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“The same elements go la make = goad shew. The. same ways {¢ Sell & goed show haven't changed | it SO years, Take the old tried and ‘frve lechniques, dress them ug sid att apely them more vigorously then ever. The ole showmanship wilt
ie! Cory Arie tad Chain) Chief I
| Albert L. Let, reer of t RKO: Thee
atres parent Glen Alden Corp., wai ~~ ‘awarded the aay nant Award
ry af the Greater New York Council | oii; pay off. | oe ey ce we tage Thuretay 14) | ‘That's the salesmanship acvice whe ard ceremonies highlighted & given by Si Fablan, Stanley Warhie __ | humber of accomplishments of the | Her cirewlt pres, to New York anal ity. seven | )] Albert A. List Foundalton, ined |New dersey SW sone managers at new entrent, looms snappy in Chl | nd | ~ EA Ben ibe BNE Sever’ |a miceting leet Friday i153, called rom. addin | me solid a NY. me Members a the Rant ovat Mer j million: gollars a puck lettin at celebrate the tenth ant of the re with | *Biveres, . or a ee nee in , tien Picture Council a ™ search, N. Y, Cothan’s Linenin fclrewt under Fabian family rule. “Mutiny om, | BOOTY! SMT 16 Coind Bicely ih SOME | ots Asm. aN. Y. producers! Center for the Performing Aris,|°AN the circus tdeae asic shows we key citi Sond NY. "Broth group whose membership turns the Jewleh Maceiny the Massie ‘manship hleas that have heen de a oud | r, | chusells e ‘] |
M). meee the, end ‘put, _ tent 5 © of the commercial sad the Mt ‘Sina Isp ny, || Yeloped throwah Use yerrs ean he q bd sed in Golkam, met it eNecilve sa ever,” he teld the managers, advising them that he . pw have heen talking to theatre“pp [men for 50 years come next year,
thaving begun in the bie im ISL, | “We are suffering fram a severe ‘Eshertage ef product but there 1s still plenty of Hfe tn that olf grey mare theatre business, This shortage of product ie something you can't da anylhing about and we caiv't do anything about A vacyumt pas been created by lack of piece pradwetion hut it wtl he Abed he told the gathering, stat. ing, that he felt that it will he the
SF aaa
. | Washington, D.. Cy. yesterday _ nice » (Tues) with ‘undersecretary of | Famees Payers Me » ye tiabor George L.-T. Weaver aad | 1 mA ethers concerning, various Industry | GT , | matiers Including the awarding of | ~| Heverament Alm tontracts, “rium
away” production, federal subsidy] on fae pix production and other facets, |
7 Toronte. Mareh U 1 Soi Century Fav has set «$f | §00.008 gaeraatee went Sian Fa | abe ‘meus Mayers Canadian (or. whereby the latter will -exhilit |
by “Fepresengatives wm Theatre! a Ameren hecusslo : ot i * tn seven Canadtan | titles, apening June 26, €€/ Contract, unique in the annals of a ee sin de ecrelee he put un major studiog that will perk and {in front of the openings. A certified pil the veul, urned | Tfe noted that there are about
heck for the amount. wae | . Lover io Peter S. Myers, Canadian (500 fewer theatres sow than
Benge | deral subsldy for, | division. manager for Fox, by Reu| there were In the original elreuit, he “: ne art group favors, hen W; Bolelad, vp. of the theatre | Bul he alsa laid the hays that SW an a mave alone these lines but does-| chain, at a press luncheew at the | Plane construction of new Uieatres | jeag sposale wheres} Park Plage Motel here yesterday | 34 areas develop that oan handle lby there x ald be. theatre taxa-| «Mon,) |thent. In this cannection he noted tion. te help Anance the subshty. Famous Mavers Canadian Corp, | thal, next to certain arena in Call> | Alse in the talke was an at-| fs owned by Paratiount Pictures. fornts, New Jersey had the greatest 3h [tempt te get some action on over-| Canada ix not effected hy the die /Rrowth rale of any stale in the : ee oon es b such hod vorce decree separating exhibition | U. 5 | Vramee's | ~“ | from distribution. Karlier, Amerlean Rroadcasting-Paramount Thea | oe. | lees had committed $7,506,000 for antey rie ptt “Cleo” in a doten ae “i The seven e¢ities whick whil. Richard | simultaneously preem the ple in | dev onal | Caneda are Montreal, Vancouver, ever Happened io Baby Jane me = hla erento Naas Hwee a Report at ae wines maoat | Lon te ’ whie it smeroueoereomntemttin (had been turned down. by other leompanies hefore WH ploked tent wen {uP ond eventually scored), we're [ene Council ms So Sn vacious| 7 [ihe ee to reat on our reject 77 | ——, ai ing the meeting 2 boost with | gaim that non operations are], Rome, Rome, March i. ils ‘colorful manner of presentsjand that this is beth harmdul to] | Pier Pasle Pascal _writer-dl| {lon, Goldatein lated Warner's wie | them and te the government be-/ rector of an epleade coming releases for the wext 4x the wovernment gels “In-|fArca. wae given: . ‘fourmenth mouths, hyping as he went along, terior results” from the non-| suspended sentence this week by | He alsa addressed himself to “Ine “anlen, outfits. a Rome court for alleged anli-|betweeners,” borderline pix, Kive secmtomattsetmeiees religions papecis of hia segment of ting the extbs the candid anpratsal
the Alm. that they have to “try to find the Subtitled “La Ricotta,” the Pas| way to lnse the mininunt ef money | alin bit _ Mars Oren Welles. Other
on inbetweeners, Ne company can
{alive you whiners all the thine and rettl, | at least you'd he minimizing the vot fou on the, lel’s be frank and eal!
