Variety (March 1963)

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= he the | play. Nuston directed “Freud” and B i ee wren, ve the reativer > ails, MeeRockefeller Comer, a $37, Eeademone nt i pocket es other jewelry. is paid tor outBg. nied taken right, aad not re 4 on appre al, as Todd. y 38 3 Supe jo de it ‘Woalfolk maintains a sense of, fai Ueough wee al corporate funda, cad aries lightly slesanaised. ant i-Semaeticin of sonse of the Anaacerts, it might be argued that if anv thing his Morgan is more reapenth and more subtie * Sned af of pas chelowical nuance (han. Kas the ariginal slow man The pelulant, capruious, mixedwa Anne Allen of the book may or may sol resemble Liz Taylor, Sie in feos a personally in her o4n Yiaht here than a phantam wt the coampuigave drives of a man old UME {oe he ther father Aclion 3 only wecwdentally in Holly 1 ona. Kook is helled “ ‘a mevel of the Alm tr? Morgan is a constant traveller, a “big tipper, & man af uneessing mavenment Me Kas He repase at all, The novel mcludes scenes at grave Jewish wile 12 sucnie) whe bs be img buried and ber relates who Srike, sneer and met on Marg ar, ‘Yet Woolbalk does unt make Mor gan heartless, calv meagsively e¢n trate Of io that Ue same thing’ After VWorgaa’ a degth, bis Israel paade flim. “The Apostles. is a4 boxefice smash and he himself lees buried as Jaco Mascon itz, telat Us. enury. at the Berlin Tedd od aig Tac sale ie be _ ales a iy ane se = cennana Ci air meng, wie realistic! touches person ie Fi vene Waimg chic. eorreet ly las weds * Heat at is Murgan’s deserted: Film ¥estival, shih June 2h. Wolfxank Reinhardt . duced the Ulm aad spauthored | ihe script with Charles Kaufman. Bath ace Academy Award . for lhe sereen which | fealures Monigomery for | ur Flest quarter of fuseal 1963. ene | | Holly. on rch Republic Corp, earnings eee is presy-chalrian "Current lake, atier per tommen stack, | ed. $11 223, mpared je ome 08,162 by: '2's first quarter Carter attributed the sharp. ime | provement in bela, year's first quate mina ators on Times tthe Rovian Guild jn! vt "Norman Kison,, Guild head, le Agure conducting the egatiations which are. expected als conchuded ahecty. he sutresefully Albany, March 3 $ Defernvent set March 11 of an Assembly vole an the Marana Alm | ) classification bill, uhile Luigl ¥. Marane awaited * recommendations ' 4 ) by the molionpicture Industry,” | dot nat provide an answer to thet wading question, ’ What action a the Senate take? Fer the past three Years, nel Laser Nouse has approved thet hill, by one-sided majorities, but it! has Hever come to. a tate in the: Lpper Towser Wil this tear ee de Fcrent’?? Same informed ohscrvers say aio « abl Taa fac fers had been expected ta affect the Senate The first was the stalement by the U.S. Catholic Hisiwps Comuiltes en Sotian Pic» lures that it had abandoned a jong: eid . ross bron of depending ‘on the efficacy af the Prsaluction Cade and soa favored "gal, ps0? classification’ By state ar miuitics inal eiluration departments. “ar other suliable agers 7 Secondly, Moan ef Regents is strong for * classificatren,” $169, one in ta tbe dividends wae -Itation agree. | ia ent reached afier a full yeor of | gaa of the plot | ror aa meetings hy MPEA. orgen’é aia ee. eaainet Ve per T share last: year, | Lrepe with their Itale counterparts, ge (Net sales for current three months 1 ihe highest Jialian ener, vende Ut AE, SEED OW | italian Minister for Enleriainment Ht New York, Alberta Folchi, a well Mm attends | ne pre-determined, budgets, We re ee “ ai red by top local officiate, "oY OVE RRENS Mediler| fi ” ing a series in acquiring | .. ¢ . eadway, from the’ ranean area topper threw a cockie alignment with dat ‘tall reception for Johnston at hia “eager newcomers,” anday, ANICA , aid foreiun terrain, production | f Fitel Manica heated a large’ sites flexible: if happen« there's | Itala pic ina U, S: a busy | hoki ' dui ries hau climaxed Kric Johnston, Lecal 0.6 comes after Jalal on's