Variety (November 1963)

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+ PICTURE GROSSES _Wednesday, November. G6, 1963. Tree Wham $3.00 i ‘Honor’ Sturdy 12146, ‘Altona’ Hotsy 166) Toronto, ‘Nov. 5. Among . the newcomers. this. week, “Under Yum Yum Tree” is ‘wham: and “Twilight. of Honor” shapes stout: tona,” also new, looks big.. Nine Taylor hardtops daydating “Ticklish Affair” and “Square of Violence” -aré rated good. ' “Reissued “Fantasia” 4s boffo. in. second stanza. ‘Doctor in Distress” loonts smash in second,. daydating thrée houses, — “VEPs” socko in sixth-frame as is “Women of the World” in seventh stanza. “Heavens Above” in fourth still is hefty. ; Estimates for This We ek> : Carlton (Rank). (2;318;..$1: 25-$2) —‘Under Yum ‘Yum. Tree”: (Col). Wham. $30,000. Last week, “Caretakers”: (UA). (2d wk), $8, 000.) ~ Century, Downtown, Glendale; ‘Kingsway, Odeon, Midtown, : Prince of Wales, Scarboro, State (Taylor) (1,342; 1,059; 995; 697; 752; 1,082; | ‘Mary’ Outstanding 1 Outstanding 146, ’ Frisco; West’ 266, 36th| | newie, is. very dull-at: Orpheym. | Reissue “Fantasia” looks. Sood. at. 1, 197: Affair” Violence” (MGM). 682; 696; "50-$1)—“Ticklish (MGM) and “Square of Good $26,000. Last week, “Kiss of Vampire” (U)|°. and “House of “Damned” (20th), | $27,000: _ Danforth, “Huber, Savoy’ (Rank) (4,325; | 1,204; | 780; $1. 25-$1, 50)— “Doctor in Distress" (20th) (2d wk). Fast $20,000. Last week, $26,000.. Eglinton (FP). (918; . $2-$3)— “How West Was “Won” (MGM): (32d wk). Ursurge:, to. big ‘$6, 500. Last week, $6,000. Fairlawn (Rank) (1,175: $2-§3)— “Lawrence of Arabia” (Col) (40th. wk). 000. Hollywood.CFP). $1. 50)—“New Kind ‘of. Love”: (Par) (6th wk). Nice $5, 000... ‘Last week,. $6,000 Hyland (Rank) (1,165; $1.50)—"‘Heavens Above” (4th wk). Hefty $8, 000. Last week, $9,000. Imperial. (FP) (3, 216; $1-$1. 5)— “Condemned of “Altona” (20th).: Big $16,000, Last week, -“Rampage” (WB) (2d. wk), $7, 500. _ International (Taylor): (557; 90$1. 25)—"Sporting Life’ “(IFD). (2d wk). Lusty $3, 500. Last. week, $4,500 Loew's (Loew) 41,641; $1-$1. 50)— “Twilight -.of Honor” (MGM).. ‘Stout $12,500. Last week, in. 8. days. : Tivoli (FP} (935;. -$1-$1. 50)—. “Fantasia” (BY). (reissue) (2d wk). Close. to. sellout at $7,000. Last week, $7,500. Tewne: (Taylor) (693; $1-$1.50)— “Women of World” (IFD) (7th wk). | Rousing $4,500. ‘Last week, $4,600. University (FP): (1,344: $2-$3. 