Variety (August 1963)

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_RADIO-TELEVISION ” Writers & Celebs” Cold War press. agents;. sometitnes their manleveling with. the stars, many press agents: or Managers. feed them sovothing syrup. } agers. Instead of They consider it ‘desirabieeto lie to the “press, be evaSive, present fictitious releases. Sometimes .the stars are at fault, but just as often. eertain. press agents are to blame. | In the 30’s 40’s .and 50's: . when there were huge stables of stars, studio press agents were protective. toward the stars, but also tried to help writers: Most press agents in those days knew the. writers, as well as the media. Part of their. job was. thinking up .campaigns; part} was bringing writers and celebri-|: ties together for. -their © mutual | benefit. § == -In those-days independent press | agents were sometimes. personae} _ » mon grata with the studios. Studio press agents saw’ no reason why they: should have to compete with ‘Outside flacks, Today : the celeb is much’. more dependent . on’. the” independent. press agent. Some. of the: independent publicity men. no longer feei jt necessary to know “magazines, writers and. story. angles, They de pend mostly on flattery of ‘stars, runarounds | to. writers, and . the extracurricular. services to keep: their stars happy.) Obviously this is not true ofall. performance “of the ‘independent. publicitymen; ‘some of fhem.-work hard,: -distinguish between: writers; have | ‘a lively. interest in. what appears about their clients, and.try to cooperate with all legitimate .writers.. "When, managers’ attempt :to dietate’ publicity policies: to ‘their clients, the results are almest in-. variably bad. Even. the best: busi ‘Ness managers and agents, brilliant -at directing.other phases. of their clients’ careers, know little about “how to handle magazine and newspaper writers. If they’re wise, they allow: an experienced public relations man with a good reputation to handle such. matters. ‘Public’ relations men should be makers between celebrities and ‘writers. Not that..all celebrities and all: writers are at war with each other. The honest outspoken celeb rities are:at war with the dishonest. writers; and the honest writers are. ‘at war with the dishonest celeb-| rities and the sometimes even more dishonest press agents. -A. friendly press agent knows his business can be a writer’s best -friend and at the game time guard his clients” inter-. ests. zealously; but he must .have some common sense to do it. There are .celebrities: and press agents who believe: that. every article] about:a star should be a paean of praise — 100%. That's one. reason their raves rarely end up in print. These are the very same. men who might want to bluepencil and re write. the. work of sounG: Professional writers. . ‘Continued frei page 21 ‘Some. are: some . aren't. Are: cin | rities fair. ‘to writers? Again, some | periods for designation as.the top feature slot of the day. The analysis is confined to the top rated Sooner or later . their public ao "feature ‘slots inthe ARB measured period, broken down by days in the week. The. ARB. measured image catches up. with. their. pri|. ‘vate image. Fora short time Holly-. a wood’s hates may be the world’s} -.. eventually disillusionment} °° sets in, when word ‘picture after} ~~ word -picture is presented reveal-} ing the: true ‘image of some ‘Star. whose press. agent is’ desperately | loves; who might have conflicting ideas. In those days the: independent press agents had to produce or lose their: clients. ‘Racing, . ‘PGA Golf Championship, Bluebon|’. net, Gator and Cotton Bowl: games; [: ‘Sunday sports _show, facets of sports are “wrapped —_— ‘its. Sunday sports .show. Sunday |‘. outing next season out will run 13} weeks in its.old 90-minute. form, |: ‘and: 30. minutes. for. the remainder | -of the season. . (and occasionally are) the -peace-| ‘the. football schedule on. the aet-.|. work is that. $18,000,000 of the-es-] timated $25,000,000 billings’ is. de-} riyed from -that sport. Those pre a ‘ahd post game programs. cannot. be} who. | Arp writers fair ‘to _selebrtient| are; some. ‘aren’t.. trying to maintain ‘a false one. You |‘ can’t make* suckers ‘of. all. the writers all: the “time, ‘not ‘even if|‘you're a top. ranking star with the business press, agent in: the | business. . TV Grid Plums. —_ Continued, from page 1 — =} CBS-TV, is. philosophical as. -to the | dimensions of “They asked nie. how: much. space |: ‘my department will need in the|_ new. CBS building and you know _ I-couldn’t tell them.” © doe : MacPhail’ referred: to. ‘the: fact |. that comes January CBS-TV’s two-}year deal runs out ‘with the Na-|~ tional. Football League: and the|.. National. College. Athletic Assn.