Variety (December 1962)

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7 2 io ‘progeaant ne mas 8 next SR36OR with two AS mals | ete dramatic serses s¢t back-boto| ine: Abcam el Olsnes, By GEORGE ROSEN Ta a “revolving: door" era of. pnetwork proarant Wy 1s CAMPRNTER ucaehanthadtalil eee es ee ere ‘ Back on sunday s starting mt chieftains, of | wwe studees, will set “ony aia AF . ‘eopsmand, there's &. recurring 3 Chicano, Dec. 18 i President Kennedy's three: nots be pioneeruig a a hereak from tbe! has een reepenalbie fet some theme whieh goes: “This woen'e KO, LMC, 1a, work fylevised “rerking chair conventyonal halfhour unit, or ite of the most offbeat and wordl« in one of thme video curl chat was tv journalism’s lofttest my schedule’ As 2 result the most [fashionable alibi extant appears Io be “just walt HEE next year” | ‘This time out {tf was Tom/ Moore's turn, as evidenced by last | osities, a Chi-based ad agency hour, but lke everything else in technically will be footing the = ty, stirred eentraversy within the ball for the arance on industry appe. focal ty of the head of another CBS didn't hike one key part of wvulliples, bat will alse 4 at an experiment in the presentation | ef two separate dramatic entities bound bogether by 2 common wery | est drama itles on. television, He's already Hable for such "Naked City" entries ps “A Jerse Has A Ba Head--Ly rominent agency he : thr “Mt ted by Revue, the ae w ae , a ati we week's TY Guide evaluation ad O The Dee, 28 guest ¢ re WON. “the arcennemicnts a uve att first AS-meniute show will revolve While [ee Young So 1 Can ABC, for in copplng the plea) pss oad America. Marketing Ba he ite Ver Young Se I Cam [ «this isn't my schedule), Une pra | interview format gave the natin around tse theme of tracking down | “Die Happy” gram. chieftain. was Laking cog: | on the March” will be Fairfax | one of the moat fascinating hare a criminal. The companion 45-; Die Happ nimance of the fact that he didn't ' Cone, chairman of the exertte mwa mectiunt. mer er offered by any The mo-holds-barred ¢estions j ‘ewer though they were all com | shichouely friendly with no effort ; Moted ta get to paints which minht I toe palitheally eritieal of the JFK Zio alihinistratiens made Franklin DD, ; Hoosevelt’s itips te the White tive committee of Foote, Cone & Belding. The series ts presented and underwritten, as & public service, by Wade AdVOrUssHg. Now he comes up with an oiher lille spectacular tnt “Rebin Heal and Clarence Darrow, They Weat Out With Bou and Ar row Pia due for inidJanuary telecast on "Naked ‘gasume the helm. unill late last March, when to all intents and, purposes the ‘#28? schedule had | Sheen practically Aroved up. What | wasn't mentioned was: that, at: least on one. occasion before the, = [kickoff of the new season, Moore | ¢ minute stanza gill forus on the, eculion and punishment ef the | "Chae Connors. star at i set te fomline the waiiLal 45-minute | series: JeAres Muster «ill star in| the spend series Positionme ef the twa shows, “City” After all.” Glanes sald, [had ch | House hearth with a tatie mike on the Sunday might” sched-| “a man a Sea ee TONE with Wott te ke ‘seem pale in informative content | xt af the! is ta to h up ae “bright wilh promise te , ! Pap GFMAIVG COMIEHE, wie will bridge mest of the: . eeepc a lnaselt” eet | ees t best schedule? he 1! | ‘The Kennedy interview spanned two-hour gap to be kit vaew AKC = arope Hells no0d has next season. ine W's Amuret that the intearated |i lLe dramabe themes of ihe two 45-8 minulers will hoki auvdiegeces | the e Semante se span bat wile the] Peccibbe im shorter rumning Limes MY af each show Commpetiticiv, the 239 detling! will give ABC 2 half-hour jump ‘om! g | NBC's lughrated — “Benanea: ™ to | | | ae | , i The frigid cold front which hae ac a wide variety of subjects to give the tv viewer fand voting citizen) (@ feeling, rightly or wrongly, of | heing on on the “insite? with the 7 | Democratic nation’s foremost af ', fieehotder. The telecast is decidedly a pn “Ttheal plue for the President's -papulanity, and it coubk easily ve been planned that wav The eateent of the fotmiat was born in the White House Afl three webs hart preivate ty interviews with the Preste ent. BPerte Sabnger called the } pews chiefs af all three (ABC 4 Jain Hagerty. CGH" Richard Salant and NBC's RE MeAndrews to Wash ington Dev 2) te prowine a joint t-minulie program mm the inters view farmat wilh one newsman of each net quising the Preadent ‘Salant, with his ass.sfant Blair Clark along, had a lite plane arid g Washington taxi stalled an trafe fic in bad weather and missed (re sete. What bothered Salant mast lites Was the agreement ta fane the Presidential mtervicw for 8G nine ules And edit out HP minutes of slower, fess interesting secinent. : Salant and Clark tuok the cones a’ vbhat belligerent potion, accords ing te others invelved, that if the m President were giving en hours ‘Ge. Similarly Hubbell Robinson, whe | , | returned lo the CBS program wars | | Jast spring alter the Colunthia #183 sked bad been Armed up. finds | +. himeelt In the same «thie ‘oat my aehedulei