s: Tex. ‘Date. Dalias,. Feb, 6... Garol Chaniiing is slated to. make |". cher first appearance here-in two'|'. ‘years on-Feb: 14: ‘when: she appears’: : at ‘the Music Hall ina revue titled “Carol. Channing arid 12 Gentlemen Evans’ orch... . Miss. Channing: will “also ‘play: a two-day: date .at the: ‘Music Hall in. 'Houston_ ou Feb: 15-16. : "Presenting in Person ‘Joey DEE ~ “Kiag wet pains _ STARLITERS _ Stats’ of Paramount. Pictures and Roulette ‘Records : PLUS MANY: OF THE sia TOP: ‘TWIST COMBOS. 7 THE. CHICLETS J. THE BACK BEATS | ‘| DALE HAWKINS: ESCAPADES. CARL BODKINS Jr; COMBO __ STEVE GIBSON .&. HIS ‘REDCAPS_ ‘THE CYCLONES. THE INTRUDERS: The: King of Rock a Roll. “BIL WALEY | “and his =: ~ comets : “ Sters of Columbia Pictures. . and Decca: ‘Records . THE BE-BOPS -JOEY & THE TWISTERS. THE MODERN. INKSPOTS ‘Bring i in 30,000: Visitors next, 30 -days led this week ‘by. the.|, National. Automobile’ Deaters ‘Assn. } with a--10,000. registration. ‘NADA’ Arlene Dahl Preps Her "|Londoa’s A ‘Burnett | ‘Acquires: Aussie Cafe} “A Burnett, operator of the Stork; Pigalle: ‘anid. Society, Clubs, London, catch:her act at ‘the Schine Inn, Chicopee; Mass;,. thinking ‘she was ~~ the | vet -s " Australia, dickering™ ‘for Kathryn: .Grayson.:* -The” usé¢ .of ..U.S..-names.: in “an ' Aussie cafe. is. Fegarded ‘as. feasible |: inasmuch . as_ ‘théatres -as -well:: as one-nighter promoters:. have. bee ‘on: extended. top. talent kicks.’ It’s -Tevarded .as: comparatively -easy to Gene. -Norman, ‘aiid Chi: Chi,: ‘Palm, Springs, also has béen: asked. to post> ; é ‘get ..a.:name. intga nitery once, ‘they’ ‘re in: the. country: -Burnett, ‘now in” Hawaii,: is: ‘ex: | pected in. New York: shortly... ee! Revoke: Philly's 5. : . Philadelphia, Feb. 6 oc: The: ‘Mb6n, Glo ‘Suppér ‘Club’ tae “had: ‘its. license. revoked . by. . the. State” Liquor ‘Control. Board. on] , “| charges. that the hanagement, -had:} .| permitted -rooms".to be * used * for ‘immoral purposes. . “AD | appeal. to the. ‘Superior. ‘Court’: was: turned | |down‘a year. ago: January and. in:| {September the appeals court. :de-|: shuttered: elimed to’ act ‘on. :a writ..of. stay | taken: ‘out by the: owners. of | the | ve “Boony” Secretary-treasurer ‘of. the corporation; as -well as a. ‘director: and baseball, Pitcher. Humberto Robin: orth: Moon-Gis" “has “figured in the. news. before. ° In.. September, 1959; -Friedman: was ‘arrested dur-| ing . a: vice... ring ‘investigation on: charges. ‘that -he was involved with girls. Although | Friedman was ac-. quitted,:. the’ probe. of the. Moon ‘Glo :resulted in other arrests’ and indictments by ‘the. Grand Jury. 4 |) Mason plays. his‘ first ‘Las Vegas ‘| the. Frolic, ‘Revere ‘Beach, : | __Wedacsdey. Februnry s a ae : Staff—Vaude : The: Lee Wiley, who disappointed critic George Frazier when he weit: to © inger Lee: Wiley, is the real. ‘thing, too.’She’s:a_ pianist . and: part: of a duo (with Bill Pollack) known: as The Smart Set..:Lee Wiley. is r real name: and: she. points sut that -there’s. also.a.male comedian