| -‘CBS-TY . paid a ‘record $10;200,000] | ‘for NCAA’s schedule and '$9,300,:' his. 000 = «for the ‘NFL pro-footbail schedule, in its last two-year. deal. It’s understood that. CBS-TV is ‘department. aye ae eas me _ Wednesday, Angust 21, 1963" ARB FEATURE FILM CHART : VanieryARB’s ineekly chart. offers a dayby-day analysts of the top feature eviening: slots in a: particular market. On Saturdays and Sundays, ‘daytime feature slots complete with. nighttime. pix... period usually covérs three or four weeks. Other. data such as the time slot and average share of audience is. furnished. Top competition and competitive ratings. also’ are: highlighted. (Continued ‘trom: page 30) . Total: Area ‘Homes: 52, sco ~ TOP: COMPETITION WISH Metro Ratiag:. 8 ; STATION: &_ © Share of Rudience: 32 PROGRAM: TOTAL HOMES Frances Farmer WEBM. FRIDAYS 5:00-600 5:00-6:00 . 39,900 Program: EARLY SHeW. breaking even. with NCAA;. with | . “May 17. “STORM. WARNING”. ‘Doris Day, Ronald. Reagan 1951, Warner Bros., xs Arts: May’ 24 “TANKS ARE COMING” Steve Cochran, Phil Carey '1951; ‘Warner Bros., 7 Arts May 31 “pH. COMMAND” Guy Madison, ‘James Whitmore 1953, Warner Bros., 7 Arts... Ss Jan, ‘7 “HIAWATHA” of ' NVincent. Edwards | 1952, Allied Artists, Allied Artists TV “Total Kreis Homes: 109, 600. TOP COMPETITION STATION & WFBM Shore oF Aad a e: 32 ‘PROGRAM TOTAL HOMES SATURDAYS. 9:60-1:00 Lawrence: Welk: _-WLWI. Program: SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE 9:00-10:00 137,300: May 18 “GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES” . Gunsmoke 7 WISH: Marilyn Monroe, Jane. Russell, Charles: Coburn | 10: 0011: 00 “157,300 ‘about: one-tenth of the. package. still unsold; and is making money | with. NFL virtually sold out to ad| -vertisers with the exception of] three-sixteenth of the Dallas Cowa boy Network remaining to be sold. | Other than‘ football, CBS-TV has |. the major baseball league. “Game |: of “the Week,” Triple’ Crown of| ‘Tourney, |" =: : Jun 8 “THE DESERT RATS” Masters... Golf Indicative ‘of. the: importance. of sold if the event isn’t there. NBC-TV, which paid that. record|. 4. high of $926;000for the NFL playia 1-off game, is expected to be. bidding | ‘hot and heavy for both the NCAA |. and NFL schedule. ABC-TV has a deal: with the American Football| .. “League which has another year to} run, but is expected: to-contend | ° swith *: -the -ather networks ‘for -_ NCAA. | — “NBC-TV> and -Gillette seem. to MacPhail ‘commented. that. when! ene ot. the networks. gets burned e. -have paid too :‘much and when -the |. returns from money and ‘prestige won't compensate for. the price, | only then. will. the price for. Fights come down. . have the inside track on the. ‘World Series: games and CBS-TV’s .Mac-. Phail ‘isn’t. at all happy about. it: “T read. it in the paper ‘that. NBC} -had. been awarded: the rights for] ‘another five years: to 1965,” Mac Phail commented. As to how bigh prices can“ go, P20 THE WEo a R ‘Available only. from: end other! up. in| — ~ Wp eR ‘The original great horror. films. “that made motion picture and wv “history...are still making TV; history from coast-to-coast! © __SCREEN GEMS, 1 ? ‘, .. og . fog? Jun. 4 “RIVER: ‘OF NO RETURN” . 1953, 20th Century-Fox, 20th Century-Fox. TV)... May: 25 “THE EGYPTIAN” 'Peter Ustinov, Victor Mature, E ‘purdom: _ 1954, 20th Century-Fox, 20th. Century-Fox. TV. ‘Robert: Mitchum, Marilyn Monroe, R. Calhoun 11954, 20thCentury-Fox, 20th Century-Fox. TV . a, Richard Burton, Robert .Newton, R. Douglas. ai 1953, 20th 1 Century-Fox, 20th 1 Century-Fox TV WLW “Total Area. ‘Homes: 86,100 , “TOP. COMPETITION Metro Rating: 14 — . _— STATION &. hare of. ‘Audi ence: 24 | PROGRAM TOTAL HOMES. SUNDAYS" 8:00-10 6:06 Kd. Sullivan. -*: ” WISH mt ‘Program: SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE: 8:00-9:00: 1a, 500 “May: 19. “THUNDER ROAD” | Bonanza -WFBM. ~ Robert Mitchum, Gene. *, Barry, Keely: Smith. @ 00-10: 00. | “217,200 ~ 1958, United Artists, U cance > May: 26 “THE BIG CAPER” Rory Calhoun, Mary Costa.-. : 1957, ‘United Artists, UAA :. 2 “SUBWAY IN THE SKY” Van Johnson, Hildegarde Neff . 1959, ‘United Artists, UAA Jun 2 “TROOPER HOOK”: |. ‘Goel McCrea, Barbara Stanwyck” . > 1957, United Artists, UAA.. a | ee Gari, ‘Armstrong AF ae ‘Axed in Cleve Shaffle|0. Cleveland, Aug. 20.: |. Two veteran broadcasters, War| ren Guthrie and. Ken _Armstrong, [have been released by WJW-TV: . {. + Guthrie, news commentator’ for}. | 12 years as.the SohioReporter, is head. of the speech ‘department: of}. | Western Reserve Univ...Armstrong;.| # ‘in broadcasting since 1948 when he| IF | graduated from the U. of Michigan, | 3% has been ‘director of news for the] § Storer station since. 1958. Both’. ‘men leave: the. station ‘at, the: end |. ly {of this week. . .Joel:Daly; news manager of: “WEWS, joins Storer. arid will do T NEW MATERIAL WANTED | the on-the-air work, while Norman | Wagy, -editorial director, adds..the |} '|.duties. of news director, according TOP TV ‘SERIES. SEARCHING | to: Bob Buchanan, WdJW-TV: Ben-| FOR. FREE LANCERS WITH eral. manager. || TIGHT, “FAST MOVING ONE |. 1 San. Antonio—Latest addition to/| ACT PLAYS. FOR “DET AILS | | fhe won of KENS-IV here Jsth ONLY ‘WRITE: osahe ver: who joins the sta-|} ‘yy PLAYS, P.O: BOX. 1450 tion's promotion department as| . . {manager. She was. formerly ‘with | CHICAGO, ILLINOIS | KROD-TV, EI Paso.. . Cos Jun ‘marketplace, when they . “MOE Sist St. _¢. w. York Dh : MOL. 21764 TIMES! wth AL ry _ Film & ring a | =