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Bo politanPrin-FWC)
_, B61; :90-$1,506. —*, Road. io. ‘Hong.! ot Kong" AUAY -abd -“'Nun*‘and-: Ser_-hgeant’’. (U Aa “Big”. -$19,000.» Last! : “Meek ‘Orpheum, “Jack: Giant Kill
mat Why tag ot \ 4 PS Ath Fl eds Shaidicut Nereis Dat ait oa IE acananries pn ee 8, sees
’ Eos “Angeles: J uly 3
. “Local tirstrun: -biz, continues. faire] z : "dy strong ‘this round om Shortened |; E.. week, many houses énding on’ six+] ‘-. F. ~@ay session: to-Jaunch new: bills'on
* the July: 4 holiday: “Road to Hong & . Kong’: looks: top. newcomer:.with’a | ao , Big $19, 000. in ‘sight, for. three’ thea-} a “'Hatarl™ is. beaming’ for a sock|:. "‘eroo $18,000 on: exclusive. at. the |. «Egyptian. “Zotz” met playing. two ‘housés;. ~~": an P.. Several., regular hioldovers”. fare|" . stacking up well. “Advise and Con: |= “gent” -{s: gandering, a rich $15,000 |: ‘. fn fourth Warner. Beverly. ‘round: | “Sweet. Bird: of Youth”. is tated.}.: 2. sweet :$15,000 or ‘close: in Second) | “-." playing three. houses. .
‘'*Bon_ . Voyage” is Fated: Hetty.
" 1§14.000‘for. second: at“ Hollywood e..:> Par, ‘Lolita’: . Rr. -gecond Session: at. Beverly. ; ewestd Z ::.Side-Stors**: ees Roth. Chinese’ round,
“Ts. ‘sack’ “$14, 000 |: im |‘looks ° wow ‘$22. 000 in.
: ‘Estimates for: This: Week ’ “Eeyptian “CE ATCH ey! 392: $2.
E. ”*.§2:40)—“Hatari” i Pari: “Wow. ‘$182.
900; :Last: Week: “with-State: Wilt| ern, Loyola, BE (MGM) -{Ist, Zeneral. ‘release! rl4th : *” “wk, Egvptian; 1st: wk. others’ and ?
““AM. Fall. Down’ “MGM: ist gen.. eral: ‘release! (State, a ilfern, Lovers 2 | Ta),.$29;100.,
“Sweet. Bir dt Youth’
‘Orpheum, Pix: Bt” Rey. “Metros “1221325 956;
(WA, “Mermaids of Tiburan’’
Pim: (2d wk; $2800. -Pix“with + :: Hillstreet..... kings”. (UA) (reissues), ‘$9,100. : EL: fF .”. Rey with: Warren's. “Iris, “Baldwin;
& “Frapeze". (UA), “Vi i
“Counterfeit -Traitor” -(Par)~. tst} ferieiial :. ‘Felease), ‘assorted : second,
a: features : :$18 300. oon = Rilistreet,. ‘Hawaii; ‘iMetropolitan-| a Feo 'G&S)*
: (2.752: 1: 106: 790-$1. 50'—", sR Gte? Col” and: *Mothra”. “Cel, Thin . $5, 700: Last, ‘Week, ‘Hawaii:
: “AW -Falt Down": IMGM*: (1st ‘gen-!' ' -eral release.,:
“World,: :Fleshi and ;
7 {Devil (MGM). (reissue’;: :$1;900,.
Bi: wi “Bon Vor age” 1BV?: . shapes.” and: “Madigon: “AY entie™
x: -spots” benefited.: B:-. second: is. “albee's ““Fhat Touch. of Mink’? with. another -. great. : take. *: On-strony'-side is: ‘Majestic’s * ‘Bon FE: Voyage’ bit: State's “:Road to, Hong": et reopening with “Counterfeit ‘Trait=| ep a or shapes sturdy" :
Los ‘Angeles, “Hollywood: (Métro;
i a polftan-FW.C +: (2,017;:856;. 90-$1,50) |
— —"King. ‘Solémon’s . Mines" anid. ‘(Continued® On. page: 10%,
a “Aorage™ ‘Smooth. $10; 000, ie i » Prova. ‘Traitor’ “Tall 86;:
~ Mink” Whant'126; 2d:
Providence: : July ‘3.
