Variety (April 1962)

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Getting Bigger See of Fla. Lin BS iow eet ee 7 ee In Febi om be dour “@id [eon picture production. His resig|. . badour Productions, ruaty, rou a ination reportedly is not ‘to take| goer and nitery. producing out. sellout date *with the the -planist | at Sib geaitie, April 1 . 7 pe : “Automated “teaching: machines” wo toe will be used in the Federal Sotence .:: .| Pavilion: at~the ‘World's. Fait here: ” '| to‘ assess. the impact:.of ‘sclentifie : | exhibitions ‘on: spectators... °.. ~ Perhaps similar machines. ‘and. techniques: could | assess . spectator reaction to ‘stage shows, dramas of: place unt June.4 but he will probSt i Eas . headed by Peter Rachtman, is| Town Hall. Several other: outings | soon as he consum-| “expanding its activities. Currently | are planned for: the: area in the mates certain: pending talent nego-| New CafeLe fall. | tlafions, ‘It’s understood that both ‘Rachtnian will continus ‘to head ‘Siegel and -GAC . President: ‘Law-| }| quarter in New York but will shut-f rence W.. Kanaga did Hot want | tle. back: and forth to Florida for ‘Krasny to.resign, ©: various events there. Barbara |: Weber. has been named to. handle publletty’ out ofS New York. « $t. Louis, April Sy ee Dan. “Daily “will star in Guys: and © Dolls,”-. which will. Jauneh™ a After. the: ‘evolution of. “General new ‘efttertainment “policy: at. the. Amus. Corp. . to. General: Artists Sheraton Jefferson Boulevard . }Corp.. and the present GAC ‘parent,. startin turday. (21): os prexy ‘Kanaga and Sfeget: made a Foon Toatering danes.” “bands Success—or » -failure—of shows. vs deal about two years ago for: sale| and : occasional: name acts, the}”:Basic idea in use‘of the: machines a AS dominant control. to -BaldwinBoulevard’ will follow. the: three% Montrose; ‘This included Mis. Tom‘week run of “Guys .and: Dolls” ‘with. ‘}my Rockwell's holdings, since ‘the |simitar Yruis ‘for. “Can-Can”...and. . |: widow ofthe founder had. a dont: “Pal. Joey,” also: headlining: names: ‘inant ‘block ‘of the-stock.-; |-: New policy is a break for budget‘|. Deal :included .. stock swap. “and watchers.” ‘The. $6.25: tab on week. ‘| ecapital gains . potentials. for. key.| nights’ and $7.50 on ‘weekends in|-execufives,. among them Krasny, |:cludes:. dinner, complete. show and Krasny -became executive .vicepresdancing. : ident of the. company in. 1947. He}. was... president ‘of: the Cleveland local:,of the “American : Federation ae Fair's Food Fare are | | From He to $10 | tapped. for. a post a at GAG. Seatile, ‘April: 12: | dinner in the sky for: $10... Those lare the. lowest’ and highest. food: “Pitisbur 2 April. 17,-: ‘| prices set for the. Seattle ‘World’s’ Potkstages Pete eeger finally] Fair, ‘with many. snacks and meals. ‘got: in. two concerts: at: the. first ranging ‘between. Unitarian ~Church hers .Monday|: The .35c: hamburgers” ‘will: te. -| (16): after :public ‘pressure’ forced. those from ‘coin..machines; kiosk cancellation of ‘his show.on WQED{ burgers will be 40c. ‘The:$10. dinner. .and the local YMHA: He asked: the | will be ‘about tops in the. Eye..of ‘local: promoter to ‘change|the ‘Needle restaurant atop: the torium other . than» Jatter,, Hence ‘Space Needle. The. Eye will -also. thechurch ‘date.: ‘havea special complete dinner for.