Variety (November 1963)

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Mad, Ma ‘Ma a [tere tip 2 to jail and: proceeds’ Wee * Mad Mad, a, ‘abscead with h the. treasure. He. ( OLOR—ULTRA -| detected, however, in hia’ ight | "PANAVISION) ghattering, slam-bang, Harold Stic somedy. ‘sequences... ‘Overdone in spots but.on whee. an. explesive entertainment “and sizzling bs. prospect. ne, ward. Each. thwarted. fortune-huntine.|er ig in traction, each suffering Bell. here e . vlyester Mar sa beacens ick Shaws . 5 : Meyer sca Gehense rt ‘a _ Ph Suvers a raen Hawthorne. erry-Thomas Fennie Ase vee oe * Jonathan Winters: Meniea Cramp .-........-.Edie Adams. ‘Tyler Fitageralé: eecceneeee Sim Backus [. : Jane to waccneese--ss Ben’ Blue sie Sergeant ooee Voces. Alan: . ¥. “Chief ef Palice. a peaeee Wi . sf os ’ Second Cab. sevesceres Peter Falk Cat. r neeeeeaes pratt Fort wise neces iward ‘Ryerett Horton Jimmy : cece r Ke : is? creer Don Kn Tower Control. ........----.-Cari Reiner sree Steoges . (oe Howard. ‘Larry Fine, Joe De. Rita) fs | errr Joe F prom. Sheriff Mazon waver vine vire | * dena ‘Holloway ealef we ceecens ~ Marvin. Kaplan ee aw os sve ar. es ne Aiport waiaaer weeeweee Chay res. -‘MeGraw Switchboard -Op ator. ZaSu Pitts: Police Secretary Lae cewee's ” Madlyn Rhue Ray accae Opeastons Amel white Radio ‘Tower: Oyers or.» “Pee Culer os Wife “Waiee). Sema Diamond. pers re eberg George The ewar “a A Seen: : Wif “Se ees wopepedens Bobo: Lewis ee se aeneescevecinae Mike Mazurki Truck Driver. <:..:-.. ‘Nick Stewart se Leandryman. «: ae -Sammee Tong ective .. ee cee ce ho. fae *Geors e bom Ge ean weenyice ce ” dimnsay Durante It’s a. miad,. mad, ‘mad, mad. ‘pics ture; and ‘it’s ‘going. ‘to make a lot of. money. ‘The Stanley. Kramer production for United :Artists, lavishly filmed in Ultra Panavision and ‘Technicolor and released . in *Cinefama -ef thé ‘more efficient, ‘Yess distorted single lens variety, is a spectacular achievement in cinematic architecture, a significant addition to Hollywood film comedy. and a potential ‘boxoffice block buster. Being a pitture of. extrava| gant. proportions, even its few flaws. are king-sized, but the plusses. out| ° weigh by far the minuses. There was method to producerdirector Kramer's: | “Mad”'ness. Springing ae cinematicaily. fertile ‘story. ae comically . ripe |. and maneuverable ‘screenplay by ‘William and Tania. Rose, the film is both a throwback and a mile. It is a : throwback. ‘to: the wild, wacky ‘and. wondrous time of. the silent screen comedy, a kind -of. Keystone Kop Kaper with modern: It is a milestone. for the. Manner in which it has taken these primi| tive comedy fechniques,. fortified . them with staggering sensations.of sight: and sound... that. represent ly slickest, and-emerged not an. overstuffed anachronism; but a biend of the ‘best of two eras—. the innocent simplicity of the gold-. en age of slapstick and the satirical “message” approach..popular in these uneasy times of disenchantment, self-examination and ‘moral reevaluation. “The plot is: disarmingly simple. A group of people are given a clue by a. dying man (Jimmy Durante) as to the whereabouts of a huge | sum of money he has stolen and’ buried. Unable to. come to a com: promise in apportionment of the anticipated loot, each’ sets: out for ‘the roughly : specified site of ‘the. buried cash, breaking his back to beat the others there. All are un-| aware that they are under secret suryeillance by state police authori ; ties, who are allowing them simply. : to lead the. way to the money. parties assemble and. manage to unearth the loot, they are politely _apprelhended by an aged and dis-| illusioned police captain (Spencer |’ Tracy} who herds. them: together + principals, ‘who = | place. et bie bone in his anatomy and. totally. feert: | dismal disposition to match, when | Sammee |-along comes Ethel ‘Merman, an wisde\“old bag” mother-inlaw detested {by all parties present. On the floor, ni that most appropriate object. and +. | 8ymabelie prop ius Miss Merman flops head over heels, wraey | landing with a. resounding thud on |’ ther derrierre. The-room is. instant-. “lIy filled with convulsive laughter, “|and the. picture ends on this opti1 misticnote..