arourd ‘named Lee Wiley. She's: now appearing at: the mperial, Hotel, ; around .30. years ago, are cancelling. number ‘of. engagements: due. to’. :ilIness—not. involving one of. the ‘vocalists ‘but.the wife “of. Herb Mills;... -who.will undergo serious stirgery in New York the middle of this month. Their: Feb.:14 engagement at -Crescéndo, . Hollywood; Was . Called off! when Henry: Miller, GAC-Coast. veepee.. explained” sittiation : to operator.. rpone: date ‘starting Feb. 26. the: Orient. Which. “Ralph Yeinpuku: ‘has: set up: “out”. ‘of Honolulu: also are: being cancelled: -In brief, act will not: ‘work. for | ‘several: months, Quartet:closed. at. Cave, -Vancouver, Saturday. (3). and ‘| one-nighters ‘which. would, Nave ‘paved. pathto Créscendo. likewise ‘are’ j-out:. Many years ago‘: ‘when: one: of -brothers. ‘died, their dad..stepped: : ‘in’ and subbed and hiatus from: tonsilling was’ very’ brief. When Herb: . : “| Mills. had ‘an -aperation.:: ‘several’ years: back Don's ‘son, » Don Jr., Bow ar ‘college student. in L. A. , Stepped in ‘and Pinchhit. a | Moon Glo License |: .., |. told’ Variety. several: weeks.‘ago. that he is préparing ‘an: act. based. on: George. Jessel, iongtime ‘pal: of. thé. late’ ‘AT Jolsoix. “said ‘that fhe” is : 18 “Seriously : -dpubtful": of the. claim: of. :a. Phoenix, Ariz., ‘entertainer. as being ‘Jolson’s..son by. his: first marriage.,The ¢claimant,, ‘Harry | Brown, : his: ‘father's. songs” and would: venture onto. the. cafe. cireyit: ‘with; it. in . the spring. “Jolie iold z : _ many times’ ‘that. he: loved. ‘children but tie couldn't have: them:” says Jessel, who ‘is, currently. ‘appearing at ‘the: Drake:: ‘Hotel: in: ‘Chicago.: “Tf fie :could ‘have had. children;“he wouldn't. have’ hadto. adopt “two -6£ ‘them..-He ‘adopted: one while married .toRuby. Keeler,..and I believe he.-adopted ° another’ during: his Jast ‘marriage. ‘In the: "40. years I knew: Jolie, and I ‘knew. him: well; 1 never: heard him. mention once this alleged ‘son’ "| *.. ' Jessel ‘said that: he saw ‘no ‘harm in anyoné. ‘doing. “Jolson s songs. a but: ‘that: ‘he ‘thought Brown would: do well. to ‘establish . ehis: Hinstip vs further before: fain on Jolson’s ‘hame. . mie! . Friedman, : ers -}Stoekholder, is serving. two to.five eS 7 ‘More thar -30 000 delegates ‘plug | ae Wee’ on twomonth, tour: of ‘Europe, on -playing <in. Helsinki.,. . Copenhagen, | New York,’ Kay: ‘Stevens goes: to. “the ‘Ble: gante, ‘Brooklyn, ‘March 16: Dave . Astor inked. for.’ Harrah's, Loridon Feb. 21..,:-.. Four-Lads do“ 10. daysat Hacienda,’ Fresno; -Cal.,. commencing’ June: 1° . phe: ‘Core. onados tee: off four-trame ‘roost -at. ‘Lake Tahoe, Feb., 1 a Jackie ‘date. at-. the: ‘Desert: Inn, . ‘Starting. Feb. 20. .-. Don ‘Cherry booked for |. Holiday, Rério, Feb. 15... . Hi-Lo’s the .. “Sands, Las © Vegas, . Lounge,| ang : ‘Peter Nero. will ‘gig “si g. Match, 3. April 25... Fisher: & Marks tO] at’ Pasadena: :Civic. ‘Aud. ‘Mel = “Mass.,. Torme does two -weeks at -Fivolt “ Nitlits ‘Bros, iw ‘what is 5 belteved the. hist time ‘Sinée. ‘act v ‘was s launéhed | ‘Stockholm; Amsterdam_ aiid: Paris’ . a | before :openirig. for: four weeks’ in wo | first time .in. her career... decade. ago.” 7 music .and -orch.’ She's . seeking. a. F ‘choreographer. eo . -‘Tampa,:Feb..11,.as head ‘of a: ‘pack: | sh Who .Prefer Blondes.” Included -‘in | soe {the cast.are Erik Silyu, Larry-Calla|: han, Joe Dumas; Bul ‘Smith. and. Lee : City” ‘Commissioners now. ‘Taust | ‘adopt or amiend.the plan, ‘then de-| ‘cide when: the. projects. ‘Shall be. ‘thischore, will: ‘concentrate: on. her =a Continned from page: 59° | ‘Nassaut,. qt it.a tourist ‘special. . | ‘business ‘an. Jamaica “during: “the! | Ocho. “Rios, os -gamibling. legislation, they. -could} || advertise’ the casirios sufficiently | : Opposition; They . feel” that. they *Nitery Debut in Veeas " Hollywood, ‘Feb. 6. ‘Arlene | ‘Dahl will :.make © her.|.’ Jackie. ‘Vernon, current at” the hitery © ‘debut’: March *-15" at ‘the Blue. Angel, signed. with. the “As-| Flaniingo Hotel: in Las: Vegas. She sociated. Booking Corp. Will Weber will. co-star with. Shelley Berman, . will, continue as personal manager and. sing.anddance onstage for, the ...:, Ronnie. Brown: opens ‘at. the = Embers. Marchi 19. “Miss: Dahl sang and hoofett’ ‘in:| Mitchell ‘on: their iath: appearance |: the; film, .“Three. Little Words,” at One. Fifth Ave.’. . 3s . Meg-Myles| 4 starring ° Fred Astaire, . about. 8 \‘and: Don. ‘Adlams-holding ‘another. -two ‘:weeks. at, “Room at: the:. Bottom ..... Shoshana Shoshan,, Israe singer, “pooked” ‘for an. ‘Australian, tour: by Eddie. Elkort ~ ~~ The ‘Clara: ‘Sid Kuller’ is staging hee ‘act and. |Serry : “Dojan is ‘in. charge: of. the ; ‘nitery’: ‘stand. at’: Birdland . starting T . Gomi Ginny: Tin’s S: AG Pkge. tomorrow (Thurs.) : omic Larry Child’ ‘pianist “Ginny Titi. Has ager Henry. ©. Brown: *: | been set for the Florida. State Fair, | : ——_———— age. “costing” ‘$7500 for six: days... Chicago © Miss: Tiu” recently . signed a. per| ‘Capt. George. . H: Palmer “House: tomorrow’ (Thurs.). Maines, ‘who .former rfo tate . erly : pe rmed: Living Room, “Chi; [three weeks., . . Patricia’ Marana: at. ‘the Shertaton-Blackstone ‘unti | Feb. 26 . Enzo “ Stuartt: play three weeks’ ‘at the’ Drake. Hotel ‘| starting Friday: (9). |: Billy Falbo ‘skedded’ for ‘the’ Liv. ‘ling: Room, : Chi,’ ‘April . 16 . for: "10 publicity... Jamaica blessings ‘to use it. as an ‘ddvertised | lure: ;The same" situation Applies to. -‘where ‘there | gaming, but. not’ enough ‘to: ‘three weeks..: _ some} fortnight .. The rapid: ‘growth: of the. hotél. ‘two -weeks. . for ‘eight: days. ° inked forthe. ‘Southern. Club; Hot: “Springs; Ark., “March: 29: ‘for two -weeks’ : zm club March a9 for’ a. w eek: : ‘past ‘few years, ‘particularly around | has’: increased :; the| ‘agitation for:: green baize. Aables.The -irinkeepers .feel that. ‘with’ new. ~ Hollywood to: provide: Puerto Rico with:.more] . Cedrone: & |. |} Ward:. ‘Gospel. ‘singers :: playing“ a. : | Wilde signed : with: ‘personal. Map: Xavier’ -Cugat: “and. ‘Abbe: ee sonal . ‘management’ -contract with. open a. ‘three-w eek: stand. at: the | Butz: .