Variety (November 1963)

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as Vegas, Nov. a + Chain hotel ‘operation is on ‘ts ly being negotiated for the take| over of. the Thunderbird Hotel by the Sheraton. cliain. Contracts are. being drawn up and it’s likely| ‘ finalized that the deal will be. within a few days. The Sheraton. will lease the hotel, while present owners Joe Wells, Cliff Jones et al. will retain. the property. It’s said | to be a seven-year and options lease. Casino, however, whl be leased: back 100% to Wells & Co. t _ While the Sheraton ‘Hotel Corp. is on its way to a successful con+ summation. of a Vegas deal, it’s Duhes Hotel and also. with Beldon Katleman for rebuilding and eperation of the now: defunct. “El Rancho. No agreement had been | (} ( ‘reached in either case. _ Also in. the negotiating stages |: is a possible. deal for the .Old |: Frontive by the Holiday Inn chain. ’ The entry of the chains into Las}. Vegas is being greeted with mixed. reactions. To some {tmeans the |} ehd of the rough-ard-ready. frontier spirit which prevades the town. They feel that an aseptic. character enters when a chain gets. a grip on a hotel. The end -of. the. (Continued on Page 52) MME. NHU VISITED MGM JEST BEFORE PUTSCH | Hollywood, Nov. . 5. ‘Hollywood blew hot ‘and cold over the presence of Mme. Ngo Dinh Nhu fast week; when stu| dio tours were suggested. This was prior to the coup in South Vietnam ahat made her a widow. Metro, after Warner Bros. nixed the stormy spokeswoman of South Vietnam visiting set of ‘My Fair Lady,’ immediately. invited her to be its guest, and she was hosted by studio topper Robert M.. Weit-. man both at luncheon and a tour. through the studio. After her stopover at Metro, |° Mme. Nhu said her visit there was. Berle: (NBC) to Guest “one of the most enj joyable Pve. had. since being in’ the: U.S.” A WB spokesman, in denying | the Asian and her. party access toa |. the “Fair Lady” set, said that set had been: closed since. film was. launched and that there ‘were: ‘no’ exceptions to this policy. He -said. it had nothing to do. with Mme. Nhu or her politics.. While a spokesman for’ Audrey. Hepburn denied printed reports in. L.A. papers that she had: thre ened to walk off set if Mme. visited it, it was asserted. on good authority that the cast was unani mously adverse to the idea of. her v George Cukor, pic’ s director, was quoted as saying, “I don’t think I'd have been happy with her visit. at all.” could not. be Iaunched. without. necexsary. finance. *., : _Keith Rosson & Ronald -Plaisted, Luis Alberto* Del Parana & “Los surprising on the surface in ‘light of the CBS-TV edict.on quiz-game | networks on such :CBS-TV shows. Make f An ty ‘The ‘edict, though,: is limited to |. es: or nxie those CBS-T'V shows in the quiz1 : game category. Subscription 0 Order Form qEnclosed find ‘check heck for $....0ece+-+« t Please send VARIETY for’ D) ‘Two ‘Years London, Nov. Be of. Trade last week, the. ball. has recognized: ‘that’ such’ an. event Attempts to get an international § See eng id atter an | E ‘till be n er ani # all-industry. meeting at the Board been passed to. the various trdde| Hi J associations for consideration... _ The meeting at the BOT held.| Hi the view that an international fes| F tival. would: be highly: beneficial | | to the industry: and the nation, but |. been learned. that the. Hilton Hotel. chain has been dickering for the iN wey « anibtincosinpDne anya: -Myassociates and T. gameup. ‘the: “| hardway—thia® PAUL ANKA*tsa Ovation for Marlese Climaxes Perférmances Love Again.” Buddy Greco made a golid. im: clocked: solidly. The: Beatles, Brit-, ish “beat” group, reaped ‘an _én| _ _| thusiastic reception ‘and had. entire.