Variety (June 1962)

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ae lived i in: a regular house). "ash ilias Wednesday, June: 20,°19620 ase wel othe. cree ‘The! fullkhour comedy adventute series, to jobe 14 jearold brother, Howie (Michael Burns). = seen Mondays. at: 7 30: Pp. mm: “EST: 5 was” “qeaied: ‘Tom-Tom’is 18. a highly. extroverted, fun loving 2 we sc yby: Producer: Director: Peter Tew Asbury, whose / oe ‘sophisticate’ from: Chicago who ‘ope erates onthe... aes My. ‘Three Sons” did right’ well: for itself this . theory: that life i is for the: living. | UONE ast season des vite the fact that uhiey voun gers eo pa « *f = PORN Bae. The fourth niémber: of the alliance, an: 1 18. -year woe, . oad eo sls os Sold’ ‘wanderer: from: North Carolina’ s back7 ooo sThe locale for Te’ S a Man’ 5 World” is sthie mid SS woods country, ‘Is Vern. (Randy Boone). ‘For: (fot. Western: town of ‘Cor della; {whiosé: activities ‘Teee. “this: guitar-playing | loner, ‘ife—eyen_ In a ‘com: Eos wove: around: a cope college a and, ey ariver “2 patatively' undemandin gi town like Cordella—is a “ys hae s: ey en, elder. ES UNcas (OBL S wes Pan os gs Perea aschallenging as a fancy, tea: party on 1 Venus. a Two ¢ oF” “The Elephane' ”” * occupants=Wes. and: oust how these four indiv iditals uy to integrate” eee Tom: ‘Tom, (playe ed. by’ Glenn Corbett and Ted: themselves into; the would about them—a task , Bessel) are st students. at: the college, and: they. oamade no: easier by. the ouiger tainties of their’ are pala t. be: more? dissumilar in ‘temperament. os years—will t be the Story. unfolded i in “It’s A a “Wes! a 1 Cordell native, 38, the: ainbrilliant: buts: Man's s World,” the first full: hour: show. of its : “7 hard-working: youngster who: doubles: as" an Kind’ “ever ‘designed: for an ‘early-« evening aua fillings station attendant i iit H order to o support his we dience. With: Pr oducer Dir ector Tewksbury i mM. Bet Sa es eS (ea IS ne <command;, it’s a: cinch: that— —even in its most SES firsts -quality: series that: will : nauk Ss m€ver compromise: ‘with: credi| : J bility. and honesty. Like the . “ Oo Ss very river: ‘that’ runs: through. | oe ~Cordella, y You'e can. 1. bank. on it. 7 “serious: or most. hilarious moments—this i is a 12 87°