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fietete eo
Universal Plehires. board of « N.Y, mete
| _ Schumach told ‘Vamiery that he a hid. Feplied te _Masec' letter by ad | a
with We ai n't think son ee Me on
Sak se fo "King “ Kina” oad “Bes: | mowing ¥ aireen ein. would have heen 94.300,008 inl ise nad. 34,008,000 in 1962, |
pth = (pene outlines cord inter woadetury | _ Nobert H " {| appro 7 al boing peared, la ati. ad ex ent economy. in terme of ine about 10% of <r Papengen A oe of picture inakgnet of nee picluee, Ting At Yor the ier he sree there's & quick haxeMtiee responce this: dues net meen tke eat [oF , t St ¢ suaurale | caual 1 |
wx age Welly | dane ‘ laa Picture ‘ate | | thet them i dollar ze en inet of tleket mayo tet, 3 Ia hs ib eaget milion rs ericeal rid | “Let's say.” says. ‘Wellner, H's | | vesthed. 44-million ia 1862. The. hg malter ot investing $13,006,006!
heoire appt ie Mt (Continued on pase | ea
"the | neaative yeong an when.
[about i Why not make these ; | Things md: ‘ iid them rem that ld ome Y OSs Nj loke last year’s Agures or the year | ee ph Cc Levine, the Ronisanay? belore that but they woulder't hene | Pictures ane anerenie from |" He said that he wae eurious as sears age inte production and dig. }'@ how and why publicists got the tribution, goes full circle with hie! rane privilege in the frat pince, firattime fnvasion of the Gotham ‘They have ae { wn Whit.
exhibition scene He plans twa] oo ub Hot to comelided Ung Ue “mkitewn acters, beth around aog | YMle Public,” he concluded | seals, and will be railed the [bn i ~ eee "haben ot ator ian |i ce Aae ee £E| Mig Haag D
, | vale ves, Actual sf age Va ‘The business of Lareign Alin dia are virtually fiemed bat wnttt ‘|More. Cate KOU At § UCMAOL Gi
all lime 14, ail except A ih The Wind” have been |S SUws in the at 18 years, fe
A the "de> |
vk of one Wi
tr a ever. ore in ine basins ee had ack. Signs the longterm lenses Lev ine cler ja recent story aon ‘the fecal it ie ig kit ping details gultt, od of ‘of many of the. impa at
le Bardot filma and the many st peried 4 mperters, bul that | In actuality he feels that he bw, dy advertioed an if they Lian is encompacted In Schies(hasn't slowed down ihe entrance | the lone art film producer-distribue | ade in ihe lact 16 wile | neers — yheaee ae year ov 30." jor Hew companies inte the Keld,; lor without an art house outlet | Madrid, ¥ March _
wes” IGight errors in some 2801 Omiy twe “ald Ingmar Mergman Most interesting aspect of the ait-| He points tn Waller Heade Jr’s' . Words ~enstiiuties a record of some i aa, wete bre Ae inte the i, S. uation ix that pil of Ube new firms} ‘Baronet: and Corenet, Ilya Lopert’s | ia nana oe set een for an historian’ “im. the past ive years, They, ta have the avowed purpose of Plaza, Richard Davis’ Fine Atte.) tar and Ramon Cibrian as Seeres
Way Off Torert gether with a Reremon film fed. ind in “reasonably priced,” prob-| and the. Rugoll circuit's Cinema Ti tary '
Fae ‘con being " a “tate Re Lval_neluding practically all of ab y atarlese fare, "which is wooly and ID as being both importers Filme Festival” in tase at 8 new mating is currently’ Ina petied | *tvICe ta those Femuinely Interests ye of A a tin days ) arket |} kart film distribution. than enthusiastic here in Madrid of ivr wmic, headlong iransition oe Sedat picture at Imported (2PM 3 Vis on: Wee ile | Tavine has 2 three picture deal : Commentators noted: that Hasque rem «. jaliénal te an milern ' ;
since the eecly days: i" $192 and if this romelilules * set Mn ns pre-seld” pro-| Around $10.000.000-$12.000.000 Inj most vulnerable when mast sues
ing ever wider with Parameunt whieh | feat pinnagement appears |
vs Saat tae and Sennett when | feed” hal word bust be used comps i production cast, aml a fourth! cessful, This was the case twa fes the fuademental principles of nar; Mare more freely in White House circles’ Keaseee Pies, 2 perlner: project may bring ft up tm $15.<) Uvale age when Antonia Zullete
