Variety (November 1963)

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By. VINC CENT CANBY “Hollywood, ' Nov. 5. “Hollywood is not: what, € used to be—I think it’s a lot. better.” Thus producer-director . ‘Stanley Kramer. themed his massive, inter| Rational press junket here last. weekend for the world premiere of his: “It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.” Pic, a wild. ‘slapstick com-. edy presented in the gigantic proportions of. Cinerama, was an. ap propriate peg. on which te build | as the’ film does, Hollywood’s great . com. the press varty—fusing, edy heritage with today’s Think Big processes, The visitors, who arrived Thursday (30) to begin a fast four days | of sightseeing and briefings (which. only occasionally approached outright brainwashings) were obvi‘ously impressed. Oddly, however, the affair was given a fast brush. by ‘the local Los Angeles press.: ‘Latter apparently didn’t see the junket as the great hometown -pro+ motion it really: was—to the 200 plus. visiting journalists — (including about 80 from ‘Europe, Asia. and South. America), as. well. as to California’s Gov. Pat. Brown, whe. was. much in. evidence at the | various. festivities. Logistics ‘of the junket. were al most as impressive as those in-: volved in the shooting of the $9,-| 000,000 pic being. preemed. Total | ‘cost. was originally blueprinted at $250,000 (or, approximately, the cost of the first twopix Kramer ever made, “So.This Is New York” . and “Champion”). Hawever, as the party was nearing its Monday | (4) windup, it looked as.if the ‘budget would go to. $280,000 and | ‘perhaps higher. Major expense | (including | $40,000 ‘for the two jet charters: ftem: transportation | from New York) and hotel (the Beverly Hilton tab is estimated at. $100,000, nat. including | elese to The best things in air travel Niles .A.’s Not; Cinerama Goes ( { the: climactic $30,000 “Maal world | ball Sunday (3) night). “Fhanks, : Ethel. | <For’ all that. dough, United: ‘Art. wo ists. and Kramer: obviously expect |" to. get something a little. more tan ‘gible than goodwill — and the. ‘chances are that they'll. succeed. | A major break: was. the two-hour-|' Jerry Lewis. ABC telecast . Satur|; day (3) hight, devoted: entirely ‘to | . |: tubthumping. the: film. and to. pre| senting its stars. It‘ may have || been an uneven show. for the “home: ‘viewers, but; .the : theatre, the:|. hour: or so ‘of tedium: was Jnade | suddenly: bearable -by --an “ Ethel |: Merman. stint which. earned. her:| a standing ovation . ‘from the: all press: audience. tv time -for.‘Mad World.’ This would include the: Lewis: show exposure, a Canadian ‘Broadcasting Corp. -documentary on the launch ing of a spectacular Hollywood film, plas innumerable filmed interviews done. by the ‘visiting newsmen, a-° large proportion of “which repped tv: outlets. Smooth-running junket, oy mapped by UA. execs, allowed |. visitors. to. get a good cross-. * section view of. contemporary. '. _Hotlywood in a comparatively . brief time. Friday (1), forex-. "| commented that Par “is the talk of exhibitors. throughout. the. ‘world”’ who acknowledge. ‘it as’ the “hot. =. by Edie Adams” outfit at the “Mad: World” preem—a sort of low cut ‘sailor suit, complete with. béllbottom. pants, and ‘all made out of mink. The. Pickers— Arnold, Gene and David—staying on. here for .a few | Russian delegation to. ‘the Friscofilm fest. here for a four-day visit ‘as. guests” of. Stanley . Johnathan Winters’ answer to a reporter’s question about ample, was devoted almost. en-tirely to Universal City, where ‘fronically, four ty series were. .