‘Even' under the mare: Jamuse itself. For every banana fin. readiness. ‘si . Nothing is done in moderation in ‘this: picture.. All the stops. are {out Nobody. goes: around what {they can. go over, under, through a | OF : into.: There are .a. ‘number ef ‘| truly spectacular ‘action sequences, | er | mobile capers are some of the most | thrilling and daring ‘|Mack. Sennett notwithstanding. The breathta pears to have eschéwed cinematic. ;| artificiality wherever the real. Me toverdone to the point where they. begin. to grow tedious: and reduce. are a few .too. many haymakers minimize the force of the ones. fortunate that one is: able to'sense tentions.. And certain. moves. by the characters, such as Tracy’s ul-. timate. stupidity in enabling _ hirm[ Adams) sealed up inthe cellar of ‘filmmaking at its technical| lous personification of the: Yankee TT hes vier Se. piety ae ee Ree appa le: oma naislael: a la at = ‘Lloydish climax in which the suit | easefal. of C-notes showers down ‘fon a.mob of onlookers witnessing | ‘the ‘precarious predicament: of the ‘are ‘masse .; from its hinges by their collective. "| weight. Ultimately they are trans| -| ferred to the ladder of a. fire truck | cK | which, | rathy | their. total bulk, proceeds to hurtle equally tfable to support each member of the party through air to. an “undignified ‘landing | The fim. concludes in. a hospitaf from fractures of.every conceive | —a banana: peel. dire circumetances, the indoniitable. human spirit. will. ‘find ‘a way to peel, human nature ‘has a. augh and the stunts. that have been perA etts,| formed seem. incredible. The: auteit variations on the melody of the on: ‘record, airplane ‘gyrations are frequently iz: And it-is to Kramer’ 's great cr variable ‘speed gimmicks. He au Coy. was safe and feasible. © ~ Yet as noted; ‘the film is. not fs Lessy. without | its: flaws: cand ‘ oversights.. 4: | Too often it tries to throw a wild |. haymaker where a.simple. left jab would. be more apt to locate the and sequences. .areunnecessarily | the impact . of -the whole.. There that don’t connect and tend to that do. It is also somewhat : un far in advance Tracy's. devious in self to be caughtin the act of absconding after: he has. already. proven himself to be quite a per|} ve fectionist, are terribly inconsistent, | ‘and cannot. be excused simply on. ‘the. grounds that this is farce. Cleverer;. more adroit scriptwork H was. required. in these areas... . ‘An array of top-ranking comics | has been rounded..up making orthadox ‘and memorable. casts on. screen record. .The comic competi ‘tion. is so: keen. that it-is impossible to single out any. one participant. ‘as. outstanding, . but there. are a umber. of -characterizations that. | are dominant and. exude a special, indelible flavor. and: personality. . Among these. are Sid Caesar as an inept -escape artist -who: gets himself and his jittery. wife (Edie ‘an opportunist: whoruns. out of opportunities;: Jonathan Winters as a . powerful, but. gullible, truck ‘driver who ‘singlehandedly. batters: ‘a desert Barage down to. its foun‘dations in “adevastating: Sight gag sequence, and Terry-Thomas’ in his | patented caricature—the outrage ‘notion .of: what. the average Britisher is like. — ‘Tracy gives. ‘ariother . of his. irresistibly