Variety (November 1963)

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@ ials estimated it | etd meee ont four days before | about’. the possibility : of establish ‘dropped ‘racial barriers here last). this port city’s tre could: reopen. Alvin M. Marks ‘Dimension’ Will ing system called “Dimension” has} ‘Thursday (30. cameras or: projection. equipment equipped with it and still. show |. Dimension tnternational. and re News,. will make a film personnel | . with the system. Pic will be made in the form of discussion which'led|-._ 7 the. units. em PICTURES "Remembrance of Grif $ Nation Savannah, Ga., Nov. . * Recently integrated” Savannah | Theatre, picketed) by Ku: Klux]. Kian, ‘was tear-gassed. during an | evening performance Sunday (27) | and about 45 customers, watching | screening..of Paramount’s “All the: Way. Home,” fied from place;. tears |streaming from their eyes. — ; Only four Negroes were. in au-. for a “private talk”. | Deputy”. presentation. would be-considered ‘unfortunate. ” 7 Though no’ further explanation . ‘was given; the probable reason: for | this unusual interference in the ‘Vatican Council. Pope Paul, following in the footsteps of Pope John,. “He S. Just Great. Metro Jast week had. a private homeoffice screening ‘of its “Sunday. in: New: York” wherein is a shot-of iceskaters “in Rockefeller Center. Among. ‘jold ‘anti-Semitic notions’ ‘in the ‘the unbilled gay bladers is Si.” {Catholic Church. The Israeli For — Seadiler,. MGM promotion exec.. -|eign Office evidently didn’t. think |dience, including W. W. Law, ‘state . . Seadler relates that’ many | president of National Assn, for the |" people complimented. him on > Advancemert of Colored People. | jis" “performance,” going ‘so.’ Authorities said it was the first}. * far as -to suggest that it was: of. ” such incident since theatres, mo-|_ Academy Award caliber. Comtels, hotels and: restaurants} ments Seadler: “But, really, i wasn’t that: _Bood.” ° “ ‘Vatican’ witha. play which. attacks {rael’s National..Theatre.. -| Meanwhile ‘the: ‘management of “{the: Little Theatre. on Broadway [invited Habimah for a nine-week :, | American: tour, ‘starting. next Janu month. They said a robed. Klansman_ who |* was picketing theatre. ran insideM i bu Studio and brought out one section ‘of. Remains Active bomb. He was treated: for inhala| ‘The principals are. ‘still strong |-ced ‘that. the. presentation of “The | Deputy” :was postponed. . “Whether the postponement was, ‘due to the U.S: trip or to. the Foreign. Office is still in doubt. There were strong. attacks. in the Israeli -press. against the. Postponement, which was. described cowardice” «and “playing politics”. .Habimah’s. management will sug-' gé the Advisory Committee to approve the play..If approved, “The Deputy”: will. be presented uppn the theatre’ s return from. the US., probably next June. ~~~ Even ‘if presented, there is. doubt tion of fumes. . ‘Savannah theatre fs located: an downtown. section. | Efforts to clear. gas from theatre | with four huge Fire Dept. exhaust all fumes would be out and. theaing a studio-in Malibu, -Calif., to ” tbe. jointly: operated by. ‘Columbia, | 20th-Fox and. Metro. Presidents | of the three. companies, respectively. Abe Schneider, Daryl F. Zanuck: { and Robert H. O’Brien, had: an -“fother ‘one. of those. continuing: folA new picture’ making and. show‘lowup. New York last ANOTHER NEW. PROCESS Gear up. For a Deme Israeli-audience. This is‘what hap pened to “Andora”; ‘a ‘Swiss. play: ‘about the evil . roots of: anti-Semi-. tism, It. failed in Israel two: years ago. “How can a= Swiss: Gentile playwright teach. us: about the evils: of .anti-Semitism?, was the general. reaction. “We. are experts: on. it,. been developed by. ‘Alvin | M. |. Marks, prez of. Marks | Polarized Corp. of. Whitestone, N.Y. where filming and projection . equipment | is being produced.. The company. has jicensed Dimension. International