Variety (November 1963)

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proportionately large, for its popu He ‘Became a. Franciscan Friar i in: PeruHis ‘Book ‘By’ ROBERT. J. ‘LANDRY, “Mexico has produced: in ‘the course -of. time a perhaps dis* ‘lation, array: of. film stars. ‘Recall: a. few: Cantinflas; Dolores Del Rio, Ramon Novarro,. “Lupe: | Velez, Fedro Armanderiz; Jose Mojica. ‘You. ask, -whatever ~~ Sinner” . (after: ‘the. Catholic | prayer. .happened to Mojica, who made. 14. features for ‘the old. ‘Fox. company in the. 1930s? He. became .a Fran ciscan friar in. Peru... There’.is now: a -book,. “Y, “A . of the’ same title) : which. tells’. the ’.§aonastaries | tale of Mojica donning the brown. -robe ‘with rope ‘belt. To do so. he ‘literally. divided. up his fortune :in Mexico. on‘ the .Saviour’s admonition; “Give. thy: ‘goods to. the ‘poor, and. follow ime.” He flew out for |: Peru with. nothing. but. his. ticket |-~ and $35. in: his pocket. It was war-| time ‘and an “American officer ‘at] -. Panama . “promptly. off the flight ona military priority: | _ But. taking. holy orders did ‘not}. . ‘mean that Mojica stopped singing.| Bat now. he ‘sang. at nothing but. : benefits. for the. Church.. He be~ Came.a: great . fund-raiser _ for -in. Latin . ‘America, ' travelling from. ‘country. to country. as he had before as an opera _; singer.. Years: later “when tempo :. parily deaf and-unable to. sing: for his” superiors: ordered ‘him to write this memoir.. “Pore | success—the .. “book; a original. ‘Spanish, ‘sold 3,000 000} . “gopies: -Read in. the. English tramslation: of. Faiichon Royer,. -published | at: $4.95. ‘by. the’..Franciscan ‘Herald’ ~ the’ _Franciscans, © : Press of. Chicago, ‘it: is readily ap-. parent. why Mojica’s “Ygay, ‘the. radio: ‘programs of ‘Mexico City. the culture, the conflict . of religious. “ardor among..:the “women and *... amticlericalism . among: the bureau-: __crats. Mojica wasa mother’s boy, * but also -a°. precocious: “personage. makes | -amends, » ‘The discovery: and development of |. an -operatic tenor voice. not: ‘only 7 -Feseued: the-family from debt ‘but. » made “Mojiea. a-world figure. “The ‘book tells. of: ‘his. nine years with the. "Chicago: Opera, part of the: ‘time ‘under .the.: :eontrol .: of cedes.:she ‘was. right and says he detested. in turn. “When ‘he was: beginning: to. have |: ve doubts, about: his :eperatic ‘career -:. Meéjica drove to Hollywood. witha! scouple of. friends’ Fie. thought“ he. | gaight . click» . y gereel ‘tests. ‘Chicaga: only. to be. bombarded: by: ‘eompetitive offérs: | The studios’ ad the promise-of ‘a. ° Valentino” Latin: type fort Sand “second. ¥: ‘the Latin markets. “The |} brisk «and. Joe’.-Pincus. of Fox arrived in Chi: to. closé,. authorized: to. top .any. other offer Mojica: Ahad by $10,000. Interestingly, “Mojica: was to dis. “a cover “that . his... poptilarity’ .and prestige. as an opera singer dimin shed ‘notably when ‘he “sald’ out” Po gg. Hollywood. ‘This was especially : gypsy about. to burst out ‘true in ‘his native land. There. was. also a. . disturbing. experience : in fae Barcelona, Spain. -: ~~ Among. the: numerous ‘photoCot ‘graphs: included in. the. book’. are21, Old Fox stills -which show. Mojica in ‘the. standard’ poses __ type swoon: kid—prince: in uniform, toreodor. .. in balifighting. : gear, flemencochant, -and 50 on. There is conviction in this. story, ‘wisdom, . imuch-’ compassion and . more. than a little ‘sense. of: the life: ‘i-ineluding the revelation’ that he |. -was born. out of. wediock.: Later -a|. ‘step-father was. sent: to. jail. in Maria” F elix, | Mexico: for’ brutalizing his mother.. knocked him |. ‘were * Vincent. “Edwards; .. Peppard, George: Hamilton, ‘Peter “Harvey was. ‘in = its. | Fonda... Laurence. -around, ‘trying