Variety (March 1963)

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“Weeble Sock Weebly. Wi nd ier ‘Tae Lig * someone are ae | despite. tn mt Prime Minister David Mei af : I eee care of ‘the enleurage but “her| f F r a ° a 8 Ht sb bebsiatedeteie | meet —eemeneiinncmee One of the stipulations in the What Price Gesture? Soretnt: Decree which lost Sep. jlember allawed Musi¢ Corp. of ‘Tel Aviv, March 12. | Amerien ta merg wilh and i An infrequent filmmteer, [hess of Decca and U Hie . versal Piclures involved the sell Gurion recently showed up un jo te ty of Universal features, expectedly al the Men Yehuda im. ruluig, that U put Me post-'4@ Theatre here, wishing fo see i features we for distributien by a documentary file on old | June, 1983, has resulted in the Palesline. Matiagement was block of 218 post 48 features (ine flabbergasted, could not take [cluding releases through 1956@) heing preeed “na lower than §21,400, f0e"" plus a A pereritaie of ne More Lan of the gross, Reason for the stated bottom j& that the decrev had slipue ated that, at the fime of its mak the post4é< available, Univer. ———— rowed” [wa sealée front the reservaliew rack lo acraniniodate the Prine Minigler and hig wife, When the disappointed: hold~ er af the tckels, which were confiscated, was told Lhe stery!. sal wae lo reveal an “upset he went off in a brooding’ [or minimum, I wae alo mated wisod, Next day he sued the {that neither MCA nor Universal theatre for $100, cavering could become the divtributor fe ; j weanveniince and this Lunse nie, How ever, the ue f ed : a° (the, Demenl. "La Gievene ue] © | rapa” (Young Kurepe!, and “Tonle! : | Kreger,” be eepecied Me continue, | der way Ps settle pnd for ghee aireedy pacited it i a pea, frome a distrth, then the gui y cant ie whalever it wants ry &. (ee CA, That ie it can distribute sae i thet: itself ta tv of Ble them. away am | aeeit, OF Khalever ye nttually e jis remembered, Uni aw ¢ aa | Nak Soe LUNG 1864 Soatures | | | bat tt were exempled from. the Columbia for the sh onthe | sello ruling fer ‘ vs 6 repsone linked ta Titanue' ended Dee. Mi hed gress carnings | Sereen Come distributes Ihe com mes, More perof $1,767.000, rediced after Laxes | pany's pre-+és MP ied L wes ty senecient ' pempares with 2 wf rela d topper fee the corre: i; te. O17 006, or +e per share, This] Universal haw the features press of $1,000.008 | up for x tas Pa eibwtios af | license, with tie license providing y resuine: the revises year aad a net of for paymwnt to U of $21,500,000 tlle HTHTTE ay Ti ant Abpia amas Tae ove } "Nel earnings were Te ae hile the pres not in excess of 5° of ot the pro ‘hed the bencAt of & ceeds after recaupment hy the tine. att merit | laxlow ried forward, ‘iris of & distribution fee, the agree Col pe | al ain new "pullin Detaus | rm Abe Schneider wad ' guaranteed ‘ here: vaplveat an the full current year, : al other » jowable expenditures, He sald “Lawrence of Arabia", Aa f ilal cumemers Tpould emerge as “aie of the box ay ft potential pepetts have heen Ahering real a te 2 | Mice, champions of ail Line” and from Lowden af tilerest from in * dependent Television Corp, whiek Heed” are doing unusually which is said ta have nirendy bid bid neantirn sft well both ia the United Slates and | g3) g66.000 for the package, As f of cleo ie o 53 000,000. >» "Ft weuld be silly." hoa said, "la keep a ie wert any bit ions. “ot | i There i ie a a possibility that Titanus. ham he ths area develop. : Jected vunlil the final portion ie h se the current Becal oar, TORR OG eH eR RO RE Of ae eR as COveC ORES a _Midet 0 riddle | of {Sonic re res! | . MES 18 coms. ATU Fictunes, zaoga BOD ee aeons The revenue hmpect oC! tar ac why U choose ta make its ‘these: ‘preductions will net be Me vets seliont announcement at thle time, ots shat vommented thet > riamgemoett had simply dé -gided “it wae timely te de se," Fiasco la iden’ Leeds Diselosure came at a time wher (the companys demesti¢ branch TW Cora, | sales personnel were all assent New A Sig bied In New York for a national * ) . | Sales convention where it was pro . ecalg otter eneon that Ihe come _ : rt er RECK Chiti First feature 6 be released by fl pany seemed headed for ile hig _ oi emo | gest fisgal year ever. Anyw oiedityd dune is only tua and a half mon he erman = Lee Away ye ve ie . rom bd nas a ¢ 1 git *, " , . 7 a 7 . pats “a =CSCSCtCtCtCS~S e sg “Carnival Soule” “aed "Tee “in a sharp rebuttal “ A alarmistie reports here MS peat peeulation desivned, he J. Porte and Themes Pasin. damage 4 try." lecsbarde ‘hated that: the cote] * _ pony's ae foreign film Osearcons tender, © Days af Maple had, | morraw : . i : ATU le partnered by . Jerome Sor | Merton , reett Direetors: International Lightstone, Cat . Guild contract with New York Alm | Htocedures expired last Thursday ‘Ti with ne settlement in slght, In fact na new nexollations were , ‘held during the week, with talke RTRTS 63 to resume this stanza. Contitet of ry | exreutive avallabilithes was des will be making | seribed as reason for the nu-talks sath y Apia Talian market ‘and Ave pie for | ‘led Ariiets this | week. headed Me the al, et year, fl the Aicst of which, "The Long | ‘Pending ie a union demand for * which alars Wurt | ¢ Lue Visgow> i direction, and which SON res hreughoul the world outside | jet Italy, coat, Lombarda said, about | . ie is now net Mun nae | Producer my’ S00 werkls staff salarv on 2 28> | the Hatton dale f oe or produetion | werk contract and the $155 0 wt the i, titled Blacd 5H frrelance daily rate presently in the Arrew, -ferecee (Hher elements fnclude et ie & Mark Hanna seript SOIC deavands for the instititien : acquired from | of avertime and the plachng of virs A. a Jie increase in scales over the ' $5,000,000, It will be released in Paramount “Pielures, It will bel tually all commercial fine direc: | Slat Italian keys. on Marek, bi shat partly an logation im Arizona) tors on stall with muitimuem mast partly In Heliywood, “'Cor-* agement pavrolt burden rather than le “Marek tT Pie will he ‘rereleased | [ ridor’ store Peter Brek, Conslatice freelance basis Guild director eat lonallly In October. Lacw vked. . “The Leopard” hag alsa: been. | wir ree tontriet : havited nd by the Cannes Film Fest!> | ‘niversal, aie Tate Hudie, val, Lombardo ed, and would | , ‘have a wala presilere May T71h at Compaay how has eight pros | London's Carlton oe There me the | wader pact. including wiere 2 econ i television tech | 3 Hine. hai ¢€ rept | Sel aa as a for rxplanai i that's Tevenied is that the | ' ducers 1 presence af the Duke Towers sad Gene varie, under the working fer a fir, whether as & direction of praducer-wriler Sam director or nol, would have to have vel. Fuller Staff! shrector salary if he directs semen =i | even ence. And other matters Tane.i py ‘Pays | ‘Se | Representing mapyority ef flrs ; aon production interests in the contract Trane-Lvx. Corp. he wéek de iatks is the Film Producers Atsn, ‘Titanus prexy is further fovied | clared a regulac quarterly divie’ « 60 member outAt whose membere 1 Mend of lhe a comission share = ‘handle aboutTS’. of the comimer is there, ae so its hen art Arthur, Sy Bartiett, taglund, Roi Hunter, Gearse| here ac saying: “It’s obvious a ih Harry Keller snd | that I intend to redimension my | ment are Caen on on k saline} { nh basis. (Continued ou page 21) Div vy a pajaile March 28 to cial film work dune in the New | holders of record March 14, | York area,