Variety (March 1963)

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peeve: Westie a ee West ne, Mires, Now Yoru ". M Ye rm Voriety, laa. hanwal babssript —— fovend Claes Postage ot New York. M. ¥. = © COPYRIGHT lene BY VARIETY, WiC Ald, MGWya_RENGA VED _ Merlin, March S. | Vrom this former capital of the ball Bemgiten how mene plage ; pray Deput y ‘Hechhuth, 31, which fs vireedy \ feared here ax dauneh ing ba antiCatholic, wave, The play recently , the reire Kurfuerstendetire with ite theme thet the late Pape Piwe XID “could have’ stopped the Neal exlermination campa during the Wat. Other writers and philusephers have occasionally chided all of Kurepe, and world opinion, foe Lhaving dowe tae filile shout the i vielous prapagaida and resultant brutelifies of the Hitler regime but te try te pin the quilt for | German fanaticism on Kaman ('atholle Church in Home is a fresh slant, Already Catholic spoked» Wien, mung by the charges, sre Firgulating documents te refule U on in the play. Hoohh uth is explicitty ident ilied a 8 Member of : German | Bvangelical Church, the play g di~ recier, Erwik Piscator, wae in a New York ax « refugee for many | teemewer horns | President torsos 4} years re prerated : Broadway | ike “Nething But Mon. ! rod se a iTS ‘Moth e Des emiaie xchoal priot ta returning {ef am amd ‘Mike We a'k right (6 sue Nec fer te Germany afler the war ¥ oe Piha and Mika | Already there are reported Parle, March | ~The umpleeath Prin Goeaeeurt de la Cuisine hes. just nde Hie here, her the -hiale jury spent ureet deal of care, time and tesiebuds | on half « hundred culinary de: + lights, The prise le awarded | Onee a year and all top French thefts dish up their speci , hoping for the plaque For most readers be deesn’( fake much difference which of ihe maitre chefe wou-—but it may get a ripple ta Jearn rnd lo8, oc thie, | the name of the winning dish; the Lone Toland ‘siadice a “wana Hh erbergWilliam Aeckendort pres = wefule aimiticcctabtinccaiaai ; of the | , arket ‘yelates that pond | Mona Lisa came fa: New Yak photo “with” a shopping Ta nein between her folded Mena Lisa amsiles en. enige ? at. moticeliy a before trecting, "| $2,500,000: bel. ‘The trial could Gaeliseau, wha Include one of the Kennedy hoya” plans ta stage the play in Londos ; we Mud Be-) and Jack Continued on t pate €h. iv, + Paar shonsy Pictures releas a1 Metta claina that Atlorney-Gen» decumentery-feature | eral ert ¥. Kenn shout New ‘Verk's tne ve] fe ‘various ethnic! m lige ae ee maa ‘ in L thee wee i patione Called “Ont One New | lee which wae investigatin fa. | hana, peer) directing. ANheagh ‘nat oherkes "Kennedy pein havina that | | origin Lane Homer aad “uniess something |e done, the ) hy 4 alas | country will be eantrolied ... by. od gangsters and hoodlume” and in-| | cluded Hoffa in that category, " Mitineapotis, March 5 | It séena ta be & trend here far spe, Hlabstelube featuring fowl to ine a Police, or sa. : | Menies Pelorsen al-j At thie point, Paar sald? “I th Jogos. At the time, he wae Aned| ¢ bta bell you knew whet you're te stall | Séinmnalng Jeni in ee hes boon | 89 ahertiy ineresfien taanched | as ink ther or we may be in our ie a inert Te leat spate charge Kennedy appeared emt Said s wautt “weloonse” ‘ sult by | protective ines te see what’ 8 oie I Helfa wae as bad oo ara whether © It's proving 2 patronage lure exe ‘former Teameter prexy whe was, Pecllly, of cause, heme & male , ‘idectry Thanh done . any! oH HN m2 . eg the: Neare ne. part | alledé, Kennedy replied “Beck | trade maKknet Some alterles See Contnwed enrages | m0 ag rm the Teams wt Tote ane ace — non the + Amecicnn Meciely of Com-| Continued om page 41) | altire. | | & Publishers hit a: Davey Jones’ Locker, which ) | Wy KY. Pest ame S404 O16 ry wn We Why Ressin Doesn't _ hee ta a year ago, Waa the frat : af a P Be ensees jor joea, =Th here to intradwes the i ininit = As A Show jnterest on US, treeture maven ‘Dig’ the 7 pool enlertainment'’ Follew ut with the same kind of attraetlon” ook Sorve fe ‘$207,662 and iis members | elcy: with | Shle dues brought In $140,590, | Paris, March 5. ig the Just-opened North Star [nit's “es! Alter deduction of operaling exe! Mime, Ekaterina Furtseva, Ruse Copper Heath nltery, In theese of the joap Three Copper Oeath xlameraus models, receiving $1250 per hour, she is | tren we | Maaday (4: fer the renses, ASCAP: distributed. $24,slan Culture Minister, haa Amally , = poem | fivet time since New York news-. 221,032 fo ite members, $6.404,-/ explained “hat all the fuse ta) al tole S| emcitnat eceniher, 800 went wit last April: $4,004,155 aboul as regarde “modern” art, wie we A ents, many af whem have, in July: 8 ST.AIZ9L1 in Octoher, and “modern” music, “modern” ballet, | 'qtace the establishment's paol in | att the payrell foc a long | $7,407,138 In Devember. ‘The operetc au suits that leave nothing (a are el bein biked te realing | ‘enpendilures of $7,500,010 ‘Young artists In all cultural the imagination sod provide 2 : alt hough pene lapped 30% af the lake, Expendi-. elds are sided by the govern: | male optics’ treat which apparent. r tohing & poctial tures on salaries came to $3,615,228 pent In Russia,” she sald, during ly makes the food and drink taste . Poim| salary, The bulk e honitaces ! and afilce expenditures. were a visit here ‘The yevernment, | better. it ot aad sperators mie "feel that they | $3,442, 761, mening the people, pay for their | These girls se far perform? beri efe ac | » “ve a voice, albeit sue With a cir-' ASCAP's annual mecling In New, food, lodging and studies, Sa the only on Saturdays when most stn he herman loulation normally ef under 400,00. York Is scheduled for Mareh 26 at’ artists, whether actors or painters, ! downtown officca are clased and. ical but not First Yamily [ So hungry were New Yorkers for the Americana Hotel, The Coast ; ove a debt to the peeps Even) Alling the room ie more of a proke| iCoatinued on page 61) “weet wre held Feb, 20, (Continued o page §1) l tera than ordinarily,