elon, | "em pa This Way You yanks It aaa © for the com to innke yanked |e PANYs
r pletures. “We're In an unpredictable Inast.
Morris "Razz Goldstein, pree at Warner Mros, Distr: buting Carp, rd Site singin Manager, alse rade Breseed | roup, He told them that, nithougit WHE had been mak ing & Kame for itself lately as & develo “pejerta’ What.
Londen, Moreh i pana lened Im the court ¢ + 44 | The 1TH Royal File Show Men. mentioned In. the court tie day (10) raised saa.0d0 for the |}
+ a a4 , , Cinema Benevolent Fund, Shown tra > LP's vig ame, " Wwieg Britinh. Alt, “Great Sammy
17%. ITs os Ser £1 | Cues “South” Queen mother, : wd Lisias Na company sets out to make Ww Oe * . i Princesses Margaret and Alex-| 8 | x weak pleture There's aA premmte
| se Olt jngenuity mow more than ever hefore,” he opined Helming the session was Charles — _ {&. Soeckwhi, No oJ. zane chief, Robinson, star of ihe film.| “UGLY Ab , | He noted that “there a lackae [Others eluded Jessle Maithews,| Universal's “Unly American" {dalsleal altitude on the part of \eho stole the stage show: — will have its Gatham preem April [theatre managers around the counHayley Mills, Michele Morgan! 11, day tating at the Rivoll and }iry and a defeatist [ecting There and Claire Bloom were theatrical | Trans-Lux Kast Theatres, The | are lese pictures, trom, Int there i persaa alities on hand, debut will also lawnch the Trans-[ ate alsa blager pictures. There's [; * | ‘Lux Mast, Heweat house on that nothing wrong with this husiness He , 1 | Hee tT tneuit. that good hard work won't fix men Ss cpefu yma . The evening preceding the of-| Stanley Warner v p-general manyman’s E liyman of Amerk fielal opening, an invitatlonal | ager Harry Kalmine also adopessed can Brosdeasaling « Paramount | Showing will be helt at the Trans-| the gathering, stressing various Theatres uavelled his annual [lax with _iimattaries headed by | competitive elements of the SW
4 andra, Lord Snowdon and Alex | ign, apres chan Jeates seimire phdra’s | ¢ , Angus Ongilvy, were: the ade,
‘in allendance. Only American of ple epi
Presented jo. royally was ERdward |
Py nines | . 2 90n | . . 4 2. e* f . 2 RRR eg TA ve dob 307 ce
eek Behe i see :; +: vw | Thailand's for to the Unis} tensth anni drive, which includes steele wedge ut ee eee eed eee 12 KS vs ted Natione, 5 ‘Somehat. Anuman-Ra| Various cash prises totaling $10.6 50 Megne. Pisturca couse ® ot fe tonments an shout 50 new pix | Jadhon. Although the film wae shot | and other incentives. Nat Fellman,
| sealotant to Kalmine, spoke ag well, ‘listing the Major product being offered by various majers A plaque honering Fablan and Sam Rosen was alse presented Latter was unable te attend, however, being “indispesed at the tlie.
A meeting of all SW zene man avers fas been slated for March 25:22 in New York where thie meting wae also ‘held,
Siena " javes. heece oe iP ts —
Mente Vole Uttereriucs ... . ac ri | and renurks on the state af [entirely on the Universal Jot, prePrenic¢ Albums i... oo Tg OB i Hallywood, production, distrie | productlon backgrounds were Cards “ ; | ** | bullion, exbibition: ant of | lensed In Thalland anc the Chl: wilt f | tourse [hat wlll o° tee wisp, [have iis world preem in Bangkok
| -erderiy release late this moth, « 1U3 a handsame book, neat) | Pie has ite U “s preeme Apri 4 ly beurd, erlorfully itheirated, at the RKO Pantaxzes, Hollywoed. | otarefully indexed and cheek Starring Marlon iItrande, Ugly full of upbeat information. and | American” was produced by Genre . } even some stills of varicig | Mngtund Both will atte the: * pty, | EBingkok and Coast bows,
an) oe es ,o ge Wt. . 254; 2.6 ee ee 2 a HF . 434 ae
iat, Asan. of Securviies Dealers. ine.)