Variety (April 1962)

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:., , “Hunza “is: rated “hotsy.. ‘ Carniegle | +, Gug ‘of: reissues, “Julius Caesar”. > and “Lust For Life,” shapes neat. | * -! $irat Found for Monroe tandem of: 7 ‘ion ers’:looms $0-s0.:. a, World In My-Pocket”’ is rated tame: "1. Oriental second while “Forever |: “1 My. Love’ looms: good for same] 2; gesh at Esquire:~ Third ‘stanza of|“ " "2° “Four: Horsemen” is holding swell ay -. "at State-Lake. 5 nes int “Ohildrén’s. ‘Hour Hig still sturdy} "fn. sixth Woods . -stanza.“Walk On Wild Side” ‘is notching ‘astout _; -#eventh at the® Roosevelt... “La. 7 Belle-Americaine” ~: is. lively. in "Cinema seventh... “Lover. Come i: * “Back”. ‘continues: hotsy | in. elgthth cr ‘Chicago: ‘canto 7 woe Story” “remains ‘powerful -in’ sixth a aa round, .atid 16th,’ frame of’ © gt 80) —"“Julius ©. : Caesar” (MGM); st. -@nd “Lust: For Life”. (MGM) . (re *. fssues),: Neat $3,700... Last week, “Double Bunk” (Teited, $3,500... a 2 $3.50)——"EI: Cia” ¢(A‘A)® (16th: ‘wk)." wy i $8,500" ‘or . neat. . _ Last, -week, “$10.00 ae wk). Slick $3, 700. : Bast | ‘week, giles 'So-"Forever: My. Love’: 2 MPa) Q:wid.” ,Good $8,000; Last or eek $i4 ‘: @indie).... Hotsy. $14,000. .Last. week, ae “Pisioechio™ (BY) “(reissue) (6th: 7 wk), $9,500 “Tea Corde _! 4-6 and: the fact that To Ise Hour” (UA) (2d wy, . $6,500. A qgere: hiatnigeed. for’ ‘the. See pein. : * .. 2yaeation, is adding up to brisk | ‘Twin’ Drive-In (Cin-T-CO). ‘(800 . activity. at . downtown .. “wickets;: Only... exception to the ho. ‘pattern’ ’'-* $3: United: Artists. where. reissued’ .*..“Iyanhioe” and “Knights ‘of Round. ’ . Mable” shape fine...:“El | Cid”in‘! .° , sixth at the Brown: “Lover ‘Come }: !. Back” -(U)tn. ninth at. the: Ken. = ‘tueky; and.“‘Hey, Let's’ Twist” ‘and. ts 7 #“Twist ‘Around -Clock,’”’ still: hefty] .. * im second ‘at the: Ohio: all“are hold) a ing: up: well; . 25 @12§.99)-—"EL Cid” (AAD: (6th: wk). “2 Nite . $6,000 topping Aifthweek's oH és 25)=—"Lover: Come.” Back”. (0)| J (Oth wk)... ‘Laree: 86, 500 ‘after an Sslghen, week's $6,000. © es. : ary *. -.€1;100: ° 15-$1: 25)". “Four. Horse ” ¥ J safter_ second’ week's: $7,500. : a “fey, Let's’ Twist” (Par) and: a we Lively : $7,000. °. Last: week ers 25-$2:50)—"'South Seas Adven“= ture? « “Ginerama) “(12th vl owk), | . ‘Helped . ‘teachers’: convention and: ethok holidays, good $6, 000; The. 1lth week.was same: £8; oor, 95-$1.25)..:=--.-“Ivanhoe” | : “" yDable".. (MGMy : (reissties).: Fine |: “Sword” (UA). and “Clown: and ons Big”. (UA), “sami. a a . ee “Lover... Come “Back”. (U) (8th ve Wk)... Sparkling : : $18, 000. Last} Tis week, $21,000 . Sa Tee hai TunDampen Bay Bat ot pt nice ~ PROV; ‘OUTSIDER’ 436] Nall "alipens : it | la : ATH How’ Hot | ‘early, with most .mainstemmers| ‘Plas : : ster Stageshow Lively IMG; . 