Variety (March 1963)

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| Vancouver, March 12, Recent of several : youthful inmates from Oakalla. om priten peapled novel pronio Lion by Orpheum Theatre manager Ivana Ackery for his | ars } run dewnlown play of AA p — "Convicts 4° With oat voted savoir fae wee oa arge easel signe a wit and rear bow. offices head : ined. "Oakalla Kseapees’” gid offering frve minis to the breakout boys, Posters goneluded with line °Your — uniform ia your theket.” . geantry the Top 12 pix, “twe = For Seesew'" but ove | Toe ae “vive Miles Te ia complete the slory: Nea cc wy A. , iahty Te | ial int Detroit] ita} a ay ai company's selivities. Production | vA Y ‘Sing” \Karhasay!, another | cools have risen ta the stars, I and | pewle, leaks sharp In Cht and int other Italian producers are na | “Sanday ya and Cybele” (Davie, i [iene willing to tolerate Unie sila| | Basten, big In NY. and hainy im “Wipensive pletures na longer | VA WA" | Friese. “Gleat” iW) is ane wt few | allew va lo make a profit; lhere|) ~~ | productions... filme whick sre |; od bern: ot valld and vital ideas and nd mild] which da not absorb billions of) on conclusion, T “deny thal I'vet. tole | all activity aad ae preef | | Lena sal ay te re | jithree filme willow: ” mania,” ts G Glovene Kuropa,” aad. T | nepert of the Titanue situation [hee caused sensiderable talk in ~" [Rome ple circles, especially since | : | thie ds first time " some years wat ted: fe | treble. aad: or tuned. but a at, A-TY | these were palnor companies, a bought | nl ibe alien Film Producers, rane | moult 4 tae bicker ltaal pleted» AE 5 aT ure aut, (ie tl -lwith Metra while making x deal hic | eu zo for werd righis in lwo [io the spok image af t runaway" grown and that he thought It we | vecnen“ of 1 ws a” eprard” and, by Vittoria hice sad Merring Sophia Loren, ‘Worry Month: | pple prom ay fore, we niet return be low-coat Hajly swat, Marek 2 Promise of product te hype the ueually fight SeptenshertMtober exhibitien period was reperied by ARPT veenee Edward Y.. Hyman during his atvival stucdie tour leat week, Exce sald he wae scoured dis iributor amd studia roaperation af such material, and had been ised Aug, 20 availability of quality pix. iyaian declared that he and hha stetf menbers would have reviewed 30 filme by the time he ended ble trip here (sone were seen estlier jan NY), which ‘will he reported on In company's iertheomsing brent Perert, Hyman t ois NY, ’ i ee rvations. witt. heen —— oe ; fethn, ‘March v1 Publicity plays 2 bigger role | than ever belie in the Cerman | fing biz And miawasine coverage fe | f producers | Minwe such wits. lowier While atlt a few years age, only a carmparatively small number of dumestic producing compamen had regular puwblivity staff's af theic disposal, mew it’s the other way round —there are enly few if amy left[ which operate These publicity units are either on the companies’ payrolls ‘suck ie ae with Artur Brauner’s CCC", Kurt Ulrich, ete} of work on & lerpeer rary contract haskt. Their mab leh fa te plant sll types of articles features, Interviews, biowraphies, fete? pertaining to the respective [pla with the varias publications, According fa Hane KruexwerFranke, head ‘ot Ringpress, West Weshingion, March 12. Business & hroup eal ng jisel{ the Commitiee ta ] | American-Made Motion Pictures, | met with Sen, Thomea Kuchel! R-Calif.