Variety (November 1962)

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Loft / — srael To aining NY. Yiddish | ‘same name begins. its “4ath congecu:. 4 Rema By LEONARD L. amg That fabulous hypochrondriac,. the Yiddish-speaking theatre, is: holding its-own .as.the new season: begins. reminding the writer. of at favorite aunt, who, when” ‘asked “How: are you?’’; always replied |. weakly: “Who's well?” . On the opening slate in NY: City F there are four attractions, three ary ready playing. -This doesn’t the I6. Yiddish theatres in: ‘N.Y. during ‘the °'30s,. but Max} Karper, press man for all of the 1962. entries, points out, “in a-city. .of 8.000.090 people of many mixed races and. tongues, there ‘is. no othe: people with even: one | regular theatre of.its own.” Twol ‘of the. productions will tour follawing their runs -here, .““Hor ymoon in Israel’ moving to the new .theatre in the Lido Hotel in Miami Beach, and. “A Cowboy in Israel’! jumping to Philadelphia and. then points west:. 4 The hot. lower: east: side ticket is. “Cowboy,” a musical which stars Leo. Fuchs and is: at. the “Yiddish Anderson ‘nee Public)’ Theatre until Jan. 7; with. $100, 000° in. theatre berefits “Set. it is rated as the most entertaining ‘offering in’ sev‘eral years in. spite of a story line which would shame the radio-tv soaps and a-cutdown this year ‘in: the amount of English interspersed. In some of the recent. shows the pease +++. 3 r++ | 3 Excellent Will Rogers’ ers’ } : totes ii will Rogers,” ” by. “Donald: Day ayes, ‘is, for our time, ratio was as high’ as 50-50, but in the current ‘offering: English: is. -in } for only a 20° cut.. including topi-_ cal allusions ‘te the Twist; sex-| appeal, -Horalong, Billie Sol Estes, | ““Mario. Lasagne,” ‘Segregation, ‘and. .“What. did you .do in..Texas?”’—"T . collected money ‘for the” Americans.” Fuchs, as David the Cowboy, comes to New York to see his: sister because the doctor told. him he ‘has cancer and has six months to Jive. It is no terrible. viclation ‘of ethics to reval that before the ‘cur-‘tain comes. down it is the doctor who dies ‘and, for he had. read the wrong X-Ray. plates. ‘Fo bring the curtain down on any “other denoument weuld been. the: cue forthe long-suffering: audience’ " to wreck. the theatre. A Funny Man Fue chs is the lively and entertairing apotheosis of “How To Succecd 4m ‘the ‘Yiddish Theatre Without Being. Menasha Skulnik.” . He. is. wry. flip, glib and sincere. ‘Dy turn. He belts out. a song, twitches a. swinging hip.and delivers a line or | @ solid 10-minute routine. with the best of the Enctish-speaking “com-_ ics. Skelton, but. somewhere in between. them there should be a spot for ; ‘Mr, Fuchs.. Wearing three hats is Jacob Jac|. ‘obs, the. producer; lyricist and droll character comedian. “(Book is by. Louis Freiman and Chaim. Towher.) ! Miriam Kressyn has the rather ; thankless | role opposite the star as. the very ‘meiancholy. dame of ‘his dreams. Others. include.‘an old-.:! fashioned heavy (accompanied ; by: hisses) with a full; -rich. cantor’s ‘voice, Leon Libgold; the. young ingenue, .Rebecca Richman: Zelda. Kaplan, very cayable inthe singing department; ‘Thelma. Mintz, a blonde-buf-false friend: ‘Seymour: “Rexsite and Rose Greenfield, -who looxs exactly like Whistler’s Jewish Mother. and conducted * by. the reliable. Sholom Secunda and on first hear-. ing. did not boast another: “Bei Bist Du Sehoen.” ILGWU’s “Hfoneymoon’ At the. 1, 100-seat. Roosevelt -Thea* He’s not. Danny Kaye nor: Red } Music: was composed |. Mir | | tive. season Nov..