Corp. to. produce and distribute pix .in the'| process, which requires no special Reports that enthusiasm, tor. the project has ‘been waning were dis| counted’ by a:‘spokesman. He said. it's akin to getting a story prop-. erts erty to the screen, jwhat with vari[from the receiving end”. -oug ideas advanced.on. ‘how ail{ In an interview given. a couple: things should’be handled and with, | of weeks ago in an Israeli. as yet, no specifics as ‘to acttial journalist, Hochchut, author of:“‘The grerabreaking and. follow through Deputy”, expressed his -hope that tact cs. oO}: | to create. its 3D-like. image. ‘N “Interest in. the. idea. persists’ ‘and: : WB CASH FUND FOR objections notwithstanding. ize. film | still more meetings will’ be held. |: is also adap table to any 8 ie be -Many. months “have. gone ‘by since. original ‘projection’ of the idea: for. a. troike-operated super studio. ‘Nonetheless, authoritative. sources | said’ it is still very . much under consideration.. | ; regular films as. well. : Richard Behrman ‘is prez” of ‘Hollywood, Nov.. 5." “Warner “Bros. ‘has: adopted ‘an ‘etaployee incentive policy, believed. PEACE FILM 1 FEST. ‘SET. .| first ‘time: such a*plan has ever an -beeri undertaken by a. Hollywood. Curtailed First. Version—Hope For studio. “May net .personnel . ‘up to Big One In 1964 ‘as. much as a $5, 000 nestegg. “Project: went into effect. Nov. 1, . under which. company will pay em-: -ployees . who” submit acceptable -ideas. “for: -iImprovements ‘cash. ports that Jack Kuhne,. in charge of production at Fox Movietone | in color. | Leo Lax, head. of Lax. International of Paris, has. come. to New |: York to act as. technical -advisor | for the first films to be made in the Dimension: process. Lax -owns | and operates a special effects. -stu Los. Alamos, N. Mex., Nov. 5. Here in this burg identified with fhe first development of the: atomic’ .|| bomb, the International Peace Film. OMbarrent ians call for. the ‘first | Festival will new be held as.a two-j film in Dimension to be. released day affair, -Nov.. 9-10. This is a| nationally in 1964... Final decisions revision. of intention. by the -proas to the handling of. production aa eon Kunce, who..operates: and distribution are currently be-| OMY 40ca film house, the Centre. ing worked out. Name of the first |. Festival stirred interest but. also’ In disclosing new. operation, prexy’ Jack E, ‘Warner stated: “fhe incentive policy will permit’ ‘all. studio employees to con-| tribute directly and: individually to. increasing studio efficiency. and. in full-length feature. to use .the some ‘shyness because’ “‘peace’”’ is. method and other... details _aren’t. a. word often exploited by Commade. ‘best motion pictures and fw: Pro: | munist ‘Party-liners. Kunce ‘had to}-ductions:’ | ‘assure manyfilm interests of. his |.’ -|-political ‘sanitation. His present| ‘| decision is to the establish the fran.chise and aim for’ a. broader: festival | in 1964. Matinee price of $2: and evening price of -$3will be charged. Films ings . to. company or’ in: _Amprovement of product.” ' Awards. ‘committee, héadea ‘by: | production. ‘dept: “chief “Charles. Greenlaw,. includes: ‘Jay Goettman,. clave,. -commenteéd that reps of the | submitted ‘include these: colton Al Green and Ted organization will: ‘be: meeting with. . “Engelchen Means Death; "Czech-|. legal ‘advisors. shortly to study. the osloyak;. “The’ Face Of. War,” |! — idea in depth. At the. time of the| Sweden “The Life is Beautiful,” | Arab Markels — “Continued from page: Ss — ~ Snaper’ $s Way | Continued: from page 3 — suggestion, Snaper’s plan was ‘of: ‘Poland; “Language of Faces, U.S. As fered:to some attorneys for.a quick “Which. ‘Way The Wind,” U.S.A; ]. appraisal. and” it wes Tpporter gal “Power Among::Men,’ United. Na-| the convention. tha ese --1€£8! | tions; “Colleagues; 7. USSR: “The: ro he J: ki ‘Pol da’ ad’ Hi eagles found the plan “feasible| Hole’ U.S-A.;. “Toys. On-a. Field| coc oslavakia,. Poland and’ Hunwith . reservations.” This waS| of. Blue,” U.S.A; ¥ “The Walk, » | Sary. Egypt was the. only Arab ‘enough to stimulate ‘further. action-| . s Ay “Gnome, 9 U. Ss. AL. “Habimah — Continued from ‘page: 2 — . -| ticipants: were: Portugal, India, | Turkey, : Canada; -Brazil,. West Ger" |many, Holland. 