natural performances, | ‘but: is. involved in some of “the film’s “weaker interludes. Milton. ‘Berle is. firm.andpersuasive as: ‘al meek, .henpecked: husband, surprisingly subdued in his approach, in contrast. te most of the. ‘others,_| who: ‘make little” attempt to’ “veil t their -own comic identities behind ‘the masks of. characterization. .MicKey: ‘Rooney and. Buddy Hackett. \seore in -a runaway aircraft ‘se-. _ When eventually -: the greedy quence. Dick Shawn has an overly exaggerated role to contend with, including. ‘some. distérted twist business: with Barrie : Chase. “The: three femme leads ‘are fine” Miss ‘Merman as a. a. ‘distastefully, -en-|}: . from @ skyscraper” fire esl'start -Feape which ‘has been ripped. loose |. ‘often. panor: photography of ‘Ernest Laszlo is ‘a it that he has. not ‘re-| sorted to’ such obvious trickery. as | Palm Springs ‘Weekend Hoey production... Stars . Connie: Stevens, Ty Hardi Powers,.-Robert. Conrad, | Andrew Duggan, } Jack Weston,. Screenplay. by Fart | Hamner Jr.:. camera,. ‘Harold Li langF.. wed; art darector.’ LeRoy Deane: -set dec. .orator, George James. by. Kr Dave: nace ett this one of "the most un-|-. a. hardware. store;. Phil Silvers. as:| P ‘familiar to tv. addicts, comes. off. pretty well. asa. hymn : ‘ta spring’ _and roman¢e. ‘bit,. as a social docu-. ‘ment, it’s a. piece of hokum: How. ‘this ‘film will ‘sit with the citizens “ shrewish:. “mother-in-law. 2a while); Miss Adams as a nervous road map) and Dorothy Provine as -Berle’s : -holier-than-thot ‘ spouse. ‘Durante registers. strongly. ‘as the perpetrator~of .all_ the. mayhem ‘who literally kicks the bucket. to: Eddie “Rochester” Anderson; . Wil Ford, Mike Mazurki, Madlyn Rhue, Marvin. Kaplan. ‘and Arnold Stang, [ structive . garage develing. . scene | With. ‘Winters. “Satisfactory. in. somewhat lesser | ‘assiguments. are. Alan Carney, Edward’ Eyerett Horton, Buster. Kea-}{ | ton, Don Knotts, “Andy. ‘Dévine and. Charles’ McGraw. “Others” are © in the® cast, some with -considerable. name value, ‘have merely bits, silent reactions or Voice’ roles: to deliver. | There are surprise appearances a by. Jack Benny. and . ry Lewis..An ‘the . ‘stuntmen ‘and | “women. rate ‘Special praise. for. . thei -intrepid ‘maneuvers. The. artistic: and technical work on ‘this: production is ofa high order.. The ‘atiroit, Fesqurceful and Spectacular major contribution. So is the razzlé ‘dazale editing of Fred .Knudtson, ‘a masterpiece of ‘comedy molding. . Rudolph’ Sternad’s production de Sign ‘has personality and authenticity: Sound. by Jean’ Kean contains a veritable symphory of automobile title theme, a catehy: and meaning ful tune “with. a set of ironical . lyries by. Mack David. Titles by Saul: Bass ‘are ‘clever and“dizzying, aptly igniting | the fuse for an ‘expldsive motion picture experience. ‘Tube. 7 ‘mitation, but. “geod ‘one, of . _Metro’s. “Where The Boys. Are.” Color, fun, ‘action, beaucoup remance. Fer those whe. : | think | young market, . desired target. Certain pratfalls} © _ Hollywood, ‘Sept. 27: ‘Weener Bros. release. of a-Miehael A. Troy. -Donahue, | Stefanie Carole ‘Cook, Jerry. Van Dyke. Directed by -Norman . Taurog. pstein; editor, Folmar Blan Hop 3 :sound, Chief. Dixon fon, sieseeee a, ‘Duggan. = a eee neces e loeeeet: ‘emeve ed wmecees-ce sdeasces See eae owe * Mark. Dempsey . ee0 eae oseeeses eecseee cee we Similar. in. . format: ‘and. aimed at}: the. same market. as“Where. The Boys ‘Are,’ . Warner’ Bros. > “Palm, .Springs Weekend” is. ‘serio-. comic ‘Western version of. ‘the ‘4960. ‘Metro release. .The plot similarity here, it's the Easter invasion of Palm. Springs by. students—makes {it' a. natural. for the. . teenager. market. ~The film: exposure. it provides for. a lot of. bright-eyed young .