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jeows to. ot he ha while the there Pie beech.
a " Conretion was desecbed hy _ ne one tote ne jaque-lest
hie victutes te play seven days, would selec | from 2 company ether then United Art A. fed meve in this | direction would, E feel, get some action,” he at Nes
at UA,
And in He lely =| Prickett flee nays Soe “a number et at is tected thie
od’ for ter the ) attraction, ame alee rah Thole own big individual ade, | Admission was raleed (e $1.25 in ‘| place of the usual $f. The dewnriiown Arsirun top had been $1.50, ” “Werebbas” had tu leeal fratrun oS paj at the Orpheum where it rea three | deome yi weeks ba vie business, A lewdawes “while retaining | ee tions protection of free'l Byes , { Obscenity pit, with three amend-|| aainiy | ments, weal vailina me igh, 30-0, be| Oue , " 4 t : ri “lake pessed hilt wilt ee ording ta heck-| Rxcise e from adwile lcipal i ioarde oC) stone In isa bases i onpecied le
prea | Ce ight pet What fa | ened by Senaie—which| wadget Hureau estimated $43,time j ; | reeew goes beck ta house for final) 960,000 in admission exue rev vo( Sat, hind ‘Joint endeavor i | as phaain r :
lees were | . | moe ing bo anus for fove WE enec.| _Weliner states he is going slong | one proganent, thet Trak ie net) bexinning July 1. 163 jor Wa] With the. ides of cutting these he| |
r aa Rennie
om mesure; = Estimated admisalon tax calm
a elacd. (ave seid threughot — een! for last {ical your bexinning July
ee ul Asse Diy. that they ore| |, Inet wae $40,000,000,
rial lage oboe patie gd aaten OMe, Hoenn eres 000 axtually catle
; Kep. Richard cant let Sian. of y oda To fiscal ye hegloning
got paar ‘be enjoined “ie “| ma of ‘aisdtled spirits Jn wy sec-| Ted Mineky to Pacitie sf over the Sweat point, this : flat of a newspaper . “lo whieh | Ted Mimeky Stanley Warner { / teste for stare and pane | minors are lable to be directed ” : hament fee Eston fost ime department 7 \s sme le values exceed the banoflice | Smith explained that he kad tn! stalfer, ankied the circuit pest last am ie Decency be ad | mtial, , malried the & sections of news: week to becente aciminis(ralive ae Ni@his, mean-jraled imoraliy shjectionabie la! ieee ae he’s particularly ‘papers, but thought the han mint | sistant to Pat Ro Notare of Pacitie q. Mave Nae : part fer ally Metres “Fellew The ; ienaouies h the lieups wi th Sam talea apply to any other section ot | Drive-In Theatres, Ios Angeles
i 4 | pore and Warners’ “Island of | BCeRe on: aie die Levine. and | the paper except the classified adv, 2) CHAM.
refit | Lave,” [este odes the latter for “wijectlag; Piouse lest week passed a» bill) Munsky had spent his entire show wy atiu-| 2 new kind of pep inta this tne almed at Ushlening up ov plnloall | bez career with Stanley Warner and va,” date Par then Levine have two] machine business in Georgia snd jbefore that with ils predecessor the won “Oe baud | bring state $350,000 per year rev‘circuit Warner iros, Theatres, he‘ali enue, Rep, Denmark Groover, of | ginning ai am usher at the Boyd Bibl. County, said bill would owt-| Theatre, Philaclelphia, and oventite law payolt and mdde-selting pinball! ally beans iio assistant fo Sat
‘maines and would also put a S25 D Felhocan Ue wae feted at a mer year tax ou machines that fareuctl ty ican at the Huard
gant he played for prizes or money, | Club, N-Y., last Weducaday 420),
he | The Lagan of De
whose (tended. ta re, Welier “EF personally alniasValue knowing this man and great‘enese i 2 ee, Aig association with Par. anion