|. but no features -| (four, however, are due .to |. underway, ' start before the yearend). ‘But . even. this dramatized ‘to the offshore folk the shape: ‘of the “new” Hollywood —.tv-integrated for survival and met . prosperity. “The UV City visit. was. topped by. a giant soundstage feed, at which almost” as many absent—as well [ (Continued on page 20). Fey are on TWA Sparkling. wine, a connoisseur’s menu, anda ‘fine * first-run movie. What more could you. ask for when you're going places? You get them all... at no extra charge... when you’re a TWA First Class: RoyalAmbassador. In fact, only TWA. treats you so royally on nonstop. coast-to-coast. and overseas flights: to.ten of Europe’s favorite cities. Live ‘it up. next time: you ‘travel. Call your travel agent or Trans World Airlines. j| “all on the Coast for the “Mad -F World”: festivities, ~ remaining "publicity 4 duction, ~ Saul Wurtzel "Velde. the Valiant . -AYthou empty ‘ofits ‘usual -echelon, it. looked -for most -of..the. week like. the |. Were the company s. top-ranking: officers... . _ Jim Velde, . UA. gales . W.p., ‘was ‘the’ ‘only ranking -officer -around and when he .was out: Of the -building, the. e. Pab staff held sway... te Show Par’ George “Weltner;” ‘Paramount. exec. ¥.p., flatly told salesmen gathered in New: York last’ ‘Monday (4) -for the: first: .of three . regional. “sales meetings. that the company is on the verge of the greatest. year in| He said that Par “is ‘spending | time; money ‘and’ effort its. history. like there’s no ‘tomorrow: because {we -believe there. is: a. tomorrow.” _ “He recalled for the salesmen the. 1920s when, he ‘said; Paramount |: -| had “absolute command”. of: the { film matrket.:“I.amconvinced. that. we ‘are. on.-the biggest. ‘up’..since that time,” ‘Weltner said..He also company.” ‘"Weltner stressed deals. made with producers and said: that. Par’s ‘pro|“marketing — ‘and. | merchandising facilities were in | top.form.. “Your entire company is | imbued. with ‘an exhilarating en| |.thusiasm,” he. said. “You. are faced. sales, ‘with the greatest opportunity in the: history: of our cor ‘nee told the sales force. ing: our organization, 1 ‘have. no _| doubt: that our. high optimism will | : | be. realized.”* | -.| Gotham phase. of the sales meet-. [ings ended . yesterday ‘ (Tues.). | Similar sessions. will ‘be heldat. { the. Roosevelt Hotel, New Orleans, . § | tomorrow. (Thurs.) and Friday and. caee | at the: Water Tower” ‘Inn, Chicago, — ‘Nov. W-12 | U. §, ‘to Europe Charles ‘Bowden . -: SamuelBronston _ Martin. Carr: : Maurice Carrere . Tom ‘Chianti. . Pierre Galante Buddy: Greco " * Olivia de: Havilland ~ ‘Hans ‘Hoehn Greta Keller " Jack. ‘Kuney Philip ‘Lakgner Boris: Leven . “Ann-Margret. _ ATmina: Marshal ; ~ Claude. -C. Philippe .. ' Vincent ‘Price -. Ethel Linder: Reiver: ‘Mike Stern — Herb Tobias © Al Wilde“ ‘Robert Wise N.Y. to LA. ‘Lewis John: Carline Morton. Gottlieb ~ Ernie Hecksher Europe to U. S. Ralph Alswang | . Enid. Bagnold ‘Charles Boyer. Alexander ‘H. Cohen ‘Herb Copelan . “Angela Cuthbertson . Edward J. Danziger John Davis. v “Jane Downs ” Arnold -B.. ‘Horwitt . . Barry ‘Justice Geoffrey Keen | Leslie‘Linder. “Arthur: L: Mayer . «Bill ‘Meikle. 