50) — Cleopatra” (20th) (19th wk).. Sock: $21,000. Last week, $23,000. Uptewn —"V.LP.s” (MGM) (6th ‘wk).. Still oe kot, at $13,000. Last “week, 13 BROADWAY (Continued. from page '9) $7,700. for sixth week. Daydating with Forum. Fifth Ave. Cinema (Rugoff” Th)| $1.25-$2)—"Wastrel” (Indie).. (250; Opened. Monday (4). In ahead, “Sound ef Trumpets” (Janus). (2d wk-6 days), only $1, 51,500: after $3,000: $383. for opener, Little Carnegie (i Carnegie) (520; $1.25-$2)—"“Sporting.: Life” (Cont) (17th final. wk).: frame completed: yesterday (Tues.) 15th Guild (Guild) (450:.. $1-$1 15)— “Householder” (Indie) (3d wk). First. holdover round ended Sunday (8) was good $5,000 after. $i 000 for opener, House brings: in Bergmann Festival of. Film “on : urray” put (Rugoft: Th). (565;. $1. 50-$2)—"‘Lilies’ of Field” (UA) $4, stanza finished Monday (4) was. great. $8,600. after J Nov. 10. (6th. wk). Fifth $10,500 for fourth. Paris (Pathe Cinema). (568; $1.50-$2)—"‘Devil and 10 -Commandments” (Union) (4th wk).-‘Third session completed Sunday (3). was: $4,900 after 3, 7100 for. okay second. Plaza (Lopert) (525; “Muriel” (UA) (2d wk). good $7,000 or near. Sutton. (Rugoft Th.) (561: $1. 50-|: Win" } Fourth session completed Monday (4) was. boffo $2)—“Any Number. Can (MGM) (5th wk). $10,500 after $16,000 ‘in third, & $2.—"Chushingura”” . This ‘round ‘ending © Thursday looks like hep $5,800. after $6,500 for fourth week. ‘and Low” (Toho) opens. Nov. .19. “Tower East. {Loew} (588; $1.50-: $2)—“Fantasia” | Opened: yesterday ‘: + ahead, “Lord of Flies” (Cont): (i1th’ wk), was good $6,500 or close ater. $8,000. for 10th round. wk)... “Condemned of .Al-| shapes.| $2)— wk). ‘, ‘on completed Monday. (4) was big’ $11,000. ~.. | Trans-Lux 52d Street (T-L) (540; B $1 .25-$2)—"Face of War” (2d wk). 5 loan Ss‘ Field’: (UA) (2d wk).. Last: week, $5,800:° ~ lears:: X-Ray" “Eyes”: AAD. Last week, reruns, ~ “For| Love or Money” (U) (3d wk), $8,500 | iy “Shaped Room” -(Col)..(20th wk). Passable $1,800: :. Last week, $2,000.. (Loew) (2,245; $1.:50-$2) | $1. '80)—“Leopard” ‘Strong. $4,800. Last week, $5,000: (Col) (41st. wk).-. close.“ Last: week, : $9,000. : ‘The. 16th | Vogue (S..F. Theatres) (365; $2) was good $4,500 after $5,300 for Good. $4,500. “Last: week, (AT). ‘$1. 50-$2)— : | Initial | round ended yesterday (Tues): was} Toke Cinema (Toho) (299; sus 50 (oho). ‘ ‘Hi gh (BV) (Tues.). | Trans-Lux East (T-L) (600: $1. 25SAN Way ‘Home”. (Par) (2d |. (Janus): | First week ending today ‘(Wed.) is |: oe heading: for’ fair $4,500. ' |. -Trans-Lux: 85th’ St; (T-L) (550: + $1. 25 -$2)-—"Leopard”’ . (20th): (m.o: ); -First stanza finished. yes. terday. (Tues.): “was: fancy (Tues.) was fancy $7 700; Tk, sare iat whe Lido) malay May Ta Bal a core mS sho h 0 7 kK “sik: (1,468: (reissue) : In} $3 | ilies’ Fine $6,500 In. and “The Balcony” (Cont) (reissue). wood, . $4, : Bed” (Emb) ‘Gd wk), $2,000 Fox Wilshire. (FWC) ',990:$2-| $2.40) —“‘New Kind. of Love” (Par) of wk). -Rosy: $7, 000. Last week, | $7,800. _ ood | Paramount (State) week, $10,000. srantaaee, (REO) o: oa yon $4, $8.50) 5 cleopatra on (Indie) and “Temptation” (Indie), wk).. Potent. $31, 000. . ‘Last, week, 2,000. $1. 