& “Loeb. Lisa Kirk plays the same|J. a: 5: Blackout Books 3-2-5. Each -Jitie. London’ booked: into vanlf ~.f [Peb.-11'.. ,Sam. Cooke plays :a Theatre, Stockholm; : opening’. . | pair. : of. vauders,-” the’: Howard, June * he on ‘Washington; March 23; and: the _ oe corny ‘Royal, Baltimore, . March 30°: “|. Laurelle . Stallings starts tomarrow " WOVELER TROUPES TOUR?” ] (Thurs.)at the. Hotel..New Yorker.’ Ottawa,.Feb. 60 Winnie -Haveler ‘Dancers ‘closed’: ‘Saturday. (3): after.’ month’ .atthe. ‘Tamanaco in’ -Caracas; Venezuela; ‘to go". “to: ‘the. -Curacao,, ‘Intercon-.. tinental. 7 Group is ‘set ‘for’ a: -tive-nation’ tour. ei: ‘South: ‘America: “starting. 1. on. Burns & Carlin set for: the | 3m Féb:* 26°: tor.| Gam Show folks | are: ‘raving “about the. .all new-Hotel Avery. All new, . = *darge,. beautifully furnished déi luxe: roonis with: private:bath, tel-. vision rs fadio. Air. conditiening. : | days, followed. by. Totie Fields for. BS cocs .. Patachow goes: into |? ane | the . Draké‘Hotel April -25° for a | . Jo Ant Var down: for ‘make ; Le" Cabaret, Toronto,’ ‘March: 5 ‘for. |: .-Earl Grant set. fdr. , the. ‘Paddock, “Edmonton, Feb, 1biP ‘Vivian’ Blaine |{ ott, FUN-MASTER fas ‘PROFESSIONAL. an “COMEDY. MATERIAL 7 “Por every Sranch of. theatricals "AWE SERVICE: THE STARSIN®: 9 -|: me LD Gag. ‘files ‘sts, plus ‘$t. “postage : 7 oe “BOREIGN: 35’ for $30 . : ° 3 Parody. ‘Books, ‘per a gle . “ “No. f for $33 $3. BER Soir" : the gg €.0; : BILLY: GLASON ©. have . the facilities, . all: thes need! Springs’. Chi: Chi’: Feb, -26 for 10} w R ! r Ew I R EP H C] N ie fas the: permission. | days.. . ¥,Mort. Sahl returned: for} “260% Ww. Séth -St.,. NLY-C: 19,. €o 51916: (We TE —_—_—_—__ tard at: FE: h r ACH MC‘ d-..COME es a "Exclusive Booking: “SYRACUSE SPOT'S ‘JATZ: ©) ie tated th show oe bo Beery Alef” 9 real, :Prafessional. train a ae Jolly Joyce A ge ney ; : Phe. Casablanca; ’ ‘Syracuse, -yilt| ‘As Ashton operis new. : revue. at. ‘Bim-}. | continue: with a: jazz. policy. followbo's, . Frisco, “March -2 Guy, “i ing: several’ weeks ‘of -experimenta-: |. Lombardo ‘orch set ‘for : ‘Sept. ‘2Tie | |:tion, Spot. recently’ appointed Wynn} Oct.: :10-at Harrah's, Lake.Tahoe :.. . aa | Lassner-Jinimy ‘Schure ‘as -bookers: ‘The. ‘Smothers Bros. open one-week It has: set’ Kai’ Winding for-Feb. |:stand., atthe. Troubadour Feb. -10 = | 12; Henry: Red ‘Allen. ‘Feb: 26,: ‘and ..’.. Tony Martin inked for. .repeat |}. " I Pony: -Pastor’for March 19. ‘Operengagement : “at Eden’ Roc ‘Hotel, || . Address: ‘GEO, SCHILLER VAN: JOYCE, Publ icity.” ators.. pe “Virginia © & Teddy “Miami , Béach,: where he closed: Jan|t ‘ara Milleborg, 0 Detrojt 4 i Mich. ae | Genovese... oh, ae ne 35,. starting ‘Mareh. 14 ote +Bobby. A: oe New N: Y. Office: . we, 58 Ww. 48th St. 2nd Fle Plaza 7-1 786, ‘Plana a 530" “Philadelphia: wens 1001. Chestaut St, Walnut 24677 NORMAN JOYCE, Gen. Mgr. FOR’ SALE Over, 000 Bits, B 0: 8, Sketches: Scenes: wks "Will Seli A : ’