Variety (March 1963)

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ations vig. negetistions for the pure | chase tro | S| rITLpTE r purchase figure d. i's understood teh idiahe ihele combine {ti the mi peut 93,000,006, In addition fe Aldon, which ke & MMT affiliate, hw ploture tenipany alse acquires the Nevine-Kirshner flrit, am The tlm company bexan step: ed is | Ping we lis maele publishing ac[tivities bn June, 108%, when ot > {hired Marvin Cane te head its newly formed BMI alfil, Gower ‘alse ASCAP, On the Kirshaer will continue le Columbia p at Alder Clinaees ene of the mest successful indie pub ‘ a { ' . >: . = 4 a . = ' . : F . . . . y i : oo \ 3 . . ‘ De oo a | “ ba . M oa ° . . “ a a . , 1 . . fy eo 4 . L nO . . oy . . , om E P . ” _ . $ .. : = > 7 : . 2 fan r ‘ a i . a, q : a voy oy _. > 4 se " nt you A ql “ . . : oe 4 2 . ‘Ss : = a : P . a d i ie writers whe'}| continue their parts pe club | rights te the neuele in ite filme and ‘able | the iv product retenied rough , o it | : = 4 ; ge : oa ; ™ " os r . ' . P i ¢ the macy of Pred Astaire’s diskecerds, Herman Pax, i wider the Cherea fac, will con tinue lo werk with the company din an exec capacity. Astaire, te pfeq-| Mills, wha had heen promoted aa; from exec veepee. was in New me hes York Jast week setting wp recardand ing sessions and Hoing up new ts h | persenael, In the latter matter, Foley expects to work closely Mert Haber wae sei as diskery's hb owriters in the filme pad | restern rep. The firm is based on ‘eetfers, Hie Tee elite th * Om the recording end, Mills hae. . lined we & project that will result ‘in elem Ly over a three-year 7 sab | ee | Span, The acties will he an ane ic, we wouuwe . nelegy of the Anterican musival 7. | theatre prepared hy Betty Comr Th ~” ’ Newwaee! den, Adaigh OGreen and Richard Nehebin tf) fee. melt kl _| Lewine. Miss Conmiden, the onty UMS | «George Geedwin hat threwn in! ane of the trie wha'll appear ant ry. {the towel. on his Tune-Dex card | the disks, cut tue LP side« Last vist com| file operation. He ran the aysiem,! week. One side features sores ec all | which wee & radia, ty, recording from “Chee Chee’ hy Richard | and entertainment service, for 21 } adgers & Lorenz Hart and on the pndtel vie on be Tune: Dex hes | sales | fall otf in the early 1660s, oh set for July release. the UUme ihe p isle; Alea upcoming on Mills’ prowecoal" materia” Coots | Se iae prepared ty Victor Pele { pretessiqnal §=ma wit ' Viet Jame prepared by Victor Feldtober, | anid thet he carried i hens ian, Mille alse expects that Modern | until “hie dough anid patience | Astaire will da geome reecordings k és,‘ ran out.” tioe Ma label, “mater!