25.$2.80). —“How. West: Was -) Won”. (MGM) (37th wk). Big. $23,-. 000. Last week, $22, 500. ~ Mpls;:Battle’ Dull 56; “West” Hot 106, 35th} . Minneapolis, Nov: 5. “| However, there: are afew Loop San Francisco, Nov. 5. Ptrstran ‘biz. continues ‘on: anh even.. keel . this ‘Session, ‘helped. by| . two -new entries. Is standout newcomer with.a bright: ‘session at Paramount. ‘X-Ray Eyes” dating two ‘spots, .also ‘on opener. “Lilies of Field” is very ‘big in second while’.“How. West. Was Won”. ‘is. sockeroo : In’ 36th, . stanza. : at -Orpheum.. “Hefty $7,000. Last. week, \or (1,080: $1.25-| “Mary, Mary” “Man With’ ‘is rated ‘good, ‘day Estimates. for This: Week ~ EI Rancho Drive-in. ‘(AEE (925 $1:25 : person)-—" ‘Lilies: ‘Embassy (Dibble-McLean): (A; 400; $1.75) —"'V.1.P.s” (MGM) . (6th wk). Solid: $7,000. ‘Last: week, $8,500. _ Geneva _. Drive-In Golden. Gate (RKO) (2850: $1 25. $1. 50)—‘‘Wives: and. Lovers”. (Par) (2d: wk). $8,000. Music ‘Hall (Ros)""(365: $1 49)—| $1. 25). — “Lilies. of: Field” (UA). Dull $6, 000..: Last week, Orpheum: . (Cinedome) (1;439; $2.75-$3.95)—"How West Was Won” | | (MGM) (36th wk). Last. week, $26, 400.. . Paramount (Par) (2, 646; $1. 50, $1 .75)—""Mary, Mary”. (WB). Bright |: $14,000. Last. week, (Par) and “To-Catch a Thiet” (Par) |. (reissues), $8, 000 in 5-days. oe Wham $26; 000. “Vertigo” ‘Presidio (Art . Theatre. ‘Guild)| | (750; $1.25-$1.50)—“Lord: of Flies”. (Cont) (8th wk). near. Last.:week, $2,200 7 Royal. (Nasser) (850; $1-$1. 50) _, | —“Lilies:.of Field”. (UA) (2d -wk): '1Socko $7,000. Last week, $8, 500. ‘Good $2, 000 or. St.. Francis (Par). -(1, 400; -$1.50 $1,75)—"Running Man”. (Col). Bd ‘Stage. Door. (AR) (444: $1. 50(20th) 4th. wk). United Artists (No. Coast) (1,148;: —“Conjugal. “Bed”: ‘(Emb) (2d wk). Warfield (FWC). LOS ANGELES (Continued: from. page 8) 500. . “Crest (State) (750s. $2) 2 saest | Side Story” (UA) and “Music Man” (WB). (reissues). week, . “Ben-Hur” (MGM) (reissue), $2,500. Egyptian . (UATC).-":(1,392: $2 $2. 40)—"Lilies. of Field” (UA). (3d. wk). Soft: ‘$11, ocd. Last . week, -$13,000:: wk). Arts. (EWE): (631: -$2-$2 40) — "Lord of’ Flies”: (Cont): (3d wk). Bott: $8,000..or . near.’ $11,500. . Alexandria (United Calif.) (1, 444: -$5)—“Cleopatra”’ (20th): (19th ‘wk). Big’ $15, 000: or near. ‘Last week, | $16, 000. Okay $3; 800. : wk). . wk), . 