Variety (December 1962)

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wade | Universal has pat tngether a | | yee VaGy ‘Oy, We! esiees __ coined combo of Lover Come "Athens, Dee. Pa Sp mnsnee niin ememnnsereetincenstat ~|iBack* and “Come: Sepborbers | ; ammo. Foon tou Nex Vans hi “a ; ea o ow. ‘hath pranpent. mores er r@oubes cre blacked out bs tre island af ike Brave, Greeic| NY.A Art ra} n | Thes're scheduled far latter batt London's New Plan /eucrent “take Umeversabs ail pol Londen, Pea ik ,aers ate prane to makxunve te The three-way Lomlon reo ‘edtuence of the film crc tot film whack Misred up 4 page oe] Eee 4 : I. a t mbs will have het origimaily) ‘Wath N.Y, arty theatres find. of January, whem exm rebrased an 19° ®t. nt A ore ing Ht imercasingly dilficull te [need for” some. sold me Palace, | he ish be og dnc! < gudences, Peace] ottant suvtable firstrum. proPagkage opened at the Palace.) Icase plan, intreduced in the i. at ayers. fo B feels rts fares oduced pe Olympia. Films,{ duct, several arty house epera~ | 4 Y.. last week, | [ 6, bs Of HT as an emeriens cessful Teurciing af Fecad Greste’s second kugeest Alm guifit,; torsare mulling te possibilily: | quae comcerns guerilla speraiwas on the] of going secomdrun or subece: ( island af Crete during: the German) quent sith alfy-type gux. Par maaamiancaacas nal ae wartime measure because of x | Disteds ¢ crewing over tie titete shortare of raw stack at the 1 week ele today. Wednersias ? | tine, is to he dropped at the | neurcanacits be al Cinema Found : | i it othe Huse ecastsslors with 2 : Somef teivarly iaterested are clace end of the sear i lta; | at See oe lige ord W a al version | -gyas on the lower Bast Side. be| Comtoned toms pee s eccieais, Frei Dee 30. Faondon will r ae at ¢ amnba, . of Inve ancideats reenact their oun | low Sad Street. his string of successful horror and | Be cove y = twoleg rire 7 Tue amtics, ef cours arent in real life roles | Pax, shot 2m the fall of 1988, took ihree months, double the normal presen made 7 . lense, with the river Thaines print. Lut several of them lise Gawmetey takes ony te dy aaud ee Cilrogreup | | dividing the cily nerth and bern getting regular airtene as Theatres aperaliant is play img icon company. Although still an une! south The new plan has beer | part of the expamded mts cov. ehile | ibs di “within the trade,” he ere ree | lit Nas shown would-he backers that | 7 he eae de more that just turn out fantasies of one type and: ane | hootin + athon. revi. . by the Kinematog: (eroge on the Gotham radio atte and sae budgeted x $10 690, about | sock, paliey ‘cies mewn Maser iean the vat ma raph Renters Society ond the licts Be ules a potentially: Iarzer Pr kaod aver average. Sinullane ' ff, other j intruder” has already been | worth | Landon branch of the Cinema|‘ reader-hip’ than they’ have on a in Athens. in fouc tae] a far | | ns Exhibitors. Asan. J print. Hime trade observers think came the by liners are alsa reacting 4 sizable aev audience tor thes | CRAtHEES, Whatever the sicnilis | cance of this, the crix rate beau line credit [rem Universal for ‘the “Freud” takeoff. or : The revives, or af least those G | aired or otherwise made available ta U, have heen upbeat, The con pany has. been quick te merchanne fF 7 ise their obvious value, IncorCSS OS WE FSSe | poiaiing quotes in broadcast Paris, Dec, 18 blurbs and via a° Reet of mobile the artle houses, would he seen by aris, Dec. 18. lunils being used around tows to .! , Mtlective audiences who might) French jntellectual