7 .:. --Gian-Carlo Mensitti _ . Ernest Pintoff : Robert ‘Rosser ° ~ William. Smithers. Louise Soret:: . Dorothy Squires. Austin: ‘Willis | gh “Who's. Minding : | os : this Store?” is: the title of -a: ‘| ‘Paramount upcoming release,: “I it was also a. question being | Ty > asked around: United Artists -|. : Gotham: homeoffice: last. week. “| With... the 14th: floor -virtually’ |. | -| Nge Dinh Nhu’s own press conference Saturday (2): at. the. Beverly: | Wilshire. Her competition: a tour of: Disneyland « s « United Artists |-veep Erie Pleskew unable to attend most of the press. frivolities—too “| busy -holdingmeetings: with his 33. foreign branch and. ad-pub. mans agers who came in to catch “Mad World” and other. upcoming. UA. -releases .. t Sober | in ‘Mad W ‘staffers’ ‘they were hosting telethons” . BO ‘Theatre: “After the run of” ‘Mad World,’ it’s going. tq, be. turned into ©. | a” synagogue, featuring the “first rabbi-in-the-round” ‘-}eould not appear on* Jerry Lewis’ “Mad World,’ “telecast: on: ABC, be|cause of the NBC commitments, .teportedly did: watch ‘the show— well, part: of it,.anywdy. His old film, “Let's. Make Love,” was ‘on a a competing channel and there was:a ‘good. deal df. -dial-switching. ve *On tke ride in. from 1L.A.’s International Airport, ‘one: offshore :Teporter, ‘dazzled by ‘all: the crowded ‘freeways, ‘used: car ‘lots, filling ‘stations, drive-in ‘snackaterias {and the’ complete’ dearth: of. Sidewalks), “announced triumphantly: “I just saw three pedestrians!” .. . . Kramer’s: welcoming luau Thursday (30) night, held ‘at his lovely: Hombly Hills. home, one -unidentified woman to an unidentified man: According: to. one UA, exec, ‘the cs oe Today’ S Me 4 | | junket can. be expected .'to..result: in an estimated $3,000,000 in free | ‘@iced : middle westerner,, the ‘only. thing missing | was. some good: news... writer recently publicized as — ‘in a sick world . er | aa — ! | 7 ‘Hollywood: Nov: 5. Several ' members of the United: Artists press party ‘crashed : ‘Mme, , A hot rumor: Walt. Disney’s next’ feature-length’ cartoon will be based. on A: A. Milne’s modern classic, “Winnie. The Pooh.” . At. Stanley “I just love this. old house. You must tell:me where it is.” The elaborate Beverly Hilton press room, set up by UA’ for visiting reporters, outshone comparable facilities. at. most international -film fests, what. with all the special. ‘typewriters, ‘special. switch board’ to. handle jong distance calls, and wire. services. According to one jaun Galante (Paris Match); columnist Earl Wilson, etc., ¢te. Femme writers who are interested in ‘such: things: were intrigued days after the departure of the junketeers ..... Kramer . . contemporary: comedians: “There should be room. for: sjck. comedians but who’ say who's sick?” = © According to Milton E. Cohen; UA’s director of. roadshows, advance t| ticket sale for:“Mad. World” here topped that for’ ‘West Side. Story”. |a month ago—pic opens here officially tomorrow’ (Thurs.). -_He also. predicts that by the time pic opens in New York, Nov. 17, the advance: sale will. have. topped that for “West Side” in Big. Town. | Kramer Touts His One-Eyed Cuerama “And ‘Vexes Metro, Reis in ini, Stevens llywood, ‘Nov. 5. ?“Ftionto :|. .A visitor who. made an. unscheduled pilgrimage to. the’.20th Malibu: branch’ property, . site of the projected 20th-Col-Metro -studio. coop,-.” reported no signs of life: otherthan a couple. of rabbits frolicking in — | high grass, But, ' then, it was Saturday .... ‘fa query as to whether he wants to do serious drama: “I'm sure nobody =| has ever written on a tombstone: ‘He ‘was. versatile” “The Mad Mad World of. Miltom -Berle:. Re “his’ upcoming: ‘film. a plans:. “I'm doing two for Polaroid and one for Kodak”... {ans who emcee their own variety shows: “A: couple of them’ act like |.” . Re the ‘new,. geodesic-domed Cinerama. . Terry-Thomas’. ‘answer to. we RE comedi-. . “,-, Berle,. who’ | hard. ‘Reporters-as-celebs: “Among. the’ ‘slmnost 200. ‘junketeers, there were a number of journalists who are also “names” in their own right, for one reason and another: Penelope Gilliat (Daily: Observer), in pr © vate life the wife of. playwright John’ Osborne; Roderick ‘Mann, British . a good friend ‘of Kim | Novak; Pierre _his one-panel,.. “non-j jiggle | single-print. -} look like a | Johnny: Carson. | Phil Cohan | Sid. ‘Cooper. | Naney Sinatra: _ ‘Lawrence Turman 1 Producer-divector’ Stanley RKra mer’s repeated emphasis, at vari‘|-ous. press confabs ‘here, ‘that his: “Ifs A Mad, Mad;. Mad, Mad. World”. finally elimi-| | nates the previous Cinerama draw..-| backs -(liines .between panels, jig-: ; gling,. etc.), is proving embarrass‘ling to: Cinerama. and United Art:. 2 | ists execs.. ; It’s” understood: ‘that the. Cine |zama people originally asked Kra‘mer and the: UA publicity people not to call attention to the elinii | bation: of. old Cinerama “bugs” in. -|the tubthumping 1 World” ‘presentation. ‘The reason -| was not only to, avoid embarrass| ‘ling’ Metro’s.. current ~ three panel |* | Cinerama release, of. the “How. the: West Was Won,” but also to protect | George . Stevens’ upcoming. “The | Greatest Story. Ever. Told,” also ‘UA, which is. now. expected to: go out in: the three-print system. «| “Should Stevens’ pic, which is to be released next June, go out}. in the thrée-panel: system, : Cine Yama. and UA don’t ‘ta “throwback” to earlier. : ‘techniques, or for. the public to ‘get the idea that the picture hasn't. } utilized. all the latest Cinerama | * ‘Kramer, -neverthe[ ' less, ‘has repeatedly called. atten) developments.. “LA. to N.Y. ‘Charles Boasberg Vinéent. Canby. ' Harry Guardino "Arch. Hall Sr. Henty Koster G. “Kranze ft Moni Krushen: Lloyd Leipzig © ' Edwin Lester | Robert Q.. Lewis David. A. ‘Lipton * Jake. Mogulesco. ~ Helen Rose Tommy. Sands... ‘Nicholas Reisini, “Mad “Mad World”: system: . According” .to Cinerama:. prez, And. to complicate: matters furer, ‘following “Greatest . Story”. in release ‘will be another. singles . projector ‘Cinerama. production, . “Milly Goes to Budapest.” -Latter — actually will be the first ‘pic to ~ [have been photographed in single-. | negative Cinerama. (“Mad World” ‘was shot in Ultra Panavision ‘and. later, in. the labs, the: negative. was. “adjusted” to | keep ‘all the. various ‘Cinerama: ‘systems: straight. | . ‘Metro’s $ Prize? Into Tall The Prize,” (meaning the Nobel | Prize) with Paul Newman, Edward: +G.. Robinson and Diane. Baker, ‘has: j been booked for Radio City’ ‘Musie _ |Hall’.as its first picture of-.1964 _ “. J andthe third MGM ‘entry: to play. the big-Manhattan house. since ‘the... be end. of the summer. . _MGM’s “VIPs” . ee! The Finest ‘Address In Londen . °° | May Fair Hotel : | ‘BERKELEY SQUARE. LONDON, Res.: Cable Collect—Maytairtel, © London or Your Travel. Agent. he’s completely. happy ‘with:.George Stevens’ : deci- sion. -Stevens,. ‘says Reisini, is an. artist ‘who has’ conceived his. pic. much as a “painter conceives and |... ‘executes a painting. ae > ‘Unknown at the. present: time: is what effect. news of the Stevens projected three-panel presentation ~ will -have. on’ exhibs: who ‘have . to: ‘ the one-panel. system: for “Mad World,”:and then go back to the. three-projector bit. if they ‘want. to play “Greatest Story.’ we . single projector. Cinerama. projection:) At the mo-. ‘ment, you need a scorecard to : ‘played... ‘the: ‘1 house five weeks beginning’ Sept. 19 and’ “Wheeler. Dealers” Boes in . | shortly; probably Nov. .14. . _ W.le on . wat o. aoe ene EN CENT nD aT