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dew Camads s northermest television stahen fs TY, from | the eo
: Sunde: re made, including one of the two
in the studie, “ erate separatars are nailed ta the | ME
chars le net owners as ils amonat af advertising
* — not affiliated, WHTY fs permuted to-carry some CBS
qroma. Of Other flee are picked wp Trem Lacie l Histribuiers, |
“Maekinaion, Dee. 1,
1 Henry, lhe newest ' anal. fed a Heense to “almoet FCC Commussioner, related. some anione who knocked on the door.” | of the epinions he has has resched FCC's “comparative criteria,”
pce Joining the Commission vi & speech buliressed with quotations from Join. Quincy Adams, Pidtner & Presthus, Martiat’s Epigroans, Winston Ch ana
‘used te deride ‘which spplicante are fav: Needs overhaul the “emphasis placed ost
~poaty:* rather than the old ‘criteria’
gt closely divided situations
aurcnill : athers, As far as the broadcasting
year the HBC does.
of the Whitehorse | inn 1d ome . rated at Charles |
: in May of ‘SI, ‘ee “the reppery whth breac
airact and “had faith’ in dim, Conmptaint
efendants conspired ment ca ybasinest.
London, Dec 18. Fishing for laughs in the new. not seen tog worried bv past chart records, ralhe— Fer muore concerned with talent well '
* ‘beled and: lested if not sudience
jirabbing; Eric Sykes, Ray Calton tend Alan Simpson, Muir and N
* wiiet vacks for the terporation in bck For DHE the panmes are. the
These are fhe gagmien whe
set up by an applicant peearhen the BBC's comedy drive
ier the mew term Galton ane Simpson are inked in fer a fresh
; the | vg (eet Of Steptoe & Son.” thie ad ereviell sae strictly 38 steft wee | the Commission between The | Femtures of aged junkman and By the "saet wasteland” jardor & APPUCIMS SCCKINE ious son, aad more M-minute Rung dolore Ute mduclry same facilitws far a station. Hesry . “Comedy Playhouse” segments the mmaides Speech ee he: voter Believes be will Likely cast his vate ¢ aid Chesney ave Saned ta Kennedy appointee, Charman {ht Say the FCC yeariak Exam | new bates with their rany garment Newton Minos. the Henry lik Key Hed, hae the beneAt of nears | NeCket, frestions in “The Rat on then Leary spoke he meted, has the beneft of heat=\-trade” curres West Knit ae 6 Oba the ev iddenre anal oheers ing the Mage version, , aad rie 6 Sykes has VALRE SERS new sele-writen Ting, skein = He is in faver of FCC's policy theaded but se fines on wayward, Muir and |
NOs: of imposing tbe wie :
for net) He invited the Natvenal Aca. , of Beeadrasters lo solve. the "ike Me . "
net the Government's te police ; | thei Emlustry, | =the supperis the table of as: ahs ments plan for FM radio. 3 ‘commisai setwerk ra te | -=HHenry put himself on record: Secon on ubether | o neck ost j f auty to lead int i. Censored” he ent _cmely lie aly of his communily” But
Without every say0K 30 in 40 a. ceaied 7 Rid he aust live’ be by ie
many words, Henry seemed te hint | 35 in hin speech that he is a pee 7 apivom Lowe man, or at teast Im Ja:
search of a compromise: "rere —“Teviswn program today — WH ES exhibit 2 discouraging degree of. 8
te uae Rig hapved _ prime , x — — time” Nets, he cont . cotta: a trend am inajer 7 accurately delermine «hat the Mae petios ating 2 set Up rr éepa' jority -af siewers? reals waals, nOt ments a6 a consultant eke what 2 accents merely bersse nothing else ve offered
He added °Tae more programs are Simulabag and creative-—the more, fer nV Bey, they sere the public reterest ’ He sant Rote #rt Sarnoff spoke his views when he caulwaed “ch critics about ine posing a double standard. awe fer entertainwst programming anid aemher fer publsc service shows.