out here “with the has) been a‘big seller among the E Latins: It is’ replete: -with the. same sort: of. °. .. Peligious, ... family... ’~ ‘sentimentality. which tharacterize,. “director | Irving ‘and. personal. ., Actually the prose style: is ‘good: 3 ‘The boyhood years in. Mexico, :dur| fag a. constant series of Tevolu-. tions, is ‘absorbing. -family.:woes were’ acute ‘and tell much. .of the :poverty ‘of Mexico, The. Mojica’ aS. a:.monk, ° by. praying for: Miss . Garden, now ant. octogenarian. in Scotland. It is less | ‘lear whether -he .also prays. ‘for ‘the ‘late Giorgio. Polacco,. | optager. at. the. Chicago Opera, who |° detested . the ‘Mexican | ‘and was: dressed: os San: Franciscais at premiere eveat)~ and midnight: buffet supper at the} the. .rHe took: returned. to. of a Latin Fascinatingly Tells of Mexico, Chi Opera & Fox Films | : “miseries. in ‘this. “vale: of tears,” as. ‘Catholics: are wont, to. call human: ‘There is considerable.candor ‘Many. célebrated persons of the show : world of a generation. ago |. ‘are meiitioned. There is‘ a fasci-|. nating. glimpse of Enrico Caruso| @as. guest of honor at the .opening}.§ of .a Mexican opera . house. But ° -don’t: look for any’ “scandal.’”” This} is. a book:‘of excellent taste, | -appropriate discretion: and..“im-j ~ pressive. ‘dignity. It. is no. “stunt,” Coin Boon for Fe: . ByJM ESTES ‘San ¥Franciso, “Nov. 3 Francisco .-enthusiasm” . for Carl -Foreman’s “The’ Victors” legit play “Time” of ‘the: Barricudas.” had. ‘contributed ‘$10,008. to. the Film ‘Fést ‘were. clarified by Fest: Levin. “He said. that. the. company had not made: a donation ‘as such bat had. volun-| teered to spend up to. $10,000 for transportation, etc., of newspaper. ‘and: mag Treps_ from around the country to cover the first publie showing: of .*‘The -:Victors:” aer and Chron-j icle:. Civic pride in getting a major was purely economie.’ }oeal ent : | ‘Mary. Garden,. who ran it. with ‘the. husiasm for fest, now in ~imperious command of a. Cather-. ine the. Great. She was ‘kind to the ‘young tenor at: first ‘but. when ‘he. took ‘to: fooling around -with. ballet. dancers :the-frown deepened into ‘a| . fixed scowl. ‘In the: book ‘he. con its seventh year;..runs high, ‘the purse strings. are: tight. Att Com-|‘mission. which. last year. appropri-| ated: $20,000, this time ‘came . “up. with only : $10,000. ‘Levin estimates. cost of. two-week affair, ending Nov. 12, to $100,000. ‘He: will: get ‘a. Zood ‘por ‘tion of ‘nut: from: fest. ‘showings at Metro: Theatre of some: 22. jix ‘from 17 countries: ‘He. also. owill “have to. tap te di | Vv prival e onors: to mI Luciano. Berio, who is. eurrently a E professor. at. “Mills. College help .pay ‘the. bills. Fall house of. fashionable ‘Sheraton Palace ‘cont sharply. ‘ony. 300° for the} J fest ‘debut ia 1957: ‘From. advance} 1 boxoffice . interest ‘Levin says cur-}. rent’ fest'-cannot help but be “thes most successful: so far.”. Need for. ‘larger’ house and more promotion}. activity. was ‘advanced’ by Arthur|.. erbach, : ‘chairman: Zell of Art Com-: | mission... at’ opening ‘ceremony: in| ~ which. the: U.S. Sixth Army band} and’ Marine-Army-Navy-Air. ‘Force | color guard participated. In ‘a jok-|. {ing remark, -which ‘had underlying ‘significance, -Zellerbath said to]: Levin, “We need: a better theatre.” |’ -|He. was. referring: to: size’ of house | and implying a. theatre. more’ cen-}: . traliv located. to. downtown heart of-eity: <.. 7 -Foreman had a: surprise: of his Jown. -After ‘accepting .a .