‘thesians, Many of whom are already of its locale should make .an.interesting study ‘as’ “Palm .Springs Weekend” makes ‘the visitors ‘as good | clean fun-seekers. while the wrecking erews are purely local. Director. ‘Norman:-Taurog throws ‘music: and: instant Tromance—into. his 99-minute © epic. ‘There’s un‘limited: “kissing | and. necking, most ning to -flow,::and an. occasional ! dollop . of trie, true love." ‘The pic| ture. is. ‘so. clean, actually, that one |: ‘Seamy” .citizen—spoiled rich lad Robert . Conrad-—sticks out. like a. searchlight at midnight.. His come-. uppance is clearly . telegraphed but many viewers will. figure that his ‘Stevens | “were more than. invited., Incredibly: .cast' as a. Hollywood | ‘High School. ‘student she puts so. PD wife | ‘(who can't decipher a simple { things rolling. Solid in key|¢ ‘support are Ben: Blue,. Jim Backus, | Ty. | me playing goodie to ‘Conrad's’ ‘Haddie liam .Demarest; “Peter | Faik,: Paul | ‘4s | latter. pair in. -that, tellingly. de-/ picked up. at station. He delivers. ‘her to. hotel in’ next scene, ‘com= disasters . and. packs a: tre--| mendous wallop in that’ delirious |. ‘climactic sequence on the firetruck fake. ‘An. important sequence, it is. kept on. screen ‘so. long that the:|: -| unrealistic ‘setting .is:accented.;: |‘Pulver and -Alberto de. Mendoza. | Kusik -and° Paul. Evans’ ‘Young” behind: the _credits,: and. -/ Van. Dyke and Hardin.. ‘who . team | Ume:s \up for “Bye Bye Blackbird.” The}. — ‘casino scene, | Coach Campbell .... weeeed, Weston. fs. “Yate vrerveaces. Seen bae . . Ceok Biff. RoBerts: ..05..635 * Jenny Van Dyke Amanda North .; occ eee. e North doe Heon we costes eeoresBi ‘Mummy. Cera-Dixon piipieerrtts Dorothy. Green. . Gabby .....s.60. Robert -Gothie |: Greg Benedict | yy incaid: | Je Jim Shane “3 lots: ‘of ..activity—mostly. comedy, | of it is: just ‘spring: Juices begin-. intentions. towards -target Connie ; mueh minx: into. the fole that she: p arouses little” sympathy, making | shooting a help. TLS ee, to, ee : Ta ees orem it °F ee Pat pes! ‘(though|her final ‘scene with’ ‘Ty “Hardin CS ‘ther portrayal beging to get monot-. | onously ‘shrill and grating after|’ more: silly. thansincere. with local ‘lasses heroic character ‘Donahue -portrays —z medical student. Zoing through | : ‘for: ‘Miss . Stevens’ affections, quite .impressive. {the perennial plain: Jane; Jerry ole ‘Cook, who. have ‘amore’ gland= ular approach. to romance than do: their. youthful «charges. Biggest waste of talent is Mark. Dempsey, one of screen’s: better young ‘actOFs,: on a nothing rolé:as a ‘hiceuping: basketball ‘player. detergent in the pool,: bratty ‘kid,. ‘ugly duckling into pretty duckling;. switched. glass’: business’ (this ‘one’s used ‘twice),. but most of them* pay. ‘off in’ hearty laughs:: Talirog’ s stréss' on action and editor. Folmar ‘Blangsted’s: quick.’ cuts make | for [ fast ‘but oecasional sloppy antics. Item—Conrad: picks up ‘Miss. Ste {vens ata. bus rest-stop. Her’ bags: ‘are on bus but. he says: they can be ‘plete with bags, before bus arrives. Eocation shooting ~in Palm. for the ‘resort. One. studio-made scene at a purported casino .out-: ‘side ‘town is,.by ‘contrast, glaringly. ‘Frank Perkins” :musit, ‘adequately ‘sprightly’ and -young-folkish, ‘gets vocal assets from cast: mem-. |bers’ Donahue, who Sings Larry “Live ‘Modern Folk .Quartet, used. in a ‘| pressive but ridiculous in scene::as no serious poker. playerwould: pat up with | sueh taterwauling. Tube.. Vacances. Pertugaises .(Pertugese Vacation). ~(FRENCH) editor, Yannick. Bellon. At Lore Byron. Paris. Running’ Hime; 98 ‘MIN {. . Franc se aweseeweee Francoise Prevost } Jean-Pierre aeee we oe ‘Jean: Pierre Aumon “Michel |... 