7 a : | ty 186; in Sth starting to-‘mark‘time for the. holi-| “ _ Seiecee sire Bird Great 386, 2b Walk 2G, 7th offo wae GOOD $5,000 “‘Pre-Easter ‘doldruris ‘getting . ‘in|. Kinge"”is ‘fairly good. -Elmwood,; : no ae . as ee . = Wad. fourtii, week of ram ony ‘With. only’, ong neweoier’ of ma‘opens: ‘the. night. of: April 17,. with cas ” es. fair. | for importance launched and.unfe-| regular run starting April il 18. © Bstimnates: ‘Are: Net | gees ‘ound of ‘Outsider is -vorable Weather’ cutting into the| Embassy (Guild Enterprises) ” im ‘gross ‘estimates: ‘as Te okay -weeked, . Broadway. firstrun busti(500; $1.50-$2:50)—“‘La Dolce Vita” ". parted ‘therewith :from the vari© | ""Ratimates ‘for This Week: "J néss continues” very “spatty. this (Astor): (18th. wk).: The. 17th stanza _ tround. All day rain: and: high winds ‘Saturday..(7) hurt trade ‘that prize. biz ‘day while more rain. Monday e|" ous key cittes, ‘are’ net; Le.,. | without ; Jasual ‘tax. . Distrib. ak -Albeo. (RKO): (2, 200; -: "85-90)-—= -gitors share on net take, when’ -F“Qutgider” (U): and.,“Nearly Nasty Loop "pale of. * Marizinia — _-playing: ‘percentage; hence the ° Accident” (UY (2d: wk). Oke : $4,500 (9). along ‘with.-a. threat of same ‘ _| | after’$7,000 in opener.. aint figures are. met Ane |” ‘Elmwood: : (Snyder): (qa. 75 wickets: took. a. heavy. ‘toll: at the |. cet tt oo ; . The “parentlietic. “admission Sin wo, "Good $6,000 ates Ae Easter’ stagethow with Disney| in -third. land, : featured’ plus’ after $38,000 for 15th round. One’ prices, ‘however, “as. ment ‘ta, 7 v : An lus | atte ae include’ uu Ss: “amusémen a pt: “Moon :Pilo ee a. sney pie on the a morning matinee was. An| asi: (SW) (12.200; 65-00)— |-sereen,. ia ‘heading for.a lofty $150,| cluded in both weeks. | ~ 4 “Siege of ..Hell: Street” ° Riad 000. or ‘near opening: week’ at the ‘“ Forum. (Moss) (813: 90-$1. 80) — | Fair: $5,000.. Last week, “Light An. ‘Music Hall. ‘Satan in High Heels” (Indle) (3d. “| Piazza”, (MGM), $7,000: . “Many Ways to Sin,” playing the | wk). This ‘round. finishing’ tomor}: ‘State (Loew) *(3,200; '€0-$1, 73)— -pandbov. ‘World; is‘ heading. for-.a | Tow. (Thurs.). looks to get good oo “King of. Kings’: (MGM) (4th. Wk). sock $18,000.’‘on . initial : session: Stor 136 Fairly. good $7,500." _ Third. was “Sweet Bird ‘of Youth”: held: with ncy;, ry. 1-$8,500.. . ‘| great $58,000 in’ -secorid stanza, 7, “Strand. (National. Realty), (2:20: daydating. the Capitol. and Sutton. “Gincinnat!, April: 105" 85-90)——“Guris ‘of Navarone”(CoD| “Satan. in® High Heels” ‘shapes Film: ‘biz outlook here’ this week |-and: “Hustler”. (20th) ‘ (feissues). ‘good ‘$8,500. ‘in third -week. at. is. firm’.in: face of ‘Season opener |-So-so. $3,000. ‘Last. week, “Victim” | Forum. . -“Wailk ‘on. Wild Side” ts for " National:: ‘League champion: Indie) .and. “Fear. No: ‘More’’. ine downto smooth’ $27,000 in seventh :Ciney. Reds “Monday: (9) “with. -tra-" die), $8.200;: was 2! geggion daydating. the’. Criterion “ditional. advance: “Crosley. Field j= °" +s | Se tteeeay Hill. This includes two sellout: befitting: the. birthplace” Of) ce oo extra days: at Crit.