pagtion—but with the | O@ (difference that there's no plea to cop, what with CBS ‘Gov LeRoy Collins, NAB topper. imeost enviable Nielsen rating payo who has come under fairly general BS enjoying {ts | . Eon Alatery. industry fire for his stand vs. cle ,, oe eat as it may. there 438 advertising im kik tv hours, gots hardly a segnent of Madison Ave. ! host lest week from tua eoUTrE ' last week that wasn't second-guess Hrown & Williamson and The Cone, ing the mewrst Nielseng: and the nummy Conference on Communlait L"I8out of Top 20° status of CBS, cations & the Public Interest. "coun, Florida Citrus, which bought | wonderiig out loud about the “shat: The cigaret company’s action | , ever $1.300°008 it prime tine mine | happesed and why? ramifications came in the form of a nix of a. ge. vice on ABC-TY. Is now getting of & season when one nelyork's half-hour show it had been cone : Out of that commulment, Network | Tatings could so outdistance Ats frroplating for sponsorship This. ~ es have agreed that the “act of | rivals (that. cven by eliminating | Mas the Willian Morriepackased . “rast Side, “West Side? | to be. Go clavee tn the deal a applies fa the 18 shows. CBS would. SHE. °My Faverte Martlan, a kids prodeced by. David Susskind, i He freeze. "| oe out mh front on remainder ef orenicod series pesinned for carly ; General tirs (ence rating wi f¢ remainder & event network showcasing, shaping up as CBS-TY's major mew network. takai un fate se its schedule Wied that, Im the present New Yerk-baved dramate aflering. vary execs enor ted that 4 mek | There is, of course, the school LeRoy Collins climate” it might George C Scott has brem Hgned af mew companies are slated ig (of thought that will argue te its only fin the “ban the butt Mane, : as the bead, Robert Alan Aurthur come inle television during 196% ‘Maet that other criteria than ratPraming Cellins, ihe Conference | aa the writer, and Alex Segsl ag with shart term commilments that ings must incsitable merit serieus . “otrongly backed" him for urKing the director are gelling shorter and shorter |C@isideration and cannet be | broadcasters to place commercials: sl ‘ hut uhich represent a wider) brushed ase in evaluating the foc cigarels at hours when they base. Scott. Aad been slated a¢ the , . lead for anolier hourlong entry naa (Continued on pane 4a) a > Continued on. wane a2) beg cspraducd with CBSTY, ee wader the aos af United Arists fein _ | been casvering the nation for the ‘ ‘past (uae ‘weeks is patting a chill am. ‘Se . 19) nelwork eae & Geren SS a Ss er , nes ° cane 5 — wan ar —— Sa CII eo en ee SE eee eee Television The UA-TY project. theugh, ie] throurh, aad Mike & Dan, prosraniming $e. N.Y... Bae instrumental in setting Sentt 16. . enitch ta the “Fast Side, Weet Side’ prapct, dealing with fe amd cfioris of 39 New. York social i worker The UA-TY propa, ae dead as far as CBS-TY termed, dealt with the lufe. and votk of 4 noaspaper colummiat. Scatt om due to make the pilot ia. is cow | interview, Ho shauld be an hour, watouched with no editine This evelyed into a choice of ! : whether CHS would ga gions ot ® wauldmt participate the ebbing was wll right with Haserty and it McAndrew? CRS then cenwnicd Ti the web's epposition in writiny If Salting tut first made a record by se niin G At trail, het taping, done in the > ie afternean rday § $6 ran daavary aul ticn leave to do a im roughly 86 minutes, with ture ont filme am Lomiont He is due to re«: | for a catfew break oat JPRS ct snedaied te {i same intensive A gestions after the {ust 50 A ni te i le Work commuttee cotnpined of cys, social 49 Haliyused, Dec, 1. Your Star is planning to pilot | a | “Settlement House,’ with Jackie; Copper’s indie company aligned with Four Siar ta produce, | and with Coaper ja direct, iH Cooper is nos in N Y. for cast-.. i interviews. Hourlonx property i Charles K. Peck Jr. |; at penned by aad aened by Jackie Cooper ductions before 8 joined Four pieeniaans Pro Bae. personal rewarch in the lives baat | ARC's Bot Quan, CBS’ Erni-t > Letser and NBC's Reuven Frank had shsolute autherity to ctecide on i Une ‘30 minutes ta be trimmef. | (Only mamiatory scissoring dfh, «Continued on pate 32) See, SOI TE EE OS {line | New that Denny Kaye hes ete i tered the weekly ty provramning Hf sweepstakes With an hour live 1h CBS entry next seasun, dudv CiarB lund mav be the next to fall ia Like Kve, she’s heing peddied by her manaer, Freddie i Fields, for a S&himnute weekly showcase for the ‘O4-'#4 season | which the star will [rent Hattest contender for the Gare | dand package t's reportedly he» : i” wrens u | ng Brolected as 4 $5.00 Go deal pres Show i i | . Michiqns Ave, if is . altho 19 alsa 3 rorine the faa of Mallya nome 3 M said to be im the running lavinse lees from the berth Fata evn | OMe ¢ | alrendly set Jerry Lewls for a tude Tot par We ae, 4: hour Saturday nicht series, an flenry. Fone: will be boat of the} David 1.. Walner oreduction, Jack Maiev Jr is nradvcpr-diverter. and | | Marshall Flaum Ue ripter, ABC acquisition of Miss Gatland | would spell out 2 migyor ONC hs oO sunch for the uch im « film-tos ve transition,