0... coc wae .... Michel Auélair. Catherine... ... 606.6. . Catherine. Deneuve . Mathilde .....2. MEUNS Francoisé Arnoul Daniel ec ccceseecnce @eveves aniel elin. Eleonore |... ..ceeeee ene .” Francofee . Brion Jean-Marc ...... .+e».+ Jean-Mare Bory. Jacques. -....6. "Jacques. DoniolValcroze Pierre. --.,.espec>se0e--” Pierre Vaneck | Genevieve prabecete css. chele: Girardon.. Bernard... 0200.0. Bernhard Wicki ‘Barbara ...... eee soaeta Barbara Laage ~ Bleganee. is striven. ‘for’ in this | taleof assorted: couples. ata’ ‘week‘end villa, but: only. ‘intermittently ‘gchieved. It. depends. too. ‘much: on surface patter and: subtle: nuafices) about worldly. couples | doing and undoing their relations. Result. is. a fairly glib and plodding affair ‘hybrid, -Director .Claude. Bernard Aubert displays. an. ‘Insight for the -people and the: theme. There is | perhaps too skimpy. characteriza‘tion to make. its’denouncement of. mainly for some specia or arty situations. . abroad, and limited at. that. =. = A chie Parisian’ couple; ‘holed ‘up in a. Portugese. chateau, has the woman inviting: friends: down from | Paris for :a weekend. This brings. in. anestranged couple, a porno-'| graphic editor’ and : ex-Marxist, a whining. conquest, two friends. and. a girl: playing. them against: each | ‘other; |. a noted writer and ‘an exalted : im ‘and “sustenance, + until © a guilty man. is given up. ‘scientist .and his’ -Jatest year-old. girl in love with him. This is. mixed into .a. ‘series of. ‘ each . couple reaches | al: height ‘or. ‘consummation, or not, and then: things are. shifted. But| : ‘literary-styled . dialog. rarely bring: any: of. ‘these 1 epigrams.and_ characters to life... ization at.times. finally bogs. down into ‘a passionless,. cerebral | round... ‘of ultimately futile love affairs. More depth is. needed either to ‘present it as.a comedy of Manners or .a look at ‘the problems technically okay. with. the location ot Mosk... Visitors to Palm Springs pair. off | lasses. Stefanie Powers, chick. chosen by Troy: Dona. |" hue, turns out ta. be the daughter |. ‘of chief. of police Andrew. Duggan. -but this: obstacle. is nothing’ for “Comedy, -broad and plentiful, | owes much: to: the: strong second }| team—particularly Zeme. North. as. "Van. Dyke, her male: counterpart:* arid. -Jaek Weston ‘and Car-’ ‘lotte: Pulver),: | pany’s: secretaries, : -alongbecause: of her. ‘mastery. . Of. the. Spanish. . Springs is pleasurable in Hareld: language. © ‘Lipstein’sTechnicolor photogra| of.| phy, a: tremendous: ‘ the pic,not to.say a topnotch . visual aid. ‘aremusically ‘im|. af. Dicitraneé release. of Films Lodice ‘| Carayannis Film production. With Tito. Vandis, Frixos, Aleka Paizi, Thanos Canel-— ‘| lis, Marlanne. " | Directed by” Claude Screénp ‘The: landscape: is” beatiful; $0 | are ‘some of the players. ‘And: there |. is ‘some cleverness in. character| of Iove and communication, It. is | Amstnendiges Macdchen 4S (A Neatie De Deeent Giri) _/(GERMAN-SPANISIE-COLOR) ' ‘Berlin, Oct, 22. ‘ier inate Fore Seri eat Liselotte Pulver, Martin. Held, Alberto ‘de. . Mendoza. Bs @ Vajda. nj play “Hans Jacoby and Istvan after. story by. Bekeft: and Imre. camera (Eastmancelor a “a> meoeoeeen05Qqd ons eeosesesacs 4 ez efreaseerses “ee a yarez-.... "haahela’ ‘Moran 4 Rosita oceciee ce "Alicea Altabella a -Ladislao Vajda: “Hungarian-born . Spanish | ‘film. director, has quite a number of fine pix “te his credit.: But this. latest, a -German-Spanish | -eoproduction, “A Nearly Decent © |. Girl, * 4s on the disappointing side. It. lacks: charm .and..:imagination for which a rathér. superficial script: is. chiefly to. blame; Jtowever, . the. -direetor. here must Share part of. . the: . esponsibility: -for. the. short-... “Warl Hamner Jr.'s script. is