Variety (July 1962)

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é “By JAMES! Li ‘CON! NERS” ‘Albany, July: 10: . case’ to : get: _atainst the, State ‘Education: ‘Dept. pnd Regents’, wishes:’ “Fhe ‘decision: “| Fequires S6me detailing since ‘it’ “is: apparently the first. time :in-the |.. "gecond-most-Labooed ~palte company. ete oH €urious: angles: ‘attach: “to” the = “ease. -First™ off" ng’ "newspaper, ; “in-|.eluding ‘Vartety. in its reports, has |" “ever spelled :out-the-word which is |: now to’ be: ‘sounded , ‘aloud: in: -thea=t : ’ tres,‘The.‘embarrassment : of. the, : press. may”. have been: felt. by. the |: Appellate Div. istén; Third ‘Depart-| iment, : w hich. "Was: rather. circuitous f ‘Yn-its . ruling. But “Albany: sayes “Washington. from the. predicament, | “At: Ahad been ; ‘speculated. -that. "the |. -phenonienon, ‘ofthe U.'SSupreme |“Court, wrestling with® the “constitu-| tional: aspects’. of. a: ‘single: * ‘dirty. |: = oe + Word: might develop strangely. But |" that, _is now. obviated, : Decision: as handed: doen’ here" is| °° “that . “The | Connection” : “may, “be exhibited: in. the: .state: This may / only -medn. ‘certain’ art “situations-| since theré is‘ little ‘expectation ‘that shttie circuits: will -risk-" “that: word” | anee “The ©.Contection” |" : licensed. in.the State: of New. York ‘ Ww ‘ord? “in| _Jast month. | As. briefiy. Féported" in last’ issue. . [Columbia 0’ Head; 20% |. oe "VARIETY, ‘Irvin Shapiro's Filnis }.™ » Around: The World In¢. has’ won its]: Hollyw vod, “J uiy 10." -_. has reduced-its overhead fee ta.” ‘disclosure. of-. ‘proposed. move’. -. final afinouhcenient. was: Issued. ~ ‘Metro last: “Weck 1 révealed. it ee 4) pas: ‘been operating ‘on its low:1: -est. overhead chargé;: ranging. . from:18%% “t0.21°%, since J une”: a i Previous: Tate was. 311%,” at ‘Connection Gets Pasa on. Word’ From: Dutch “By, it ANS SA. ALTINK_ Amsterdam:: ‘Sui 40." “Hatwo.. “Films | has « ‘bought thie rights: to: ‘Shirley | “Clarke's “Fhe: Connection" “béen released’ ‘in: “Amsterdam. in Columbia -Pictures ‘Studios 20°. from previous 22'2%,:ef-"... fective. July. “I, for’ alt: produ-: oo “* eers. = Cut ‘follows. company’s’: din’ New: York. ‘The subsid, official-.| Jy kriown: as.the ‘American: ‘Motion'}, Africa) was: ‘Taunched:: -early. ‘this: . year “for. the |: Jast. June’ 6. Economies effected: ” ‘United : States.’ .a: ‘film ‘soundtrack|. OF back. ‘lot. ‘prompted : the | Pause ‘use. the. four-letter, ‘word whieh |. flash it was stated Jwhen orig=| ‘from. Irwin ‘Shapiro |": ‘in New.” York. ‘and : the .film’ has [°° By: VINCENT CANBY © “Runors ‘to: the éffect:: ‘that: the | Motion : ‘Picture: Export. Picture.’ -Export: :Co... purpose ‘of. servicing. the newly in -, J dependent: English-speaking: coun’ tries: in? : West. . ‘Africa. Ep geria’ (pop. © .'34.006,000); (3,000,000), : “Gierre.” ‘Leone that. the-‘subsid . would -be’ able “ta ‘\take:infilm revenues of: close, to | down. to: ‘something. ‘like $400,009, ! anid: that, .as” yet,’ near. being ‘realized... MPEA. ‘says; ‘| assumed. from the. start. ‘that’. the } since : it, Teqilires. : trative: exhihs. fo. ‘modern’ Ametiean | biz. practices. Away’ From’ plat One “of. those “modern. biz: ‘prac “FACES EATON : -Assn.’s f. | West African: subsidiary is’ .taking |-°2 “an: inordinate . ‘amount ‘of:. time'|. and : : money”. “to. ‘get: “underway. are]. . sharply. denied by: an MPEA -exec.|: : nt. ie very much _in ‘ the’ 20th-Fox... picture now’.as.counsel to-Dar-.’ |$2,000,060.. the . first, year,’ but that-|~ {this .goal: had.. already: -been scaled | Was ‘now here = -on, the: other: hand, that. there never. Was ‘any such goal,.that it-had been. | operation. WwW ould be ‘slow. in starting | if “re-educating” ™ i ey en TS at aa oh Will Circuits Risk Public Reaction? | Y ‘Liz Listens”: torney Louis Nizer; in. New _ “York,-.on what to. ‘do, because © she““had been taken off’salary””. and was. only « on day-to-day . ‘hire for final'seenes on “Cleo-: | .P-ent irony’ in the. question: lies. in {the fact that the pair haye made. la sizeable’ fortune throughout: most *. patra.’ Nizer: told. her, to’ do’ : nothing’ but -work: and get: the : “:pieture. ‘finished:.that; per cori “Covere d by: ‘the: subsi d: are NIC :tract, with the exception of the * Ghana: 42.500,-}- 1000); -Liberia: (1, 000,000. arid Gam|." = | Dia: (32,000). 7. ‘According to one: industry s source. . Tit vhad.. originally been. estimated | battle scenes ' which’ second : probably do. s§he...Joe Man--~ =. kiewiez, ‘Walter. ‘Wanger et al. were all ‘through ° ostensibly.” © With the actuel, production. -. *: Nizer, aS, detailed. elsewhere. Ty!.F. Zanuck. on-‘his bid “for . the‘company . presidency. New Attention To European Clicks. ~ Tn Yank Markets !Biteabetn. Taylor phoried: ake director. Andre" Marton. will’ -| attending. the ‘| where Miss Sarlie’s long-hair debut “Ashast at Yank Pic Morality, __ Tepe Stoned and “Absurdity” ~ . “Where are Yankee moral stand(: ‘ards?” ; . . The: ‘question was asked last. week, not ‘by. the Legion of’ Decency, nor by a Production Code . official. _¢off-the-record. of course), ‘but. by’ Argentine. film star Isable_ ‘Sarle and her favorite -producerdirector Armando Bo. The. -appar ‘of Latin America with a ‘scries of ‘pix starring Miss Sarlie whose specialty (until now) has been her willingness . to--appear in the. all-. ‘together in ‘at: least one: or. two “scenes.. . --The in New. ‘York after ‘Cannes __ festival (figuratively speaking) “70 Times |." directed: by. Leopolde Torre-. ‘1 Nilsson, was the official Argentine entry. While in town. they’ve been catching. up ‘on thelocal product, . ‘land in a‘ couplte,of instances. have. been. appalled by what" they” ve seen. 7 “For. example, says Miss Sarlie, somewhat wide-eyed, in: “That Touch . of: Mink.” there’ is a girl played by Doris. Day: w ho -accepts. a trip. to Bermuda from Cary Grant: who thinks -he is going to be: able to’ make love to her be ee ee ao ae role SUED ay IM tay on family audiences, o6 matter, if, tlie. “Kriterion:” .Theatre,:. without |.tices’t: is ‘the. minimum: guarantee. pig Wome and: “E, ‘Dolce | Cause of the presents. he’s. given... legally Jicensed. Whether church. or } ‘running. into. : trottbl fagainst a‘ Percentage’ of the, gross. {. r _ a |-her..“! They gel to Bermuda ning into. : {rouble «witht ‘the | Vita”, have. ‘reestablished the point | and she tells him she didn’t. under social: groups. heard: ‘from ‘| Heretofore’ .: most: -features: . have: oe " once ‘the. film ‘starts. -unteéeling “or i Duteh; censors,’ The tt received ‘been ‘sold at. flat. rentals ‘in those’ that” “there's plenty ‘of ‘oom for: stand.”’ Miss Sarlie paused to make ks oe Whether ‘socicty-is‘new prepared-to’ ‘Seen by adults. -of""18 years | ‘aid |areas. and theU.'S.: distribis. now: “arty” “imports—soiie.. at’ Jeast—.[her: point. “But Doris Day is at aecept ‘the. word. réeviains’ to. be cider: No. Scene ,was tut: and “The + Want, ‘in’ on ‘somé: of *the .profits:'|-in the American market, especially | least’ 35! It’s absurd,” and also, peen, Appellate. justice: adopted the” i Connection” -:.was "showin ‘its. Their. ‘insistence. ‘on this:. réported]y | .aS the ° ‘Tatio of Holly wood’ origina| she inferred, more morally. disturb: out: that -the ‘word was -used ‘as’ a+ ‘original v ersion, ineludifg. “the ‘has . slowed. . down: Sales. .