reaction fo orl mit the word on the pic. srdin: be expected io agree, the United. Artiats feature based |” This heing the “Treditional pres ” jxme its point of view anyway. The | 98 Hickard Condo's novel, “The | wilt, = cee nounced for Oct, %, 19, 1 switch te eesine the advance oblicy. un setup tain virtue jn what's happened to) this particular “prestige” ple, Cor en adds, though {it was hardly in ims wind whea he was planning the film, An Indictment of | Zc There may, of of course, be #.cet-|_ ture: ~ _ bigotry, the film, going out via "'Derector Damitrl Dedires bwme| siaiels savited the toca press te. a: Yule lull, coug th the strike, iw _prese, declared thet | Welles ead, Dec, 18, [exploitation release should attract Manchurian Candidate,” hae the “Freud” be, fe naturally all , trons wha had never before been | that it's anather case of the Yanks ‘the more impressive, Opener tast bot rather (reated the sr vany Be Sociog’ bs nat : Pequired ta Think about the eee | leg foreigners « curious vision | Thursday (13), it's eid. out ¥ , Creve : iached oo Piven pane, tem, or forced La ) examine stored: | of themielves, French view the | proased anything on } Brody ay. erman. ambassader | practicg ar’ hae | hee Nek “Alas | “ped atti aMtiludes, | niertainment from pore ant | ad — aad aid against. the fet die ms pees contract Pater ot the ‘though Mt sah Be prithasiers | thal it a nation or Use som | ies, if . 7 leedia — Mer beg So Werchalt searr, of | compslin he wants, the aisiris Ultimately the buttons are purhed e-half years “of » innately the buttons are purhed. 5s 7-7 uals | fer one year of. ipelures change ene frame of the! ‘rivals and potential (een te Amers | } dey a ia Although the film hass’t yet had Sms. critics here imply. They are | %.,£3) nothing” attilude. | short subjects, sales cma! any overseas openings, it has heel Cheverneas Some of fi seaabe| Ae may, holier rhe “hime opened: Je universal ehihe. teaser trailers, iy xpets,| Sewulred by Rank for: Britain and review@rs were aware that their | ‘salonel j af Moser, fase reviews. something wmewally , tan tS being repped for other terri ah anpee here Dec. 20 for pregamed by only one or twa yx "ty foatureties and newsrecls for “tories by Inte al Pilea Dis brethren in the Statee were not | Longest Day" 20th) year im Greeee, ‘There are lt. ae aed mer the, otal of ‘tributers ‘who made. the Rank too Bich on the Chee whieh deals’ at « Theatre. daties: jt grossed a record $141: Tin past 12 Bi ced ae Corman has hopes thal he byoneticm of a Yank petrol in Mite will npeak at luncheon in . st ia ch may he Success. Korea, one of whose members is “taeda Hotel and will participate 00, tAverate Greek aio, mide: 1 , irailers. were. pre rode tlae at reac + bs G Habel snd wil part ue grosses, domes, broad is row cure: pon Senal 18 an all services me cere ‘ically, about 40.000) gratis basis. | / porary. Anwrican social the stepson af is secreily a agent: ee mony at Fort Sam Houston Na Over 410 O08 has been spent ren ~. | ' problem, Corman ts not afraid the for the Reds, tional Cemetary honoring the men adaping “Island of the Brave” for, pe poeta penne | fim will damage fhe American “Comment of the weekly, Likixe Whe died on the Normandy ie shaw tne _ bactadien a few neat" nN TMA Paiage” abroad, Thoushiful audlpress, and the daily, Lae Monde, | Deaches. thes and } . Panwa apy! tHtts He a5 are more impressed serve well enough ta sugaest’, Due to arrive Dec. 19 where “Kl W'S ARAL) i“ a piesate it ireegom iH French reaction fo the Condon , ny will