75)—“Lawrence_ of. “Arabia” $3, 500: Rousing $8, 500: or| | “| “Irma. La. Douce” $6,000.) (2, 656; $1.25-|$1.50)—"“ManWith X-Ray. “Eyes’™ |: Good . at $11,000 or near.'. ‘Last week, “20,000. Leagues Under Sea” (BY) (reissue) Bd: wk), $8; 000. _ sp wk), “West Side. Story” (OA) ‘{reissue), . ‘Okay $2,500. Last | Four Star (UATC). (868; $1:49-$9)'|—A. Stranger Knocks”. (TL) (3d | -Sharp $5, 000. Last week, | ‘Last | week, Hollywood, Lido .(FWC) ’(856;) 876; $1-$1.49) —"814" {Emb) (3d ‘| newcomers. again but. they’re .uneven. One of ‘the fresh -entries ‘is “Lilies of Field,” fairly good at the Gopher. “Cry Of. Battle,’ another ‘Academy. =. _ Roadshows ~ “How | ‘West Was Won”. and “Cleopatra” and ‘the ‘jnon-hardtickets “Irma. La “Douce,” “Thrill of -It -All’ and .“New Kind: of: Love,” long-runners, | continue to: “emulate. ‘Tennyson's. ook by.| ‘their astonishingly vigorous stamina. It’s” the..15th and. final -week, © however,. for. long-staying “Fhrill of It | ‘All: and “V.LP.s.” -.} " Estimates for: This Week Academy (Mann): "(1,000; $1.25$1.50)—“Fantasia’”’ (BY) (reissue). ‘Good $6,000: or. over; Lastweek, “Wuthering. pueights”. (Cont). (reissue), $3.500 | Avalon : (Frank) *(8005 $1): — 1 “House. on Bare ‘Mountain (Indie) ‘and-.“Gri | Gri". (Indie). (subrun). Tame’ $1,000. . Century: (Par) “ae 300: $2. 10 (Syufy) (910'| $3: 50) — “Cleopatra”. (20th) . (19th. $1.25: person)—“Man With |. Good. $4,500. | $8 000.” |." Cooper. (CR). (805: $I, 25-$2. 50)—-| “How... “West... Was Won” (35th * “wk). ‘Last oweek,. $9; 200. fant (MGM). Astonishing | $10,000. Gopher. ° (Berger) mG 000: Fair $6,500. “Last . “week, Told Tales” (UA),: $4, 000; ‘Lyric | (Par) (1;000; . “$1. 25-$1:50). —‘‘New ‘Kind of ‘Love”, (Par). (4th Dandy $6, 000. “Last. week, “Twice. $6; 500... Mann (Manin) 1, 000: $1 25-81. 50): “Twilight: of Honor” (MGM) (2d wk). . Okay | $4, 000.” Last, ‘week, | $5, 500: “Or tpheum (Mann). “ 2 800: ‘$1 $1.25)—"Cry ‘of. Battle” (AA). Dim |. ‘$5,000. Last ‘week, “‘20;000. Leagues | | | $5000." Sea” (BY). (reissue} (2d. wk), Park” (Mann)~ (1, ‘000; Excellent $3,500.: Last . week, ‘$3,000 Mild $6,000. Last week, |" State : (Par) (2,000; $1. 25-$1, 50). —"V.LP.s” (MGM) (6th. wk). Good | $4, 500. Last ‘week, $5,000. Suburban World’ (Mann): (800;. -$1,25)—“Lord of Flies” (Cont). (3d: ‘Sock: at . $4, 000. Last’ week, . World. (Mann): (400: wk). iN D. ORE. ‘(Continued from. page: 9) * POR — “Irma La’ Douce” (UA) (14th’ wk). $1. 50)——“Rampage” (WB). -Musie Box (Hamrick) (640; "$1hot $6,500. Last week, “Women of |, : $1.50)—“French :Style” (Col). . (2d: $2, 800.. Last -week, : Sqck $5,000: Last week, $5,600. Slow 000... ar) rpheum (Evergreen): (1,536: $i and “Notorious _Eandlady” (reissue), $5,100 ‘Paramount ‘(Port-Par): (1; 406: $2$840)" — “Cleopatra” (20th) wk)... . 