““Golden|’ -_ Gate.Award”’..for his. contribution’ tes -to-the art ‘of ‘international film: he] turned: the ‘award back to: ‘Levin: | '|Foreman, said that. since. his. film'|’ “was. not in. competition he did not} .. feel that he: should: .acc2nt. an award. Instead, ‘he proposed that it| © be-'voted. at. the end of-the festival| ‘to. the -victure judged-to:have con-|. tributed. ‘most. ‘to internation! Raa pa : :. -hostelry: on Van .Ness Avenue. derstanding. like: Bing ‘Crosby. . in. ay ‘Roman col 8 | : The Vietors? + Promo. | Fa oreman Returns Prize Arthur Freed; -president. of thie .Academy of Motion. Picture ‘Arts & ‘Sciences, declared here that Holly-. -woed ‘should cooperate with the San Francisco: Festival ‘and added, “T. ‘think. we will.” He expressed. ‘himself “very: impressed”: with San ‘for . films and film people. Among those’ here. George . TA‘ Pie, which opened. the fest out of com-' petition. . ‘at. the. Metro Theatre, played to an enthusiastic ‘audience. of 1,400; including California Gov-{¢ ‘ernor. and. Mrs.Edmund J. .Brown. Film got promineat play on front |" ‘pages of the Examin . ae American company. picture. to tee EMILNO ‘off the event. made the Foreman-j =x, | Columbia: decision a boffo exploita-]:— >. ation move. Reason -Cotumbia “:un-{. _derwrote expenses ‘of: visiting press 7 ) Wis Haas Somd’ at 20th . ‘Hollywood, Nov. 3. : Robert’ ‘Wise succeeds. “William | TOA Lgl Panel Ponders Prac | Wyler, -as-. producer-direector . of |: : “The. Sound of Music’ at 20th-Fox,| — film now. to. be.a: joint veature by. ‘Wise’s Argyle. Enterprises | 20th-Fox. Lensing slated te: .g0. before Todd-AO cameras March. 15 instead of previously-set..May|° 15, and will be. 20th’ Christmas, : 1964, ‘Telease.. --Wise,. who: previously was prep: : ping “The Sand Pebbles’ for 20th. under his own ‘banner: as ‘a: joint: production, has ‘set start of: this back to Oct. -15 from: n Sept. ae " International: ‘Alliance “of Théat-{ | _— | tical: ‘Stage ‘Employees’ efforts to|’ | obtain | relief. from the consent de-| cree ‘limiting’ expansion by major circuits to court: review have. been |. rebuffed. by” “the ‘Dept. of: Justice. The: ‘union ‘antitrust: division, * ‘Murdoch: ployment. opportunities of many ‘members replace ‘outmoded’ downtown. theatres. ‘with "suburban houses © aa drive-ins ‘They ‘also ‘charged: that the. de‘eree’s. restrictions ‘nolonger are justified antitrust: stand ‘stock ‘ewhership through: the years ; ‘point. . because. . changes ‘down have taken them entirely out of | the control of people. who control’ film production» companies. Justice 3 ‘San: ‘Pranciséo, Nov: 5. gation, was named a juror, joining previously-tagged Eugene. Burdick,. writer -professor,, and. composer. jury) was. Ismael | Rodriguez, producer-director “Paper. Man.” "Hoping? Snub Direct “San Francisco, : Nov. Be . Mark: ‘Hopkins «Hotel, ‘how. i ‘owned: by. “Gene Autry, who... the’ -present “seventh ‘annual . San Francisco: International oa Film. ‘Festival the: ‘room «clerk .: glazed: “eye ‘treatment.. New. manager, Don: Burger, refused. . to .respect “reservations made . by. ‘his: predecessor, Johan Par.30ns.’. He -did. not: deny that reservations: were on. the rack: ‘but claimed they: were . ‘not jence: and, preempt: the. space Hopkins ~stirted ‘céhsiderable ‘resentment ‘asa bland reversal -of:-commitment. ~Resulta ftly ' : the: festival. headquartered at tne. Continental. Lodge, ‘a: new. ‘and j— *Pictures. homeoffice . in. ‘New 9 nf’ | Cinema Distribs Lines chad filed...a © brief through general. cotinsel. Frank B.’ Murdock, . But: after’ studying the document, Justice ° informed ‘him. that it still did. notsee that. relief ‘from the decree was. warranted. | The board then directed that addt| ‘tional avenues” for. accomplishing: ; this purpose ‘be: ‘investigated. -Murdoch ‘and ‘AFL-CIO general counsel Albert -Wall met with as-. sistant Attorney General. William: H. Orrick Jr. and. other officials of. ‘the ‘tokd the: IATSE . board. They {argued: in their ‘brief that the em-. Report. that . Coltimbia Pictures have been whittled | away by the inability. of circuits to | Was. originally . didn’t: buy -the::union’s pleas, how-. ever, and so now a new. campaign | is to be mapped. ‘Commishication” ‘breakdown haunted complétion of the -jury.