‘3 @lers:closex ‘to hoine and: mainstem «>: “Riding “high | in’: ~,
‘Kong’. is~ only’ -passahle. .. ‘Strands }3
Estimates. for. This Week. : Albee (RKO). 49, 200°: 65-902:
. “panel. of . Mink’: «Us: and‘ “Infor, -° > mation’. Received”. (te 12d Wk : : Great: By $15.00: ‘in: first.
i {72 . i §250:— ead Sade ne ras 24; fi second stanza‘ at “Keith's. : fs 2th: Wk +. was: $5; 200..
$12.000°: _ expected: after’
‘Elmwood Big” $5 000, Elev enth | Majestic” iswo. 12, 200:; “65-901:
_ Solid -$10,000 ; . Last week, . “Lisa” (20th) .! oth),
000. "State (Loew) « 3, 200; 5: 90%. —_
laipoad to ‘Hong Kong”: SUA) and! “Mary. -Had“a~Little’ -(UA).” Pasgable 5 only ‘at $9,000." “Last. week; “Horizontal .“ Lieutenant”. -: of ghd Clown: and:. Kid”. (MGALY,
> + Strand (Nationar: Realty): (2300; vee 65-90). —. “Counterfeit:. Par). . ‘Tall-$8.000: or. over. . House /7 xeopened: ‘after. complete ‘tefurbish|4 fing “forced: by. screen fire: seven. = 7 Weekka: ago... Sse
Ts Pag re i poet oe th ote a
is. rated. thin, a F “prices: however; a8.-indicated,.. +1!
“pisk “humidity: and threats © ‘at “yssues. -$4.500..:
iti showers: ‘held: ‘beach trav--
: ‘sToRY’ SOCK $11; 000, : iy 7 ANDPIS;: ‘MINK’ 76, 20. ana ae. ioe a
-| $24, 000: : ‘Last week,' “Hobbs Takes | $2. 50) Advise ‘and Consent” Coh f
(MGM) ‘and. “The: Rack” ’ MGM: -_
Le a AM | Tai Whoppa 186 Bird’ Loud | i‘ 5G, 2d; ‘Advise’ Sane ‘Lolita’ | .
: : Ble “wai of ‘hot new pictures. is | kK | sky rocketing: “firstrun:, Diz. here. +
:, Chicago, J aly 3.
Estimates: ‘Are Net
* : Film Bross © ‘estimates. ‘asre-.
“Bon. Voyage”, is. bowing ‘to: a fat
$24: 000 at the State-Lake. “Hatari” . ported ‘herewith from ‘the vari-". . 3 OUS” ‘key cities, ‘are: ‘met: whe., without’. usnal™-tax. |. ‘Distrib-."utors share’ on: net. take, whenplaying .percentage,* hence the estimated, figures : are: net’. ‘ine 2 come... 7. “The: : ‘parérithetic: “adiiission™.
{dn ‘its. first; ‘at. the Chicago. «
| $23 000-:: at : Loop: “while. “Taste of | Honey” looks * ‘a great “$8,000 vat
Mes ‘house, records, :
‘include Us ‘S.. amusement tax.:, . *“Stowaway In Sky" Jooks nitty
| stiould shape: slick. in: Town. -opener.. a ‘ ' Monroe: reissue: pair’ of:-““Les: Liai
Advise Hot 16,
Baltimore: Suly 3 ee: also for second...
Bowntown’ ‘biz. is..onupbeat. this! ‘Week. “with” new. films.. -Making™.aj | strong. showing. “advise: and Cénsent” is. boffo in. first-at the Town. :“Hatati? ‘is: nice. in’ ‘Same ‘at the. Stanza: .