9 « PHILADELPHIA (Continued from’ page 9) $15, 000. “Last “week, (20th) (3d wk); $6,000. ‘Stanley. (SW) (1,450;. $2. 50-$3) —! : “Cleopatra”. (20th). (19th. wk). Lusty }° $18,000. Last. week, $19,000. Stanton (SW) (1. 483; 95-$1:80). — i | “Twilight: of: Honor”: (MGM) . (2a oA: Le AE te "$1.55 = $2.40). —-.V..P.s”.| 500. (MGM) (8th:wk). Slick $9,500, Last | “Warner Hollywood (sw). (1,291; a “Carry As’ ‘usual, ‘holdovers. predominate | ~. =. ‘and rule the patronage roost, here. | “Mary, Mary” biders. On: Dead. Horse” (Cont), wk). Great $7, 400. . Last week, | | Love” (Par) (3d: wk),.-$8,000. $1-|$ “$1. 50) |-“Thrill. of “It All” .(U): (i5th’ wk); $1. 49) — “Old Dark House”. (Col) |: and “Maniac”: (Col). Slim $4,500. Last week,. “Running Man’ (co) 01) (19th. Okay. i 000. Last . week; Studie (Goldberg) (400; 95-$1. 80) 500. Last week, “Summerskin"™ $3,100 § Trans-Lux .(T-L) (500; 95-$1 80)| “Running Man” (Col) (4th wk). ‘Slow $2300. ‘Last. week, -$2,800. “World (Rugoff) (499;. 95-$1.80)— | “812” (Embassy) (4th. wk). Fancy: | $4,000:: Last week $5.700. . . | Yorktown. (SW) °(1,000; $1. 49)— On Regardless’ (Indie) ° (3d |.47-4 Loo wid. M Mild $2, 300: Last week, $8, 000. |-. Fox" (Downtown. Fox Corp.): (5, wie boat; $1.25-$1.49) — “Shock Corri+ © dor” {AA) and “War Is Hell’(AA).. | Big $17,000. Last week, “The Terror” (AI) and “Dementia 13” (AD), . MARY’ LUSH $8,000 IN “COL: LOVE’ GOOD 106] : Columbus, O., Nov.. 5. . Business is on: ‘the’ upbeat cur ‘rently with two new pix doing well. “Mary, Mary” ‘at ‘RKO. Pal‘ace is rated nice.’ of Love” at: Loew’s Ohio. isfairly ‘good but ahead of recent. entries. “How The West. ‘Was Won,” bénefiting. from: third anniversary. cele-| ‘bration of Cinerama in’ Columbus at RKO. Grand; shapes okay” in}: 29th session. ‘Estimates for This Week Grand (RKO): (860; $1. 50-$2. 75) —“How West. Was. Won". (MGM): (29th: wk).: .Okay $6, 500. ‘Last, week, $5,000 Ohio: (Loew) ’ @B 079: 50-$1. 50)—-| “New. Kind of Love”. (Para). Very “Caretakers” (UA) and “Court Martial” (UA), “$6,800. ‘good. $10,000... Last: week, ‘Palace: {RKO) (2, 845: 50:$1. 50)— (WB) ‘and | Chase” (Cont).: $4,500 ‘DENVER. (Continued: ‘from page 8° or over. Last: week, “New. Kind of (814: °$1:65 Cooper . (Cooper). ‘Denham (Indie). (800; $1. 45-$3)— “Cleopatra” (20th). (19th wk). Fair ‘$7,000 or near. Last week, $9,500. Denver (Fox) (2,432:.. $1.25)— "| “Shock Corridor” (AA). ‘and. “Hor“Mild! 1$8,000: Last. week; “Terror” (AD). rors’ of Black. Zoo” “:(AA).: and “Dementia” (AL), $8,500. Esquire (Fox). “Murder at. Gallop” (MGM (3d wk). Sturdy: $2,000. Last week, $2,200. Okay $9, 000 $1. 