| cameras will alsé:.photograph the’ ’-This. started: ‘organized ‘picketing $6.50; rest of menu a:la carte. .| crowd: flow. and record interest fn: by students tie ot of. Bing net art, officials say. there: will be. displays... . Teading,::“ Freedom. Ring, }: aces the. grounds, }” --tnforview th Seeger: Sing.” plus. the-Food Fair, ‘which will con-. intern inortiatin Wil be ti iar ete received | A standing on tan. som 50 to: Si cafes and food: tronie computer laboratory. Interore ‘an r o ‘| bars,serving eve ngfrom’ po a" shows .at. the .church which" -was|pies--to barbecued salmon,’ -panest_in results has been expressed. -full: for . ‘both : “Performances, -for'| cakes, : scones .andcotton ‘candy: $3,000 gross.. Doe . ‘| Another two--dozen:‘food .stalls in tions will be presented. . he’ new -office will be ‘in Or: Jando ‘and Alan Avdoyan has been named to direct and coordinate activities there, reporting to Racht_man. . Troubadour. has been active | in the area in recent months on 8 sporadic "basis, operating Jargely'| out. of New York. This move. is]: designed to enable the outfit to] «Am | better coordinate a series of events .. Weve . planned for the area. Pots = in: . spZtoubado ix stings eal wih a ph eee 6 Langford Ho e : \ to present acts for its 300-seat enSeattle . World's . Fairgrounds has | booked” acts ‘for the. club's. nightfertalmment eta {ihe first book: club area, with opening show SaturVaughn Montoe; May 2-5. Judging day (21) to: have ite, And Joh from how this show works out,. Shots, Andrini . Bros. «an “Scat” ‘Davis. and combo:”.. ‘-.. more talent will-be set on a once-| @-month, ‘one-week-show basis. . The. C-21: ‘Club, . with 150 mem The outfit also has aii arrangeI ment with the Starlite Motel, oo how hited vaio lung, er Rachtman. has a iready. resented, ing 256, in the tacee Shein e euill “1. comic Dave Gardner there, as well | room.. Clubwas: designed as: al 4s. Dagmar... On May 21-26, he‘ will | meeting and: relaxing place for fair _ offer comedian Charlie Manna with exhibitors, Seattleites . and ‘visiting another act and on July 9-14 Bill | yipg..: Dana (Jose Jiminez)will be pre-. . MelAnders on, ‘entertainment sented with another act. A bOOk~| director for the : club, sald club {ng is being worked on. for June would be the “prestige” ‘booking 49. Rachtman is also discussing | tor the fair.. It is the only spot on with the Starlite the possibility: of. the. grounds that’ will be’ booking @ 52-week presentation deat for] acts. Other" hows, suchas the|“Names once a ‘month and semiParadise International, Spanish names the other three weeks. Village, Peep Backstage, etc. will ‘In addition. to these. Florida have ‘set. shows for. run.of the fair. deals, Troubadour is planning” aj -Other acts set for the club in-| ‘eoncert season, beginning in the clude: Arthur Lyman combo, June fall, for the Orlando-Tampa: area:| 4-30; The’. Pars and Pattie, ‘May. with the possibility. of also going 28-Jutie 18; The Lancers,. May 28into Daytona, Jacksonville. and | June 16 and Jack Ross, June 14-27. _other such cities. Im the past few |. Anderson: ‘said plans. call: for}. three acts‘ in ‘show, three to four |: performances -a day (supper club}. Omaha Amus. Ea On. area will run. 4.p.m.