-21 with “The ‘11th Inheritor” by the novelist; Mostie | Diuznowsky: The Workimen’s. Cir-} cle of America sponsors| .’ ‘pany. which produces one playal: i year “which runs for 20 weeks: ” . Benefits | The. Backbone : _ Yiddish theatre-. in’ ‘New. Work, Pk was: Sup-':. long before ‘Broadway, its’: from.. the” “financial : backbone supplied’ ‘by: various ° fraternal and. -charitable . groups.” It ~uses “an | idiom | which supposedly. should: ‘die. ; with. the ‘passing. of -the ‘immigrant | generation. However, . first. and ‘second ' generation™ ' Jews acquire: pecially,. low, though nuances. and ‘fine points of. ‘humor may. be. sluffed.: But. .as the’ -hepness . in Yiddish: fades. the| theatre’ seems to adapt. itself “by. Possibly: in. 56. years ‘itwill. be: only: 10° or, becoming more bilingual: . 20% Niddish in dialog,: using . that seribe. But if it is. to.survive,. up uation, the: light: operetta music and the: salty, ‘humor, McKay; $5.95), ‘the. definitive biography of the beloved humor ist-actor-philosopher. Anierica’s ‘admiration forRogers, who was killed in an Alaskan: plane “was. well-prepared: for. this’ tome : ‘sonally, His researth into ‘the -im into family background’ and. Rogers’. early. years, is: impeccable. 1 In. his “preface;:: --Day ‘supplies }.. | quotes, . from three’ distinguished’ : Americans:. ‘When .:Rogers. ‘died, | Carl. Sandburg: said: “There. isa -eurious parallel -between ‘Will Rogers:::and:) Abraham. Lincoln.’ ‘| The late. Robert E. ‘Sherw2od : deimpact upon” the: people™ -of America at. the death’ -clared: “The of Will Rogers wes similar to’ that “that “Will Rogers was” America’s ments .at’ the . top. ‘of his. book, . al “most as a challenge to: himself. to: “succeeds: The. book. is long,. -but prove .-the . truth... He. ‘admirably. it nrustencompass Rogers’ prairie. “years, his days in“smalt time show | biz,. ‘the. Ziegfeld story, the. Silent : film era, his“ newspaper activities, his life'“‘as a ‘public ‘speaker, hus-‘band: and father. Also, it must treat avith..his emergence, _ during his } career in the -talkies, as; America’s. chief “homespun ‘spokesman, reflect-. ing: ‘in every... media’ the | average. ‘Iman’s feelings: -on. ‘virtually all | contemiporary, subj ects. spoken: output. is ‘here; the familiar ‘quotes répeated.. Day as searched’|.fectly.: ‘written part: --Ben: acceptable as _ the: . ‘hero’s : ‘Jealous. but loyal and’ quick| ‘witted: -vounger. brother, :-Gerald-'S. O'Loughlin: can’t do mtich with. the sledgehammer role of the predatory. ‘Rogers’ elusive. material. Most significant achievement in. Day's work ‘is the. recreation ‘of. a. tre on East'17th St... owned. by the | human. being, as: well--as his: re International Ladies. Garmen ti Workers Unions,’ Max ‘Perlman. is making his U.S: debut in “Honeyif moon in Israel. ™ This is a Yiddish ‘musical with: ‘Hebrew: interspersed; | Perbnan arrived’ here via South. America and is a ‘Brazilian. citizen. The play is on a w eekend. policy | and theatre parties keep it near or at capacity. v nion As Producer