25 nations present. ted 30 pix;; -. . / America’ had. been: indirectly en| tered since. Italy’s: “The Leopard” was a 20th Fox release and France’s “Any Number Can Win’’ was actual{ly .-banikrolled by MGM... Official ‘| film: finally: ‘chosen’ was ‘20th-Fox’s “Take Her, She’s. ‘Mine” -which “wound the fest... Oct; 27. -in the presence of. Ambassador | “Mayer. It also was. introed: as. .a world ‘premiere ‘for this comedy.. ‘And fest diréctor Bechara Menassa an‘nounced .at: the’ end. ‘that ‘Beirut would be a competitive fest next year. no matter. what the Federation: ruled... -to the decision to take the idea to London: ‘stated ‘that. the proposal was definitely something that was}. going .to be followed -up ‘to. the hilt} and that much more would be}ma” and. the little. Parisienne } pros ‘SE. -Le. General Fouad Chehab, and directly. under’ the Ministry of ‘Tourism. If Mainly a touristic and prestige: gambit, it still allows forthcoming once all the . execs}titute became one of the. best. in: larly with legal counsel. ‘| is not moral, but political. ‘The play, XII. of “conspiracy by: silence’ in me Continued from pare 2 === | Western: Europe, wherever. the play Steele and the “Half A Sixpence” | places, like Basel, Switzerland, it The Clarke Bros., Francis Brunn, | before it was ‘Staged, for the first The program was "staged by Rob| sent. it and got“in touch with. Er-| the small nucleus of evolved audi could reassemble in Detroit. and vestments ‘Habimah ever made.:: settle down to work on it, particu'* ‘The problem. with “The Deputy” —————— Tl written by a young. non-Jewish Geree ' | man playwright, accuses: Pope Pius: Dietrich ‘the extermination by the. Nazis of 6,000,000 European Jews: All: over Paraguayos, Harry Secombe and'| was presented, : it..raiséd . strong the “Pickwick” company, Tommy } Catholic objections and in. ‘several company, and Eric Sykes &. Hattie led to ‘street-demonstrations.. Jacques. Specialties: were done -by| The play was offered to Habimah Billy Petch Dancers, and: ‘Pinky & time, in. Berlin. Julius Gellner, the Perky. {theatre’s director,. decided to. pre-. ert Nesbitt. Haroid . Collins conwin Piscater, ‘asking him to direct ducted the orchestra.: | ‘The. Deputy ”. in. Israel. When the as. the more curious. Public, and is a Israel. Foreign. Office got wind. ‘of | : it,-Mrs. Bat Ami,.a member of the | | Habimah management, was ‘invited | + Though the| {7 government’ has no. official | say in| the theatre’s business, it was. point-| ¢:+ ed out that’ the: timing -« of “The Israel. | has decided. to :eradicate: centuriest it was appropriate to: offend the | Pius XIE being ‘presented in Is-. 4 ary, “whereupon ‘Habimah -announ| week. : Greene ‘to:do special photog work on.UA’s ‘“moral | ‘loeal 52 polishing up ‘its: image. somewhat, moving. to“-new, modern. Gotham. offices . ‘the 1963: third quarter... . ‘about the play’s chances with: the| cast in Madrid . : Universal, -having. made “‘Charade’’ for the ‘company. . = {his play will be‘presented ‘in israel, oof UA’s ~ TDEA-FERTILE FOLKS interest, of his p.r. account ‘with Sears Roebuck . -wife Nancy Sinatra in Gotham for a few ‘weeks, : “with : ‘agenda including their appearance on the Ed Sullivan. tv’er Nov. 17»... awards ranging. from $25 to $5,000. |. rity. ball: Nov...23 -at the: Waldorf. Mrs. Harry. M.. Pimstein: is -chief | barkerette. Feature’ will | be: a drawing for 25: shares of Consolidated | Edison common stock: | ‘displayed on its marquee: helping’ Warner. Bros. turn out the ‘in NY, “Amount: will be based’ on sav| | Poll and Paramount... | Hunter’s