|chere‘for the. film festival. Mexican: director Emilio. (El. Indio) :Fernan-. dez, tooked for. jury; hadn’t shown. perhaps’ because he was.reported |-with. Ava ‘Gardner in Puerto :Val-| : |larta. working on “Night | of. the ‘Iguana. 9 | a .. Sergei Mikhalkov, novelist: ‘play “wright, and ‘héad of the ‘Russ: ‘dele |includes Ripps, : Preceraah ‘Fernandez on the]. Mexican Selegation. (but -not. on. the'| cr of Mexicah entry, . used. to -bea. ‘film: star, gave: }:ish-singing. actréss. Tevealed deci‘sion ‘to turn over managerial, reins | : firm,’ meaning that the ‘hotel... {q chose to serve its own. conven: | .. for the. American: ‘College’ of. to Surgeons convention. a 7 ’ Action: ‘of’ Burger. and the .. | “Casablanca. Nights.” : _ Miss Montiel recently had her!: -} marriage te Yank film director: : [ Anthony Mann. annulled. They Schwartz Due in N: ¥. | “Sol A. Schwarts figures he | ‘will .return’ to the Columbia. . York: around the middle or _tag-end of. this ‘month. Mike “Frankovich may not take hold . tion-boss until Jan. 1 but the. -administrative:.| ‘execs © have oY. veverything . under. control in the. interim. Schwartz’ S new. title of senior vicepresident in. the executive. ‘post .akin’-to-. the late -Abe Montague calls for global sales and merchandising. © | b Five 1964 Releases; “Cinema Distributors of America, which has: handled. such exploitation items. as“Poor. ‘White Trash,” “y Hate Your. Guts” and: “Common Law Wife,”. has. ‘set release of five pix for 1964. “Additionally, Clayton Pantages has. joined the organi zation as general. sales manager, | : having Teeently. left a ‘similar. Job} with. ‘Magna Pictures. . couple of < years © ‘distributing “Trash,” which has had 1,560 dates. ‘im that time. This ‘was ‘originally ‘produced as..“Bayou” by the com-} pany’s. prez. M. A. Ripps. and ‘dis-} tributed’ by United Artists for’ ‘whom it. laid a: large egg. Ripps j retitled it and undertook. its. distribution ‘on his. own -and,: in. the |. process, founded. CDA. Current releases also ‘include “Wife’ >and “Guts.” The latter was d: produced: by. Reger Corman and. ‘titted: “The In‘truder.” The company will have a. sci-K epus. called “Flesh Eaters” on ‘the market in January and ° this | spring ‘will issue “The Fat Black ‘Pussy Cat®” About finished uader | ‘CDA’s, production. aegis. is “When the’ Bough, Breaks” and. in ‘produc-' “When ‘the. Saints: Go | Marching In.” Skedded for production is. “Wake the: Town and Kil), { the: People. er “Tl “These items. are handled by. * |series of sub distribs who act as: agents for CDA but ‘the company: _ hag a Seld: staff of 18 men who; ALT. personally ‘oversee the campaigns: . budget. efforts,. ‘natch, mostly ‘local. talent from the Mo-: bile, Ala.,. area where the company: ‘tion : ‘pix, ‘Features are. low is. “headquartered. . In addition: to these self-produced. pix, CDA: also pieks up indie produced -items. for: distribution. ‘through’ its channels. Under. a recent realignment. officers,. the CDA exec’ roster: now “prez; Loyenthanl,. Babbe, S. Wheeler, eastern. sales manager ‘and:” Pat: McGee; Western Sales manager. oe : oo : CHANGING HER LUCK, ‘Montiel : ‘st. ‘Annals ‘Tony Mens | Marriage, ¢ Cancels: Herreres. : " *p nicians” union more tham a decade “: back during a peried ef acute depression in British film produc| tion, has decided te stay in business, though it is facing acute dif * Madrid, Nov. 5. Spanish film. star. Sarita Montiel ; : and: her longtime manager Enrique ‘Herreros have dissolyed their .as sociation.:. Before flying. to Brazil for her next film: musical under the | direction. of Rafael Gil, the Span-. to a Castilian lawyer, is. ‘generally credited: | in trade circles’ as one of the prime. ‘movers ‘skyrocketing La Montiel ™ with “Ei Ultimo -Cuple” to. box-j-pany ‘were married in: a civil ceremony. ‘eight: years: ago. in Los Angeles. “Its Echelon Rearranged | CDA ‘has’ had. ‘success In. thé past tice,” have and involve. Daniel J. _V.p.