Hebr ew Aciors Union acts as .pro ducer of “The World is:aStage,” | feld,-yeteran Jewish Daily For ward | straight ¢amedy by Chone. Gottes-: writer, “esponsible: for . Molly * Picon. anu Maurice Schwartz Hits; of previous years..This. opened at; the Educational Alliance. Theatre|. on East. Broadway Saturday: (Nov. 1°" 3. in’ for possibly till { \uthor directed~ this sa| spring.. tire on the present-day stage. “A block away at: the Folksbiene Playhoiise, the conipany of. the flection’ of ‘apublic . idol.’ -A top-" “flight, Jobs _ ode. ‘Australian Shows (Week Ended Nov. 3)" € Figures. ‘denote opening dates). ADELAIDE ; ‘Barry “Humphries, Town. Hall, 43-62) : oy ‘MELBQURNE | Carnival,: -Her Majesty's . d019. B2), _, Fantasticks, : Russel. St. -{10-30-62):°" . Majority One, St: ‘Martins (10. 2560) Minstrels, Tivoli (10-5-62)... — Orpheus,. ‘Princess. (927-62). ‘Pirates Penzance, Comedy. (10-16-62). Season Sarsaparilia,. Union «io16-62). PERTH: SYDNEY: Beyond: the Fringe, Phillip : 9-8-62), Biliy. Liar, Ensemble ‘(7-10-62). . Shadow: Heroes, Independent. £10: 3162). Sound of Music, Tivoli (9-28 [ -Yum-Yum Tree, Royal. ‘d0Gr . “Write Me a ‘Murder, Palace (10-27-62).: ssbees ee aera rea eee ay “ Doria. a Avila. to Choreog | Carnival’ for West.End |-:: Doria Avila, -who’ 5. been | ‘a ‘mem ported ‘by benefits and today prof |. . based: on a. British play, “‘Any’ by George Ross and ‘Campbell“Staged by Robert -Montgomery:;: ‘ setting,. Robert Randolph; lighting .Tha-. | ron Musser; costurés,: Mary: McKinley; associate producer; . . Business,” ~-Singet.. “Roland Winters, in, knowledge of the language. in’ the {Jin home’ and. the: Fuchs. offering, es-. is. ‘not. too" “difficult to.fol| . Walter Dodds.’. for ‘tag lines and. to. accent and de town ‘observers feel: that. it. should “Carl keep the kosher flavor which is -its. chief appeal: the heart-rending. Sit) laugh-at-ourselves ‘Apart’ from . -sharing most of through his editing of Wit Rogers’ ' “Autobiography. * Writer: was also in touch With virtually every living. person who knew..his subject’ per ‘produced by the Geath of ‘Abraham. ‘Lincoln.” ‘Damon Runyon. believed | ©. most complete human. document. ”.. ‘Day: sets these. monumental state The. best of. Rogers’ ‘written and” manuscripts ‘for: _miueh’y My Fair. Lady.. Her Majésty’s os: 62): . Australian. Ballet, Her~Mai.. (11. 2-6). a | “Carnival,” “will choreograph the * | London version.-of the ‘musical, to | | be directed by. Lucia’ Victor: 7 The Main: Stem . original was" directed: ‘and. Gower. ‘Champion... ~ Show: on. Bw way Caléulated’ Risk. Howard: Eyskine,: Roger L. Stevens . &‘Joseph Hayes’ presentation of drama. in three. acts. (six .scenes),: by. Joseph Hayes,. Other Joseph: Cotten; features -Frank.: “Conroy, ‘Russell Collins,.: McQuade, -Ben Hayes,. Gerald S. O’Lough : Gene :. Blakely, : ‘ Alexander ~.