-to 2°4.m., Mon-|: ’ : ; day ‘through Friday, close at°mid-| » Yiddish & Inside: Jokes | ee, _ Omaha... [night Saturday, closed. Sunday). ‘Theré: will be no ‘hotise .band. ‘Future plans call for a piano ‘par. and incidental ‘music in. the. ‘eogk: tail Joungeoa the: machine's screen:.The visitor ‘for * Sociological © ‘Research, will ne | supervise ; ‘the survey." | . “N6 ‘one ‘is happy exposing ‘his: | of ‘resistance to. questioning: by-ré=". ~ tronic device that provides answers. in private.” ; st f cA. National.‘Science. 5 Foundation 2 |erant ‘of $61,214: will finance: the: | project: to’ evaluate .the. informa! | parative’ ‘psychology... Dr.. James: B. " | Taylor: will be project. director.: . Some 2,000 visitors to the Selene a Bavilion: ‘will. be -interviewd. . ‘viewer, Larsen said. “Time-lapse | ‘nation ‘and,: by: exhibit officials of. ‘the 1964°NewYork World’s. Fair, :” Interviews will: be™ ‘conducted: a ~ [sear ge pani sellin Phe 6 by: ‘companies se n e ‘own. | products. P g throughout’ the’ entire: six fonts: : “Restaurants: on the. grounds will, ‘run: “of the. Sattle. fair. :. oe {include cafes dperated by: qoreiga'| . -‘Leountries rgentinian,, Korean, |. 2 French, ‘lgerian) Jee. as: ‘faBerman’ S ‘Flock of Cafe _qniliar nese an exican :res|. taurants, a German. hofbrau ‘and | D, ates: After. His: Leiter. ‘a “seafood restaurant. . Five’. will.|. “. Shelley Berman. ‘is: reswning ‘Serve cocktails: (except on; Sunday, nitery. work following: a ‘legit: fling. 4 unless:latest push of Fair manage| in “A: ‘Family :Affair;”: now. cldsed. * : ment. for relaxation: of. the’ Wash-.| He: starts ‘at-Mister Kellys’, Chica.ington ‘state ‘law forbidding: sale go, April. 30 ‘and follows: with the ° of. drinks on: Sunday -succeeds)... -|-Tidelands, Houston, May: 14. :. ‘There will also be ‘places selling ~ Othey. ‘dates thus far include. the. fish and chips.and. box lunches, and. ‘Fair ‘management. ‘says there. will: months Rachtman has successfully ‘presented jazz pianist-Dave Bru‘beck in Tampa, Orlando. and: Cocoa, and also offered Gardner in.a.concert in Tampa before: ‘the Cocoa gig. Back in New. York; the operation : has seyeral outings planned for thenortheast. On May 11, Troubadour. will present folksinger-writer .Ed | ‘May 26, Brubeck will be sponsored ATLANTIC omy PREPS. “FOR EASTER VISITORS by Rachtman in Hartford, Conn., at |. the Bushnell MemorialAuditorium: —— “Atlantic City, ‘April. ‘1%: Following last... month's | storin .twhich left-more'than an estimated. $100,000,000. damage. in ifs wake; ' this resort ishoping for a ‘sunny; ‘Baitor,’ Varsery. I appreciated the feceat. ‘Yead story in: ‘Variety about Las: Vegas, ‘| generally because: I :had been: col5.) umargathéring Out. ‘there | not 50. jlong ago myself, a Most of all I ‘enjoyed. your. corte. | mentary on -the’ sometimes ‘exces.’ sivé.“Yiddishisms” of some: of the. ‘performers. I_ have. no. particular | ‘complaint’ about. the practice other than as ‘a’ German-Irish-American, ‘or vice-versa, of Protestant. persua Shoreham, ‘Washington, Oct. ‘DB, and | Empire Room ‘of the: ‘Waldorf-As-"-: [toria, N.Y.; Oct..: 18, for four. weeks nee and: ‘thrée. days : Deals. are. being: set by MCA. EE “ue HE. ‘COMEDIAN’ _phoressicuats GAG: Month ca HEA EST — -THE. GREATEST: —. | MARYLAND warm Easter weekend. The holiday |:a MPLS. ” PRESS: WARN. W ARNS. ON. ‘crowds, weather , assisting. In the.