Variety (March 1963)

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‘ “ths Voor. ccccseee 2 i Date lon Your . noes e | «A aE | -vetlint a4," “best from tthe tae t ‘searta, Vals Yoor....... 2. ia " * pr a ee: od at : _ Fale Bate, inet Foor. + +++ I t | = preiry "si,3e8,008 ier the. diotr the 7” s | tats ¥ tite film sutalde Bent | Say ASE FE ECBO Ream | Cy report that Nabien film jadus-| in New Yor, Jae ‘tt 4 crs om) Voor oes 1 . i oy f fhe Pare , , @& | “presta, Thin B | | 2 = Tile Bate, lant Foor. «+++. 4s 1 ¥ : | ere, This Yeer cureeees J . ots o i _Tae Bots, low ¥ Foor. ee eee e | | = Male. authors. ales polnied at . tion of experts, cooperation with oe | pa beige oagined ot Pople Film Fos Fest television companies, nid ald IM co-production with other ows | rt "The industry Is faoed with deth come | tlisleg production baxeifice ree . n| Colts and allendance, QGoldes ‘ wi ncpected 1S production is 58 : oe Jess continuing the shunp whick sow production {all from 85 ia .O, reeeipte dropped fran ore .one oe in 1O@t ‘ng Pets. 006,+ BE | oon in 1pez, | Total allendance fell ta 446.006, a in 1002 from SIR DO0.000 la ir productions, ee ent ae efficiency af producers, prome | ‘gen, Tole Veer... .csoes j | * ot ods a yen | _Thia Bove, Lact Voor... +++ center : J 7 fart, This ¥ Yoor.......0e s { “Thie Bute, + bout Foor. «++» 2 i : Hub’ i New Pari Cinema ' oaton, March 12 ‘ei Bullding of «4 new arter, to he called Paris Cinenia lin an empty sore oppostte the new S2-stery iT Sterte, eS y PZ. we yy ne 2 ai! _Thie Bute, buat Your. +. ++: 6 ye Oh ae . ay | sare fot Go” ne Some meni | ova node a tne fort , chores foe € tw scrording to three partners, a5 ae | heek be went pintstipped In econ saenea eee Sieve Prentoul ie . ey nays teherd, t i | mit? ig p era ~ ve ma All major studios once had such| Its to be a H0d-seater, openbie et Green , alters, but presen esently only Warner | in late Auguat or early September, seinen » with. hy Alles In post | 4 soffee lounge with racks of frre . roel broke the indie ice hy ivelsn hewspapers ig planed, Alring Jerry Sherman for such Builters elaim it's first mew thea _ | asshigroments spasmoddically. jtre actually to he constructed tt , ™ mes i ah in aS ew, a miners were : aide tie re-creations of exosling Ubeae 7 THe woe WING UP nn tacesifts, N ) F sot tang Sirendy 400 “Reeerve fer Chea.) —e | | geeste 1 Yoor, vetecnee FE || Seite, Byes _ reer ge bower abet) Beoshers "Tenebeen ' Suw Richmond to Seal | Peas ee cenevacl || teigeeed Jan, ee RPC Studies! Wiaried Jam. 14 an tor lion ta Beth Reaction lo the testimonial | Boston, March 12° — Yoor r 7 _ a re! = i = Wy lhe tor” Chaties “‘Bosebere,!) Sam Hichmond, general manauet _ president of Paramount Film Digs , Of Sack Theatres, Ave-theatre Hub tnbuting Corp, has herome ox. chain, has exited ta herome sew | ¢raordinary, mt ternve of the numciated with Harry Segal in the | ber of exhibitors turning out fo Second National Pictures Ce, ~( Salate a dishribulor which {6 sdietributlag MOM rete. j S. 1. ($1) Fabien relates that 400 | leases, Crown International, Unit cn ered. exhib reservations alrealy havejed Preducers Pictures, and addiee sta |skeuded for nest Wednealte "| Micinond tau nh Bick fo the shen ar next Weidtiesads. 920 mand wae W ck for , een | ‘ren je mo ssn my we New York's Americana Iotel, |; past 10 years, Pret -Di ~ eoree, © Serene . marted cy aes ax ie aiton Thos bate Mix you Sydow, Chaniion Meson, Joka Shopper ica &. OF