Variety (March 1963)

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SE oe | oot ; ne ett 7 “situation, | an Xe anak sion | [hibiior lender took the floor at a Lat I the Cnt mt the j Him rompany Mockholders’ meeting week had it a Hes, and zones about, a ‘question icy pat te wensge~ “went about a picture whic rane out last year, Her query wasn'l clear Kar red! "reur Horsemen ot the | we elt os wey y @Be ; . ; Calype aie | members siting on the dale at the , sa Metra annual conclave la Man tHhetion leet week that Metre wae ne lonper fhe ° friendly fompany” Ietatus In the eves of exhite Uset ee Piany of the latler are just refi a | ing te play the oulAt’s product, 1 Sald Fine "A sales policy based ee etre | president yy, | wet reducing the number of* cusl> Cnrien at being for veleane ja. ele accounts conn result lic the | Y year 1963 ~— O'Brien | expended revenue necessary to the re iq the even three desen | ree health of MGM," pat een! ¥ J ’ tet * @. BD a a Be ae: : ’ 7 4 } _ 4 A te i. a¢ . . 4 x. ee. 2 » g es : ; ‘ ” = “ Q : “ Y \ Se . @ ie = a . . a. os nt ‘ ; : oo. _. p 4 > . “4 ’ ee : a oe a om , ia _ ‘ = as a A bee : A » -_ er? pw L a aren | ; : , ~ F i at ihe aniual meeting of Mack-| ‘The theatreman aad, ae ne pats week—"| ticularly upset about MCOM's hand E ef" av! ark } were flemized tha current week |] ling of Sam Bronston's "King of , by Morris Letka, domestic sale! Kings.” He sald exhiba were prom fection. wwe { thie ot 28 teat , we | te sdiuvonents on komses but baster nen COTE | enlures are ta them, ihat sul seipUEHin of prititethe fan sa tio ai relessed hy fuk 22. 2. sind ail A oti exhibs, pe aware of the ten mut oe pe c them hav na tely a! he | . | all pie outils he) ied a pave Lefka. aie the at wae that einer played only 4, hey 14). fe e| a Mepped up eee et car the total exeludes “How the font | Wt 5,008 theatres, , : ipcomin ine ures, ~ market om on Was. Wan,” “Wonderful World of Vine sald MOM can now expect the moet eu'spoken, CORRE oe velconied the vers a _ many of them a one rathers Grimm, >Muliny on Ube ot other ton vine of resistance with Ing. and, ta certain members of | he ae os vention from 31 ¢ ee a t2) The key cities alt have at Bowl” and “Be Hur” all they r hop pictures, Including "Mu‘beard 26 wel ‘2s ceri wie | amchee tartadiaa -jFeaat x couple of lonarun epi , Which extend into 1963, ron the Bounty." Mevkhelders, the mesl irritating, | os Pepire-Universal Canadian chet. and this meane | ‘The 3¢ new titles range from O'Brien replied that a re-analy~ arcaneds ; ) silage neguianeal’ eaires. are ho lonwer |? arty “Four Days at Naples’. sis of sales policy te now v } _ ne ot Dailabe fer the nanderd feet " iO Five Prevcy,, slarrer ie aang rai ote rae Ex. ntiy pine | nlernationa met,” former Hig Rinks oficial said tie Hiuation titled OV TFs.” starring Riabeth | Kobert Mochrie), that w ee d by asters pret ire ip “ith holiday time, oy ae EN Tap or and Richard Thurten, Pat ep terme, bat no one rave tering ered wih the Arsitus shewossre a of MUM aver gaing hao wets one : of MGM ever gol on ite a He cited several productions beNe Tied Hands oa O’seas word, TeKarling justnents or id held up beomise Of teaire une ae ' a | ties _ fanything else This sert of thimge but as Ie eohune we | Bat ‘ UV Fwst Daly 1 Te | steele never Maen he empha st sures! Calver City’ Says O'Be ar Sch re ne tases the: American. Alm industry eral | .D : werewee rendered it clear io sal unions were given virtual ae | uidete | eS « ikhat the. pictures ee bag surance last week that they need | erred. Haltimere, March deterred show bemuenp ane ha nN ts ve no (ears aboul runaway pree . ol | ‘ee mag ‘which ie ie duction mM Metre, Robert H. ae ed pot fre, exh invalid He rebuls that “t “they fi This came “about at the pivnsant Metres steek “ad amons the moet ent, “will hereafter | want a kiondike gros i MOM meeting of stockholders iK' active of all issues Heted on the were without tree and Faia “they're realy alka ce verk east wee Pree My ht New York Stack Hetiange lant . of ‘pleou shortage of J re @ I wee rt KE over SMaT PS | inten e | rowers, j Technicians, look the Aeor a8 several dave, amt mostly heatish, | pame “aMtler “ week oe law ae sinckholder «19 shares? to arapese f 1 #4 Eo mom Saha thepkion U. ia US, Jamep oa “Peckings Be '& resakation via which MGM would | Wall Street professionel ieete a _ | Cetlege joined, 7 picket : r | Atlanta, March 3. [156 raat Stay ime cheating the stividend cut which 7 fee in aie =r vidpuot_iand nt