Variety (March 1963)

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‘YW CMT MAKE (Mim B “A AUBLE'-AUBIN! SR By 308 COMEN Te Lick Runaway 7 | | Hollyweed, March 12,” Jowporlation. of Russian atlrsedata diminishing re-| __Collifernla. Male Lemialature turne for Yanks In the aplnion. of | wil sek the UB. Feet Kédoin Rubin, of the General! — a ulteeeek ne slap Artlete Corp. Fe roncert dept, whe re-| hallieg Hollyw Contre geatly. returned from a trip ie the}. the Tnteclainment Indus Soviet Unies, Although Nubian weat | try.” with. the idea af contracting yariTarget dale for new slamp [ous Savlet attractions, he found | ke June, 1684, projected dele Mace tata "a"ntarast| inte area nn My WHY 9 Museum, ARTO M ALY MAN | arrived that did lure healthy paGAC Charles Conrad, parilime selor | iromage. Natural tarwet for the 7 According: to Rubin, an lmpre-| ae well 3 aod lonatiine legislator, blame ie the Internal Revenue Mona with the possibility ot losing aaa iaaaeaaeiaiadaiiaameaal a “itis pronouncements of expense atte muck of it, in order lo make a} , enunt spending, However, sotive __ ,somporatively small profit far his) honifaces are inclined fo whhee ms) wiley ond efforis. Mast atiractions | reasons for the drop In both gasald. te Americans by the Soviet; ~ ‘tromage and take, pelating te such Unies, says Rubin, are on the hasle | ‘a decline ag Inevilable in this hat the US | Mercely compelitive cireull where | payelfs for fappers reach Lag Ve , nad. 2 ~" dae [gores, with no casinos lo make [ae well weebly. salaries jo the] _ Up for cafe Josses, Not one of tne | reupers. On the other hand, lhe on | | beakers here hax come up with « | ™ ane, wile paying ion the wine. solid Vieni ta many fainifiar in wl an a, Ma 2%. . + € f Vane O ceepens sion ta previde: similar | Twat native Math Prime factor, tioat hotel men in. ehsation a Antverican bhai stormed a(t the slage at the Clald| Set, le lack of a paol of surefire len Dragon Yokohama Officers lattrectlons, When one does come Club jaat week with four fuatbers | 89g lo score a resounding click dremalalag ue his program and at the ba, the fompelitive fires winged ta the U SS. the next eve| bexin burning bright for the art's ling, forcing cancellation of his last (Services for follawing year Witness three. perfermatices at i, 8. mitt. | we constant swilching fr w@rit eee {tary instalielions in thin area of | rt siibididaiihd On pate 78} ‘his week's Japan tour. po See eee Sourcee present al the aborted fw Ly een Gel ees | peclormance say Checker berame ; upset at the sight of guests silting | Tinie: in pack (nce, the | € lasleless amateur minstrel | ihe hnusiness. concert ond | show whieh preceded him, and an] | ecaria Sol HMurok : i] srray of hanging Confederate fags. | “ , : | lake. 96,0 rOOTN THis temper had heen aroused{ Charles Amaevnut's first concert at New York’s Carnegie Hail on March OG will have an authentee international flavear, About [50 Parisian celehs have atzanioed « i BOeCal chartered flight te attend i eta alngers ebe-mighter int it} By LARY SOLLOWAY Miamt Beach, March 12, «The Gold Coast season-slory thle ‘yeor la on pmomalets one for fle hoteliers; a hoom Im roome-salee with (urneaways the rule for past. seven or claht weeks yet spoily nlfendance al Mag tone’ cafes that ‘feature the more glamorous of hie nanie acts, mnpounding that puzzler wae & | notiecnble Taek of thé hig spenders ot other years when an attraction TE pre-etril edu fepped: by the. Moyal Pallet from. ra wen | Shr, hawevec, will | Bri, the ela, fone ne [ene ti REOUIRENY | ot well | be only a relatively ‘small percents: Ballet Fotkiorica. fran Mexica, | ewes] age of the hig mews pusht whith Was Theatre de France, Vienna Rays’ | agi Coalt weed on. pale rit Choir, ihe Mazowsze Dance Com| iene an pany Tren Polasd and David and | . got, Oisrakh with ihe Molshot _, aaemnle I oe ein out the fens at & confab. States earlier tn the evening when he Si ic ontinued Git pane 78 | ‘ The Avnavour contingent from 4 MINOW Paris will be wee i French ) . . muse publisher and disk company a let and music scribes here | “Wy. hing? sf head Heese Harclay Thev nail a aware of the N.Y. neaspaper rt Washington ae Slaren 12) pected to hoie up at NY “s Ameri. strike), Hurok opined that “with astington producer amd sociale tony Hotel dure the brief vistt ooly | happiness, success and security Hl Deena Clark has arranged the! pepe Barclay is taking cate of arne there is ne chance. of you geting | first joint tv appearance between Famgementy on both sides of che 1 4tL ae having to give up work... [| LeKoy Collins and Newten | MUO | Atlantee always look c forward bs finding! NAM prexy Catlins and FCC] Among celohs expecied a the Mtn Perth | comet: ye nes something’ even. ;iplowas Minow will appear on junket are Johnny Halliday, a ne | arenter eu T have found hetore, | Mrs Clark's NHC program "A Dalida, Sacha Datel. Brune bears his She late of the public ja! Moment With . Coquartrix, producer at Faris’ me. Lee Stresber . | better than it has ever been but The show will be taped Marek | Oly nipie Theatre; Jonas Stark, | of the ce ) we je ve. business have anew and 18 and playhack date will be an> european pronduecerspeanioter and rk group hien Maes Kontcw dee sibility bo see that the | Hounced: saon Jacqueline Cartier, meuspaper i “Me hod, wae ine wate that the aes of{ The joint appearance is @ de femme on France-Soir slic fe aie shall be be Ailes , parture {rot ibe usta format ; Amavou, A ton Runger-cemt: } ' entertainment.” : when lwo guests appear solo | poser in Frarice. will appear on "Whe ndded: “In 5 years "Im this! Following the shaw's paltern, | night before the concer! The ave learned that it ig, Mrs. Clark will Introduce Minow | Carnegle date la helag pranated te lehe the » be fr arena ain ane een gem i reli nc Galt : “3 ie mat q | faaledit hnews mere st {2 WUhinlerrH stu , len wht t at, Bf a emily | : than you think: it dees,” Sar. ren, Incidentally His are met lesa | yaval Mallet trom Covent Gac-!| Her shaw [5 sired here on NIC] op | (Continued on page 467 Leds WAC-TV and in New York. Seay