Hipp while “Mr: ‘Hobbs * ‘Takes: a:
i Mayfair. : ‘at both ‘the Rex arid :Avalon. * . “That, “Touch ofMink”? is’ rated. ‘in, its: Todd-19th.. big” ‘in’ second “tound. ‘at: Stanton: [3 ~ Estimates, for This ‘Week : ‘Only. Two. Can’ Play” shapes. mele | in. ‘second at: ‘Playhouse: 7 a : Estimates for This ‘Week:
“Avalor. iFréedman) 48605: $1 aie Week, “$4, 200: — ‘Paradisio.’ (Fanfare Tall: "$4.000: > \-Last’. ‘week:. . Lovers”. (Zenith: (3d wh), “$1, 400. fe Aurora. “Rappaport. 436% 29-1! to: “HongKong” (WAY Aoth whe 7 $1507 —“After, Mein ‘Kanipft.sini days), $12.500..:
die? ‘anid’ “Karate”: “Indie. ".Oket:
Charles‘ Friuchtmans’ i506. og! Last: week;: $19,000 : SH: :50'—* ‘Black: Tights’. iMagna'.|™.
bad’. (Astor) 13d wk:,:.$2;000. | Last. week.
" $8. 000. . Cinema (Schwaber! © a “9605. "90: "Frenéhwoman” $1500. — Valiant” * UA “Slow: $1, 500. ° T$i 200. ; East’ ~week,. “Devil's Eye” +aJanus) (2@ wk», $1, 600." ‘Hippodrome ‘Rappaport’ “12206; ko Stout “$11 00. “90-$1 50:—"Hatari” (Par™. “Smooth! § trode ou ‘# $ , $9,000. '. Last week; “Escape: from: : Zahrain? “1Par, $5,000, _ an ‘Lolita’ «MGM).~ i ‘ Five: West. (Schivaber?:. 1435-° 90-{ is $1: 50)—" ‘Judgment at. “Nuremberg” i Rabe “week: “Ranate” inaiel th GAs -ETthe. wk? ‘Holding’ ' vhep.. Wk), $5, 000%: “1 $2. 500, «Last: week:; -$3.000:" Little ‘| Rappaport?-300: 90-si: Sor! Monroe. ‘Jovan: F; 000% 651 hae “Whistle: Dowai -Wind™ *Pathe}) “Les Liaisons’:
* (reissue),
: Good: $2. 000., “Last. weeks. and: Brothers”
12d ‘Vv ‘k:, 2d a Trim. $4:500:" ‘Last’ week;. “Frantic”
$2. 600.
“Mayfair: sFruchtman’ : +700: "99: 4Indie?: and “Passionate .. Sumisner”
$150-—Hobbs Takes “Vacation? | ‘Alindie\ ‘(reissues)’, .$4.500.
420th). © Niee87: 000. »Tvast week; Oklahoma" ‘vMagna 2d Wk tEe=)
“LaBoys': Night Out” “MGM. 2d) iwki: “Hep: $15. 000. ° ~ Last: week,
New.: ‘(Fruehimian’. . cl 600; “90s: 320. 000: a : “$1. 30" ‘Big Red? iBVs. 2a awk). | ‘Continued: on-page 10": Ti Hatarl (Pari, ‘Boff: at’ $32.600. : ening: Desert” S14, 000. :
“Indianapolis; ‘July 3
an ie wat Side Story? is. getting ‘the ‘Yacation” (20th) (5th.wk), $16.500.