‘pro:. Daséball, -‘Only. . ‘ marquee "he ce am me be Oe a: oo . “State Fair” preemed last nigtit changes. currently are “All Fall”. Ta OA a, poo “(Tues.): at the Paramount; . with -Down,”: ‘rating trim -take at the o {regular run‘starting. today at. -Palace,: and’ .“Big ~ Country’” rie n | State and Murray. Hill.-Criterion “Thunder :Road”. bidding. ‘solid for : | brings: in “Experiment in. ‘Terror” “ Loldies “at ‘the ‘Grand. * “Sweet. Bird |Frisco: Bird T next “Friday: (13) ‘ “fof: Youth” looks :okay in -second | ». “| “Children’s Hour”. hit nice $22,~ ‘round at. ‘Albee. “Breakfast: at Tif|’. Lote “San Franeisco, ‘Apri: 10:.; 12 500. id fou rth. to un d daydating the ”. fany *g” wae. be z gubruns al 3 Fitstruns. arated currently. are a Astor and Trans-Lux:52¢ St. “Cape twin. Drive-bit uneven. * However, “Swee : . ‘Art. Its in second ‘at latter: “West of Youth” still is great in‘.second F ear’ goes into the ‘Victoria and | round at the Stagedoor. while “Day | 7 ‘Earth ‘Caught. Fire”: ‘continues nice ‘pla ‘Side .Story” -holds in:.-great. style. third : week... “Walk -on Wild. Bice’. . ::{in second. at Golden Gate. Reissue. 4 combo: of “Guns of Navyarone”. and. is, ‘good. in: second -at Keith’s.. “Breakfast at Tiffany's”. looks: ‘good completed : yesterday (Tues.) was ‘big. $9, 500° after $10,000 for. 16th ‘Week, -Continues: -. .. Palaoe.(RKO) (1, 642: $1 .50-$3. 50) —"Judgment at Nuremberg” (UA). 13th wk). The 16th week. finished last night. (Tues.) was. wow $37,500 ‘tlost ‘Wanted .. Man’. and. “Five “AILFall Down" is nailing. a. nitty | : ind round at the United Artists.| ¢ Fall’ Trim $9, 00, Finger ' Exercise” (Col) : Opens April 19. ‘Paramount (AB-PD). (3, 685: $1$2)—"State Fair (20th). Opened. last. night. (Tues.) with a ‘benefit ‘preem, with ‘regular run: star today. (Wi Ave.” (20th) : (2d. wk-6 days), yan thin. -$14,000:. after : $20,000 for . ‘opener, -Radie City ‘Masie. ‘Hall (Rockefellers) (6,200; .95-$2:75)—"‘Moon Pilot” (BY) and Easter stageshow featuring Disneyland, U.S.A. First | session’ ending today (Wed.) is heading for .a lofty $150,000 or jclose.. Holds, natch! ‘Last: week, “Rome | ’ Adventure” (WB) -with stage show (3d wk),. $115,000." Rivoli (UAT) {1 545: $1. 3.50) —"West ‘Side. Story” (UA) (25th. ). This-. week ending. .today (Wed.) , looks. like | vham” $40,000 after $42,000 for. 24th round. Stays. State’ (Loew): (1,900; $1.50-$2.50) . —“All Fall Down” (MGM). Opens Horsemen (MGM) (Sth at-8 decay orsemen” Ww. a . sion at -the Palace while -““West| mild © $12,000 after $14,500 Tor Side Story* ::is: ‘heading for big | fourth full. week. 1-$40,000or. closé in: current: (25th) |. ‘Vieteria (City Inv.) (1,003; 80. round at vith 17000 ok Cid” in arated Earth Caught Fire”. (U) s: lusty. or. hear | th, week at: the Warner, “Continued” pn. page 24) Ratimates for This Week... " Astor (City Inv.) (1, 094; 15-$2)— 7 Brava’ Blah $10,000 In “Toronto; ‘Lover’ Mighty 226, 34; ‘Judgment’ 106 a *rorbiite,. April 10, Only. mewcomer is: 1"La Notta Of the hardticketers; “West: Side Cid”. “1s. okay. at the” Cine: * Ratimiates. ‘for phis’ "Week: Garnegle {Telein’t) © (495; $1356 ‘Chicago (B&K) (3,900; : 90-$1.80). : feurtl week, Sooke. okay $18,300. “Cousterfeit’ Traitor” opens the: night of | ‘April 17 at.