Variety (June 1963)

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Wem 6 §ELM REVIEWS | dover attitude toward each: other.) (COLOR) * ~f The Thrill Of It AH. Latest in Universal's string ef glamoress romanticemedies with. Deris Day.. Best of the lot —should be one of year’s: top. grossers. ” Yollywood, “June 4. Universal release of Ross Hunter-Martin Melcher production.. Stars. Doris Day. James..Garner; features Arlene Francis, Zazu Pitts, Elliott Reed, Reginald. Owen, Edward Andrews. Directed. by Norman dJewison. Screenplay, Carl Reiner, based | n story by Larry Gelbart, Reiner; cam-cra ‘Eastman, ‘Russell Mettys. editor, Mil-. tow Carruth; music, De Vol; asst. Director, Phil Bowles.. Reviewed -at “Westwood Vil-” lage araatres June 4, "G3. Running time, Beverly Boyer ..... sereebeegs Doris Day. ‘Dr. Gerald Boyer....... eee “Siines ‘Garner Mrs. Fraleigh: .--.--+ “snepe Francis. Gardiner Fraleigh ...... Edward Andrews Old Tom ceeeereonetaees Reginald. Owen Oliv la , ae ccepeaee foe ot Zaz. Pitts ‘Mike Palmer ecw er eeecceinen ‘Eliott: Reid. Woman. .. cw serecesecceceee: . Alice -Pearce Maggie wee ecenne coceecececs KYM Karath | Andy : : seeescereree e ‘Brian Nash Mrs. Goethe |. ..s..0<:: aes * “Lucey. Landau. De. Taylor 2. ..edereeeese Paul Hartm7n 3 epewrege et rece . +» Hayden Rorke Stokely eedenee’ Alex Gerry Van Camp _....see-: : Robert Gallagher Mise Thompson .....6....nne Newms Butler. pec wageeens “Burt Mustin Chauffeur. ee neakee ana Truck ‘Driver . eters "Hedley" Mattingly .| Robert Strauss Driver sete vec eseet as Widiam Bromley Tet ‘avqeececeoe. Pamela Curran > San ice. ab awaseomseries Herbie Faye Cabbie ...aewesdeeewee nnv. Ken Mr. Caputo § *.....sceeee sent A eae Sed. Truck Driver we teeeseete ‘Len. Feinrib In “The Thrill of It AH, » ‘Univergal has. another entry in the light: comedy vein of such moneymaking. champs as “Pillow. “Talk,” “Lover. Come Back” and “That: Touch of Mink.” What’s more, this .is. the best. of the four in terms. of having something more. to say about. con-: ‘temporary life than “gosh, ain't. love wonderful.” For every now’ and then, in the midst of the domestic absurdity. that Carl Reiner's basic: plot, he has slipped: ‘in some.. sharp . and ‘substantial: observations: that American. film audiences’ are’ sure ‘to sense . and appreciate. True, the Ross HunterArwin production: has its flaws but the combination of . ‘glamour, visual eomedy gusto, the Doris ‘Day name and. the smattering. of satire. for, the: ‘more discerning customer .alladd: : raphy of Russell Metty, trim ‘edit-. | ing of: Milton. Carruth, expressive grosser,. very. likely one of the top up to. the . promise of a smash: moneymakers of the year. Reiner’s scenario, ‘from. a story he wrote in collaboration: with: Larry. Gelbart, is peppered with digs at various institutions: of mod|’. ern American: life. Among the tar-. gets of his fairly subtle but: telling in assault with the. needle. are tele: vision, Madison Avenue, the ser-CCDG production. Stars Marina --Viadys. ' features’: Jean Servais, + Colette -Duval,: Myriel David: Alain Bouvette. Directed by Robert Darene: Scre«n ‘year extremities ‘of: th e modern | Play: Christe Garnier, Alain Bouvette, Cadillac and the maitre. a’ who has. ‘immediate seating” for: “celebrities f vant problem and .such specific matters as the sharp’ points. at: the. only. and