|-~° . audience ‘participating ‘in. “numbers, | Artists appearing af the Royalty Variety Gala were: The Beatles, Wilfrid Brambell & Harry.H. Cor-| “Steptoe & Son;” Max. Bygraves, Marlene Dietrich, Charlie Drake, Michael Flanders. & Don-. ald’ Swann;. Buddy Greco, Dickie. ‘Henderson, Joe ‘Loss. Orch, Susan. Maughan, Nadia Nerina with ‘Des-. mond ‘Doyle, Christopher Newton,. (Continued ‘on page. 14). On Sullivan (CBS) ’Show Milton, ‘Berle, longtime contract | ‘performer of NBC-TV; comes over. ‘to CBS-TV for an Ed Sullivan out-| ing on Dec..15. He will have a good amount of time on the outing and; in’ return, SuHiyan has. agreed. to} guest on.a Berle special for NBC-| — |TV, if invited .and if. the NEC-TV | N. Y. World’ s Fair u | special comes. off. This inter-network bit: ‘appears shows barring. performers: of other == | workmen’s inactivity and shapeless | |= IE buildings: which reflect..a lick and | }a promise: A big; white. structure -{}| housing. General. Motors’ exhibit ||| * TH looks like it: could be opened ‘al||} “HH mést: momentarily but, other ‘than |||" . + this, along with ‘the. posh restau| |{ i} rant -already .in operation, ‘an. ob|. ‘Wt server easily | gets. -towondering’ iG ii} just: how the N.¥. World’s: Fair || | will be ‘ready to do business next ||} ii} April, as. ‘Ber: the. Robert. “Moses |{ schedule, ~... Ground. is broken. all’ over the | I} place. Somebody : oy #| done something. But for the most.||| .~ part: it looks like the ruins of.Pom 0 Three Years. : One Yeor—$15.00 ™ West 46th Street To. SCTESOSCHT OSH eee Cee ewe eee en e e eo evedce eee sceeee e é. eee oeee Street: siessateeteneeneeeneesarteeeebeeeeeeree seri peee | CMY soe see sce cesessepsncesees Zone... State ‘e f ‘Three Yeors—$39.00 | g Canada and Foreign—ST Additional Fer Year VARIETY ac. -e os coe . “Twe Years—$28.00 New # York, N. ¥. 10036, ‘At Royal Variety Cala} = London, Nov.: 5. ibe Marlene Dietrich’s sparkling per formance highlighted the Royal | |) Command ‘Variety Gala. held last | 33 night: (Mon.) at the: Prince. of|) °°. Wales theatre. She received a pro|: Jonged ovation ‘while the orchestraj° # ‘played her trademarked “Falling: in. om © their. 1 One Year | i" | | H} ma | | «| luckykid .. bornwith * that. .goldatar | . pot” talentandgenius overhia crib. d andhag .. Keptit.. ‘brilliant, thruhis : | dacending: ‘edreer,|. . I's was a. greatpleasureworking| | with PAUL AN KA..and I thoroughly. enjoyed “borpine him atterevery. |-Pression with his. warbling while: io qi the Clark Bros.’ terping routine] “By JOSEPH LAPID os . Tel Ayiv, Nov. 5: Habiniah’s Advisory Committee, {made ‘up of: people . ‘prominent : in: the. political ‘and cultural life: of |. the country, -will’ decide, ‘probably | next smonth, whether the Israel Na-| tional: ‘Theatre : ‘should: or should not. present. Rolf. Hochchut’s::con-. troversial: play, “The “Deputy”. happened with “Irma la ‘Duce”}. when some committee-members ob jected on the. -prémise. that’ the dignity of the National: Theatre would’ suffer if ‘it presented. a sexy |° French ‘musical. Despite these. ob-|: Jections, the. committee okayed“Tr| (Continued on “ontinued om page 1 14) ‘Flushing Meadows, Queens; .presents. a bewildering . ‘picture of. obviously — ‘has Hi} pey,* with all its suggestions ‘of TEL buildings but: ‘without actual: ‘for-| . This. appraisal. is based upon «||| 1 visit. last, Wednesday" (30) when {il .: ei | VARIETY'S | man:(and about 40 other-|/| Continued .c on page 62) © am | ‘Chatter: mor, his. newest: ‘tome,. "(Continued | on page 18): 1 | tv stints,. T. ‘month: Hepreviously did: his one-: “ .._| Buenos Aires. and Rio. De Janeiro. 