booking oe trex ote compre pure made es Myon Maa a bag Sve egress oeeigiin. Continued om bee 1® I the company ‘ea e pershare price fell heu: | ' O'Wrien saul the could | ibd ino bind iMself to a ov ny} Volume wan again heavy Friday | her percent but, we resolution |‘) but with ne further drop. Shee [Was not needed He stated the Ol the divsy. from S6e quarterly new regime which he he heade re| {0 F7'ye, wae not se severe at had ‘dé ae its “Aret. pbligatios * thet been anticpalted by the down ulver City lot—thet ie, keeping j (ow ners it busy so a¢ to reduce the overs ST eS oe Nerd Mere Ye pcies THe | O'Brien sad the polley is well [ehake Tires. pictures in Califeenta | ree ures ornia There'y rly going on) which orhtinelly had been sched: : — : dene at Meire—the" Kind which atock-\uled far lensing abroad. One of ‘ eviowsly ondrean, holders usually like te hear shout, | these was to be done in Stockholms | | VRZ ‘ns Treemuet » cares ba ta lee “their shave am ke Jt wae learned that the recent snd now * set for the weet with’ Metre has two new viceperes!. i promise of the theatre swnership , changes in, management will mean’ the exceilon ot foolage ta he dane dents, Maurlee ted) Silverstein », [Bee negotiate desexresalien, Oy. | 26 annual saving of $900,000 accruhy 2 secon camera wail im the 2 Morris Letko, and a new tread jenleers look view thal there was Mt t6 the company. __. Swedes capital, ‘urer, Jason Hahinevils Board f2.100,oun, eaeal as ee dees te share, AKO ie the frm's -aaly re bie. holding. » FHP eebeeninnnt re ee cert aasansedl as’: | pothing le it wae wp ita This: will come. about via lesser | SEMESEES SOO aerate made t | the house is change ils policy oc payelts ‘o the new offers than | A Rea oad ty arise aintinentx Test werk, face sume paid lo the preducessors: on of the MGM International substdl OW EM WHE face pickers, usual Robert H O'Brien, wh chats : ee veer a neeve <9 charge hn in such dice te ma irecelving $74. 900. per * annum ae ; rumen Burdick, rs suthor, ot the came demeatic caine nna edi New York pren es current hat topic © Fa Safe™ tame, : , deal for the Beenaing af 0 ee cases to the Gi Se ee Pee er aiee Pat shart ee uritten a sala stary, yet te he ® Rabinowitz janed the company , Bets cases te the Grand Jury for of the 3156 OH), plus olher benellts, : 1980, fe the Nalenal aden. Andietmen ee Sebel had beth received by exe titles, and Universal Pictures has aati ‘ene peuame Keneral mare ing Co. Join B. Burns, film com: w caterer Bret Joseph KR. Vouel, Robert Mooptioned. it for praduction The ager of MGSCTY. which post he wy... chrie had been recewing SO5.000 ns COMpany vill shortly be releasing * depneestiae distesbution "head vor Ue filmization ef another Burdick "HW relingu stics and with a suce a more than exee yp. O'Brien) and Clfert, coauthored with FP rev : his replacentent, Murris Lefko, 16 Wheeler as is ° Pail:Safe* Thats Board alo reelected Rolaet TE peay's sales vp. lermed it a) Fsilimillyen daar” ‘Sinensing | _ cossar as Set cement.” Network hat rights 16 De Siea Dire reel ile the pockare. te be it penis faking bese Marlon Brando-stanting (ots O'Brien as piesdent and vc care sts in color, sicrim7 Bext Seplember,' Marcslia Mastroianal and Sophia Among the other changes where American” (ents Robert Mo We nan in Titles from whieh the specifie Loren are set a. star in, and Vit SavineS ale bring eifetted are Burdick’s Jatest stay has heen (large ef praducticn’ Benj vim 0 are ta be scletied twelve | tor De Sica to direct “Yestere Maurice ‘Reds Silverstein vice assitacd to George Englund to Welmcker ‘Qeeral counsel: Howe dom's Hib,” ‘Aue Cet Your’! day Today and Tomorrew, © gest Mort Spring as president of MGM produce, he having performed that ard Strickling Rasmond A Kluane, Gun” “Red Day a’ Black Nock,” | of four pix te ke coproduced this. Interaational, Seymour Mayer in chore for “Amernan” The author end John B Burns, “Rattlenreund.” °K ss Me Kate,” year by doe Levine and. Carle place of Silverste n as exer yp of Wil check inte fhe studio this All directors had been reclecl “Asphalt Janae.” “Keecutive | Pan the oversess subsidiary, Jay Rae Spring to do a treatment of his eck oat fhe annual steko dere’ Suite,” “Father of the firide,”: “ng ‘wT be made in Italy with binavilg as treasurer, which poet story. Inbeled a madern mele meeting which preceded the board inglng in toe Rass,” eit, | sheoting skedded te start in June, } O'Brien alee had held; and others, drama set in a foreign locale, session,