sly: and witty, such as: when the potential tv: ‘sponsor tells: his | henchmen. to “get:me one of those t -sghows where everybody : family is. smarter than: the father.” ., bonuses for: the more demanding | But these nuggets: and. pinpricks | of satiric. substance are primarily. " filmgoer. Ultimately it is: inthe * design and engineering of cumula Ae edies such as this rise or fall in ‘sofar as the mass audience is con-} to his own country. after studying’ cerned, and .it is preé this area that “Thrill of It All” excels:'|. ‘Jn addition to a running gag about. . a suspiciously similar weekly. series: of live tv. dramas, there is a scene in which a swimming. pool. sat urated with soap gives birth to a two-story-high mountain -of . suds and another in which James Gar Her, coming home from: work one! evening, drives his convertible into his back ‘yard and ‘straight into a pool that wasn’t there in the morn‘ing. This latter. :sequence, and Garner’s. patiently : pained. expression as. he slowly sinks out.of sight} at the steering wheel, is the choice moment. of the picture. : ‘In the “miss” department, there are several situations that sputter, including the, an unacheduled birth scene in the midst of a traffic jam ‘on East. River ‘Drive: This scene, literally, is labored too ‘much. And .the central ‘eharacters themselves are quite artificial in their distortedly lovey-! Sure, there ere husbands and} . TISH--F wives Who get along just: fine. and } °° (BRI MADEY = kiss and ev g, but most audi| =" Auther as his ewn here. Touzh | ences will detect a distinctly sin| | smoochy-coochy way: Day ‘and Gar|: ‘ner-display afféction. It-is. director} © | Norman Jewtson’s one. big slip-up 7 ‘not to have toned ‘this. down. to |: ‘somethitig.a bit more convincing: Otherwise, he has déné an expert. job, and-demonstrated ‘an imagi-| native flair for executing | comedy. : suddenly. thrust into :an. irresistible looked the most natural conclusion |" -to be drawn—that . .becoming . a. ‘career girl is precisely . what | “de{1 ; Maurice Gosfield -| ‘} of. unafféctedness.. that . enabled |. ‘Miss Day to sell soap. ' drews are: spirited in-the key roles of .a middle-aged couple. suddenly ‘expectant parents: Zasu Pitts, since” ‘deceased, does all she can’: “with: -Owen. and Elliott. Reid, and others -sorted. ‘reasons are:.Lucy Landau, | Alice Pearcé, Robert Strauss and -Pamela Curran, Kym Karath. and} | Brian Nash are. painless ‘asthe ‘Day-Gardner. children, * mostly to. Reiner’s perceptive: mop|. -petalk. ‘Sample: (upon overhearing” parental. conversation. “not planning for us to. stay. young.” . duction, as. customary, features an: |. expensive, . ‘glamorous | ‘sheen. Con-:|._ ‘tributing to. this aura‘ and image:) ' are. the ‘opulent. and. authentic art| “work of Alexander -Golitzen: ‘and: . h =} Robert Boyle, Hattering photog -an:-assignment to’ do’ for “him.. It |. ‘becoming gowns designed by Jean ‘Louis:. There’s. also ‘a breezy title} song by: Arnold ‘Schwarzwatd my | Frederick Herbert. Tube.” in-a: romantic entanglement, never. 1. forgetting the. long-lost Velda, with. La Cage -|One -.0f his -prime’ info. sources, “(The Cage). | played cooly. and. with’ ‘seductive. FRENCH)” 1. restraint’ by Shirley’ Eaton... This: “Much ‘of the dialog. toa, ‘is. acid'| 5 Maury, :Jean —Servais. Georges Pe ne Grandiére, Darene; camera. Jecques 3 editor; Georges Arnstam. At Cannes Film. matic film. Fole and she handles. At. Fest. Running: time; 85 MIN . WI Savvy. Isabelle... 