-thé: DeMille.“ : | “Judgment... at” Nuremberg”. looms ‘wow $37, 500. for 16th ses-1 Estimates for. This We ek ; : Albee (RKO): (3 ;100; -$1-$1. $0) “Ciuestage. (Todd) (1,088; $1.75" at Paramount in first. “West Side:Story” is rated. excal: “Sweet Bird of :Youth". (MGM). (3d. Tent in 17th: ‘round. at the United. “Artists: wk); om $9, 900, « “Last, “week, | “Judgment:“ Nurem ‘bere” ‘Yooms ‘good in sixth at Gore Capitol “gW-Cineramna) -, 400; $1 50-$2)—"Judgment ; ‘at: :-Nurem‘berg (UA) (8th wk) ‘Fair’ $5,500 "$6,000. ‘pickup, in. seventh. week, to os Batimates for: ‘This Week: | Esquire (H&E. Balaban). “@ 350; | Rsquir Art: (Ciktec Co). * (506; sft Golden Gate. (RKO) (2, 859;. $1.28r» $1.50)—“Day ‘ Earth. ‘Ca tight F $i. 25)—' ‘Victim (Indie): (2a. -wk). (UY: ‘and: “Six. Black. -Horses” : Ww) Good. ‘$1,100, Last week, $1,500. | 194 wi. Nice 12,000: or. close. Last |, Grand. (RKO): (¥,3003$1-$1.25)— week, $17,00 4 "Children’s “Hour” -(UA): ‘6th: Wk). Country,’ (UA) .and -“Thun= |. ‘Fox ewer. (4 651; $1: 25:$1 $0)—= Fourth ‘week -completed ‘yesterday'|. ecard UA) rte) Sl |g Kine AGO, | uct Was nce Hest oe er men” (MGM) "(3d. wk),-$5,500, | Not. go: ‘good ‘$7500... Last week, $18,000 for: third ‘session. $9, {Capitol (Loew): (4,820: $1-$2,50) | og Sa 4 £300; Ps 25)—| ‘Waifield:. (Loew) 2 1856; ‘ ¢198“Bweet Bird of Youth” (MGM) ‘(3d Pleasing $1,600. Last: week, $1,700. Ga wb. ‘Slow 3008 bait we W t holdover: round: ended | yesterday (Tues.) was great $40,000 | ‘Hyde Park Art (Cin-T-Co). (500; $12,000, or néarafter: ‘$00, 000 for Anitial in three-house Rank conibo. How"|$1.25). — “Breakfast“at Tiffany's” |" Borameuat (Par). :(2,646;: $125 ‘week... 4 ever, some ‘holdovers are slick. | eros ‘Gibran), ea Bop, S04 | $1.50—"Guns. of ‘Navarone’ (Cob |-“Criterion. (Moss) (1,520; '$125-|"Loyer Come Back,” in third ; I$ leeline G Cin Gay" r 500: " 90-. and. “Breakfast .at Tiffany's” (Par): $2. 50)—"“Walk on Wild: Side” (Col).| stanza, is leading. the city wi th a. ‘$1.25)—"Walk: On” “Wild. “Side”: Laat week, “Hor $10 ad or over. (8th. wk). .Seyenth: session. end¢d| mighty. take at Loew's. “Satan ; ‘yesterday ({Tues:) ‘was smooth ~| Never Sleeps’ in second: frame is. | Gob (ea. wk). Good $7,000, after.) Fenctys"-(Indie)., arid .. “Monster” | 000: after -$23,000. for sixth. Week, rated big at Imperial. “Judgment 1 $ opener. Indie), $13,000. 