rotion, editing and the woe ot . edway or Maia Sireet, iy a At ‘ ermera, were first discavered and | Ag for the advertisements which | 5h acer mertanal Manager Areher (shod from Hareld Robbins’ "The {lor San Sehastian as one of the ‘ developed and. the Jaie 20's when | appeared for these pictures, IT have, Sh soar ma }Catpetbaagers” and “Zulu” starts} four majors alange with Cannes, pound. revelutionized all been concerned with motion pite iat ee jale patronesa of the arts | shooting is Keaya, Africa, under: Merlin and Venice It is apnare ome pls af Mirection, | acting and fare publicleis MS ve Rat doubt: amd society Agure. | Mislieene A, Cy Enfield’s direction, | [ently also true of Francisen Pere serephy have both the arti and it aay of them, veer im theie mast | Resers, King previeualy had s¢SRST nS Sn Aas STD yer, whe fast year fed bis Basque ry heen so rapidiy and fitle | flights of Tancy, ever sur | quired twe cacy Ingmar. Bergman He emasei¥: ae te o oe of te mast aiit< amNY before mur eyes. ee oe sit. thal -th subse vently turned ayer bn ADING. FOR ORIENT eesstul foste San Sehactian bre
» ded with i the x geal Enea hie (ures, but this _ "Staged im the fast ten years pictures were ate etn ae Rereamon first Sing in the ‘Machmil, Aboot “Five Ben Cobe | Other comment eriticued the
$18 060,000, “Nevada Smilth’* is a! lise san in winning acereditation
write, a or prodice pictures, (they had been lm world, | A Aa Their 3 Advance , pew tre of dive tere for railing Never belere here we na large | e HRS ’ aequi their : » MT PERE ARCH 1G make Their soles Pek sa: avid la see the werent | . Reed infin be aiready sequired | hein ‘Universal Pictures Hresy., Mildeut | tien of entrres--long after the ree
films of the past or sa © Dell.” a paycholonioal drama direc: R. Rackmil and veep-fareign gen» | Botted Paris reunion Inst week af
Cres ied" ) i | . sl experimental and want garde . tion has had twa ‘silver bainas, the re Matiston. A tie 1 Cannes, Berlin amd Venice fest " , Never hefere have sa curse of double features has subfea by AD Ml t A Be \ eral manager Ameriew Aboat benve | dirertors called te parcel available 7 Dex
ise of ! , ct of Kanawha is rH stantially: absied and = pictures hat ie i i. pee nul loaded with (om Loe Angeles today (Wed! for) product amone them enoperat.vely Lisa” “Lawely Are eel starved ex ri are to a steadily | ; ve dite most led with) a extensive trip threugh the Far} instead of competitively
Brave” “A Child ha Waiting.” | Wereasing extent openinat nite theit ers have te scrounge | fect. bint thie East, Stops will include Tokyo, for’. Finally. fear was expressed. that
"War Heat”. and the like, been! ' Sereens to f ima which they (5 jx pet meant ta imply that thet. te , the new chanes in fest rulership desi tee |2 U sales conference, and Bangkok, noe ywoakened the guiding inflite
5 ‘had. leusly regarded not only | i hed for The lasies of monerily 2 previews y company is out bo seauire a rep for the preem of “The Ugly Amer | ence of the film professionals in
i mw immersl. but ‘what. ‘Wee Worse, lation as a bi nder The whole! "Thicae twat eo Sc ite Snag Mee ade ACE is et ara od pody concerned. io warimers ix fe ! Mar" isin, out of touch wi e Wat vatoriun fe tins whe pictures Such 26 * Detge Vi call i ih ere i ph tat sanly lant Brande fs alsa set ta Ay out for of motion pictures
pudaet . ee f . which ribet | the 1 event. CA SSE Te erw'ii wnneticed by the inp! Assistant foreign manager Ren . : isttion <Wwouina for the Big W Cohn has preceded Rackmil nen Herb Salley le
merit. | Pave! “ :Abaat to Tokya to prepare the : would: while: neither King ner Peralta: |
salee conference Toppers will alse = Herb Jalfev has jot ned ae
prevreusty » Remes Wweuld. ge. te far as te name | make stops in Nong Korg, ForTheatres as pub-ad directer for
long | a oh Mase nog a ceiling peice hevend which thev | moss, Slugapore, Heirut snd Ath: the artle cirewit
newcomers, biel bed Julie And would pet. men the scquieition oallens, thus winding up # complete} Until lwo weeks age, Jaffey ‘oling as in sia a mala as “Diverce, ltal| produc iey reported that they jiour of U's overseaa branches be-| had worked for dith-Fox (ar 1S
that te. ; jon Style,” a Engh mt Pe The t “The Dell” fee algun in December it Kucepe and | years, serving Im a variety ef ad, pe | OF at : ¢. whieh rah | nued in, January vie a Latur! puh nosis He was most rently
Greek s¢ pot only Us. and: Conadian rights, | 45: orien gales) meeting. be! wheub director fer the 20th Inter ft (Continued on page 15) $ Acapulco, [national and later America Corpé