=cfm @ ples at met chieftains whe spall about too much contrel and think only of that atcnuning frais. Waskiagion, Uicnrv sand 1 is con trary to broadcashiag § “high pure ratings, etc the reruns gine the pose” lo have excesa control by reps something to Lalk abeut, alone gither Gamernicnt, the mes thoi selves at advertisers
=-enms has reached ma firke eopciusun vel en tie tarieus rece cumendaiwms made ln Ashbrook P. Besant after his long study of netaorks |
ew I oretramminn sindies, jike the 6° ae Searin.s and Uieee ape comin. tn. Omaha, ate “potentiahe a ser, cfertive tool” te glean facts ana unyress on all broadcasters (he importame of movin local respotsiniities
a—tmMumumty anlenme tv sys 5 one be directly regulated
ar, .
mille said he is solaily behind perstente iran oni ae ee fhe gelough alttude of FCC at) reppery, whose exec said the cent | lecense renewal or assignment of pany wanted lo slay away from license time. “As far ag I sat come) programming—"Ohir job is te sell | cerned there ave no “paper” prém-! lime” But the symdie exee thinks | fees,” ee said, cope: that lie" the reticence is faused more by 2 eensees mast live up ta. al} chu fear of program: advice that might : witments made to FCC. " top than any great dedication to. ~—-The mai cause of AM radia's., sell,
on, has uritlen the New York.
‘the syndication ranks.
prorranmniing, Firestone — feels, slems {rom the current. availabilty Of tis kind of prostiuct, Uhe stock. pie ef off-web packades. With ther metaork track reconds =
tonal adverticers via their buying: ef prime winules placed in the off“web offermgs,
Amang reps that are offering programming adiice are POARW, ‘Katz and Belling As with long. esablshed radia programming. de | . partments at sone rep houses, the | tv advsers shoulil. be in a crosses.’ Are environment, vith program: ming info available from several
info available from. several mar: | kets, tiat could pass usrful info,
as firmly behind “the broadcaster's ¢ Yad
Parade of tee festivities a Pir alae Orange Now! Came. of
| Armour & Co, Bristol-\vers.and
| North American | Pisilips t'e, will
local tv managements, Len Fire: | stone, prexy of Four Star Distribu|
tens, jn turn offering them ile | SOrviees OS & programt advisor from
Tuche CBS Neus correspondents Ite. meeting at ‘Denver t
with the proven interest ef ma.
gown tue ine, | i
humor skein built around the xf
ret. Henry Cecil, hee wrole ‘he hit “Brethert in Te
non” ‘ben will deal pert ‘the ade ventures of a-distinctly "different" jwise, played by vet character actor Ansitew Cruikshank,
For the second “stealaht year, ARC-TY will giv age to the King Orange. Jamboree
Dec. 31, at 10 pm. a6 pact ,
Firestone, and he expects ta hear Heaty sixeday tour prior to the web's | ment = Mayor Nichard Batterton from mote in the near future One Years of Crisis telecast on Wed-. will preside at the reasons fer reps utterest in mesd.
five home hases--and relax. Here's a le of whats expected of then,
extracted from their Denver ene
Masement The 12 touring newsmen dre due in Denver fomorrov ‘Thurs... the next to the lust leg of thew tar.
ES am—~Arrive Denver from . Detrot Met by Hugh #8: Terry. prez and general manager, KL4s)
rY and KLZ. Jack Tipton, mar’ ager of KLZ-TV., vite chancellor | Bob McCollum, C of Denver: Dean.*
Purdue U of Denver
12 tnapne o> Arrive at Brawn Palsce Hotel.