. {most ‘attention’. at’. firstruris: ‘here ” Surf (H&E. ‘Balaban’: A685: $Y. 50
4 this” stanza, ‘launching: ifs “roadshow ,; $1: 80\—‘Stow away.-in “Sky” Lope). : run in sock: style at Lyric. ‘“Boys': Snappy | “$5,700. Last: week. :“CabiNight: -Out’”-is.. modest. ‘at: ‘Loew's |: net -of Caligari”. 420th) (2a ae
Achille: “Counterfeit Traitor” has not'} $4: 000. * caught: on. “at the Circle: “Touch ‘of. |: Mink’! ‘is... holding ‘up. Strongly” in — —" West Side Story”, -Estimates for This Week = “ha “ Cirete. (Cockrili = Doiley. . 12:800;. F$1-$1, 25) — “Counterfeit abs ~tPari: Dull. $3,000: ‘Last. week, g ag md Sli Red (BVS 42d: wk), $4. 500: : ules. and: Jim anus). ck “Indiana: (C-D}" (1,100; $1. 25:$2. 50): _ “Windjammer”.:(NT) " (4th wk.
for manees.. ‘Last week, $24,500 for. | 12shows:
‘Turn (Shaw) (3d wk);°$3,200. ” Untied: ‘Artists’ (B&K) a. 7003. 90
"Oke $5,000. Last week. $6.00: bei gyu touch of: Mink” w) ea" ‘wk):. ‘Smash’ $26, 000.0 or" near." Aast. .
‘ Keith’s (C-D). {1;300; ‘$1-$1 25) “Touch + of . Mink” EE (2d wks. ‘Lofty $7, 000. or: over. Last week, $10, 000..;:
Ww ‘eek; $30, 000.
“Bos “Night.. Out’.
(MGM); .Mild.}.(4th: > wk). -: Sock $21, 500.. Last $7,000. Last’ week, “Africa, “Ablaze”} ae,
‘week, $22, 000::
(reissues), $4,000. a Lyric <C-Dy (8305: “$1.25-82. 50" —f|and “Virgin : Spring”: -(Janus): (4th,
“West.Side. Story’ (WU, Sock: Sil, = | wk).Oke" Bicaenaie "Last : week,
1 $4,500...
DOT ‘Last week, house was, ack:
; “OL i} GRE if
7 ‘Shapes. a mighty’: $32,000" oii ‘Roose-velt debut ‘xhile™ “Notorious Land| lady”? looks to: /pull .a. nice $22, 000; £
““Eolita”’ ‘is: teeing ‘off -to.:awharn, .| Cinema,’ andeither one’ could: fop. aoe i its..Surf: first: “Jules and Sim"4.;
| sons: ” and. “Rocco. and His: Brothers”
‘looks. nice. . ..-: 1 “Boys” Night: Out” is. grabbing: al. alto; ink ge second round. at: the ‘Orien|
*“My--Geisha”’:is: ‘fast. at: Es;
Third . tap. of “That Touch: “of Mink” ‘is: _ still: ‘smash at. United | Artists;. “dvi ise and‘Consent’? ‘cons I -tinues.“good: in its. “fourth Woods,
OF. the: hardticketers: “Judgment T Vacation” . is ‘pleasing’ in. opener: “at at’ ‘Nuremberg’ ‘is Tegistéring: a‘tall: “Paradisio” opened big: ‘sixth. ‘week. at the. Cinestageandj’. “West. Side: ‘Story” ‘Continues forrid
“Cariiegi¢: ATelem't)(495: $1 5:1 + $1. 80)-—-“Onily.: Two Can Play”. 4Col). hima. (2d. wk) ‘Brisk: $2. 500. . “Last:
. “Chicago (B&KI (3 ‘960: “90. $i. gh: : —~“Notorious: ‘Landlady”. ‘tCob, Nice | $22; 000 or close, Last .week.'Road:
Cinema | (Stern): (500: St: 5002 { Slim. $3, ‘000: :.-Last: ‘week: ‘“Magfen: |: “Taste: of. “Honey”: (Cont): Boffo. “Love-and|
--Pequire’: ae Halsbant (135004. st. 25-$1. .80)——" ‘My “Geisha” {Par} 12d. :Last Week|.