22..-++2+s0+ 5+ Marina. Viady |” Scott Peters’ is. . police: captain. Miche) |----res-resreeest’ ‘Phitippe Maury’|-Pat Chambérs,:known. to. Spillane }/ ANE ...cueeeeceeen’ ae riel David . fans: ds’. one. of Hammer’s bosom t wt ese cuae esuces weer... ole , ; ace corre Alain. Bouvette: buddies: In this plot he’s anything | ‘jn ‘the T ‘are a few switches but'this still re‘mains’ the’ hybrid. ‘adventure ‘pic. is fairly. well mounted ‘with some tive sight gag situations that’ com: " dualer use abr oad.. at African, life today. . -is ‘a traditional if. acceptably-made ah Ube eke private eye melodrama. with “effective” ‘treatment. .Spillane’s : “sereen debut. “aS. » Hammer. gle* person's approach in the} . -Colorama’ ‘yelease’ ‘of Fellane “Robert ‘Fellows) Production: Stars Mickéy . Spillane; features Shirley Eaton, Scott Peters, Hy. Gardner, Lloyd *. Nolan.’ Directed by |Roy Rowland. Screenplay . by’ “Spillane; | ‘Rowland and: Robert Fellows: from ‘SpilD th wane Povel of same Steg ere Ken | “Miss: ay scores ‘again as the} ; editor, ey Stone; music, Phil |. . Green; asst. director, George Pollard; housewife with two children. who : is | sssoc: producer, Charles Reynolds. .Re| viewed at .Preview: Theatre, June 7» *63. Running time, 103 MINS. position as an $80, 000-a-year: pitch-: ‘Mike Hammer : . ‘Mickey Spillane | woman for an. eccentric soap. tykage ena Fs beaesceese «Aitexd Ea¥on |... coon who is impressed. by: her -un| chery. ETE, oyd, Nolan |" Gardner .......6..5 . ‘Hy Gardner | affected’ quality. Bearing the. brunt. -Pat Chambers ::.......:..: >"Seott Peters .of these-‘soap operaties. is: Garner | Dr. Larry Snyder Guy iditiedoy Poynter -as the gynecologist whose domestic. | Bayliss: Henry « cteserecs “Jam Charles Farrell tranquillity. -is . shattered. by his ‘The qhutse. TAL ae -Kim ‘Tracy a Tru n pepeeeoeennenn Ben ‘Lee Wife’ s sudden transition to career Richie. Cole ....c.cccceccee: Murray Kash girl,-For Garner, improving: with | Georgie ~. 222.27. st¥entraat ‘Bill. Nagy every: screen: outing, ‘this -role is ieee nae Miele ate Cedee ne: give Endersby right up his alley. He’ handles. it Red Markhata ~~ sesco ": Ne. “Larry Crosa (3 >| with verve and. finesse. Reiner,"| Cab: Driver. .:,..-..-.se0...Tony Arpino Bouncer.-..... te eceemactercs .. Hal& incidentally, has resolved his plot. Eandlady ......-srheueis Nelly ‘Hanham acceptably but — ‘may. havé. over-| Dr. Leo Daniels’. ..200:62..5 Bob Gallico ‘Police. -Michael Biennan, Howard Greene, |. .. Grant ‘Holden Detective vel te nedece ceale ‘The: “Dragon” ve aeee stroys the desirable original. image | | vate-eye: Mike Hammer is Baek in. print™: after. a ‘few-years” hiatus. Adapted to: the: ‘screen: his ‘latest: éxploits.make for. a Slick:.and: en-: -tertaining adventure meller. “The |. Girl ‘Hunters’. alsa debuts author . Spillane portraying his. rough... *n? tumble: hero for the: ‘first. ‘time :on the screen... He turns. ina credible. : ‘job in the role. *. The Colorania: Features ‘Teléase, scripted by. Spiilane,. director. Roy. Rowland and producer, Robert Fel-. ‘lows from the author’s: book of the same. title; has been slotted | asa Inuitiple’ break. entry: and “‘is' solid. fare: for. this: market. There's |. ‘plenty of action, ‘remance’ ‘and: ‘m@vement in. the. tidy feature; with an_oceasional dash .of. rakish' com-. -edy’ and: Spillane. gruesomeness .to Please his fans. and. .