Variety (March 1963)

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ps a erque, March 13, Babysitters’ One theatre executive haa finally adonitted that (hat le one of | the primary functions. of the film theatre today, — Robert Selig, vn, of Fox Intermountain Thestres: in Denver, in town last week to look over the chain's forthooming B50-seat bard top house in. Winrock Shopping Center here, said that awcukt he one of the major functions af the theatre, "Theatre affials at the place are goning-all-out fer. the Service toe, They plan to have a resistered nurse on duly at all tinws to help. 2 care of Mappets, Daytime programanag Sil comust entirely | i Los Angeles, March 1m 2 Jury in trial of $906,000 damage! "sit Irought by Broadway rool | Robert Hreen sdainst Samuel Olde | juvn hae bees insructed to return | ‘March £8 for final arguments, fal | iwwing witklup ef testimony baat | “My ROBERT J. LANDAY “That extensive breed of enthuslUBraday is. east which started Jan, sts, the alent film huffs, numbers * x cartoons, so mollers ta have a place to leave children, while ; William K. Everson among its et OEE ee hence Golde! | mace persistent amt articulate =F ayn ts guilly of fraud tor nat live} tn ook fern one he iitoce tat ang ug ta am asceried oral axtet| oblong Ui-page jobs Haak i ape Went for hint to work of producer's | parently intended for the Juvenile » picturizalion of “Porgy and Bese.” | trade aad bears the broad ttle, ‘Tra of filmites, called ag char. | rAthene> i on * tthe theatre te jhe + " “The Anwrican Movie” d time neat tania one are jatlorney for producer, 4 I da, t-'day of hearing, Irene Dunne i + Owne " Bel America beat ‘ducet’s haracts ibuted: vom ples ot and Ceorge J. * ylaherty, nierne | te | tonal veepee on Indernational | Abe ' Lest ta | i | charm, ae suck volumes invariably alte a ta the vintage phofographs aria. Pees a . me alory, and ends of the pehmitivex, we t B bt Melies' , Tanaetling aie" nalioh Channel” and, TOM and | edly much of ay ver) Griffith and Wis cemips ies. vtwere ik | le ne lack of p pholonraphy ‘ about the talk file tilea after 1928 but a} a feeling of major affection » ine | stlonte bs readily detected, Ag with eli ) “jhulfs enerally. Kverson hae ae iy what Usa ean ‘and to al ine strong, offen provecative opinidns. 419, |WeHis and purposes 1k wag merely | He comments 2 let on neglec A x9 | for the record, according to court works, Naluraily Griffith's abservars, | eraace™ of 191@ ke the supreme re in starting. his questioning, Set. | stripe of ihat. Generally regarded ite ic alse of asked Plaherty, firat to io take, r pivkaer. jee wand, if he hadn't heant jrepert about Goldwyn threatening s | Rouben Mamoulian, first director Sis fom picture, and saying he would a. Pre. rein him: in the ind -| i when producer-dire nit | proveded phorrapeiriete place | Ht has Sirk hecsine a | fae the individual exhih's imprint motion lite af French painter Liritle and [save | a | men. of Montmartre” and | avedl pleem's “The Valadon | [ae Amercian co the only file -this four-story soaloesal \ “fantastically con piEe consirvetiag Heslogically ahead of ix times, Minseapolie March 12, | Piet ; suslalned by a [oil warkable because it followed by «| At its lest sevk’s maceling, | patina year the case of “Birth af A Nal Norihur-t Variety club made « ; ly, feb "Seton Gen asked Flaherty if he thon,” which remtalas all-tinve top. formal presentation to tha Unt ae patuad : » hoditt heard thet Otte Preniinger,. monev Gln The actiste greatness verity of Minnesota hoard of | Were i . __sutaaly ar {sho directed. production, had an | of Griffith is never in question hut rejenis of a S3ODGD check lo gol nd ae *) la sicattionet ae ‘oral percentage deal with Gold: [tus lick foan Disleerat biases ax inte a fund te be wliliacd for an | livit the theatre usm, aad when the time came lo developed it nein af A Nation'* aidetion to the chib’s heart bosof et ‘Awards Attending, were Pay @ff the fimure was aro, = can hardly be disguised hy the lal on the campus. Chief Harker i reps. of TOA, National Sex | Gang fmedistely wbjected te, _ wonderful battle scenes, pioneer: | ona Swart, onal mamader | the | Motion i ASR. wot Amer: this and asked that Seton be cited ing camera angles and so on. As &; of 3 3Hn-Fox KMSE-TY here, made Ma aad Ae wer icon Beoadeasting: for misconduct a jury.) Wue believer in art and Grilitth, | acter wilnesses by Martin Gand, | weit, $495. Tk owes much of its! which have been artfully mixed tale the AATEINS, alternating with “there ia the liawel nee wo Kadi-| son's old Hiack M Mi. collage from.