25) — “Yojimbo” (Indie). $1,800. . Last.” week, Lf rently but. they are. not getting far” | in most’ instances. Best of ‘newies” ‘| is “Mary, Mary,” good at Orpheum. “Lilies of. Field” and “Old Dark BALTIMORE. (Continued. from. page 8): a “Irma' La Douce” (UA) (17th wk). | Sturdy $5,000. Last week, $5,590, 50Not ‘'s0: 7 New. ‘(Fruchtman). (1,600; World” (Embassy) (5th wk), $5,500. |. Mayfair (Fruchtman) (700: Playhouse (Schwaber) (365; 90 $1.50) -— “Sparrows Can’t ‘ Sing”. (Janus) (2d wk).. Fair $1,500. Last | week, $3,000: . Stanton (Fruchtman) (2,800; 50-. $1. 50)—“Mary, Mary” (WB).. good $9,000. Last week, eV, LP. ‘S| (MGM). (5th wk), $9,500. Senator (Durkee). (960;: 90-31. 50) | 1 j—“Great’ Escape” _ (UA). (2d -:wk).’ Wow $11, 000. Last | week, ‘$17, 000. $9,000. | VP rown . (7-1). 1;125; 50-$1'50)—| “Leopard” | | (Freedman) (500: $1, 50)— 7 “Shame. of. Patty. Smith” (Indie). $2,500. _ Last week, “Scum |. Good ‘of. Earth" (Indie) . (2d wk), $1, 500. wk), 80-80. $7,000. Last week, bo], Dot add. up to very ; biz for downtowners here —“International Playgirls” (Indie): ‘and “Wacky Playboy” (Indie). Fat -“A New Kind’ 1 000.. “Great. -Nice $8,000. Last { week; “Shock. .Corridor”. (AA) and} | $2.50). — “How: West Was Won” (MGM). (34th wk). Shock $12, 000 or close.. Last week, $16,500." > (600; $1.25) —| Off to good | 50-) $1.50)-——“Leopard” (20th) (4th wk). ‘Boff $7,000. Last. week, $6,000. Fairly ee : Detrott;, Nov. 4, . Some ‘hot newcomers and . Mary”. looks “Shock Corrido “Old. Dark ‘week. “Mary, -at the Maison. ‘shapes big at Fox. House” -is: passable: at the Palms.” “Twilight of Honor” is only avers : age at the: Adams. ‘solid in 19th week.. “How Wesé Was Won” continues sockeroo at(Pane. tasia” ‘looms torrid. in second . at. Music Hallin 36th. round; T-L. Krim . . ‘Estimates. for This Week $10, 500. . . Michigan (United Detroit) (4,926; -.. $1. .28-$1.49)—“V.I-P.s” (MGM) (6th... $16; 000.: Last ‘week,ee wk). Wow. : $17, 000. ‘Palms (UD): 2: 995:‘$1. 25-$1 49) — “Old Dark. -House”” (Col) and “Stooges. Around World . -in ‘Daze’ °~ (Col). Passable $10,000, Last week, | “Running: Man” (Col),’ $11,000, “Madison .(UD) (1,408; -$1. 25-$1. 49) ——"“Mary, “Mary” (WB). ‘Socko $15,« Last week, $1 49)—“Lilies. of. Field” (UA) (3d wk). ‘Lush: $14,000. af Adams (Community) ; $1.23-$1. 50)—"Twilight of Honor™ (MGM). Average: $8,000. Last week; “Haunting”: (MGM)... and “Dime with Halo” (MGM) (24: wk), :$6,500... ‘United Artists (UA) (1,667;.$1.50-— $3. 50). —. “Cleopatra’’ "(20th) (19th |. . "Last week, Ruste Hall (Beacon Enterprises) | (1,213; $1, 25-$2. 