forthcoming: “Richest Girl: in ‘Town’? at. Universal.. | state with.'a feature. Other .par-| leader in “Pawnbroker,”’ now lensing for the Landau Co. . Polanski planning a. film: version. of Samuel anne ty. Beirut: Fest: is uider the patron“Tage of. the President of Lebanon, ences to’ see ‘unusual films, as well _ Wednesday, ‘November 6, 1963-° | New York Sound, Track t “Metro hasn't said -yet: whether “Any ‘Number Caa Win’. will be dubbed. It’s been a: major click in original French in’ Paris and going well currently, titled,;.at the Sutton here . ... Don’t bother to call any Metro. exec at the homeoffice this :week; they’ re all out: at the studio for the “biggest ever” kind of sales convention... If KTLA-TV. -was worth $12, 000,000 to. Gene Autry, the buyer, why ‘couldn’t it have been worth the same to: Paramount, the seller?. Doe + Joseph Gould, former .ad exec at Paramount, : ‘named. a v.p. of Bruck: oS & Lurie: He’ s to. coordinate. “creative activity” in. the agency s newly ‘formed, motion picture department. . ‘Jules Dassin back in Paris from: ‘Turkey arid Greece’ to finish: interiors : on. his “Topaki,” a thriller, formally called “Light of. Day” and “Man: in the Middle.” UA. distributes and pic has Melina’ Mercouri,..Peter. Ustinov and Maximillian Schell Chambermaid) in. Dieppe. Using Jeanne Moreau, Michel Piccoli, Georges: ‘Geret, Francoise Lugagne « . «. Robert Hossein: planning. to. screen James Hadley. Chase’s. “No Orchids For Miss. -Blaridish” next years Tale: was already’ filmed. ‘once in Britain. Gene Corman in London conferring with. UA execs. re. his and brother . Roger’s “Dubious :Patriots,” which was. completed: in Yugoslavia last. .. Singer Andy Williams will make his pic debut in Ross Hunter’s _ “Richest Girt In Town” ‘, . Paramount; headed by Charles. Boasberg, will hold regional sales ‘meetings: in. New Orleans tomorrow ; (Thurs.) -. and Friday and in Chicago next Monday (11):and Tuesday‘... Milton . “The ‘Best :Man.”’. Ernest Pintoff back from a London trip’. . .. IATSE. studio. mechanics Directors Guild: of' America: membership: ‘voted “Trtia La. Douce” and “Great. Escape” two ofthe best ‘directed. pix.of : Paramount plugging “A. New: Kind: of Love” in drug, department and’ specialty stores via a tie-in with Lanvia’Perfumes . . .. Britishrock ’n’ rollers. the Beatles to make their film | bows in “aUA pic: to be. written. by. Alun ‘Owen. and’ ‘skedded to lens ‘next February. . Alice. Lee. Boatwright; Universal: ‘eastern-talent rep, ‘on ‘the Coast for. confabs with studio execs... . Carrol Baker the.cover girl of the current Saturday. Evening Post.. Hitchcock. will. set-in ‘motion Noy: 18 at: Universal. : ‘Stanley: Donen: will produce .and direct his next, “The ‘Cipher,’ ” for: » Tuesday © Weld | gets a Saturday. Evening Post. spread. the first. week in™ “December : _UA's “Kings of the Sun” plugged via a special. display. of ‘sets, costumes, : ‘props and photos: at the recent Furniture Fashions. Exposition in Los Angeles ..... David Susskind’s “Ali the Way.Home” via. author James: ‘Agee, gets an 11-page layout in the current Life. Sebastian Cabot has completed a: week of radio-tv-newspaper plugging “Twice Told Tales” in. Phoenix and Tuscon . Albert. Finney getting Bill Doll to Paris: in January to onceover milady’ Ss: fashions, in the | . Tommy Sands and . “Condemned of* Altona” got fair notices locally... ‘Metro’s “Family | Diary,” which . copped tt the 1962 first prize at:the. ‘Venice Fest, booked for Cinema ‘Two: ‘here for ‘Philadelphia and Washington. | ‘Eidophor closed-circuit. Projector: on. tour. Demonstrations start in Boxoffice Attractions taking on Medallion: Pictures. releases ‘Nate. Halpern: putting the. new’ Washington late. this‘ month . Jack. ‘Gordon,’ ‘director ‘of..16m sales. | for: MGM International, was. in "Reyjavik, Iceland;..Jast week, is now en route to Puerto: ‘Rico. ‘Film Theatre in ‘England soon to run. a festival of Rex ‘Harrison films, ° . Stanley Kubrick in from London..