|in high school inOmaha. who. also'|: “ [into the area for the Easter parade*| nallymanaged: to~ get with most}, he ‘Seattle World's Fair: ts: get-| motel reservations already are top‘of. that ‘more in-|"ere: It. may. keep people’ away: *. || ‘Now, I one-Jiners J -igeas, tnt reer impressions’ and. wm T readying for’ the: influx. :. Places | performers, or So it -appéared ‘to Corner Rush at Delaware rental rates. on the eve ‘of. the ex-' ‘oF the News, Vianettes, ‘be’ plenty. of. benches ‘and: other: -Sion, I am. always left in the ‘dark. spots eat .a pienic lunch. luneh. . : when: ‘Yiddish, Js: aropped ‘into the " :: [is the ‘first of year when\. -. I: finally licked. the. problem by. . _ | the: “city: plays host fo capacity | ¢lomming onto a Jewish. classmate ~SEATTLE'’S: ‘GOUGING |= | |Past between 200,000 .and 300,000 | happened ‘to ‘be'.doing the shows.|*.”.--: wnnneapolis, April 17. 1. |visitors. have Jampacked’ themselves With -him ‘as’ an. interpreter. I fi|: polis, ting: sonie..” unfavorable ; advance | . Because the Easter. holiday.| of it. : comes late: this season,. -hotel, ‘and:|. Funny thing: about this. littie bit. newspaper’: : columnist. publicity “Now at a seahtoena im ee poem song. ping. ‘similar: dates : in ‘previous | tensively. practiced: by non-Jewish | “Ven ‘Seattle’s own newspapers: 1 tities, heekters audience stuff, mone: we years.. The resort, of. course, --is | entertainers than -it. is by. Jewish re ‘pointing out that hotels, apartj[::!oss : ent buildings, lodging housés and | pereonations.” political, interruptions. |” [closed last. September start open-|-me.: Harry. Belafonte puts: a lot of |P4tking lots are skyrocketing’ their. te a a }ing for the April: and May week| it’ into his ‘act, for ‘instance. Then | ‘Position’s start. $28. $R—SINGLE. ISSUES $3. -{ends.. Niteries are booking ‘added‘| came :Myron’ Cohen ‘at'’ the Fla-j?°S ' MO 48600 | talent. Steel 1 Pier a, twomingo (whee LE was there) whose iw. rash damping note: on. the ae | | $38 YiLSINGLE ISSUES 4°. — gg |. Gay We: rimary «bus ness ou. Mm say: ; % OWEN Ww. NICHOLLS, Exec. Mgr.| The big event niaturally wilt. ‘be. is Jewish humor, But it fs -acuni~|Murphy in ‘his Everting ‘Star’: col-’ ‘Ne C.0.0/6' | ‘umn, “is: ‘that. the papers there are. airing complaints that. people are’ being: thrown. out of apartments | to: make room for visitors: at much \ the. Easter. parade. along -the. :five New York City 1% 0 oe mile boardwalk; The city helps ‘make this an occasion by .confer @ip 350. ROOMS | ring: awards. for the .““best-hatted”. womati . _and the “best. ‘dressed, Overlooking: LAKE MICHIGAN = | men." lust 3 minutes from. the Soop” | 2 “iiLy GLASON,: x | ‘versal humor. I. think. Myron, one _ 6 hr the finest and g{iulctest ear .tainers in|: the business, probably .. ‘DEMTA ca used fewer leaishiems {nan some | higher rates: : ORIENTAL and: -others—and .. whenever : he a + ; .{ kindly translated.