CAStory and ‘ ‘Rocéo: (Astor's. reissues),
. Oriental: Unidiey.13 400: “90: si: 0)"
J -Bbésevelt (Bak A 400::90-$1-80¥)-Sixth:
. ton. : of $1 + DeMille: (Reade) in. 463; '90-$2. it
Todd: (Toad). “0: “089: $2:30-93. 50142 (GA): goth | Third *
‘ Town creitely " 640: $1. 23-81; aor: 7
$5,300; “Last week, ° ‘Tomorrow 3 My | round . finished.: Sunday. (ay: “was
“| fancy ° $11,000..after” $12 000 -:for,
"$3: 50)
"1S Woods.” “(Easaness)” ! 200; 80° Loew's (Loew) (3: spi: 75:1. ‘a5i='| ‘$1: :80)—-"Advise’ and Consent” (Col):
World A(Teitel): (608: 90:$1 23). : “Through :Glass" ‘Darkly’ (Janus) |:
’ Despite the ‘absence of ‘any. new product. except: at the art theatres.
Broadway: business: at the. deluxers is’ shaping: nice-to smart. this. round
because of the-J uly 4 holiday. Everi firstr. uns W ith: Weeks ending. yesterday -'Tues.} figure. to do.:-better be‘cause of: ‘anticipated :pre-holiday
: snight upheat. ‘Then, too, ‘an. influx ‘ of.’ out-of-town. ‘yisitors:: was . felt.t -@ven .aS. early as. last. Sunday.. (1). j.
Fairly: mild. weather ‘is..a plus’ fac
tor: as w vell. as start of school vaca-" tions. ,
Star “money champ’ “is. “That
Touch of Mink” ‘with stagesow. at’ the: Music: ‘Hall.. ‘Combo is. heading ‘for ‘a. mighty $200,000. or over ‘in:
third: ‘session ending’ today. (Wed.
wi eae,
new: high. at .the ‘Hall “for second . week; . -non-holiday.. Pic. continues ‘ndef, ‘of course. “Boccaccio -70,” piaying ther new
‘Cinema One’ and, ‘Cinema _EFwo art
‘theatres, hit:shuge $38: 000. on. initial: session for: this 1.000-seat a combo:
“Road. to. Hang Kong. " playing’ the
-arty ‘Trans-Lux..85th °St:, hit’ nice:
$12, 000° opening -round::. Pic also.
“played: ‘12. other houses daydate on: _ first-run.-. ‘Via. the’ Premiere Show“case: ‘booking™ of the ‘Metropolitan: area, which. in: this instance took’ in houses ‘iin’ Brooklyn, Queens and Long Island::
‘*Boys”' Night: Out” ‘is’ holding ‘to
“Low ta.” ‘looks like wow. $54,000
in’ ‘third’ SéssiGii. .day-dating: the | a
‘Advise’ Big $18, 000 In
‘State and. Mur ray Hill, “My Geisha”
| finished: vith: trim ‘$22;500: in third. franie;: daydating: ‘the DeMille and. ‘Fine. Arts... mi “Advise and: Consent” held: with big $42,000 ‘for fourth: stanza: day|| dating. the Criterion : and: Sutton.. “World..of: Comedy” was fine 30; 500°in fourth: week. at Enibassy and }.
wat ~ ‘Paramount. « “Miracle. Worker”:
held) with: trim’ $26,800 -insixth: Stanza day dating « ‘the -Astor' ang: ; “Trans-Lux 52d" St. “EL “Cid”. Jooks |? | like nice $18:000in current 429th) Week. at:the Warner; which is: the | “fourth: week on Ahree-aday...
‘Both: *‘Judginent: at Nureniber ™ "| at’ Palace for. 29th w eek ‘and ‘ West. ithe 1,000-seat Pageant. “Mr. Hobbs.