80) — "1 Was. Won’. Wham $15;000: Last week, $15, 500. : . -*: Mereury: (Suburban Detroit) (,| 468; $1-$1.80) —“Vertigo”: (Par): . jand“To: Catch.a Thief” (Par): (res: ve Peds $11, 500. $11,6 . : “How “West. (MGM) issué). Okay ‘$7,000. Last we ae “New Kind .-of Love” . (Par) . (4th. ~ wk-6 days), $5;800. ‘Trans-Lux.. Krim (Trané-Lux): (980:. ‘$1 .49-$1 .80)—“‘Fantasia” (BV) | 2d'-wk). Hotsy. $12, 000. Last’ week, $13,000... : A FCC TO TOLLSTERS: GET ON WITH IT ‘Washington, Noy. 5. “On. Oct. 1; the Channel: 2 Corp. gin operations .on| KCTO-TV. ‘ment was. moved back ‘from Nov. 3 toDec: 3. Commissioner Robert: ‘Bartley . abstained. from voting. .. Mary’ Good at $9; 000, Seattle; ‘Irma’ 1G, 16th "Seattle, ‘Nov. 5.: Several ‘newcomers; here © cure “House”. are light to. dull ‘How Wast Was Won” shapes big. in ist a ‘week. at Martin Cinerama.: Estimates for This:-Week . ‘Blue -Mouse | (Hamrick): (739; $1. 25-$1.50)—“V.1.P.s”. (MGM) (6th wk). Fair-$4,000. Last week, $4,200, (Col and $4,500. Last week, “Running (Col), -$5,700.:Avenue (2, 500:. $1.25-$1.50) — “Lilies Field” (UA). Light. $7,000. Last. week, “Leopard” (20th); $5,800. : Martin. Cinérama (Martin. Theatres) (870;.. $1.25-$1.50)—. “How “West Was Won” (MGM) (31st wk). ‘Big. ‘$9,000. Lastweek, $9,200. ‘Music Box: ‘(Hanirick) (738; $1.25 of $1: 50)—“Irma.. La Douce” (UA). .. “New -Kind -of Love” (Par) (3d) (15th. wk).. Big. ‘$7, 000. Last week, . wk). . Fancy . $8, 000. Last week,. $7, 200.: on $9,000. ‘Orpheum. (Hamrick). (2, 200; *$1.25-$1. 50)—‘Mary, ‘Mary” (WB). Good. $9,000" or. near. ‘Last wee ore “VLPs” is sixth session, at. the Michigan. “Cleopatra” Stays _ “Wuthering. oad Heights” (Cont). (reissue), $5,000. “1? Grand -Circus (UD) .(1,400; $1.25-: « $12,000. “Last week; -(1,7003 °° (36th wk). “FCC has ruled. the. ‘Denver. pay-. tv .group ‘can: have only a -one-.. | month postponement. before’ start ‘Orpheum: (RKO) (2,690; $1-$1.45) | “6 ts experimen — “20,000 "Leagues. “Under Sea” |. {(BV) (reissue) (2d..wk). | $8, 000. ‘Last. week, $16,000... |. Paramount (Wolfberg) (2, 100: 90‘$1. 25)—“Running Man”. (Col) and | “Cry. of. Battle” (AA). |.or: close. Towne (Indie) 600: $1. 25-$1.45)— “Lilies. of Field”: (UA) (5th :-wk). |. ‘Nide$3,000. Last..week, $3,500. . Vogue. (Art ‘Theatre Guild)(450; -Good “Promisés, . $1. 25-$1. 50) Promises” (indie) (4th. Wk), H, 200. . 7 (UA). (17th Wow: $4, 500." “Last ‘week, 1 $5,000 ek ‘ requested a six-month delay to-be. : Under the .Commission.. exten-° sion, the beginning of the experi- Coliseum .(Fox-Evergreen) (1, 1870; + $1.25-$15 50)—“Old -Dark House” : “The Maniac” (Col). Dal}: . Man’ (Col: and “Ni otorious ‘Landlady” (Fox-Evergreen) " “Twilight of. Honor” .(MGM)" and. | “Young and Brave” (MGM), $4, 800. nv Be Fa,