7 a ‘Stays-‘only a ‘couple of. days in | at. Nuremberg” looms. great in ~ Palaeg (RKO! ca. $1.21" St. Francis (Par) (1,400; $1-$1.75). eighth ‘week’ to oben “eae | eighth. round at. the University. $9, 00D: Last’. ek... “Children’s ; —"F anny”. (WB) and. “Splendor. in. in’ Terror’ ” (Col). on. Friday (13). , “Estimates. for This ‘Week re * Grass” (WB) (reissues), Trim $8-|. DeMille (Reade) (1,463; 90-§2.75)| ’ Carlton; "Danforth, Humber . wie: § ree Gt oar kon deOeo. — — "View From Bridge” (Cont) (1th. (Rank) (2,318; 1,328; 1,203;: con Gune wk), 1.50)—"La Notta ” (Col). cart, SOc) West side only: “Guns | nited Arti#ts:(No: Coast) (1.351; |e oa ending ‘torsorrow | gad $10,000. Last week, “Walk on | fast_ at ‘Tiffany: s”-(Par) (subruns), ha 59-$3)-— West Side"Story’ (ua) (Thurs.) : after. $11,000 ~ for... 10th |:Wild Side” (Col) (3d wk), Carlton : ck “Be. | __(Contiaud ‘on, page 024i. week. “Counterfelt “Traitor” {Par) | 0 only, $8,000 Swell "$5,000." . Last’. week; “Bes | _* —— bbs ———____— 2 Eglinton (FP) : (919; $1.50-$2.50) frayed” (MGM) and. “Bad. Day ‘st —“Holiday in Spain” (Indie) (16th Black Rock™~ ‘(MGM).. “{reissues) | ¢ Sas wh Sturdy $6,000. Last week, “Sphitadlephia, ‘April "0. uf S oa “rp Bernadine gi ) ep die). and -“Berna ie” (In e)(reJS ‘Hollywood (EP) 4, 080; ‘$1-$1 50) issues), .: $4,000, “Breakfast ‘at Tiffany’s (Par) Va7th wh... Big: $6,000. Last ‘week, Deine: showers : which. dumps AG -lened weekend biz,. most: ‘situations: : o ‘shape. good -. currently. : “Mon |. "Valley. (CineT-Co) (1,275: “$1 ed =] S220— West. ‘Side’. Story” (UA) | | $8 500: 3d. -.. wk) Maintaining * «. hotsy |. ‘Hyland (Rank. (1,357: $1-$1.50) aoe (Indie) Gd ‘wk. Sad | $4,500 . Last. week, .$5,500.— -Pilot,’”. lone newcomer, . is soaring: toa. ‘boffo ‘total. at “Stanton: walk * Lon. Wild Side!?* “still: As. torrid. in $13, ‘000° tempoof: last. week, -whieh } was: same as. opener. . fe $ ‘Imperial (FP) (3, 206; $1-$1.50)— Randolph: (Goldman) @: 200: ‘ps-| “Satan Never Sleeps” (20th) (2d | $1:80)—“Children’: 3” Hour” (UA): wk). Big $15, 000 or ‘near: Last. (3d: qk. ‘Nice. $10, 000. Last, week, “Trade.” is -very. uneven here. -cur| second “at: Viking. rently: despite ‘launching’ -of some:|“Sweet. Bird : of. Youth”: ‘contin: ‘néw -screen., fare. :“Sweet:. Bird .of ‘des’ ‘sharp in ‘third: round .at:Stan .. Cinema ' (Stern): (500: $n 50% ’ Belle Amercaine’?. (Cont): (1th: 000; -: Loop. (Telem't). (606: ‘gt. 25-1 B05 —"Marizinia”: (Indie) and.“Hunza” . Monroe Woven)’ rn 000; 88590) (Continued. on page 24)" oA ville; El Cid’: Hen 66; “Lover” Loud 636; Oth Louisville,” ‘April 10.* annial: convention of: Kentucke |. ‘Estimates for: ‘This ‘Week Brown (Fourth. _Avenue):: (900: * | Port: Slow But Bid’ 000, u “Ss tow)... G00: 5 | “Kentitcky .(Switovs ‘Loud $4,500; Hour’ GAG Portland, ‘Ore: ay. ‘April: 10." Andersen (People’ *s). nien” (MGM) (3d wk): ‘Oke. $6, 500: nited Artists: (Fourth. Avenue): ‘ (MGM) arid : “Knights ° -of Round : : week, $15,000 . $14,000 "+ -Jniternational “ (Taylor) (557;. ‘$1"Stanley (SWI. “(2,5003. -95-$1: 80)—= $1. 