Variety (March 1963)

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it | wl « on. Cobumbus, ( °°. radort ty sth wong Te od bere in oe billed at “Ded ’ Surviving. are his wife asd « ‘ii, ‘daughter. PRILIF MICH ARSON whee sey rik Philip Richardsan, 87. former ei im cwiehieh od Char | éditer of The Dancing Times and sfverstix.” He helped revive the | # pioneer in British ballrocm dane| erman me industry jn Mende| ind, died Fel i? an Laaces He Letert, and ; for. several years wag 'taek. over, together with the late alea. mayor of the village Hig Tilt. T M. Middleton, “The Daning sompany jater went bankrupt. i Times” tt 1810 when it was mere -_ iy a teacher's maganne genic” ond “Wagon | iv. ts Hie : vee, ve well ee fat film rele was mn Allied Artista’ ‘ac WOR, inode releaee ef “Friendly Persvar | ont: ARTHUR a vINT wit Arthur Kk. Vinton, veleran pt I for % was best known for, hig s JAMES FOURYTH Tt 1880 he heranse one cf the ow" James Forsyth, 74. former Ali, seunten the Anse eatery af Wey pu é . ¢ Datcing, which suse public sale bonged Feb. LE mt St quently became the Koval AcadHe be ‘'emy of Dan ine. ed's BU men ‘al Alexasder Goodwin, 70, bong YY pre: an noe te ea re time Musician whe became (laa an, director of publicity for Gaumont | €O8'S best known slrect miusle | British ire and stayed on for | | mrereiese hort iiness, we thant ity ity if is I i ( | Nacneere nt Mane wee termed The [former cinema valinist whe leet a jot hen | talkies arrived, pads ‘or . he ware & Mask " hide | ee smpnen, He we 8 fal ae ure Glaegs "k Coahlenabh ient cy Pavilion bad then ALEX. GOODWIN {nec with bie list ind vetry” z ef| ler oharily, der | ived by wit, Reena me Weld ‘troupe ot Alani City. ee daughters survive, DEC, HI, 1696-—MAR. 10, 1950 Batea, 58, ‘film technij be "Yeh. 26 in: Ruislip, Kine, for ia ise be ornsnited sound r . | cording roulps wer : fer British rowihout the » 4 a . fu ‘ . ca _ ss “ * po aa . . 4 4 4 os . . a A \ ‘ & > . : . : ot : P ‘ v a . "4 ’ : J | \ . : 4 a A . mo ~~. . “ a = * ». : 4 . , ! t & . ‘Poh la . d ’ | fi . ol a ? . hoy 4 , q : “ me 7 f : En ry nea ont _ = . ” B 4 : oi 4 . , . ba " : | on 6 . : . 4] = 7 =. . . mi ™” a ‘ oy : pan . e ‘ > 4 _ bh i P ; a . “4 . + ] n a . 4 + . . 5 . ‘ _ . . . oa henid " y 3 a, a BR a p ‘the ‘ties | ry | hewi le i tee time of Ne “Jeni wes ‘wetid r rt dent of the Melal Structures |. cial ' Cane Kale ‘eiup ma Was re ‘Poy ~ en ioe ie er werent te ihnree Om ible for maintenance and in« ‘yas on Ker own as an agent. She saree | ————e ve Saab of lis stund equipment, fj aien did wnet af the «casting for, | ae ' Phpwhes ee 87. Warner B Fembecton ond Abisineite Beste. Pred De Man MAME atime , Lite seund pealectioniel, died Pek. Markey, @, longtime: 21 in Hallyw | , of, His wile, sow and " a tae a terichh Mrs ywaanauer fe (he Joka Theatre, Bx mother survive, . | Tene —— a a “pame, Tene Bs one her maidert . ‘Fratice’ may Sahay ev ihe er mi aad “spent his boys name, Irene Bari ‘Mass, died Pel. $ in Exeter Ande | MARRIAGES “Reed jm Chee He was first mar; — from ‘hs other shaw biz interests, | Jean Hussell ta Jerry Gardinee, ried ta a showgirl very briefly, He | MY C, GEIS fae designed various amusement" Hottvwood, Feb 22 Bride's amlery i. described thin matrisge am having] Hy C. Gels, #0, longtime thestre games and penuy arcade eqIP> | chirp, he's ant actor hu» been dene su a dare, He and radia ecgaiist, died Feb 15 ht his seni Bheateth Langmore ta Nichalae jabber Jack Rigen married in a: Gneinnati, where his copseement® Markey “as seiretary-irtaurer leat wd, Londen, Fes 24 He enne Lily: double ceremony, Kigen's marriage Were Lmifed since suffering 3 ,of the New England Assn. of | ged stl survives: Has fourth wife, Ann heart attack in 1984. A church | Amusement Parks & Beaches and Te tenteTty ert mier Koga, a Mavsiian, died some years char organiat in boyhood, a yuna af the American Recre>" Wo Kellegg, Vergennes, \t. Feb, ‘sc, ade of concer at the age of 30. He first pot joh was as RARE a ev abonal Lquipment Asn 18 ile's se account ever at radie neaary and ‘ame Gon in pee en s Bijou for silent films wh ve station WAX, Portsmouth NH MEN: bat i RENC RICSAY Desm nis column about. her. Although With the birth of commurity' fereng RENC F 48, director ot Mary Trey te an Fensell, . Dabiin, Ke. 1@ He is a radia and Martivser died of a heart ailment. singing In theatres he was featured the. West Bern Orera amd th “H's been requested that in lieu ofan New York houses, the Lafayette, | Berlin Nadia Sy mphons orchestra, hash TV, NHB Teletis Rireann “a fewers, contributions ne sent (@ Buffalo; Albee aml other theatres died of a liver ailment Feb, 20 tice me Stari, ue ering He jelned nine ian} som and be: beat 3 4 , the American Concec Asma, Serve 'iq Cincy, wiere be alo worked Hasel, Saiterland§ Horn in lun: | cite “ee talents San iver Kes were private, oS miteries and yeslaurants, Kary, he studied under Hela Bartok | BIRT HS * emma iene A sear severfooler, he was and Zoltan Kodaly. fr and Mrs, Josepit Michitsch, ee wan Gry. EMORY | , norte Jahn A, Gels amd adopted) Fricsas, who was directar of the. sone vel bb. 25, Mrookism. Mother ve Lee veuarvae <3 oa ” w dicated Annie Guy Kanpey, 7& au the nanie of Hy C after “The Budapest Slate t)pern Curing | Peggy Maujer, former ae ehe | | of “Over ihe Tey" sad her Maks Eiffel Tower of Organists" billie | World War Il, escaped to the West | board eyterator al VARIETY. oot teartionee M rrer aie : | + ; Sind digg OE the World War 1 ere, died Feb. iwiven him we ON. Y Por etyeral after the war. He was named diet ve ant ¥ jon Rinitt Mes ris New cig 2 et a aa Mle sgh ting Kane. He. wae | YPars he was organ supervisac for tréecior of the Muntth State Opers | coat and daughter "C tevcland “Fok | mens uy ye Pic. j Gramnan Theaires in L. A, Later in 1958, bot two years later he re: 2). Father is with KS W osccourit. atack, He had bees sutfering ita Lsnpey: tures Corp. that made “Over the lhe was a Hamenond Organ rep, turned to Herlin, “Thi dent Laat e at Ine: kernuce Top” inte p file in which he sina Survived by his wife, som, three | Mr and Mire Ted = White, of his ; , , wae the lead snd isek part im sisters anu iwe brothers, — Frank PRANK J, RIGRY, ta daughter. week 28, New York, anti ite dérection, i sien Mother im dancer Sans Alexander. eat ent Y ewe ie nba Saale He alsa srete ame played 1 the | WILLIAM BOSS i ee, the nation’s oldest mus.c teath> father sg nets § editor at ¥ ache. we & prelifie writer on (fet in “The U current His William Rass. 38, 2 leading actor er, diet Feb 13 in Portland, We wert, NP eiker files included “The Danger in the Pittshurgh Playhouse. died tle taught one pup} a day even My and Virs Larre Amato. con, # NER tee ee ee ite Tae” “Just ans* and OMS. f Feb 25 18 Pitshurgh He had heen | latter reaching the century mark, Fel 24. Nea York Mother i$ puters io theorwe that the Mai. Lonaire for a Day. Hix ther Ul since December when be suf>) Rughy, whe was the oldest Jing simyer Mita Harr father is a Mer went aut of business, ard © nied “The Knemy Wilke fered a ‘heart attack while Appear. (xeuluate of the New England Com ginger, scant some of the top gang fic18” “The Madouna of rhe Yds.” . ing us ° Weite Me a Murder” an the ‘ervatory of Music in Huston, was Mie and Mrs Dave Packheo, Wiis of the day of bewe sub Leqed Cold,” “First Call and) Playhouse at Neside the Play| bandneaster al Fort Williams “Me. daugtiter, Piling be 25. tiryjemt fo the will of that organ “Tales irom. ‘a wea He ap house, he appeared on many eff; | aml Fort Rusts, Va. Hur ag Wield father is newsman at KEAA Te a 4 ‘ > preted ia aemeds drain, “Back Broadway stages and radio sligws | War ! Mr aid Mis Mark Davis. daushrploneee He hates yee . oa) ant. p Your Troubles” which starred He made one film and also aid Us wife dice in 851 Tivie are fer Tlousten. receritls Father us Merlamer started at the NY ithe Stahl, ‘Me ithored more | summer stock in Richmond, Va. 80 close MUTViVOrs, prenin Hon: manage iy thal eits Nirpor it 1896 a6 a Mister far c's tan 30 short stories ier Caller a. anal Hiehester, XY. Fea fas RPHO Watamne secon, He later es aad othe, Hage, | Siirsayved by his wife. Char, whol JAMES HK, ME ACHUM. Mr and * tee Hirsh Kasco, Tan acd inte features and subse A sanahier Urs ives, jis a Plathowse instractor fies Janes TE Dad? Mearchum, 70, daughter Siurch 2 New York, woes v heck files crithe sad: | ans j dauahter. and parents, ‘oneuime mnitrel man who later Puther is an accaunt evécutive DB: o bt ‘gohumaist, in: attendant _ _. ‘Tedonoas NEWTON ee rene | appeared on rato and iv. hed of with the UB Tele Scrvne Corp, a tery ape ings, he a Tacely .. rwlee, Sa, glace. ROLE METER ia inant attuk Feb a4 itt ‘Lae | i Str and Mre Clifton Liane, £O8, Lb the sompeny af an Orien‘screee sed ty peter, died of cancer | Rolf Meser. S, founder and|Anaelee A native of Shelbyville, | March 3. Neu tork Mather fs & sa! girl, Jon Fact, aives Ne. 3. 4 Feb. a3 im Helivx aod. Regisning ond 3 were of Orlentai extrachin, he cares ihe jg surviied be Mar , former Miet of the Weet German tind he stagted ine career with jsaree e and daughter ef ex Prete * ink 1928, be Aest acica ved dungen Filewawn «Yeung File ithe Ab: Biehl M.astrels In more | dent Truman, father is ass ctant ke. Harada prominence in “Dead Land? mm 1955, ! ‘Laan, dred Yeh t in Lusperiel, | tCceAt ytats be workest with his | managing editor a@ the AY ‘Limes 7 seh