‘ for the | as the greatest (iim ever male by | | &xhausted its audiences” aml wae} The case af “Iniowrance” is re| [pants Pamela, it "Baal, March 13 Minnesota exhibiters ate Nireate ened with deprivation af their Awl right to sell popcorn, candy and ™ i soft drinks in their theatres of | Suntlays and holidays This would mean 2a considerable finatwial fast » aang af them and would be te eee tally hard tix take af a fine when there's nigh boxsuttice stife } fering A stroncly backed Sunifass and holidays claacmy bell has been in‘tireduced ta the present state lextse lature While exeniting theatres ard sports events, it would han the sale of all commocditess with a fow exceptions aon those days Thus, exhibitors feet; such « law, uf en: arted, umuld he a severe blow for. ‘the showhouses, & XD Kane, Narth Centrat Alised executive secretary, in calle fing & meeting af the Allied States -pinet's abirecturs te consider thre | “danger” te extike and haw fe The combat If. ~ Minnesota Netall Federation, att »lorganizatioa of small and some larite merchants, is urguig: passage of the Ili At feast one charels group, [he Seventh Day Adventists, as appasimg the mensure which thoes joerrtit business clusing ot Saturdays ta remain open am Suite Om. i days. The fact that Sundays are tlecied | the week's locgest for niany dine -eount stores ip ime fea why MARY mereiaits want is passaye, One af the Inlls authors Has issued! the statement to the press of 'Ehis mivasge 15 mot milended to eure in the sbiahic.t fui ans cere reation om Sundays and holulays.% Hearings on tue peopased aeasure Will be starteal this month 6166 Trans-Lux Net TraneLus Corp. ropes come salidated met gmcome far the cale erage sear ended Dec ot, 2862, rese (po SGLE SAG front Soa7T 78 for ) TEE The 1062 met as cipital ta Ble i@ share om the TAPOST stares of conpared te Tae oa , hefore iad 3: Phoeatira. BK ees ; 8 share in ifel, cahulabed on the Tent ‘no beasts ef having. Notional Screen js alco market (hides the mention wiley then © hamlet Gratis fiealtatven et condom | j seine basis yaoed well acer $I036.000 ta . fee a snecial seuvenier hook for | _ » hare Kian, the esricature of the} The P82 profit Infore faxes was ail, belp az. reel IATA e and abe ie rs es, featur mal ore Mise. Dune and Stewart | Nexro. Ile writes Inslead? "Griffith (|SLIGTH4, avast $1118 805 in expand the has “Ost Tl hewed by Seton if they had jean. be accused of treating the [IML These figures exclude Hone : val reports. that Galdwyn dida’'t | Negro with condescension but net (recurring imcame of $25 826 » Awards but aloo enable the /[', 'P (o oral agreements, Both with hostilily’”’ Just what Is the ids Co in | hie "make some oot in that | fest that mer hadn't rent version atthe It's the genteel! parlor Vatyersal Poeluces hae “geared. tivities a aoa 4 there are other | National currants meaeartat cd late 2 bin ieaels: leu At . ieense agreement wi shew, he seed fn prob ‘ Beret the April BABCTY nese slimulanis Bhich use : nee passes or reduced admiasson 5 4 The youl ache practice of 9 DGD. GARRY TS maleinstt sag chiidresi free. Fe eae 3. “Buck-a-car’? drive-in aioniae s 2 we agreement fests oul Jiditer, Vaerary a conlerence ainoug A lies Preny rf would Hike pat vine: | cs pe a and Allied exer weves worth | ten , igh motion | | ve Director aden "| Nertien, shen it lew question of iT | ifeet, sad se. much inarlisiry, when il it ie aquestion of artistic merit, 1} ; ; that indifference or ignorance by {i @ New York cay Mayer Hebert #.j regular crithes covering such * eal -@ ustration ix hehind | cial” presentations hag become a] a he’ luced bill In the | national scandal fi show business, é ich waald raise | | This ix particularly apparent Ja tke afer eer wane law to $135) many reviews of lelevaion. proper how thie year and a Si) per grains where. “special” sublechs* Sonar in 1064, amet a Teenard Teaube | Present law calle for a niinimuns : at $113 heurly, with this. amount | i Janmmping ‘a de eal next year : wane You s snows pay Athuquerque, Marek 1% if oe | Leute Cc. Gasparial,. uo has | heen cily nianager for Albuquerque 7 Theatres. Ine [oe past seven sears. | | has been named manacer af new |? Fox-intermountain indagr house | being malt here The. 2¥-seat | _ iinuse, Fox's first in Albiaber que . ‘| ig expected iG be open. it mit 7 | May ‘Yt 46 bene: halt | in Wairack ff shopping! Center here — _Gasparinl resigned A rue Theatres jole, which in duded supervision af six. inmleor | ‘ad ive oooter houses here, offer 7 dive Marek 11,. iL ; ’ ail — remit oom. from AL. | he rowdy schoolyard. 666 FIFTH AVE, NEW YORK 22 1982 and $15.875 im 1981, ho h fram the 2zale of certain properties mat reawired int tive haisinersn. 7 @ @ @ @ MERCURY e 3 eeceoocee