7 : 3 _| ~ Philippe. left” over the: weekend 7 -| for 10: days. in’ Paris. in company + | of ‘Maurice. Carrere, the Paris: inn-. . | Palace Again ‘Live’ As ‘Harry “Mandel . . In the | same gany and ‘madcap manner which has ‘been’ Groucho }}j | “Marx's lifetime’ trademark. in :hu-} “Memoirs ’ ‘of a Mangy. Lover” (Géis, $3.95). ‘is .@ bizarre: ‘recall ‘of. highlights {| from a rich ‘career.. This is “not |||: a “show biz’ book. save. for the} subjective approach and. some: of |i}: ke he So ema wets . ts y : “oo oe | PnP Ti Vi | | Cheater Pulls Big Biz e | Wk Paris 1-Man Show Paris, Nov. ‘5. ~ ‘Maurice. Chevaliér’s. ' Chevalier played -to over 80, 000 J customers at an average daily take of $3,400. He now: heads for. Yank “ther returns to. rest a ‘man show in New York, London, {Jack Bemay Fiddles For Pitt Symphony & Burns . a BO. to ‘Red Hot $35, 095) Pittsburgh, ‘Nov.: 5... * Jack: Benny’ fiddled last: night dr = |:(Mon.} at the Syria Mosque ‘here’ }to the tune of ‘$35,095, a new record. gross for. a single concert by |. “|the Pittsburgh: Symphony Orchestra; Benny made his’ concert debut: | in. ‘Pittsburgh. ‘to benefit. the Pitt Symph’s pension and maintenance | a funds. music director’ -of . the. orchestra, |: | conducted. -the performance | ats ‘William ‘Steinberg, tended: by 3,200 people. . ¥ |: ‘The Benny appearance was given | i saturation | coverage by all’: Pitts-| burgh’ area media. .The event'took the place of the. annual symphony hall and. from’ the standpoint. of -ZToss business’ was, twice as. suc-. cessful: consisted of the works of Sarasate: Following the concert, ‘nearly 500 | people who. had paid: the top price |.of $50 for the: event, adjourned: to| ‘Carnegie Institute. for a supper dance. Benny and ‘Dr: Steinberg were the honored guests. The Pittsburgh Symphony. ‘presented ‘Benny’ with leather-bound editions. of six famous violin concerti and a massive cake: topped with a ‘lifesize violin, . * World’s Fair Come-On? It’s ‘on-off . -With. RKO. prexy about’ another stageshow try: at. the. Palace, On. Broadway, in. 1964 with ‘the World’s Fair influx in’ view. . Whilé’ he: ‘is. still. exploring’. a ‘|tevue idea, rather’ than the pre“| viously :essayed © Judy © Garland|: ‘Danny Kaye .type of headliners, | ‘some’ “big” pictures are: also on the. horizon. and the. Broadway. house. ‘May -Temain “a straight filmery. _ | | ee ‘Sunset ‘Boulevard 400 No. “Volume 252 7 Casting 60 ty Intersiational— Legitimate” oe BE Literati... : eas : Coda es 36! Music chee reese ceeed oe . 4A ; New ‘ei ws eee res " tee 52 _Wednend, ‘November: 6. 1963°. ‘one-man: a2 °> | show at the Teatre Des ‘C : Es Elysees was a solid hit. It was ex ea | tended one week and Wound Sun-.| | day. (3). It began. Sept. 27. °° Wieniewski and others. -He brought |: down the house from the. moment he’ stepped: on the stage. ‘until he. -tossed a‘final :kiss to the audience |. Chairman ‘of the committee is Dep-| ™0r¢ than an: hour later. uty Prime Minister Abba Eban; forton, Israel ambassador to ‘Washing4 ton . Since’ Habimali -is’ government} . subsidized, » the theatre's . manage{ment isobliged: to. ‘present in ad ‘vance to the :-Advisory. ‘Committee “| its forthcoming repertoire: .Howev_,|-er, only on rare occasions ‘does the 7 Committee interfere. Last’ time it} Washington, . Cc: 20006 704 ‘National, Press. Building, STerling345 " Chicage, Ul, 66611 Michigan ave Delaware 7-4064: Londe en | f ss BF St. James's Street, Picesdilly: § Tivde Park 456123 _ SUBSCRIPTION Annual,’ $15; Foreign, 916; Single Copies; 35 Cente ot ABEL GREEN, Kditor oe =" | N D E x” “| Obituaries * 63 -| Pictures. 