Murphy mill open ie sbadaes . a 3 which a film such as can kind of sclence fiction, with mur. “UrPOr. ne 4 hem the: : | New York's. Museum o Me ad perce reed . emier hedule w eens tn Athens ‘and has 2 Waist Art aill present a Brai File erseking body its. der » by + remote « physie control br adel te with & press ir 7 rons the picture, it can't. possibly be angle. caklest, cal score by Manos “Never on Festival. starting Jan, 25. The foes” const ag antiound * . . Prior to premiere showtime at vnday”* Madisdakia. | ___tival was organioed by the jeans | ganda rug a6 anit-Ameriean propar | The story was found “halluctnat: 9 1 e” Murphy will, make, an , oncul it Matt t Vascon“Corman Is wailing to get hie Ine such a tale could never be made in APPearance at an heur long poe by r a F Files Tle onal. ; Veslment aut of The Intruder” beFra Kram which will be siaied in front ee at Oe Hane : She ip proxy Loule Serrama, and NY." tore tackling any more prestige it Alm’ $ poishots at MeCarthyof the theatre. Included will he a ermer Hu dy peer exhibitor. Elie Romano, The fea: ftems. In. the meantine, he's lst tactics were deemed “progres. merk battle sequence with lucal nie fates tn mahtd Vostalen ae’ rer been heen busy doing what comes natusive’ by eon, the le af military Wunite participating. * i” _ y | aes ae Rbaimate Pe hephidaat veel " pally for him: completed and awailmacabre brainwashing aS i = ‘ enener ot Lancing ie ing release are K. A, Poe's "The! sidered overdone and without rhe. meee ale Feta Raven” and an adventure | pic. “The ' wiore crackling sclence-[letion' Pop Le | "Os Cafagestes” ‘The No-Good Yeume Racers.” both for AiP. 98 flair to make acceptable om that’ 4 mom weed: Ie: memes | Ones? , Well an “Dimentin® and “The Tere score OS Foneres, wee Ab sal a. _ pene oA a The t ’ rer batit for Fil: vy ‘Behed| Film was aiso felt to present &. . te cohinue busine shares which | TA Meno tne Poor’ tled for the Vamediabe tuture are; tersifying altitude towards Amer: | Hallywood, Dee care devsiende, Guek e lens Pragie? " aamther Poe opus, “The Maeque of | ‘ican womanhoed, Critic on. 1. Exe J Mansheld h i Dee Uncouchaut the country last year; “Coure de Gate (Cat's Skin. yTne Red Death” and The: ‘ut of the phe bea ln “That samme 10 features in whieh sna Po heres ed He. Meme A oronde Feira” vthe Great Sonate Cale aA, PCa ufo eld ae te Su htt Lv eae, Say . , uetion ¥0 | e ween we big | i te sty for ean wich a8 SF tne na Feral” rere ‘ert Arie releee ROME film De oh mae tua eres AM, wine the interest rate is { "Um Marta ac Telefone" (Death ~—" orem | he Mande was rougher and the Noonan, John Ireland and Juans monlh on ike he unpaid Man Ow the Phone, | jeritie, alsa female, thought tale | Po aance of Ri igi) ‘Strong Wind}. Didta Sheldon Tre rir incoherent delirious aud the | Remaining pix are for Buropenn “a phert ttua ihe ype wadue mittee’s ? se nde eee, male festival, Se ngie| i then bil-ehawine domestic, Wetrit now | | atthe American propaganda Tabet. | Mt nees A rst of aa sh ‘ er ront's reliability sea te Te. | Rirearde’s Fest short “0; bill ing Americans sully. bilfaatile and) of! mato, producer of * La pay tke money he wishes te ao dos colcas Brancas” (Noy Wayne Ball ax western dis? rical, | Dolce Vita." second bemg “Leif aes ee, as ee Whig "Pond the teat Coe ate poe rected ss pr [egg nee members is (a be held tome | ner Lid oe | ‘Thurs * at the Masters Inatitute ' lon branch wuipader. Ball will Opie | ant diietu rine jlnaned Kher A desis, Armed, are on salary Theatre, ae fer the purpose af' we