25) — “La Belle Americaine”. “Sweet Bird of Youth”. (MGM) :(3d ae Fast, ‘$12,000. Last: . “week, |" Last. week, ‘same. Youth”. is rated lusty in|ley. “Lover Come Back” :continues '$15,00 Loew's (Loew): ‘a 641; $1-$1 50) Guild. * ‘while. “Children’s Hour’’|to: amaze by.racking up a. stout Stanton: (Sw) “a B43: $5-$1. 80)— —“Lover Come Back” (U). (3d-wk). Ohie . (Settos) (900; | “15-$1. 25)— | shapes. hefty .on initialer at Irving-| total in ninth--session. at. the “Ar| “Moon: Pilot”. (BV),. Boffo $15,000] Still leading. city, with . nightly ; | ton: “Journey: toSeventh» Planet”. | cadia. “Children’s. Hour” stilt. is or near, ‘Last. week, “Premature | turnaways, to wham $22,000. Last is.oKay-in‘first. at Orpheum: “Lover | nice: in third ;atRandolph.’ ; Burial”. (AD. (24 -wk),, $9,500. : | week, $25,500: Come:.Back” continues its Jongrim | | Estimates -for . This. ‘Week| * Studio (Goldberg): (383: '95-$1: 80). Tivoli (FP) (935; ‘$1. 50-$2. 50)—. -/ at, Broadway, being’ lofty i Arcadia‘: (S&S) ..(622:; ‘95-s1801--|. =<"Never.On Sunday) (Lope) and| “El Cid". €AA) ‘ (16th. wk). ConTe talto (Fourth: Avenue). “(E, 100; . ighth:. .|“Lover Come Back” : (U): (9th. wk). “Cold. Wind‘ in: August” (UA). Oke| sistent $7,000. ‘Last week, ditto. : ‘Estimates for This: Week: ‘| Stout $9,000. Last week, '$10,000.:”| $3,500. Last week,, “Two: Women" ‘Towne (Taylor) ' {693;. 90-$1.25).. . Broadway’ (Parker) |; (1,890; “sil! E Boyd (SW) 1,536;"-$2-$2:75)— (Embassy): ‘{reissue),,.$3.000.. j—“Light {n Piazza” (MGM) (4th | $1: 50) =~ “Lover ‘Come ‘Back’"” (U): “Judgment: .at: “Nuremberg” (WA). : Trans-Lux. (T-L) (500: 95-$1. $0) | wk):.: “Strong... SS, 000, . Last’ week,. ‘and “Desert. “Patrol”: (Ut {8th “wK). {mh wn Good $11, 500. Last week, —"“Light: in. “Piazza” (MGM): (Sth | $6 6,000.. Lusty. $5,000. Last: week, -$5,200. . }-$13,00 awk) ‘Fair $4,000. Last .weéek,. $4.500. |: University (FP) a 383; "$1.25-$2) ‘Cinema ‘21° (Foster) -(650;. $1.50) |": Fox ° Niilgrinn) (2:20: 95-$1 80) |Viking (Siey) (1,000; ":95-$1.80)——| —“Judgment at’ Nuremberg” (UA): —“The :‘Mark”’ {Cority :(Zdwk). “Four Horsemen”: (MGM) :(3d: wk): |.““Walk on ‘Wild Side” (Col): (2d wk).| (8th_wk), Big. ‘$10,000. Last week, ‘Good $2,500. Last:: week, $3,100. :. Fair $8,000. ‘Last ‘week, $12,000.-:Hotsy $14,000... Last. week, $20,000. $10,500. Fine Arts (Foster) (426: $1-$1.50).|-. Goldman (Goldman). -'(1.000;: $2-|" World." (R&B-Pathe} (499; 95-|. -Uptown: (Loew) (2, 543; $1-$1.50 i ‘Murder,‘She Said’. (MGM) ahd: $2. 75)——“E}Cid” (AA) (16th -Wk).. $1. 80)—"Viridiana” (Indie) (2d. —“Outsider” (0) (2d wk). Still. ‘“The': Millionat“ess’” (MGM) -(rels‘Nice $7,500.” Last: week; $8,000...” | wk)..: ‘Neat: $8.20 200." “Last. week, slow . $5, 000: ‘after last week's * ,.Wontinued on ‘page aay: Be J / Midtown Goldman) A200: at -$4.000.: . \$7500-: -$8,000-or close. Last week, ‘Magic $9,500:'-or close: after $11 000. for .. 2 second week. Holds until Five a “Brava,” which is off to a dull start: . .. (ID) (3d .. wk). Staunch_ $4,000. wees