12 15 pov--Piess conference in suite of. Dek Salant. CHS Kews'
-wharkets, that could pass useful prexy, attended by correspondents pendonts. vieating the cities of Ha
lof Denver Post and Rocky. Sfountam Ness j2 40 pom. Leave hotel vis charfered hus for lunch af Library. Building, South Campus, Uo of Denser 115-2 45 pm —Luanch ‘informal, oie speeches, only conversation |
with about 12. profersors and viee | Charles Kuralt (Rio de Jancira); Bob McCollum: Dean! Blaine Littell
‘rhancellor Perdue. Hugh Terry, ‘Lipton
amd dack
| 230-3 08 pi —By chartered bus
da, whe merged his firme | pre | Ms _ gramming and production division |
te botere © neve aver to head up the media |
: ‘ |: tHe: | is ts the way -¥er hea admitted den and Ronald Woelfe and Ronald rectors, stand to make a sixefigure | the writers whepreturn on their stock hotdings it
| Seored critieally and reajed the
on thre ir ing of network minutes. fer Coke aapiatia rights an ihe inal and Buick and national wpa. neve la, are. hooked ‘oe i hew feat |
the “blue collar” work crews whe}.
_ i ME of the workers on their € one-hour cover+ exec estimates,
the, seen strong preconceived
ay 28° must be champiny at | the hil. to get bark to thelr reapers
. Suditeriua, sponsoreal by Socal
ion Ave. Fen
heer preference, oily If; were "Schaefer drinkers Leading brande i were Rheingold with 38 ane: Bali Laritiine with dit: Ad execs guessed
By BILL GREELKY MCE Productions, the {v
OW MeCann-Erikson esiablished ; rently 31°
agency heard ¢ y 31°. ame iS‘: respectively. m Merion Harper formed. bnterpublie,| Im cigs, STF. of the ad. execs a being keg Camels as the “blue eollar’®
rand Gaily 2: of the workers
on malo wiveser "Pa “pat? Weaver. prexy ot) jwere Camel smokers Not one at
| Productions and chaicmait
Ech ? ATA, ‘ : Mee anne * intern may named Pall Mall, Salem
Tareyton or Kools, set these brands represented 21° of the worker : nt, | preferences Rumors. that Weaver, former; Says DIX’ prese Gerald Rosette NRC provram chief, ts anxious te kranz whe office overlooks the et back inte an achive production street praject!, “Alikourgh just an role have been cuculaling for séme) explorators experiment, our stirs time A move bn that direction Was | vet does suggest the decree te confirnied with the report that he | which brated images Hi ett socio. has teamed with fum producer ecoiomic grup can be far from Dine De Laurentus for production iattiet brand performance in other of an hour ty serves In Haty, “Viel groups, To sum it all up. this pros Veneto, The Street of Sitewalk | ject emplasizes the potential yatCafes see separate story? jfatia facing advertising, marketing
Feeling is, however. that Weaver, ‘and merchandising executives wie will suck with Interpublic uatlit| Uy te define the profiles nf their Marron ilarper cam push throvagh | CORMUNES farvet groups without his plans ef a publi stack ispue. mequate. relinhle COMAUMIEP Hie iN= Weaver, and ether corporation diurements”
Japlisk Spoken Here
The Hadi & Television Culture and when the shop nianages to ge) Research Inattute of the Japan public rosticasting Corp has compiled a
AS 2 production wing, MEE Pro-! report Unt “Foo «Lee Beagles durtions Has been more or less ins Spend-Thele-Time Surveys Anabye active since its formation There: sw of the Daily Life of the Japan« was initially a two-part pilot proj. ese Peaple.” ect for a tv series based on U.S, Says t the report, “What peanle dea warhime = counter-intellinence ‘der-: moat during their leisure hours are fing-lo, ‘The two-hour long pilots | listening ba radtiy and viewing tele were to he tinked for forepen fone | vision. ture pix ditribution Series never Radia: “Three times « day the materialized, but the (wa haves. rate of peaple listening inte rain finallv had @ network rum as &programe rites. Is the Moraine, thie special. lYatia is the highest betwen & 2 in. Last Sear there were the West‘and 7.30 am, Jt alee: comes high hee inghause specials and earlier there | tween noon pad Tp in The pak was the belly cig eon from Liggett cones ataine between To pm aud & Vivers But the agencs’s tv fumes BM and then the curve tron hae primarily become the hive § alle . | > “On, Weekednys, the television viewing ratia rises only in the evenings While the televtsiath viewing ratio betueen 12 opecnt and 1 pvt. is comparatively high, (6 in quite low during Wie howling a different
will |
Hidden Fe Are Maallaon Ave exees in touch with “the man in the streett’ No, savs the research firm, Data De
, morning, thie 8 vero aa ne marketing ently | pattern fram the ratio revealed for
r hs { ir a to name the brand preferences of {>to listening, wee watch, Piatt and 16 pm, Mout the highest ratia is seen between & p rt, and & pp mF While the above. reughly follows American viewing patterns, Surte day is something else “Televinion viewing on Sunday shows @ pattern quite different fram vaehdaye, iconepicueus feature Is that the television viewing ratte ke minh bigher mt Sunday that on weekhetween Sam and & pm.”