¢rime-action filmgoérs. | | ‘Plot finds the private. eye in the ‘ gutter from: seven years of. boozing and: fretting because. he believes that he sent his secretary: and best. gal to her.doom: when he gave her ‘Arlene. Francis. and Edward An some. ridiculous® shenanigans: as a fretful maid. ‘Registering well’ in | prominent ‘parts. are: Reginald. who’ Stick in the. memory: for .as-| thanks : “Daddy's | “Can he do ‘that?”. “The Hunter-Martin Melcher. pro-. develops, : however, ‘that she: may. ; ‘still be. alive. ‘and Hammer ‘straightens out. and: goes in Search-of her “just like-the ‘old. days,”’. ‘as one ‘ef the. characters: comments. , ‘score. of De. Val and the. stylish,: ‘Along the line -he: finds ‘himself vet of English lightweight come-. . dies, is’ a very. pretty blonde .who spends. much of her time ‘in the. ~ film. Wearing just a bikini, a hhap|. -Penstance ‘which inttisues Hammer and will not revolt: male audi-. Cannes, . dine ‘42 EDC: ‘release of” ‘Lions. -Films-ED!C ‘Philippe Maury,. Pierre Tristan; ‘Mare Boureau, Philipp2. Fb but, “however,he, too, seemingly having ‘been. in. love with .the -elu-. .Sive Velda and more than: put out with the. private eye. for her’ disaopearance «and: presumed. deéath.. The :actor puts plenty of bite intothe: Tole: but sorietimes tends’ -to. overplav his: ‘obvious’. distaste | for. his: ex-chum. . ’ JAS a. “federal agent: Who's: ‘also. interested in. the’ case ‘which ‘has _the foreign intrigue element: of the: murder: of a U.S. Senator: which ‘is |} ‘linked to an international ‘Commie ‘plot, Lloyd Nolan turns’ in ‘a pro and ‘reliable. “job. N.Y. Herald Tribune’ ‘and: syndicated ‘cotumnist Hy Gardner also does. well playing ‘Another. ‘example of © ‘a French director doing a film on’ progress’ ‘vs. superstition ~ in. Africa.. There. with intimations: of. African tribal ‘magic even if neatly explained. It’ ‘okay exotic locales for possibie ‘It Jacks: the. scope: for artiés. An African. doctor. comes. “back. in. France. He’ marries and then ‘goes. into ‘the hinterlands. -Here, he crosses a white maf. running aplantation ‘and the latter . throws a lex on-him, causing him: to’ see. ‘himself and a ‘pal of Hammer’s. (as his’ ex-wife. who. had. died -many-|. off-screen ‘he’ Sa. chum. of ‘Spilyears ago. ‘The. absession. is finally ‘Jane’s).. ar { a |... Pic: -was.lensed : ‘in. ‘London’ cat f wiped: out. : Marina. Viady~ is somewhat: too : Metr Oo. -but’ considerable care “has { been taken -toPreserve. Gotham |}. blank and one-dimensionally pretty. ye locales where the ‘ action © takes. togive: much ‘appari||. tion, Jean Servais is properly: men‘place:.'Several fave: watering’ spots’ acing as the white man. gone. na| around town. like. Al & Dieks . and tive. Others are adequate. Diree|-the Blue ‘Ribbon have. been: faith-. fully reproduced by* art director [.’ tion is. ‘just too flat to give this the. suspense or depth to either emerge | Tony Inglis: Gardner's. office,’ too, -has . been carboned: for ‘the pie: a good offbeater ora deeper. look. These. and some. other. touches’ teo “This looks’ like : ‘Africans . will {'tend-” to. lift: the film. somewhat have to start. making their own | over run-of-the-mill cop’ "n’ -Tobhers. pix to eventually give'a true: face fare. oa of themselves at film. fests. This. ‘Director. ‘Rowland “has gotten | “effective. ‘performances’ out of his pic that may have. some pull on | principal: cast, which gets~ ‘solid. African. marts with’ chancier ex| support: from::a--host of : the. in| ‘port. status. It is: technically Pass‘évitable‘Spillane’ plot-feeding secable. . Mosks=: ondary characters. His Pace’ is OPS, se Bg Stephen Children -. oe Machin | éis Napier | : -, Barky: ‘Taylor + Le Mickey. Spillane’s hardnosed pria way they. -do': : Racers.” . Not even’ -young racers, ‘for ‘that. matter. So, on. the fair ‘assumption ‘that ‘people come to. See: people when: they go to see’ a film, the Roger Corman ‘production isa limited boxoffice entry. In’ Spite. of its. youthful : ‘east’ and ex= | | Ploitable’ topic,.which: ordinarily “might -have. some. solid value for | ‘ozone or saturation bookings... The’ -Ameriean: ‘writer. (Mark Ramon)... | makes time with’ the latter's ‘ fi ‘sini; Robsahn and Christina Gregg. Pro-'|‘| duceér-director — Corman: certainly |. -has an. eye for beauty.:Too bad he | ‘doesn’t .in this: instance” have ‘as... TS, a winner for. the inner ear. via “Telae; 7 ‘and; ‘with cameraman. Ken ‘Talbot { ‘| and operator Alan McCabe, he has |. .|gotten’ some: good lensing. Sidney |. ' -| Stene has edited smoothly and Phil | Gréen has written ‘a musical back-. ‘Mickey... . ground that is ‘hoth well-fitted. and} nice. ‘sounding. which ‘should do “the same for the boxoffice. And, : after all, « who’ s James ‘Bond anyway. “Kali. | The ¥ ‘oung Racers 7 (COLOR) 7 Trite: auto racing meller. B.o. range | Timited. Hollywood, June 5. International. release | of Roger’ Corman production. .Stars Mark : American. Damon, William | Campbell, ‘Luana Anders... ‘Directed. by . Corman.) Screenplay,’ . Wright Campbell; camera (Pathe), Floyd ". “music, Les E Baxter: asst. director, Charles Grif-° ' fith. Reviewed. at Lytton Center, June. 5; y;. editer, Ronald Sinclair; *63. 3. Running time, 82 MINS. Nae Sebnes ° “William Camphell Tes enny. ..... fy esiee ess Luana. Anders" lili | Robert. ‘Machin woeee Sir. William Dragonet.. Lotus Team Manager... John: McLaren. ‘Htalian. Driver..:...:..:..-. Miol Quesada: ‘Annoumcer ........:... Anthony Marsh Sesia Machin, sisters ~se-. Marie Versini.: Monique . neces Beatrice. -Altariba, ety eens sas eveeoserca People don’t talk oF: ‘behave. ‘the “The. Young. ‘International ' simply doesn’t have what it. takes: ‘The picture’s’ serious . ailments -can be traced directly to: R. Wright ‘affected, | that. became her trademarks... And Campbell's a contrived, pretentious. scenario. ‘The dialog is ‘incredibly ‘stilted’ and artificial, cand there is too much of it.:Falks ‘just don’t go :around calling™ each. other ° “posturing dilettantes, at | Teast not if: they ‘expect to. avoid ‘getting a knuckle-sandwichstraight: “in the kisser. And girls, just don’t _ say things to their ‘boy friends like | “T-don’t: want to be your: inner ear | anymore.” The: hackneyed ‘Story: has: to. “do ‘with: a grand. prix champion | (Wil liam Campbell)who,” ‘on the: sur| face, appears to. beone of. those. don’ t-give-a-damn-how-I-wim this -. -race-as-long-as-I-win-it chaps with -a chip on -his-shoulder ‘atid a girl in ‘every pitstop. He incurs the | : disfavor. of an ex-racer turned ancee,. then sheds