“ them.: And he |: eae informant: ‘says he: was HAWAIIAN CHORUS GiRis i. “+ | got" another. ‘round: -of~--applause tossed: out of “his “quarters, for) ye -”] thereby. which e Paid $98 a ita get $200 1h af for Iasi Date, ra ‘The whole thing ‘oll ows to fay for it ane same man says: that{E og i ‘parking ‘lo! at use lo: pharge:| fm! , Jane Rassell Due ube OW tightly Lait sopial eoups a half. buck now get’ $2.50 for the: Sydney, April 17. ~.|‘and‘functions—or even’ at.a théasame. accommodations, ™ natives Johnaté ‘Ray ‘has been signed for ‘tre, ‘say, ‘in. '& ‘ neighborliood .domi|a%° reported irked.” a: “limited”:-stint. at the Chevron. Hilton Hotel here, opening April 24. -hated by a single group: But it ——————— It’s utiderstood-that he’s strictly on. ~Bikel SRO $17, 186; Chi seems. 4 rather. cloudy. procedure | | | a percentage deal and ‘will pay his ‘Chicago,April: 3%, Surrounded by fascinating dining _ and nite spots . ... Home of. famous CLOISTER INN, fine ‘ate conditioned ‘restaurant, Intimate. eccktail. lounges. Adjacent 500ear garage. i-day valet; beauty. salon, barber shop. All-rooms.. with privafe bath, shower. Studio: apts., “VIP suites. SPECIAL. RATES from $6.00 FOR when everybody isn't entirely. hep. I -have -long .felt. this way about. ENTERTAINERS, | | own transportation to and from the|‘purely. show: biz: jokes, Southern | ‘Theodore Bike! -Yacked. up. afi’ ‘US. ‘Trip makes. his fourth swing California :jokes .and other :such: $17,186. gross in :an SRO. ‘concert | eee ‘here. .He previously played the ‘vague: matters to’ the .uninitiated.|in “the. 5; wr 000-seat. ‘Arie ‘Crown _ FREE REHEARSAL FACILITIES and Stadium Loop: pe Tae, Gordon at I realize, too, that one of the. surest. Theatre. of the tte carmics eras | . current issue a ARIETY" eantime, it’s ev at | ways‘to clobber. a ‘fine story. ‘o | exposition. ‘cen ast ‘Sa at v _| Nelson Eddyand Jane Russell. will: | translate: it. Myron Cohen, I think, (14). ae Tickets were. “sealed. fo | THOME MORAY. :| play: brief nitery dates here. later |'ts about ‘the. only . entertainer who $5 to , ALAMO CLUB GRACIOUS HOSPITALITY ‘| this year under’ the Chequers man-| can do: this and: get’ away with it ‘Chi: impresarics had earlier been 1. ‘Mick. ea 2 ‘agement. Miss: Russell ‘is“.due ‘in| with . any: style,” |. |. 7. ‘dubious : of ‘the booking’ since. at} . Detrett,. fn I AND PLEASANT UVING June while Eddy is slated to arrive-|. “Deninan Kountze Jr. [least one other one-man ‘show had | “associate BOOKING conn. a | | sometime -in October.: Both’ may'| : Batertainment: ‘Ralitoe, ‘Omsha "|not’ fared well: fa. the capacious: | a DIRECTION: LOU B MLLER 8:69, as «Wari Herald. _\tmake tv,appearances while here. : ar ratty ca ARRAS | oS ay Als films, thus bringing a. scienfific’ ~~ ‘measurement to ‘forecasting of. the: ae is: that: questions. pertaining to disa plays, accompanied | ~by multiple an choice answers, will be. flasied on will: ‘push. buttons: to ‘° Swers.-Dr, Otto .N.:Larsen,: director: .” ‘of. the U.:of Washington’ s Institute. *Tignorance to. a stranger,” -Dr..Lar=: sen said. “We can eliminate a lot °° placing: the. human ‘interviewer with: ... ‘afascinating and .impersonai elec: |” Afonal effect.’ of. displays’ ranging *. — from: subatomic ‘physics’ to“ com-' . ‘The teaching tiachine has never. a been’ used: before as'a. survey inter-". by museum-:curators: throughout:the.”.... ‘Sahara, ‘Las’ Vegas, June 26; tae he'll. be on the second show-at.thée.:-