|, Laboc Secretary Willard | Wirts and offhelals fram the slate, ‘Commerce and Treasury depart-' ments. | ned _| cover { be | a | papers” he ‘sald, one Tepresenlalives of | read in hue meri-/elaht Hollywood craft uniens were {in Washington thie week for meet| ‘tugs with bop Government officiale | on “runaway” filme production, The | jr f tt eps, formed Inte family A prgantastion . Whose rontracis, bn | elude pub vey, public reletlone 1 ped ada of Cinerania gis In Ger« Austria and = Switseriand, r ba the fonventional not hs re contribuled mat ¢ <publigity then the hig tabloid “ste primarily et, vireetcars bd ether eons " while the morning “dates ate usually read . With mweh more lelsure in the evening hours. It's taliniabed Lhiat a German morning paper ja read by meee, “ Rigel members of the pe paper, however, le normally jest superfelally read, pnd then lhroewn away.” Weebly Mags Tepe However, tne best publicity « Alm can pet |e vie the weekly mage Krueser-Franke clatina, 8 | Those iiiuetrated niagaginet are A commiltfee spokesman aabd | ‘Rlehard Conn of the labor departiment fold thelm thele crusade ta « is current president , Washington has Kenermted conald-| aK: berable Interest In the Furopesa: my | Dress. | read with even more concentration and leisure than dailies. “The niag« alines ar@ mere expensive and the aiertizalion factor plays att fmt portant rele--lie reader reads nearly everything that's in it” There are about hall a ducer fulticlty units Urat have reached .Kuchel told the group, according 9 cerlaln prominence in thie ‘gem: | Maximilian Sevell, Fredele Mateh, | man to plead thelr catise. rar WwW The commltiee also met with! ve supplies about. 56 “customers” 4 Lat the ‘Titaaus-Metro pra: | Willlant Bennett, esman, his interest in country. Alm probleme had several sitall enterprises and the Furthermore, there are yarious free-lance publicists wite are hired from Alm ta Alm King Cine the union appoint a spokes prose lakes care of about 18 pie | per ahnunt. The oul Al's Prese MH Y< business repre-{ —hewspapert, magavines, (vo and, al Pe tiny have won International | senlativer of TATSK jocal 22 In radia italiogs, ele with articles, : ashingion and C. J. Haggerty,| Pheles snd other prose materiale uation | Film. Festival awards, and do himeelt ’ : ily an-| wineer of the macominn “Silver pi pin ther Iron Curtain country with | Ribbea™ awards—| @ Oscor it the ue i snaintaing a han equivalent — ae best, producer of | ” Company ath has several pix “| awaiting release in. addition ta “The Leopard.” Aniong pix oroh ably ranceled hecause af the company crisis id a planned Johan Gavin warrer, “The Challenge,” while , gj sen other nixed Steme on the eet | secaciaie Willian. | jTitenue slate le the long-planned \ | dent of LAs Pacitig we-lne “Neakh's Arc” ve fi] Tee. have inked a: Dit os beng: Ls the Snow’ a Russlan-froat | “ eS awe cprinks. for the theatre, first | op te be consirucied here ta} e ms call ie. a 1060-tenh a vt dec } aller. ne wild he arn -| lameter, 52 ft, high with | x ta 00 font long screen with lnages |; i . ay ora the conventional three | c W ja considered an oney president of the AFL-CIO’s g ard Construction Trades Dept. bey loeel 80: A spectacle, and “Ser| ald P. Ha *) Pane int MOTEL Panetnia wiTbl o solicit suppert, Butld: | * Commmities chairman. fe C2, J ef Burgess of the &> S3AGALAL ‘ch er y oA i Si on ery JY @ Bu vq Makeup Arteta; ‘ Mair Stybists. The others are: Jona C. Riemer of Studia Grips, . T. Dennison, Motlen Picture Electricians: Thomas Ryan, International Saund Tech hicians; Albert K, Erickson, Motion Picture | the value ar twice weekly. He admitted that he's keen on ‘working for American companies, “American producers show more understanding. They have realised portance af pul lielty and don't argue sa much ahout the cools. Cerman producers, hewever, still have a tendeney i argue about them. They try { [heep down the expenses at the Cratts Service; Nalph W . Peckham, Motion Picture Het Painters: Dens | » Film Technictane | leeal on: "and: ‘Lawrence Kilty,! from Sereean Cartooniate jooal 8 we. wreng etd. Forlunslely enough, the number of Cleritan companion which admit that thelr Alms pwnemt Hi Menerous publleliy ie pedals |