Variety (March 1963)

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ind Vouome lnedereve, Petrie a aed Moa Adrien, six the a repeat April 7. heed A includes festage ) 4 Berries, ns; With Mishesl Preise, ott sean vi ef Ihear exclusive sheila jor BEC-TY, this one “As You Like It" well as "4 aad oy Giant = layots . . . Bee | | Peeduser: By Bilver , , HOCATY aicina “The Het pad Cold Ms of Aven rs en” in a Oi eppertuniiy heur is beck on XTVU ater a three-week jaye | oe | sire LeeDt r version, “America’s: Master Sng." It gees. saat | | Wirétes March 21. IN PhHiLADELPHTA . 1 (Vv ASHINGTON ' Although Déet. Clark's show will continue daily on WFIL-TY, all fi¥¢ | vein ue a chew ef sii m é “ * ¢ programs will be taped on ene day-Hoturday. This wove frees. Clerk | reat ta Calhalica ve Four bocal Juves will dscuse teem yenra with a paychlairist an from being tled te the viudio alt week. Reveed prome : it ; WTOP-TY's “Trem These Crazy, Miscd-Up Years”... Den Besthmen, beer! nailed that ail guest star appeorat | porliat let to lawn disk jockey for WOMS, recently preached semi Anala single day... Joke Bowery in Abel ropes! ae Opera auditions WWDC radie foe 24d year is Woat named {a the general com oa Seagin meats Mies Wachingian™ talent and beauty conbest , WRC-TY | eldest continuous redie serie : for . nit | honor. hay thuten 38 fimalints for Ha TV beauty school... WTOM-TY crewing | ' Schoolhouse’ now adepted for wae <i Kel Ynesel tational ashe 1 She wer nabling 17(°'s biegest advertiser, the Hecht Ca, far a comeenting service of Israel . «+ AFTRA best ts NLR spomaared election at trated exrlusive ad campaign for the stere’s 67th anni . NBC Ned; -WPEN by a vole of six te five among deejay sand BOATS Brevks <n ane of the vooslists at toe annual Gridiron Chie dinser Tem Beeekebler, for the pant seven yeors. = fe here CHS presy Vreek Stanton among those whe came dow from Phitedelphia Eagles appelated sports dire chee fi NY fur tie feast. whick alse jerkades a show init ; , as sachet man ea Rew beries “Cpen Line oes, goul Lace 8 Bea Fiyse, aseocinte producer of C8S OW pchinatton Ree progiant manager, le Perida te produce Tibet pivemes Pry Phaill Barts fe Ww fo Meror * Marck 1@ te supe v8 Blane nd a CBS "Eye. (reinrng, ‘iness peetram on Kang Masten Wi owoll be telecast March 38 ducing bry mapests 8 slate viewt to the LS, in. GING INN. 471 eae . j Alice Fou ler, Hiaee prayer efforts _ Educational slation WCET-TV a conduching a series of 14 Wed-|direeied at Mather IN DETROIT... “pesday night clames ‘i ahem produced 6m a gtant-in-aid trom | credved with curing 3 oun irl Stirley Paer, WAIBK's shew ba reporter and NBC s Mowiter rep Biting Sol Southern, Life 3 lasuryce wean gee ot We Henin) wy He er jukrwua. ‘The cured . dseis. 16 wit to Molly wom te cover the Acudemy Awards, with seme pri | id ile ‘ern "te all ae 7 nig will ae TATE ta Award interviews of the schedule... WXY% rade veepee and general NEKy Corp, and ka open te viewers, Tow 3 myths, of Pate Faia | moinacer dekn O, Gitbert new! -appanted ly the Detreit Board af the sik and mie predrems ‘ai chork, om 3 od auend five ‘ie Fibt atoms te ccrve we the Crb-reas Advisery Comontice for the ve. Berne iw ba at | Facson, i in ith ad af oe eMy 38 : comic Tanned drive . Bobert Vae. Cleave added fa the tv te aah +e weir. _ preseiymees Wt oe eee sa'es de vascreat of CKLW | WXYZ rade news director, Rd Nerdy, 03 of say time cid permitiod Union, while he | wall brawl ist special news reperis on Detrost's pregress before the ee Se hee pia for» “saoct | Mecuaces ai OR amc Games pile Commaiee in New York this