Side Story” “in 36th session at. the Takes a> Vacation’. looms fine in
-| Rivoli;: ‘of: course, are: ‘improving,
av er ‘Jast: week, ‘Estimates’ tor: This Week” * Astor: 'City' Inv.). (1, 094: $1.25$2) _" “Miracle Worker"? (UA) (7th | wk); “round” ‘ended: yesterday ATues:): Was solid :$19: 000 or. near i
week, “Big. Red” : (BV): and after. $i. 500-for fifth week: | ‘Stays.’ 20uh) ‘reissties', $6,000. : ABV)" _(relseue' |
-until’.* “Birdman: of. Alcatraz” (UA opens “July -18.:Trans-Lux 52d: St.
Criterion:. Moss)". ¥, 520: $1. 25
Sth wk}, Fourth. week completed:
‘yesterday: ‘Tyes.) . Was’ sturdy -$27;“000 or -closeafter. $32; 000 ‘for. the.
third. frame. . Daydating with Sut;
—"My-. Geisha’’:..( Par)’: ¢4th “wki.” Stanza -. -ended. “yesterday |
“000.for ‘second’: ‘Hatari” (Par). due. ‘to, open. July “11.. “Embassy (Guild: Enterprises)’ (500;-$1.50-$2. 50)—"World. of Comédy” “(Cont)” th. wie, *. Fourth |
third. “ Also-at Beekman.
‘Palace -(RKO):” | (1;642:° $1. 50-: “Judgment. at: Nurémberg”|: (UA)(29th wk):... The :28th round’.
. finished yesterday’ (Tues.): was big j -$25,000 after $24,000 for 27th week.’ Stays. until. middle of August: or eproken Land” *.-( Tonger;’.:, |.” $9.00 Forum: {Moss (B13: “$I: 25-$1. 80) =
—"Sky: Above”. (Embassy! (3d. wk),
The second: Wweek-soared over hopes | to $206. 134; WwW hich: not. only topped _—
gréat. $39.000. in: second: round end|. ‘ing. today Wed.) daydating.. the -Vietoriaand ‘Guild. -“Sky.. Above” | “hit hep: $25,000. in‘second, ' ‘daydat| _ Ba in -~“Cinestaze (Todd) , (1.038: $i.75| Meythe, Forum. and. Normandie. $2000. -Last week:;“WW histle: Down. $3. 50)—:Judgment : at Nuremberg” | ‘j : Wind". (Pathe, ditto: ' oe = f4UA) {6th .Wkt: Strang: $16. 900:
Mr. “Hobbs” Takes: a “Vacation”
< Loop. (Tétem't). (606: $1. 25°81. 80) -Tooks. okay. $23. 000. in third. week
“Giant $23.000..
| Holiday Uhs By way: »: Boccaccio’ Huse $38,000, Road’ Nice 126, ‘Mink’ Holds ht Wow 2006 in 3d; Lolita’ Hot 46
‘years, Also playing Normandie.
‘Paramount. (AB-PT) © 13,665: $1-
$2:—-‘Mr, Hobbs Takes a “Vacation” (20th: (3d-wk). This session wind
ing: tomorrow. (Thurs, looks like ‘Okay $23,000: after: $30, 000° in. see
fellers:'(6,200; | 95-$2,75' — “That Touch of Mink” (U5 with stageshow (3d wk. This’ week, Ww hich takes inthe’ July. 4 holiday today (Wed.
‘looks to: hold at. giant $200.000 or | over—after . $206.733 in second. Fround.,
‘Continues indef at. this pace. First-three w eeks of “Mink”:
at Hall. looks: to exceed $608,000,
Which. also -shapes. .as, some kind of
new: high for such period.
“Rivoli. (UAT). (1,545: $1.50-$3.30) “West Side. Story” (UA) (36th
‘L wie, Current’ round ending today
‘(Wed.). looks like whopping $49,000, | “with boost. from July 4, holiday: ‘crowds ‘and. scale. making. 16° per. ‘formances on week. The 35th week: Daily ©
was .$44.000. for. 13 shows. . matinees started here on June 25: ‘State. (Loew) (1,900: $1 -50-$2. 50) —“Lolita” (MGM). (3d wk). <ur
rent. stanza ending togday (Wed. yo. “looks” like great $39. 000° or: over.
after’ $41, 000 for second week;
‘Holding. ‘natch! . Daydating _ With.