“Another “Aions declines and audience sophis: | ing than would -be a clean, clearly. aa > Bory n:of. contempt: “for ; “the { tourletter’ word.. | criticism: evelied: at the. -AMPEC : ‘tieation | diffuses. a focusséd shot: of “a. beautiful, an; i" ° i: “narcotic to.which’ | .. °The™ Connection" éan. be ‘Seen. has.-concerned “the “monopolistic” f: The. fact.” Was. “adinirably: ‘made: ‘vlad female body.emerging from. Jatk..Gelber's ‘stageplay-turned+ ith the original sound track: ‘and aspect.” of. ‘the. ‘subsid—one‘eritic | earlier by. “And -God-. Created | the. sea (a scene which had. re--filin are addi¢ted..The word, IS | the Dutch: cinemagoer only gets suggesting that ‘this’ is”hardly the |:woman™ ‘with: beaucoup -credit to-| cently been excised by U. S. Cus-. yFepeated Tr. times. ‘on the: track," | ene did ‘by: ‘the Dutch’ subtitles. way. to: demonstrate’ “democracy at Brigitte . Baidot's: charms), “Room ; toms from her pic, “India” ). work.” Production’ from. all the vat. jhe Top.” -and:"Never on ‘Sun| ‘Mirrored Ceiling — + re U.S: major: ‘companies: vexcept Al-1 day.” Each did. smash b.o.-énhianced O:, Suggested: ‘producer, Bo. take. “ mination;® the» Appellate «Division. in capsule. form: ‘This way-the filtm-|45 44: ‘Artists; and: ‘Universal: ‘is: “being by”, ‘wide playoff ‘in the: product that "sequence in ‘Boys’ Night Aca rao wee : Versat.of the tures ‘*The: Connection.” granted : -cos:s: of $50 ‘tothe: petic. :,tioners: Fhe’. ‘Connection. ‘Company. ‘tie’ Regents. éan still appeal . . the decision | tothe’ ‘Court | of .:, Appeals, hizhest’ tribunal -.. : the States if the. Board. chooses to -do SO, .: ee “While: ‘this, narked: ‘another’ Te: otents: in the’ chain}: 2 whieh started ‘with. “The Miracle.” ‘circa. 1950: it did. ‘not bring. ‘about | ithe invalidation ofthe: motion pic"ture: ‘lieerising . Attorney ; Ephraim. . ‘London, ‘of New “¥ork:1) had ‘also ‘sought: He asked: the Ap-' "126 to ‘of ‘the State: Education Law. .. “unconstitutional,” because | it, imposes. a tax” cumntanication.” The, Court: ‘ruled: Against: him | on LS point. . Don " Legat ‘Logie’ os “The. “decision ‘pointed. ‘out’. that’ "petitioner: ‘hid. réquested' an |-0r-. . derpursuant. to: ‘Article 78 ‘of: the} Civil Practice Act.cto “Review: ‘the } denial of. the. Board. of Regents for the:issdari¢e-of a license for the} : “the: -@xhibition ‘of the ‘motion. pic. ‘. The “$6le-ground for refusing ee licénseto:‘show themotion ‘pie Fe ‘ tire: is: premised on: ‘obscenity. in. .. the use ‘of. the: ‘word: — =," con-. "tinued. ‘the decision.” “ . stanees, “the: “word : is not used: ‘im its |. “ae ne usual : ‘connotation. ‘but’ asa. defin-:|. * itive ‘expression ‘of. the: language of: . the: narcétic. =At. most.. the. ‘use -of | “the. word: may bé ‘classified’ as vul|} 2 gar, but’ ‘itis’: not. obscene,” ‘pur‘suant: to. Section’ 122 of the: ‘Educa~ tion: Law, * and... the. determination Of. ‘the. ‘Board of Regents: : As. an|. “pulled? 078" 3 ’ Disposing. pf “Landon’s: " second : point, “the -Court “said: : “The. pcti -tioner:-further alleses. that. the. li-. censing section: Section . 126) is unconstitutional. “the. fiscal charge’ constitutes. “the ‘imipositoin’ _ of a tax not # fee: People.v. Jar-| “wis, 19: “App.. Div: 466 469: Suffice: it to note’ thatthe Legislature .. of “this: State “in 1961 amended ‘the’ we “ pection:..: by ‘charged, . :$o ‘that we‘must: assume, * gsof now, that. the’ present. charges. fare: fairaid reasonable.” The Bret “reducing -. ‘the: fees (Continued ; -on Page 15) . a [it” . “ “The: “filma: did. not: raise ‘any. ‘ean. could elude -cénsoi's,’ four-letter a\y ‘ords. were: subdued irr. translation. “No. attempt: Was -madeto” “capture ‘in Dut¢h ‘the nuances of the slang: J-uSed’. by “the hooked | people. . The | four-letter. iword for instance’ “Was | “translated | by. the’ Dutch third pérSon. “neuter: : ‘sirigular.” in:. Dutch’ “Het”, equivalent: “of. the: ‘Env lish | “Tne annulling, the Redents’ deter. | S976. ‘give: ‘thé:, “Ameriéat ee dal, although some ‘spectators ‘were | ex: ‘olted. andleft" the theatre. Most: of the’ audierice . could -stomach‘thie. realistic scenes: -Mostpeople, how: j” “-pellate Division: tg tiold ~ Section Lever, ‘as could. ‘be. ‘gathered, ‘by: audience . ‘reactions, were ptizzled: w hether: “the figures. -Wwere really: junkies, ‘or “only” actors. ‘Despite Possible Appeal, : The Connection’ Dickers! Fora Broadway: Date. “Despite. thie. fact: ‘that the New, 4 York. State. Board :of ‘Regents has , | 60 days-.:in which: to™/appeal the| ‘State “Appellate... ‘Court's decision‘ (on: previous: ‘appeéal) . okaying.. the ‘exhibition : of: ““The' : Connection.” the. ° distrib, * Films : Around” ‘they World: Ine.. is currently: negotiating | for :a ‘New: : York. _breem of” the: “wordy”. pié.. ‘Hope is-to: open, the film. within, four: or’. five. weeks. . There.’ seems. ‘to: be. some’. legal ‘question: Whether: an. appeal would | automatically. “hold. up “éxhibition of ‘the film still longer: The Regents reportedly “assumes’: that it does, | ‘but “Connection” attorney assumes| -that.. “it doesn’t: Ephraim. . London: ‘seek. an. injunction. to. prévent: any further delay ‘in the. release -of ‘the film. nending -the: Regents’. further: efforts. to:.deny" the film.'a ‘license.’ Meanwhile: 2 another. zaspect.° of.|. London's: -original. conipiaint’ against ; the. ‘Rerents’-banning: of: “The Con-. nection” was cappar eritly. _sidestepped ‘by’: ‘the 'N. XY: Supreme Court: _Lordon “fad: ‘charged that: the: state's licensing’ ‘fee: is,.infact, a tax on. ‘communications : since the: “(Continued .¢ on } Page: 15) ‘if. “necéssary. | -willprobably sold by: ‘this : subsidiary... ; “MPEA-: says.” Hower er. “that. ‘the: effect is just the: opposite: that-the] local: exhibs,. in fact. -w elcome. having one. major. ‘supplier with /w ‘hom | exhibs‘! ‘are. getting more ‘froin. us. quar ters:.‘in . Lagos, . “Nigeria... ar railable for’ advice. on “every thins from: publicity, : .' promotion and | [nmerchandising to. ‘theatre construc Financing. of: Theatres? te it: had: originally been. in’ ‘tended that the: subsid: would: “seek. =f, facilitate. .the entrance~ of” out «| side capital In: the .construction . of | :} West ‘African theatres... ‘this’. idea ‘apparently. -has: .been pretty: much ‘{abaridoned. . ‘MPEA Says that it w ‘as found: that .locat-monévwas" avail-. able. and:so ‘outside. financing was.]‘a: not necessary . (between . ‘eight and ‘are’: ‘going tp)..: -however, that -; offshore. ‘couldn't | be’ found... ‘| put hothing. ‘like ‘the® $100; 000° fis ure’ suggested by ‘one -:quarter:. says: | MIPEA. JAS “an: “example: of -the: kind. of. : coiditions._ under which Lebow: and: Staff: have. had. to: start’ j operation. “MPEA points: out. that. all. ‘Nigerian rents paid: j threé-years in ‘advance. That’s both. office: ‘and: residential. properties. ~ ‘Lebow?is | expectéd to ‘prepare a report: on: ‘Operations: through’: ‘Au gust, which .will -be:ready: for pres-. ‘entation:to his -MPEA. bosses Somer, time , An’ _ September." ‘Bal: Harbour, Miami,‘ Noy: . 6-10: He's $a past’ prexy ‘of: the. exhib’ body. than just’. pictufes:”. The. subsid’s: i cliief: exec.. Jack: Leébow. who’ head: mene Kingsley “(Continental : : ‘credit. ‘for. recedentially: opening | Cost’ of ‘setting. ‘up. the’ subsidiary: P ype ‘has been ° ‘something: of :‘a: burden: "Wolfson. a as TOA’s: ‘Miarai ” Rally. Honorary. ‘Chairman | : Mitchell. Wolfson, . président | of | Wometco’ Enterprises, will serve-as fa ‘honorary: ‘chairman. for: TOA's.15th. anni convention at the Americaria, ‘hungry. conventional ‘houses. What: this -alSo suggé case is: ‘that! arty should. be ‘bracketed, ‘by quotas, ‘aS: ‘up. above. ‘AS ‘for. “Women cand’ “Dolce,” to dicker. “Also.” says“ MPEA® the | both: already: Have. racked’ Up ‘clove’ to. -$3:000.600. inbillings | ‘trepeat: “Fentals',, ‘and both -siill have. much OE: theit exhibition: -String” to run put. Women.” tia: “Embassy -Pie-. _turés,. clgitns ‘around: $2,700,000 in billings from -just under 8. 