-generalcotinsel;‘Robert Steuer, exec V.p.; Madolyn ‘secretary-treasurer; ‘Pant-: ages,.generat ‘sales manager; Ross |. ’ May Go to FIC At an opem meeting of. Theatre . Owners’ of America’s Legal | Advisory -Council during Jast ‘week's convention in Manhattan, | the question: of “blind selling” was. | discussed,” along with. other ‘trade. | practices. | the selling issue be taken up with -| the Federal Trade Commission. as ‘Hollywood. studio. produc-" | It was suggested that. Principal. participants. in the’ discussion were retiring TOA general counsel Herman. Levy, StanleyWarner attorney Stuart Aarons and Dept. of Justice man Maurice | Silverman. -In-line with the talk. on “blind selling” it was also sug‘gested that meetings be held with | distribution chiefs to again try to jsee what can be done about book==|ing pix without seeing them or: ‘j knowing much about them -{ council execs said they would rec1 ommend action to the TOA na-. _j.tional board.. and Levy cautioned,. however, that there was no. federal requirement that a distrib screen his pix for ‘exhibs.. before accepting bids or Making bookings.. There is no way” to enforce trade screenings on.a national basis, he pointed out, saying that this: problem will be one ‘of the main items in John Rowley’s administration as new TOA prez. _ Aarons staled that the buying of “Cleopatra” was “the worst thing ‘we have done” and ‘called such blind selling an “unfair trade pracalthough it was: admitted that: there simply. was no “Cleo print to be seen. The comment was made, nonetheless,. that there must | have. been ‘something they could. have, been shown. Charge was also made that “V.I-P.s” wag sold blind and that Warners is start already ing to sell “My Fajr Lady” this way... A suggestion was made that ex | bibs. not buy pix uatil they see them ‘but Levy termed this “unrealistic” both because exhibs need the pix and because such a policy. couldn't ‘be effecttyély enforced. It is a sellers market and that’s ali there is to it was the point most often mads, alomg with the cry for. something to he done. .. lengthy discussion was also. held on the ¥ theatre case, 7 iking that bit of. legalistics which in-. volves split bookings and adjustments of bid pictures. ‘This Viking. case, which upholds the right to splits and which dees not de ‘clare adiustmenf: on bid pictures illegal. although it doesn’t say that such oractices is legal either, is now being reviewed by the Supreme Court for possible hearing. It aa decided. vote should th ease be accepted by court, that TOA become Bie igh cour rt, ‘Aarons fave an extended disertation on the case and then: Silver-. man fielded some questions. as. to the Justice Department’s idea of {all of this, He said that it was the distributors responsibility to see ‘that bids are honestly conducted and that:a distrib can give an adjustment on a bid, providing the. adjustment “doesn’t undercut an other bid. | Bris Technicians Owil Act Films te Continue: | Made 23 Featares So Far Lendow, Nov. 5 Act Films, formed by the tech ficulties. in a gesture to help the... company carry om, Ralph Bond, general. manager and ‘production . supervisor, volunteered his resig nation to the board, and has been invited to continve as honorary consultant. in a statement last. week, com= y considered t properties, but present situation has heen unable ‘to secure exhibitor backing, withtee R is impossible to pro-. Lee a