-Clark; Dorrit. Kelton, Lois. ‘Markle, Frank. Twed-“dell, ‘John. the Ambassador’ ‘Theatre, N. Y.: ‘$6.90 top’ Beal: Opened GOet.. 31, weeknights, | $7, 50” Friday and Saturday nights.: . . Miss Rhoda “Andrews. re Dorrit. Kelton : “Ben” Hayes |" vere es ee Jonni McQuade’ Helen: Bellows ‘Armstone.. “Patricia: Medina . -Julian Armstone ’: Harrison. Bellows... : ‘Jonathan ‘Travis. i : oe ‘ Clyde Norman ~ . Quentin Armstone.” Oe ad crete eet Risssell: ‘Collins Malcolm. Turnbuil ° re Roger .Parkhirst Gene Blakely: WilliantEe > Garcia S. O'Loughlin. : . Frank . Tweddell Rita: Southard 2 Armstone a James, “McQueen. . Lois’ Markle Alexander Clark Has ‘there ever: been a “success-” ful ‘play about big ‘business? None ; “ {comes immediately: to: mind. «At: f}any-tate, “Calculated: Risk,”which ¢| opened. last’ ‘Wednesday. night (31) 21 at: the: Ambassador Theatre,: Prob: ably. ‘doésn’ t. qualify.” This melodrama Singer, ‘is. just: moderately interest-. ing. That doesn’t seem ‘quite enough. for the requirements :of Broadway. ‘The show is. dubious ; ‘material. ‘for: pictures: os -erash with Wiley Post in 1935, Day ‘The: side financial: :freebooter.. to . take pressions-of others, now dead;.and. -over:. control: with: the idea. of liqui- ds’ ‘generally heavy-handed, . choreographed. ‘by. ) John. °62, at Joseph: Cotten. 2-7?) 6 John: Beal: “Frank Conroy: .” Roland ‘Winters | : based. .on.. Peter: Bridge’ s: London. hit; “Any. Other Business,” : ‘by-. George | Ross -. ‘and “Campbell } This: ‘slightly . stock: ‘performance. quality: is-evident despite: the: fact | ‘that. “Calculated: Risk”. has. been. cast with’ wellknown, competent. ‘actors..Joseph: Cotten is starred. as. the reluctant president whose bold;resourceful / tactics save| ‘pany and thereby: justify ‘the. cal-. culated risk his founder-father took | in bequeathing’ the position: to an’ apparent playboy. ‘For much. of’ the evening: it’s: ‘primarily .an | action. “role, but, ‘Cotten “underscores ‘seve. _.. | Lew. Brindle . os eee “Obee Zwick -. : Lyn “Austin.Stars. |. Dy Si oseph i. ‘locale... of: ‘this ‘carefully: worked out whodunit is the.board |: foom. of. an “old: -respected.: New: England. textile firm; and the ac-. ‘tion involves an. attempt: ‘by an‘out| ° | setting. .. |. Member of" ‘the. Company: -Queequeg:. eral, scenes’ with: Benuine authority..: : Frank’ Conroy is “imposing but. ‘oécasionally. ponderous. as. the ven-: erable. board. ‘chairman. ‘There are eanable“ ‘character: ‘portrayals: ‘by. [Roland ~ Winters,. ‘Russell ‘Collins, ‘| John McQuade, .Gene: Blakely’ ‘ard. ‘John Beal as: directors, although | Beal -is’ “handicapped: ‘by. an ‘imper -finaneial adventurer,..and there’s: [little to. be done. with: the -ex| tfaneous. parts. of: the three femmes;: -| Patricia. Medina (Mrs... Cotten). as | | the’ hero’s neglected. ‘but devoted: wife. “Lois Markle: as the sister-in-. Jaw whose loose morals and tongue ‘precipitate:.. the plot, “and. :Dorrit. ‘| Kelton as. an. old company. rétainer.. Montgomery’ s direction and Rob-: : ert Randolph’s ‘single ‘setting: are ‘routinely: satisfactory, ‘but have ‘the “| common limitation: of” seeming’ ta:|}-reflect:a belief that-an-audience-is 2 inéapable. of getting anything -ex-. ; id Hill 1-262), ..} cept the obvious. Quare Fellow, Emore y: ‘| culated: Risk”. has: Iost. something vital ‘in its. Americanization. of. .lo --Possibly®. “Cal :eale and: characterization, or. -May ‘be the: difference ‘is: between: Lon-. don and New. York. ‘audiences. |. “In any case; this Howard Erskine, ‘Roger LL: Stevens and Joseph’ Hayes |’ -| prodiiction. ‘seems. “good for: ‘merely } a limited: run: © Sr Ce Lee ae rene reat es ese beners bs cee aee chee Hobe. ‘Staged “by Larry ‘“Blyden;: _adapted ‘from the : novel... by” “Melville. Staged by . Douglas: campbell: | “ setting, . “Klaus | : Holm; ‘Pi soeende wer -The “Mastheader ° ‘Member. of the. Company. ‘Old Pro-' ‘Harold ” .New. Haven, . “Oct: 3h Saint Subber : -presentation. inassociation ‘with, Ben Edwards &* Wigwam Pro ‘| ductions, “Inc.,..of -comedy in two ‘acts. (nine scenes), : by: ‘Herman *, Raucher: lighting, Ben. Edwards; costumes, Frank -Thompson.: Stars. Anthony:: Perkins; fea-.