week... WXYZ helirapter addud 4 “Ms a lartes a4 nebericis by aiding the | | TV Ruky the Clown gels a ew weekly Saturday muarnong show preCivit A. ee ee it foes wniy, KY Be satin ome me | sented 2x.inet a crew bntursund with a “peanut” gallery of chikéren, | { iv At fi ineken paid sene=t? while marooned a oh hie aiumals, ete, s¢ an added attraction... WIKIK kes petationed the FCC [eA pas flew. r) Check eae ( lemon 7 ier an increase from ihe present 10,000 watts daytine power te 30.008 ed everfiow from Fogle Glenene, alls and tne preseet 1.060 walls nighliove power te 5.008 watts, Ho! pays ). LL § ¥ranwied, thy staliow’s area of service vill he ancressed by mere than | NG A MAD x a 2 S.008 square Mies. In Ke on nats air heme games | IN ST. LOUIS. , is . J. Ww tea An one Masten or Hgnitaries, “there were interviews with Sister Mary ) jog <a Madison Ten, tirm—has fiked | Hoeston | semen Ne Ronee 1 a an applicaiion \ ik the rc fer & b hitence la sperale a Ch. 30 UM sta. | wrAarY ee ane’ ral ’ lies ia Sh Lauls whick would piel predren & “particwlariy™ at the area's | 2 " nar ofA ARC-TY" “Th, Mas Negra pepuletion. Ap jan fer the propesed new 1 UHit"er vistex the | iro Pe 3 “The slalian weuld have a staff of 17, plea Nexre periermers and “will em. | S#8e 8 Teane oe phasine prearamming of particular bolerest le the very pabotoniisl | een of Cl yo ae 3 Neuirs roe a the area with Newr rl used expecially « [ABCTY met whe s Tr ides at te cerry hive prea “ i eee ertha White Mili Ine, 7, Noswviliee a feu ont erin). a : A. em pee at Lowrenet, Kon betwe ° . Cabvin Young iv, aise of Neshvitle. Central Be ; Perse ee ) domes Pasha aise | tes radia siatlen WE) af Madison, bad recently. purchased station KWIX-TY “ha Las Angeles | Nadie station wee | wer pees val telebrate its 43d anniversary oa Avril 36 aad station officiols are | EY. wwerbneet af wa-theote unis le mark the eccasion, Among | ok ery Fri experis' bridge piay fret the se Natioual Contreet Dridae {ttt Randle the COS a@itiote's | mehr ‘beina held at tthe ChasePark Placa from March 16-24.) mgr, of the Minnesota Vikings a IN PITTSBURGH... | pester Gerry Udwin has come in fron WIND, Chicaua, bo Leke over ae Bewi | ered on WTCN's public bs divectar al KDKA .. WYTAK has placed an order for RCA celer s ple | erm sang dice AT mont, Woking It the anly slation here bu Lraneell locally wriginated colar | Oo = ao? seeing. tenia Filests aad reler slides . > Tapes of Jobe, meet Ming's interviews with pee aehoel be, telebs on his KOKASTY rer cn added ts “Pregean | ee Pa" on DKA . Jae Fucker back on wwsw tor the third” reight | oie | i ne Rank . A «raat. [rem West Pena Power Re-reel a es worD” PA's taacatbonnl ‘station fe. leleviee the quarter Masl PIAA) A iaaeey awe between Nerwin and Johastovn . . Rebert Gs, one | of the slers of “Milk and Heaney” helped Dea ‘Rises kick off bla pew | show pa KDKAATY. "Career." Show deals with careers of foment pee) pit and ‘eeations ave pied. by college and high schesl Medeots.. . been seen pad beord oa tent noord every la roneection with his appeorence at the: IN SAN PRANCISCO ae impad G, (Pel) Brews spent Ave aad a weet ae, oR pacceie te the 3 i Can . : a v ’ 4 : a , " ow 4 . 3 pel $ = F a... gee? ; . ms . 4 t ~ if Sf 7 } a> an 5 = » && ; a ae 2 . ie + : , Neel ‘ = 4 a ie r i. a | ae . _— " é A 4 , ' : . a 2 3 7 _. ‘-e = = EE . £€ 2A. ie a . a ; >: ox ee” ra > FH » ce . ; , a ’ oe i q a wet . ~~ a -_ 2 ‘ _ 7 of = ih an 4 Garin Y .: a. a q A 2 =_: a! .'€ ee a »y = <=. | ‘we 4 ’ _ : a * 4 . q 4 nil , : Se & >. —_ ; ‘ 3 . of 5 . 8 -¥y , a. ® = &. 4 4 a y y tells or 0 RUA? pies bat