pee erale aut of Loe Angeles. lalliness and extravagance, anit Mente basis, according to legis APC _ who ate ball F ... we ( } ane, was + briefly with Magna, algo | However, other Parisian rhe iter arent, dark Cu ushinghan mn | taihent iio md naomi | ee is oe Sesi-cri and 2 OPMun SIN I x ona: =. : EY ated cireuil’s | Cinerama 2 hae as 1 ee tnt eae rec pri ri ly ne Seenee | Ce | sitet | theatre, which repretents $200.00) ~Windjommer® for Cinemiracte. * | prim farfetched. Release did some ve oy me held vera ate ‘technical equipment *Stranget o Wess a ‘ ea nf, ing dean the New York off Lapenedt Dec 12 with “The Wender| * ifwe ober 20h sul” ahe ‘ful Ward af the Brothers Grimm” eather moce tye indie swileh: Ra | MGM. alter two digmilary-atFeldman, Seven Arts ad-puls veg! tttded invitational premieres, —— aod Jock Bradsky, whe last week [i's the former ane Fawaal wah 7. 42. _. fenk aver as od iicector tar ese. ear, midnay i belneen | Towa Casting ETON Ma Kancohoft’s avs,§ HOW A 1 Luxurious | monton, Alla. Dec, 18; ucke ¢ «The Weiss' moveover to the Kubrick shes house itself has won enthusie[ Jack Couffer, of Walt Disney Theatre Thursday «10> wilh a re Hevst iH ap develoners ot the pat, company, “Ah was mt mcgoliaaétic acclaim from shourners. — |studios, has asked Al Oeming, op-jcord-shaltering $212,000 for 32> oot leased te Shapiro He alse res tion fev.a cocrle of months, means. Henry. Fonda, «wha: stirs. in anjerator of the Alberia Game Farm, | week period, Figure matks a high ® cenit announced 2 £.200-ncat haridCut Bhh’s publicity department, atuer Cincrana fila, “How the jie try and find a wolverine family ,mark for theatre both for gross and ‘top in the Valley Forge Shopping under sea sich publicity direc-: West Was Wow.” stopped over for a new Disttes Alm. Ocming | running time, Film is skedided (0 Comer, acheduled to open mext fer Mareli Bsad, whe started his while en. reute. jack from Japan, | Says. the assignment is the toughest, continue inte 16s, ' Spring dates this week, will he pretty, Australia amd New Zealand to jle's. ever faced because. {9 his Previous record-holder = was, ee a muck a “sew fsees" aperationt: ‘MW undoriake 2 whirlwind schedule |knowlede, nohedy hag. ever found | Wiredjaomer. which introduced | thourk Kaad. too, is a tk alumof f), radio and presse interviews, e wolverine’s ten with yous in tb | coon road ah Gat vith ‘Columbia's Denver and Phibndelphia, Dec 18 One of the first projects on Ball's | Shopping centres continue to fw | schedule is o San Francisca brah, ! ae firsirun, below expectations a hig hope of fil exhibition. ht probability «2 Denver: a nee ene Shapiro, vhe operates a number of Rill follow, Other branches are po oF i Philly houses ‘Arcadia, Merben rontemplated for | awerte eo y i and MarDasde Drive-ini, is planning rr either Portland oF ‘Seattle ye < ler fo rut into eperation the mew thea tes “West noi natin, Dee wp ite : The 1 4ii-seat Eric will be built ‘first year's stay at the Chinese. at the Faistoss Hills Shopping Ccne ee Tea me National Theatres’ new widestreen Siella Stevens’ exclusive three “The wolverine is the mast dif-. Crmemiracte and only oie lensed in pix-a-sear contract two-pix-s-scar ifeult aniraal to photograph,” come | this process Foature ran wp S4F.-\ far hext sevem years with Paraedes Couffer. 500 during its G6-week run im 1988, [mount, nus). Martin Matele, 2ith's radig~' attend both invitational opcnings, tv manager for so number of years, | anmd--hopelully<"soak up some exited the West 50th bo. last week! sunshine.”