her..: The. writer decides to get evén. by penning a. “Nasty ‘book. about: the racer but,. inthe.vrocess of getting to know him:} ‘better, discovers: ‘a heart of: gold. ‘pbeating beneath: the: grease and: ‘goggles. ence members..It’s ‘her ‘first -dra|. ‘Campbell does the best: ‘acting in the. film, overcoming to’ some ex | tent. the trite role he: is playing... ‘Damon is rather ~ wooden. Luana: Ariders . plays: -his traveling :secre tary. And since when, pray tell, .do young. writers : cart secretaries “all. /over Europe with them? It is one: of the. many. mysteries in: Camp-. bell’s seript. “There are some ‘very: ‘pretty: girls. in | this ‘film, which [| RieIps immeasurably: Tn addition to. Miss: Anders, there aré Marie: Verj. trice ~Altariba,. Margreta |. Be and ; King Kone Vs. ‘Godzilla good an-eye-for. seript. -Much .of the. film .was_ * shot ‘at: o ‘aetual ‘European: ‘grand . prix: sites. 7 ‘Floyd Crosby’ Ss largely ~.of the’ Baxter has chipped in a racy. score. Tube. Weinberg the 2 Word-Man readied. ‘for. United... States” pre ‘mieres,. ‘all. with English titles -al-| 9; ready: ‘completed. by Herman G.| Weinberg. _ . Imports: are Brigitte . Bardot. ‘Warrior's: ‘Rest’ ” starrer, _ which ‘Davis-Royal “will Telease;. “Letters | of a Novice,” Italian drama. going Dr ‘ Mt “Fhe ..Good: Soldier _Dr.M Scheveik, * from: Germany. | through Lionex; “Adorable Julia’ ze . French. comedy . starring Lilt Pal mer and Charles Boyer being pret ‘sented by Jacques Mage, and “Madaléna,” comedy. from Greece, is distri which Chelly ‘Wilson. puting, son. ‘times 63 MINS. © _f -In all, “Girl Hunters” ‘has been [ . } ‘effectively translated.-to pix, mak-: -ing. for good .action on.the screen: “ F tions. . Mark Damon : ‘Bother . “Niagara, ‘99: release. when... che ‘spoken approach. photography is| here-it-comes, | -whooosh,. ‘there-it-goes variety. Les. Wedncaday, Jane 12, 3963" Documentary ‘compilation cinema Monroe . Reviewed. at” ‘studio. « Ruz ob "Hollywoad; June. 7: ‘In’. “Marilyn,” * -20th-Fox And documentary “To: Knock, OP lionaire, oan ‘the. changing: Mariiyn, the overtone of: tragedy. ‘flavors ‘these “merry. :glimpses ‘with. a-bit-. | tersweet .. :fang,. all the: more so... when: we “view. Marilyn posing for. ~.. | a hair test’ on-“‘Something’s Got To: ©: Give,” -af the absolute apex: of: ‘her. beauty yet so ‘near the end: ; ‘The: film: isrevealing . in other ways, too." A ‘star ‘of .the . firstmagniactress. And’ yet: capable. of the | fine performarice in the. right: role, ‘as in “Bus-Stop.” .. But what is. included ‘has ‘been ase sembled and edited: -with percep-no! tion ‘and. imagination. . ‘Though: the clips | are brief, they manage. to pra vide the audience: with..a fairly... | good idea: of: the plots: and’ the na> -: tures of the characters being played. fae by ‘Marilyn. | .~ Rock. Hudson serves. as ‘narrator, a ‘and. “appears at: the beginning. ‘and near ‘the’ end: ‘for a-few appreci.. .ative ‘words about the star: There ~~ ‘is’. something :. -rather. corny and -shopworn.: about . the.. soundstage problem:-with. his: sincere, softsetting and.a. few of. the observations, “but. Hudson -Iinimizes the ‘Tube: “(EOLOR) From Japan; Strong potentiat in saturation : “sphere.” a “Hollywood, ‘June. 3: Universal release of: Toha“preduction.. | With Michael: Keith,~ James_ Y: Tadao |} Takashima, Mie.