| tures Don Adams, Nathaniel Frey, John |-. _: -f Fiedler,: Rochell: Oliver, ‘Sudie '|-E. .Marks, Sidney-:Armus, ‘Stephen: Cheng, Joey’ Heatherton. Opened .Oct. ‘31, te. Shiibert ‘Theatre, New ‘Haven; : » $4. 80 nt Fatto Hieest tose a Bond; ‘Joe. be . Don Adams Harold’ ‘Selbar” ore “Anthony Perkins Tango’ Eddie Frecker: iwegee Sidney. -Aymus |. | Mr. Gottlieb. .°:...:.. Sue... J6e E, Marks Miss’. Prose”)... a cecceweees, “Sidie. Bond { Mr. Wong. ....-.. vets os ; Stephen: Chéng Iris Munger o ale week keteers” anda male. “Little -Miss ‘Marker.” The. plot: concerns a self-* conscious youth, the réesponsibility*| | for whose: upbringing has been as-" sumed by: a trio. of .buddies: of his |: late father, killed: in’ service. The‘: -Larry. Blyden’ s staging. is ‘spas ‘modic,:reflecting the erratic script.” | Ben Edwards; doubling aS. CO-pro ducer ’.and: ‘designer. “has .déne‘-an appropriately “modest Bones: : one Moby Dick -“Fororito, Nov.:.2.:. “Jerry. Adler & ‘Samuel: Liff presentation of drama: in. two-.acts.“by. Orson Welles; ‘Herman. Brian . Jackson; Tighting incidental . ‘music; arold: “Glick. Stars Rod Steiger: features” Bruno Gerussi, Frances: Hyland,’ Roy Poole. Opened -Nov.: I, -’62,. at the RoyalAlexandra ‘Theatre, -Toronto;. $5.50 top. StageManager. ‘Capt.. Peleg’ Voice of the Ractiel:.--... Lex Monson Member of ‘the ‘Company. " “Melvin ‘Scott. «oN ee as 0's 0 eo o-e ee Young’ Actress” Ip.. ‘€ynical “Actor.” Fla eee Max Helpmani. ‘Meniber. of ‘the: ‘Gorapany ee | Elijah ows ete eee et Actor. with’ Newspaper ee ag ale leew eee cees “Hugh ‘Webster -Stubb--Middleaged. “Actor . Tashtego : woes eces sence Louis ; ‘Zorieh Serious: Actor A . Starbuck ede. ococeccesesers: : “Roy. Poéle . ‘The ‘Carpenter .. Actor-Manager ‘Father. Mapple af Capt. -Ahab ~ “Moby. Dick” is a “powerful ‘outlet: for -Rod Steiger as: the: star, ‘and: the.other.actors, as. members. of . the: ‘crew; is: a’ condensation Of a: -chase-on-stageand. the ‘narra-. tive ‘of.a stock. eompany. that. fol-lows. its. performance .. -of ‘Lear’ with a.morning rehearsal. of the “coming .attraction.”. The audi ence ‘may be, swayed by. ‘scenes. of . a bare background, plus Swinging. ropes..and light cues. that go: awry,. ‘but the story. within a story ‘of. ‘realistic rehearsals of “Moby' Dick,’”| “with the. ad: lib of. the stage’ direc. tor, ‘may. prove effective: . Effective, too,..are the asides of 1 the .actor-manager--and ‘his ‘cold. ; arguments ‘with a collegé-educated } son who. wanhtsto. take ‘Up | show. ‘biz, as well as‘the: ‘actress currently appearing .. as © Cordelia” in’ “King Lear” and who:would: much prefer | } not toappear. as the. cabin-boy -in next’ week’s.’production,. and ‘the '| visiting. actor: who. -has ° made--“his’ name: in Shakespearean ‘Toles. “The: — gets: Wedbiadayy November ka 196 Shows Ont of Town” scenery ° and. we. -RichelleOliver | Myrna