have beet slauly moving Madison Ave. in fecent months, DPX in turn queried 2 sample of ; preterbeer and
ences in & wad «.Karets, Int matching the resulls against the
says the ‘Tee!
sults were surprisinw ="It out that the advertising men, with’ netions :
what the ‘hive -collac’ men! id bate been smoking sad,
Os m wt another similarity to the drinking, were of by quite a bite ng udy' While 209 of the act tt 8. populace is the at & Cin
thousht Schaeler “a8 the workers ine on Tolkt are teler to bed and : tater to rise than the bees entinht
| ened and counlry types.
Law: ‘Twa firms have already called on. currently on the road im then fives | Hufiding. 400 downtown Iusiness |
Washington, Dee 418, FOC Chairman Newton Winn “vote will! has predicted the commission will ‘each dine In the home of a leading have “specific proposals for aurbHenverite, and will Be presided “ing meisy commercials.
& pri. -~ Each correspondent picked up at Brows Palace by his: respecting inner host |
with brief biographies of host and| la a letter to Sem Chifford P. guests at sour dinner, each corres» Case TEN £3, Minow wrote that nondent will he guest of honor at the FCC staff is naw workin ona his ehaner’y, det favied sturly of the neobh m ew hfe: wi gould Uke very mech te hase
B3G-0 pr. <= Meeting at City) a rule af ihe FEC which kenits the vol papmercealg fry tlle Calin a ahyacenk pragrai mae terisl” Minow addesi Guar cn. b> neers foHous there are a lat of techniwal problems invelked [oan ath teetal Stee teak site see ane uk wa» at Suur sutvestion J fenske antes thiys
Case, in a atotermment ace amnpans cong relene of Vinee o letter act ton, Washington Detroit, as well he has becn Gunman the « cme: as Denver and St. Louis. are Wine sum ance December, TEMGh, te af ston Burdett “Rome: Hichard € "something about loud commers tal. Hottelet (United Nations, Bernard Ao rrvat many rate un fv ‘Kalb ‘Southeast Asia-Indias, Mar-i listeners agree with hum, ead Ca © akin Kalh «(Muscaw:, Peter Kalix i as he cited the volume of mai he scher Tokyo: Alexander Kendrick hae received on the aubject ‘tRagland:. Robert Kleiman «Paris:) Amd it mt gust jmacinatren, conchuted the senator, because @ Davi Massachusetis firnv’s analysis
(Setence Foundation of Denver i lests will drive cocre-pondentquest to mestingt Ger Steve Afewicals will preside,
Friliy 215 81 am Leave Brows Palace Hetel via charterce hus for airport te St Lane
The 12 en-the-reak CBS corres
Schoenhrin ‘Washingion; Daniel[shows commercials ta be faur Schorr ‘Bonn and Erie Sevareid {times louder ¢hanm ordinary pro fixew York), grams,