‘Han wiki, Ken ama, Yu Fujiki, Kenji ‘Sahara, Ichiro ‘Arishima, ‘Harry: Haleombe,..’ Tatsuo Matsiimura..Akihiko Hirata, . Eiko. °. s Wakabayshi, Senkichi Omura. Hond by: Inashiro version | “pro-. | Mo gomer: “wri ue Five: new foreign films: are. being. B n Ye en by: Paul Mason, ruce.Howard:* editor. and. ‘music, Peter :Zinner. Na camera credit. Reviewed at-:: the studio, June-.3, 763: Running. time, MINS. .. a . Eric Carter.’ #35 cissenests “Michael Keith « : Yataka. Omura vgeeses wepsees. James Yagi: -. ‘O. Sakurai ....:....... “Tadao: Takashima ~ .* ~~ Fumiko Sakurai... 220. ‘Mie Hama. Kinzabura. Furue: ......5...-. Yu: Fujiki ‘Kazuo. Fujita wp emesaced: Kenji’ ‘Sahara Mr. Taka eee Yenives Arishima ' Dr. Arnold: Foknsor.. ...Harry Holocmbe. . Tatsuo. ‘Matsumura Hirata arkino ..-:-. TEI cecwee. _ ike. Wakabayshi “To the list. of the century’ s. great.” preliminary’ bouts .— Dempsey Firpo, . . Sullivan-Paar, Nixon-Kenme, Steve: nedy, . Patterson-Liston,(Continued on. page 20) of . turgy, narrated we Rok . cone ducts : filmgoers. on a “sentimental : journey through : those. milestones of Miss Monroe’s careér in. which . :‘she starred in the studio’s: ‘produce *..: ‘It is a direcf and unpre-.. 'tentious: compilation. of film clips: ‘. No: attempt is-made to sleuth'the © ‘| personal’ mystéry of.:Marilyn,.: to: | analyze the -efnotional. factors’. that led to -her self-destruction. : |although -_ this. -Tneither penetrating | nor’. thorough Condy: ‘her’ films for 20th ‘are. cov-: ‘ered), it is engfossing: and affecting,.. and has the curiosity -value’ to:. R.* attract those picturegoers ‘ whose. imaginations: have: been -captured... by..the complex personality: who. ~ reigned ‘as. the glamour . queen of. -the screen fora decade: That-cov. ers a lot of Potential boxoffice tere. ‘Yitory. -.: obert Campbell.| | *1 ‘Patrick Magee.| “Marilyn’ spans: 13 years. of. cel: ‘luloid, beginning. with ‘her. appear-: _anice as one. of a quarteét..of:chorines tin the 1949° ‘production. of. “A Ticket | To. Tomahawk” and concluding with {shots from the unfinished .-“Somee.. thing’s Got To :. Give.” i way, Viewers -are: ‘treated. to juicy:-— ‘MM tidbits from: such. other. attrac. tions as::“All ‘About Eve,’ ‘“Eove: Nest,”.““We’re. Not. Married,’ ” “Don’t. | “QO. Henry’s _. Full House,” “Monkey: ‘Business,” ~~ -“Gentlemen. Prefer. Blondes,” “How: To: Marry. A Mile”. '“There’s “No Business. Like ‘Show Business,” “The. Seven ‘Year Itch” and. “Bus Stop. ”. Along. ‘tie at In-all ‘of them the camera focuses: ‘loving-. ly; endearingly. and. revealingly on. -enabling —_ ‘the audience’ to ‘sit back and:-study intimately: the evolution of a. star. ;and the’ peculiar :. characteristics: Os nea raat aR mg cred et), wn Dear ot wet Tone Saws a nat OnE Oe nv ae Pah AP “For. example, brief as_ ‘these -recollective -passages are, + they. recall how rather shallow’ the. | roles. harided Miss.“Monroe and. how -rather limited ‘ner’ histrionic ‘abil-: — ‘ities, tude, but never truly a gifted: There: is ‘an unfortunate gap: in” the ‘story,.the film’ skipping from’ 1956 (“Bus Stop”) to-1962:("“Give”),. thus ignoring all the non-20th miles. te ‘stones. of ‘her career: in-between.= : j corhically-oroa |°jented .elash: ‘between. two top. -bananas of. beast. kingdom.. opis Directed 2” were e+, ‘Senkichi Omura. i le ~" oe, aan oo Cann tec ee ne ba Ll tact LAL tame bedhead nid ent