Paris slay for the 7 ings of VWIAPY (international recently became preside: Aa previousl: \ialian «agreement wae ‘echnically functional ot letters dated Jie | ead, but both sites, wanted th the i) 2 @ the twa con trend towards « free markel, as 4 Pi well. as serving noUce fo those of Columbia, London-based | areas where restrictions aad quo. tee still exist Unel cooperation: he| : tween industries, rather than hat. bated : ied 047 _ rep mament and competition, 1¢ ‘the amber xo-" piri a 207 baat aver at 9 HALL * + eee ” 1 13," which 606 fer equivalent quarter ve which films ave increasingly | only lasting selulion in a rowing: juve entertainment world |; ; threabened by other niedis, i levels fame he-faie ‘jeeeks A. wind of at SL sae toe rarkets. Trve, I Sales. ler ANICA membership. have = ¢ Youk. : hls inted. out, is hes under: fee foe len features, . visit, Jobasten was awarded | Titiale peng vont, MPEA’s. sf Ds ‘home, while on Mend Reme, March 5. | Signing of official Slee a three-day visit here by MPEA. top| yA Producers Federation) et whith he | y sriaiied: Yank: alpeady © gees per ant irl 4 tr indus bles. in loday, ‘ kitowlng full » ep ‘forward in ‘the like alization, antly Lew, on a financial ¢ con-lation. . hiked sad will henceforth’ dj by | There is United, “Arties the past , : ; the teem stock issue ouislanding by’ bhi~ other 12,008 shares, | This beings the ola ta 1,323 542, How's a major Aim forp well that le stay afloat demands full cognizance ot all the world a4 the market | place” Mike J. Frankovien, Lat ee iat as likely ta be found BHY: | Madrid, sdetails hia = company's multifaceted approach, It's p ticularly skenificsnt talthough not. entirely unique in ihe filme bic) extent ja which 2 pic enterp alebal fire. " tranbovich, seen privately In New York the péat week, itemiued: | “ phe ‘nemenal” 14) Keasentng behind ber of features ta be made an One af the bantcs af the old pros at pall jon Tieked:iy. Ubedecoration — yOW 4 How accent oa Holly waed, hand anita om the [Tues | Johnslon is slated ta speak pact, Today ; on ihe subject of the "LC. 3. ¥s. world company, Bat Col, Hidal first be recegniaed ene entity, ne | Common Market Developments” at. longer West Coast vs, West End, ‘a Rowe Chamifer of Commerce Indeed. the ence seems to be visit: | i luncheon, Alsa scheduled. ix 2 meats | Hid with nent correspondents hr 4 et . Washlniglon, March 5, Us Information \mency select. ed “David and Lisa" Paul Meller~ Continental) te open the Cartegena ‘Colombia: Fite Festral, USIA prowsed the . Colombia Government. ite ccoporstion to us: sure the last possible representa: tian of American motion pictures” at the Maret 1-7 fest. Kirk Dotglas will attend a pere formance of “Lenels Are the Brave’ in shah he starred aril which received the 100% Colombia Critees Avard Alw attending iso a tector Joseph von. Stersicrg whase © The Desi is 2 Maman’ and The Blue Angekr* will feature, fe km specul fc i Ing California on production mat ;: ters at feast six thes a year in studio head Sat: huddles with warts and ethers of the Who's i, ‘ He doeuments fhe one liner. ; “We have the olf proe and the . CARET meweomers,” with sont ex i Sensive Aamedrapping. plus titles’ » Fret Zintemann, “25th Heur”: 'Slantee Kramer, “Andersonvitle” and ‘Shin of Foals”: Rehbert Hus Bem, "EIU and “Cocoa Beach’. . Arthur Penn, an original, Sam Spiegel, “The Chase," a Hollywaond outing for warhkt traveler Solesel. : Federica Felling «Fight and « Hall * riahts excent the US, Deno De Taurentils, a Hack of features. some on territecial basis; Curl Foreman, ‘The Viecters’ Otte Preminger. The Cardinal. ‘Other Stile af the Coin? “Ronny fake $s Missing” anal "Armes Ava”. Irving Allon’s “Lens Ships going in Yaeolavin pest month Alse. Alan Pakula & ftabert Vu. lean, an orinnal: Fred Brisson "Vem Suny Tree?’ Carol Heeid’s “Raine? Von? duet flmehed Rebert Cohn wut Oleteras? senuel amt atherss Trvin Soan mokine Ris piatden vaya as producer with ‘In the Feonch Sole? Stan fey Bebeck CDr Stracestove’ Continued on page @) " going la get along in the world | | where from Houg Kong te LA, te, for it brings infa sharp. focus the has just got lo keep se many irons’ 11) What kind of preduct ia ie, a! tt The extent: & to which the cHek productions can. , tlean ups 6 Mow Cnaybed te sell ait } American musical abroad where se" been many of the Yank tuners have tua to reughly 54,000,000 lire ; spelled Lemon, | nome oan.see) yer year for all. Invest: | sltavex for je here, but Uhia, ment iw current pletures which | ee it a ; merely the more than likely will lose mianey. | of di vo the abalial Frankovich explained the hasle $135.56 daily rate for an oc jax setup of the dubbing Almmaking modus operandi thus: directorial Int Present system | 7 t “We will. make any plelure which. | Dering the MPIA preny’s whirl we think ke worthwhile, We will | ' ‘arlee hot reach for a product unless we Ue: think, it hee mere om aoe Own, rs] gl + tutes to hen ov at a director's salary for af patiey ‘the tren ee ene “something ta be diebered, Ag the stresses Prankiyich, aS A fe | . “+ Keplocatory talks have heen held bat with ne particular progres: ta . ‘ward settlement between Screen D1 rectors International Quild and New +¥ork Alm producers, In fact, & representative of the Filnt Pra ducers Assn, membera of which | are responsible for about 75° of “ithe commercial Alm verk done Fin Gotham, stated that the FPA iia "not amenable to any area of ' the demands” Producers report money demamnte | ae a IS? increase in stale Present rtacale ic $100 per oY week init fee & xteff director ot 2 Peweek tpeatract basis while the daily free= Jance rete be $198 M6. Directors al36 Want 2 two-year pact while Tithe eastern producers normally apetote under three-year agreements, Other asperaliona include itt: ae wituee. nent eta ate days, % er * ar and oolher overtime provisions, « iPhere are ne wvertime arrangements in the current pact whith ‘expires tomorrow (There), Alea i bewg sight, it’s revealed, prescribed preparation time *slguse par ‘whereby lhe director would he ‘required ta be present during tere taki preparatory time perieds before he actually did anny dire orinl werk and he paid jt pres paraiory work, natch, SDIG has always wanted this, it's sald, but has never been able te get it, Ne Vill-la Cheres. Another BK inet that joome fe Ge and whereby any SDICG member workin fer & producer at a jou other than directing would “fmmediately ga on the Guild 34. week, $166 miaknus contract if he dei just one sirectorial ssslinwent for the employer. This differs the present apslem whick & thulld member, workrapechy other than that recior, ta yet the freelance ale ‘tows Alm te get S135 56 le addition. te ida regular salary for whatever his reguiar joh je, Gulld den: would take hing off his regular Jok amd salary and make him «@ director least. 24 weeks. Stace the pact expires Lomorraw Thus | aml & new ove will olen aly not be mexollated by then, matter af retronctivity je alsa INY system goes, the FPA dace the bargaining wilh the Guild on ithe compjerensi pact, the ather ipradurcers net in the organization usually abuding hy whatever pact is worked out Feature Alms are enerally dickered one at a (ume Continued On A nage a longtime member “Terk Iattev. of 20th’s internatiogal publicity de_pariment and most recently pub director far Latin Ami rica amit the Par East, is exit the company shorts Undersieat fe he taking aver fatfers dutue. under supervisiant of sIohal pubiiots directee Herat Stare, is Larry Schneider The latter ® moving fo 2th fram 1 aited ‘eists where he has heen avsistung ta farcien oo publiity «manages Samuel Caohber & PREM VETORS DisTaia Columbia Calls off ‘Anatomy of Murder’ Keissue Couabia Hie past werk wis set fo tte alla @ Perse of CHa Prente meas) | Sates. of Marder. hut Ha nos called off Plat, ibs understood, pa hare the piture with Was Doar faa? hut Preminger diab tags: rove o¢ such company i asi rebeltcd* vai fe W ite