ladexi | eomings...Many. sequences. could with: all the .old: familiar. phases: ‘have: stood © directorial. polishing. _ Commercially, the film’s prospects. © ‘apply: mainly to the German-lan-.: ‘guage. market where. the. Liselotte: ... ‘Pulver name means .the most... ‘ Otherwise, the film’ isn't too much, of 2. ‘bargain. | woe The. thin. -story. concerns ‘Herr S Steckler (Martin... Held), general . manager. of a ‘big: industrial. fitm — in. -.Duesseldorf; Germany, goes to Madrid on-a business. trip. an who.” " He takes: Miss Lili Steiner (Lise-. one. of the “com-.. The best: thing: ahout: this ‘pie ‘is 7 Held as: the general | ‘manager: He ‘handles his role with skill. This J prototype of avirile actor . is always. good, -even: in. <. mediocre film. As’ long as he’s. on. the . -Sereen, thisis never: dull. The: same’ can’t ‘be ‘said | ‘of “Miss The ‘latter’s. performance. is.too pat. while Miss. Pulver is :a -bit~ too _ / routine: Support: is. generally okay.: Pic: was .shot in both the: Ger ‘man and. Spanish . language. The. German: dialog As: rather’ ‘frank at. times... ; Hans. , A Aube Da ‘ Freisieme Jour ‘(Dawn On The Third Day). (FRENCH-GREER) | * Paris; ‘Oct: 29, a. Kouracowu; George Foundas. Bernard-Aubert. lay, Claude Accursi, ..Bérnard Stanley Jones; music, Frank Perkins: anal. Paris, . Oct. 29... Aubert; Pari ic es Dinos a” 'd tors, Ch amsen, Stanley. ; ocinor releas £.Jac Films. produc| sourdis; editor,’ el Rogier ° smith. Reviewed at Wiltern Theatre. L.A.;. a, With. Pranceise pac i Jear-PierreStudio. Toke, Paris. Running time, -100 Sept.. 27, "63. Running time, 99° MINS. ‘Aumont, Michel: Auclair, Catherine De-. Jim Munree " ‘froy Domahue | newve, © cise. Arnoul,. Daniel: Gelin. ic ee. . Fito Vandis: ‘Gall Lewis s Jane Hoover). Connie Stevens. Francoise Brion, ‘Jean-Marc: ‘Bory: | Di|. Clopidia’ stescoe ewe acespecans rr 5 Frixos : Peewee ees ee ee x. : i ad ' pected y Pierre Kast: Screenplay,. ‘Kast, " i Opi. Sonera serneneeeees de. on al Benny. Dizon. scevsccess Stefanie: Powers | Alain: ‘Aptekman, Jacques. Doniol-Valcrore, | Costas ,......20+., avec eed Thanes Canellig Eric Dean . ete lt .. Robert Conrad: Robert Scipion:. camera, Raoul. Coutard; tees esooccooe _ Marianna: Keuracou ~ George Foundas A tale. of. ‘a:small_ isolated Greek . town besieged by soldiers during’ : ‘somé ‘war gets ‘a feeling for peo ple under pressure and adequately. . {Surveys their bravery,. reticence, . cowardice; honor. and -dishonor.. Without fiamboyance, this makes a ‘comment with the help of simple if ‘telling’ treatmeént-.It: appears a. 1 definite: language . possibility abroad with ‘chances for .playoff. |on -its’ theme. ‘Arty ‘chances’ are -alsoinherent, in it if ‘skimpier.; “Made by..a French | direetor . ‘in Greece; film keeps the-lingo of the | country. intact -and uses. only local . thesps.. This ‘keeps. itfrom. being ‘war and violerice, and its’ irony, as dynamic’. “and. _ Shattering. as. “it. . should be.» Unidentified ‘soldiers come in to. the town. with one. of their. number | dead. ‘They .claim: a:townsman did . it and. they .will block their. one. entrance to the ‘mainland for food-.. over: a. bridge, : Actually, the solider nad. ‘been. killed by a ‘partisan. -.So' the people panic ‘and | even décide to give up a :newcomer among. them, though he:-is~inno‘cent, only to. shave. ‘somebody : else confess. ot It has fine’ sun-drenched Jensing, The players all have a: ring. of authenticity. :: It is just. that the many different. types, . if acceptable, rarely bring the. human. pitch and intensity to. make. it more: than _ a good, solid pic with commend-’ able pacifistic overtones. For the. record, original title of the pic’ was. “Les Moutons De Poliorka” . (The “) Sheep of Poliorka).” Mosk. oa