Murray Hill. .
Wictoria (City Inv.) 1.003:.$1.25-.. $2)" ‘Boy's Night. Out? 1MGM (2d.
wk This | -session winding: today (Wed.) is. heading for. lusty $26,000: or near: after $32.500. ‘for opening week! Stays. Guild. .
. Warner (SW: (1,813: $1 50-$2.500 —-“El. Cid" (AA: (29th wk This
fourth. frame of. new thrée-a-day,.
(Continued on. page 10:
St Loo; ‘Boys’ Strong. 136, Traitor’ Hep 156
"St. Louis, July wo:
* String of new, strong new comers. is helping the boxoffice: setup here this Found. “Advise. and :‘Consent” is rated’ big at: Ambassador. “Bon Voy: age” MidCity. while ~ “Boys” Night Out”
‘Jooks ‘nice. at State, also for first. te
“Counterfeit Traitor”. Jooms sharp at‘the St. Louis on opener. “Judgment — at P-Nuremberg”’ shapes.-socko in opening stanza at
third at the: ‘huge . Fox. 7 ‘Estimates for. ‘This’ Week
Ambassador (Arthuri: 12.970: 70$1:25\—"“Advise and: Col). Big $18. 000. ‘T.ast ‘week,
“Three ‘Coins ‘in Fountain’ ’ i20th)
;and .“Love. Is Splendared Thing”
.Apollo Art ‘Grace: £700: 90
‘Daydating with $1,25'—“Last -Year at Marienbad” {Astor 42d ‘wk. Oke ‘$2. 00. «Last
pw eek. $2,000. .
' Esquire “ Schue hartLevin: { 1 800; .90-$1.25'—“Jessica” (UA: (24: “wk).: ~, Avérage | $7,000. Last week, $8.200. .:
Fox (Arthur! (5,000: 90-$1.25)— .
; “Hobbs Fakes‘ Vacation” (20th) (3a 4 Wk): . Fine. $14. 000.. Last. week,
6 000. ‘Loew’sMid-City (Lew). (1. 160: 60-90:—"‘Bon Voyage” (BV). ‘Good
$12,000 ox near. Last week. “West. wk). -., Lusty. $25,500 for -14'-per|: (Tues.) was trim $15,000 after $16,Side Story”: (UA) t17th, wk), $9.000. 60-90)— ~«. ‘MGM)i., Nice ..
State. tLoew) (3. 6N0:~ “Boys. Night. Out’ + $13.000: ‘Last. Ww eek. “Big Red” (BY),
be 000:
Pageant . “TAthar. a 000: $1 25.
$1 50—"Judgment at ‘Nurembere”:
(WAY, Sock °$10.000. ‘Last . week, “Whistle . ‘Down: Wind” (Indie) . (3d. WK), $2.500. =
“St. ‘Louis (Arthur) :(3, 800; 75-90). Traitor”. (Par). :
—“Counterfeit Sharp $15:000. Lastweek, ‘Mer
‘THI's © -Marauders™ (WB). ‘and $20th) .. ‘id. wi,
* Shady” ‘Oak (Arthurd:'£760:" 90
$1. 25)-—‘Through Glass: Darkly”
First holdover week: ended Monday | ‘(Janus'. Neat $3.500. Last week,
(2) wassmooth $17, 000 after. $26,
: fat ‘on Opener, best here. aa tye. ath’ wh), /@. 000.
“La. Belle. Americaine” (Cont)
‘Radio: City. Music Hall (Rocke-. .
Daydating: with
‘shapes . good: at; Loew's”
Consent” |
te. ohe «on bres '