000 dates |... .. ; SO, far. Ww ith: ‘around 2,000..more ‘en-: gdgementis. expected: Additionally, : another. $600,000: in réntal ‘toin ‘is. -in the’: process. of auditing by the} .distrib,. but: not yet included “with, ‘} pact’ under: which Hill would re-_ is: sé: thouaht ‘t6. have ‘gen erated . ‘close to “$3. 000,000 so far ‘the total. . “Dolce” ‘for Astor: ‘Distrib. figures. the col lage of: presentday: Rome decadence | .; should hit at least $4.000.000.:from “Géd. ' Cr cata: “Woman” ‘anid “Room at’ Top” generally get. the Both. up the: ‘conventional’ market to sig “nificant. inroads.: The former pic Teputedly: took. ‘im some. $4,000,000 in “rentals;.“over -$2,000, 000." -is still:in Telease via. Lopert, and which: rates. as‘one ‘of the hottest. “Room” tallied: “Sunday, ” owhich ‘while. Ever arthouse’ attractions,.: reported ly-has passed :the. $3.000:000 rental. “mark ‘and has: $4. 000.000 in: sight. |." “Tivo: Women.” . insidentally; . is understood.“in for another art. : circuit: go-round conie ‘ial, ‘ivould “duplicate “Sunday's”. his| tory.. ‘The: Earlo | ‘Ponti. production . «| is, of course, further distinguished | + for having’ earned . “Sophia. Loren | ;!:the first. femme: Osear: ‘for a: per- formance: in. 2a, -“forei er, Janguage. film:; * parry 5 Stern n Basing i in L A.. . Harry Stern is re3i‘, exec assistant at Manhattan FE ilms to be “Angeles. | oe -Exec. by. .keinta the. ‘business in eile 1920. w ith: Ueited artists, el | director, company. loose.” Projection” OF 788. 000 { bookings: oe 10° modern, ‘air-conditioned ‘houses |: ‘The criti¢s. suggest. | _ capital: which |. ‘come ‘western’ sales’. manager. for. | ‘Colorama, Features,’ ‘basing. in Los. Powwow: ‘will be staged in. con| néction. with ‘National -Assn. of: Con: 8 -Gessionaires tradeshow. ote Out,” in entire gag i3 ‘built around . the uses: to which a mirror “in the ceiling of a-bed-. {Continued on page 22) | G RH & Metro Dicker a Tie . Hollywood: “July 10.. ‘George Roy. Hill . and Metroe Goldwyn-Mayer are negotiating new multiple picture nonexélusive turn. to the studio as ‘producer and © With | his own indie Hill -has.just compléted dirécting Period of Adjustment” for Metro, one. of two. picture directorial deal | he. had.Second .film was to be “Rise and Fall of the Third. Reich.” William.-L. Shirer novel which. ‘John Houseman was originally set “to produce but which: has’ been switched to a television series.’ Hill was offered directorial. pact, ‘for series, but declined and: was: paid off .for his: feature commitment. He turned MGM-TV all notes and research gathered for the film during two trips to Germany, including research’-for the “Playhouse 90” version of. “Judg‘ment at’ Nuremberg.” which tie di ‘lrected. He had“been working with ‘Charles Schnee jon script for. “Rise. -and -Fall.” Director is now. on ctossoountry’ tour of. major cities to promote “Period.” He has: “One. Flew Over the’ Cuckoo’s Nest,” Broadway play: starring Kirk Douglas, on his Spring schedule: and August 1 Starts to scout New Orleans-locations for: “Toys in the: Attic,” =| which .. he will direct for United. | Artists. . “No pix have: “been. ‘named . -on Metro deal, though Hill ‘has an---’ nounced. “A Bullet For. Charlemagne,” starring Sidnev. Poitier, . as his first indie: film, skedded: for production. next yéar. He. also hag one more commitment to ‘United: Artists. .