3 ; ze . . at : Radio. eee i . ; Inside Radio. TV... £41) | Radio. ‘Reviews... eae rte 8B TPS “i ie weeeeees QB” “4 | . «Television Ds 24 : Television “Reviews . eee ye cn * DAILY VARIETY » rubtighes, ‘In ‘Hellywoed. by Dally ‘vanity, Lie) mo 20-8 b veer. $25. Fore reign. alere 3a sea, asia nericana, N.Y, ‘Claude c. Philippe, ‘V.p. and g.m, ns | of the new Americana Hotel, New York, has exited ‘the Loew's Hotels (Tisch) ahead of expiration of his: three “yeat;contract in. January. Policy. differences with’ Preston ‘Robert (Bob) Tisch have figured for some -| time and, reportedly, were capped “by the: Tisches bringing. in Larry Gengoas: talent buyer’‘for all .| Loew’s hotels. Initially latter was: to. have excepted the’ Americana,... the Gotham flagship of the ‘chain, whose talent negotiations were. in:.. dividually handled by Philippe ‘as he did when: buying ‘talent for. the’ ‘Waldorf-Astoria’s Empire’ ‘Room. some time ago. -Keeper-and aide to Chez. Maxim’s Louis. and Maggie Vaudable .who, incidentally, are-opening their first :Ameri¢an-branch, in: Chicage, with. in the next few weeks. ng a: icate ‘now planning a ‘new 800-room hotel atop the Gare * d'Orsay, and: within walking. distance of: the’: -Ritz. ‘overlooking. the Seine, and ‘kindred ~. Palace Vendome and rue ‘de la. ‘Paix srnart shops. Philippe, who: was: groomed “by. tie ‘late “Oscar . (Tchirsky). of the: “Waldorf” as his suceessor, left. to. become exec. veepee and g.m. of. the Zeckendorf Hotels:. which: planned: a plushery: in . Rockfeller : Center dn what-is now the site of the Sperry-Rand Bidg. When ‘that fell through he continued with -the ‘chain until the Loew’ s-Tisch‘. or ganization. hired him three years. } f the in Bennyplayed 2: program | ‘which ‘gO, to supervise first: the open V4 (Continued, on Page. B2y NITERY COMIC KIRBY ‘SET FOR FEATURE BOW. Kansas. City, ‘Nov. 5.: George Kirby,. Negro night. ‘lub-. ‘tv: singer-comedian, has been: set... -to play in his first motion picture,.“Mr. Moses’ to be produced : abroad ‘by. Frank Ross.: ‘Flying in..from ‘London where he had auditioned | for the part of Ubi in the picture, ‘Kirby made it with just an-‘hour to. spare before his. opening for a two= t week ‘Stand: at. Eddys’. Restaurant. \here | . Robert Mitchum thas.. the. ‘title A role in the picture,“ an adaptation. . of the book’ by Max Catto. Kirby's. part of the educated native African ‘is ‘to. be Tevamped into that. of. a “more ° ‘starkly. villainous character, 7 lovable rogue.’:from . the:.. ‘Kirby said. . Shooting | on the picture | is to ‘Degin. Jan. 3 in ‘Africa, with an 8-10. ‘week shooting schedule. In’ order ™ ‘to keep the: commitment, Kirby’s :. : manager, George’ Carpenter, is’ Fe-....: ‘arranging several night club book ings: previously set. The picture is scheduled ‘for . | United Artists Te-' mae Tease. ’ “trade Mark Registered aoe | ‘FOUNDED 1965 by SIME SILVERMAN Published Weekly: by. VARIETY, Ine. d Silverman; President 134 West 46th St., ow York, .N.-Y.. pln Hollywoed, Calif, 9982 /TUason. 22100 Holipwood, oiat. : | Night Club ‘Reviews... eee BS ‘Record Reviews*.. . whats t. Vaudeville. Loew's Bob Tisch operation.. two months. ‘Philippe, in turn, has been. head