Wellman. wenvace Joey’ Heatherton. “Harold,” title; William’ Needles ; Bruno’. ‘Gerussi : Fratices ‘Hyland ; John. ‘Horton : Williarn. Fletcher’ 7 . Day id Thomas * t enjoyed. ‘doing: business: . found: ‘out “what: qualifications . a ‘man has “to. have {o.become.:afavorite agent. Some say. he‘ has-to. “King . : all. ‘straightened. out. for the incoming. } production, . and then: comés ‘the we 3-0 B es Se we { casting.” ‘and’. -the . ‘morning’s Tee. :| -hearsal -of “Moby Dick.” On. a. bare ” stage, with ramps and’ levels,’ plus-*..:: a. ladder as“lookout ‘post; is: pres sénted the chasé that: will last forthreé . years,.’ ‘with. Capt: “Ahab “Swearing “vengeance: on: the .whale, . . ‘The’ rehearsal ..lends.. oratorical. ° gifts: to. Capt. ‘Ahab. All is done. on ‘a skillfully. . lighted” stage, “includ=..: ing the. swaying “of ‘the: actors, -: " Nathaniel ‘prey {the ‘longboat: launching. ‘when .the’ _ John: Fiedler .; sighted: whale spouts, and.:the har‘pooning as: the whalefurns: to. the attack: a Rod Steiger; “as : the. ‘starved and. ‘caped: -actor-manager, | isés.. to old fashioned: heights: :in his: revenge and, as ‘Ahab gives-a forceful per| formance. After: the-nine-day To=’ There’ S a place: in: the: legit: field ‘for: comedies ‘suchas: but it’s hardly the prutalcompetition: of. “Broadway.: -The’ Herman. ‘Raucher play’ has: ‘moments,:but} they. frequently::come. to. -a Halt. . .There’s :a smattering. ‘of humor -in the theme, a couple: of brief inter-| Judes .of: charm | and ‘Sonie’ person| able. players; but not: ‘enough -to.} “create ‘aSolidly: favorable’ impres~ 2. -sion. ; : “Harold” isa. sort: ‘of. lukewarm |, combination of “The Three: Mus onto rin,. “Moby “Dick”:..goes “to. the Shubert, ‘Boston; for.two-weeks, then. opens, :Nov.. 28 vat ithe” Booth, a NoYes, a /MeStay.". _ SLEZAK’S IRREVERENT BOG OF PERE ET Fils . By ‘BILL: WEAVER. * -Three or four timies in the course. of his. ‘lightly: ‘written,..loose=. ‘ly: assembled... and pleasantly: _ ‘schmaltzy. ‘account: of his boyhood. =.” in ‘Europe, under: the -loving ‘tyrs anny. of -his father, -and:”* his ‘mature. “experiences . ‘in. ‘America’ under a. ‘succession «of. ‘ t: . guardians decide to. groori-him: ‘fort > age,.screen and fadio employers,: a conquest: of. a: society belle, ‘but. ‘at the. romantic*showdown,: the. lad |. finds that -his. heart. is’ elsewhere. Walter. Slezak . interrupts. the ‘easy. flow. ‘of.. intimate :: reminiscence: ta ‘set.’ dovin :.firmly. a“personal « ob |-servation of wider relevance.. ‘These .. e ‘title -role is. ‘Jess than: chal-' a jetting for Anthony ‘Perkins,’ but: he. satisfactorily: portrays a variety. : of. emotions.. Nathaniel: Fréy, ‘June Fiedler | and Don’ Adams:.are: ‘suit-: |.able’.as: the «protective three, al-. though. Adams has: a..tendency ‘to. -|overact. Joe. E. Marks: has. a. good’: a helpful — tailor, ‘Sidney . mi Armus «is amusing «‘as-.a_ Mnance. dancemasterand. Stephen: Cheng. is.: “good as’ ‘a: chop Suey Joint wine: “expert.” +. “Sudie” -Borfd: as ah etiquette’ ‘teacher, ‘Joey Heatherton as the’so-: ‘cial. whirler,. and: Rochelle Oliver. . Te effective. dating. The ‘chief mystery ig. the as the true love are ec ~ Fidentity. of the renegade: director | who. as. sold’ out: tothe: intruder. | oPhé yarn is reasonably . tatit; ‘but ‘not. entirely” credible ‘ard .except |foF “occasional moments doesn't | generate acute audience ..concern. |. >| Although * the. subject is -modern:‘} and..the. dialog. reférencés~ are -al| =~ most’ abreast: of the. latest . head| lines, the‘old fashioned and |: the . playing. under. Robert Monte: gomery's direction, ‘brief, “unsmiling: ‘passages: ‘put. légs 7 ander: a tambling,: declaredly ire. reverent. tandem biography—his_ own and his parent *s—thatmost people. in. ‘show: business, .:and ‘a good many. outside, unless. ‘the title ‘Scares. them. off, will: count a :ré-. The. -:. ‘the: Next 7 ‘Swan?” (Doubleday;$4.50). relates. ; . ‘to a somewhat ‘historic. stage. wait.“ : ‘oceurring ° ‘in’a. -long-ago_ performe ': ‘ance of “Lohengrin” ’ starring . the. warding. evening" Ss. reading. “What: | Time’ Ss. author’s: father,’ ‘and ‘is:dear to-the: heart. of ‘the’ son,: but. who's ‘going « | to. explain .. all. that : to” the. » -book-: ? Shopper?” Slezak. the. younger c ‘covers. ‘ade: ‘quately and: ‘for the . most’ part. amusingly ‘the 60years: : between «.|-:.. + May: 3, ‘1902; When he was born,. © and. ‘April 8° 1962, ‘when: he ‘typed. “| .the.. last . page ~.of.. thé. book: on-@. : | SmithCorona: Model . 88E in. his: ‘thome at ‘Larchmont, ; UN. WY... six ‘weeks short of, one year‘from. the ©: day he-promised Doubleday &:Co. “and” Jean Kerr, who. :talked. him. ‘into it,.to.writeit; He has mran::” aged | to. ‘keep. the | “corners of. hig mouth turned. up. ‘tnost -of the: ‘long: ‘| way. through «the chronicle: of “a. | period ~that| embraced :-twoworld. . ‘Wars, each .of which -boré’ directly _ on the. affairs: oF: the. ‘Slezaks;’ He’ ab ‘writes: ao . “Thave . nopatience: with: off. _ spring .of famous. fathers who turn? |. |into..bums,. drunks, “and. no-good™ characters: ‘and. try. to ‘blame -it-all on. the fact: that they: had: to. live -in the shadow .of: ‘the. famous ‘fa_.. | ther, ~ I. gladly: lived .in.-the -shadow" :: : that his: bright light cast:.. until I Was. ready‘to: emerge’. anid: make hoe my. own ‘way.’ . But ‘there seetns ta bé-no ‘qiteso tion about: the: ‘nature of his ‘intent when he writes, early. days -in Hollywood; -big studio,‘I. was informed, had its’ + favorite actors’ agent,: a fellow. ‘with’ “Rod ‘Steiger describing | his “Every. whom: the big’ bosses ~ espétially: I never ‘to lose“in: ‘ginrummy and: ‘poker: to the’ Tight -people:.Others::.. claim he -has. to give kickbacks ‘on: his’ commissions, ‘ andthere. are “still others who ‘will tell you | that 00%. he must, at all times, -have-on-hand: ~:~: a ready’ supply: of attractive Stare. 7: lets. endowed :-with ° high ambitions * cand. low ‘morals,”:and: goes: right~.” on without: ‘stopping to:-write, -“I am. sure that ‘all this is' a. calumiy ‘and °I ‘personally don't. believe Ae word of it.’’ . In’ 227 amiable: “pages. “and: 33° photographs: Slezak. describes, amusingly or ‘otherwise, “his: con tacts -and relationships. with seores . of ‘name. people--Emperor Franz. ° Joseph. -Albert Einstein, Emil Jan- nings, Carl: Laemmle,. Irving Thaleberg, Ernst Lubitsch,. Mike Curtiz,’ dozens of. actors, actresses; ‘singers . ‘and. musicians,. and: gives. six :of his. ~ + best ” ‘pages, more than’ given to ..-: ‘Laughton,... © anyone, to; “Charles whom. he calls. the. finest ; actor. of. 7 them. all.