-. : N ational N.Y. Variety Club Barkerettes (Tent 35): will hold. its annual celeb Kelly. Drive-In. Theatre at ‘San ‘Antonio, tiianagedby Jiminy: ‘Bates, “Fwo. In. a Sleeping : Bag” — “All: In a Night’s Work.” Joanna. Ney, whois thagazine contact. at. the “20th-Fox. publicity. shop (and. daughter of Rome-based. film -producer ‘Joseph Fryd),-. ‘weds ‘in ‘Washington: on. this weekend, groom: ‘being. CBS. film editor. aS John Oettinger. a ‘Hedley Mattingly, . ‘Canadian. character’ man. in “<p prill: of it. “All? * Doris Day: starrer: directed ’.by;Canadian. Norman ‘Jewison, played two {summers at Stratford, -Ont., Shakespeare. Festival, where his wife was: {in the costume department.: She's: just. ‘finished making ‘costumes: for. . ‘Audrey Hepburn in “My Fair Lady” ‘ward . starrer | “Signpost to. Murder": and ‘they. figure. on staying dn. L.A. and he’s'‘in Metro’s Joanne Woed-.. a while . _ ronan ‘Lightstone, Embassy" ‘exec WD., “in Paris for production meet: IBS . s, next year... Carroll Baker signed for. “Sylvia” for: producer. Martin Robert Goulet joins. Sandra. Dee in Ross. ‘Hi. Martin, U. V.p. general. sales: manager, on the Coast for: Confabs | with ‘studio execs..-;. Alan.J...Pakula & Robert Mulligan’ 's “Love. With the Proper’ Stranger” ‘to bid. for:Osear with a special run -opening Xmas day: at the. Westwood -Village: Theatre, W. Los Angeles . : Burt Lancaster. to topline ‘in’ “The: Spy’ ‘Who Came. In’ From: the Cold” for. producer-director: Martin Ritt and. Par..; . Latest cast additions to Pan | Arts’ “World of. Henry. Orient” (which winds this week): Peter Turgeon; Fred: Stuart, Jerry Jarrett, William La Messena, | Diana. Deering, Bill | Hinnant, Majory Nichol and Helen Verbit. © ‘Maurice Chevalier sét for a non-singing role in ‘Ross. Hunter’ $s “Rich-. est Girl In Town” .:. .-“‘Nervous: In the Service” is the. new title of Universal’s upcoming’ opus. previously titled. “Yeoman Major” . 3s Tyree Glenn Jr., son of:the jazzman, does some tooting as a jazz combo ™ .. Darren McGavin into.U’s “Renegade Posse” . for Directors Guild ‘of America this’ week . . Polish fiimmaker Romaa Godot,”’ from. the playwright’s. own screenplay . Photoplay’ s Gold: Medal. Award. | Sidney Kramer, Cinerama’ 'S foreign sales manager, now doing a onceover of Spain after covering Paris and environs ..... Back from Spain “Charade” given ‘and a visit with producer Samuel. Bronston i is Arthur LL. “Mayer,. man. “about the cinematic world. + fitins: ‘trom: other: fests ‘Showed. as well as--films from little known, . ‘at least in.the West, film producing developing . asa ceritral: market place for Arab ‘states, in the Near: East region. ‘(North Africa’ has its own setup.) | “|mations. That.suggests’ Beirut’s Over 40 journalists, filmmakers; future..main interest and merit. players. and biz reps showed -as| Social: events..and the sights of official invitees. A number of. visitthis. hospitable country ‘vied with ing Arab. exhibs and film. buyers. ‘film. ‘attendance for. the guests, were. around. ‘Many. prizewinning | most, here. for the first time. ~~ . Question ‘before the house: ... . Luis Bunuel has started ‘exteriors ©: | on the French: pic, “Te Journal D'Une Femme De.Chambre” (Diary of a . Richard Conte has joined the.“Circus World”: . _ Marie. Devereaux into.“The ‘Iron: Kiss;” for which’ “Dr. Thomas J. ‘Myers, a psychiatrist, is. technical | advisor’. ..;.Tippi. :. “Tedren and Sean. Connery set.tostar: in: “Marnie,” which. Alfred _ . a special TV .. ‘| Topics : featurette called “Growing ‘Up-in the Good” ‘Old: Days” and — | featuring. ‘Michael Kearney in scenes. from “All the Way. Home,”’ being. | distributed to. video outlets. by Paramount: . |-lotsa miag space via his. ‘performances: in UA-Lopert’s “Tom Jones” and. . his Broadway success “Luther.” Carl Reiner inked to a three-pic’ ‘writer-producér deal at .. Universal and will set up:shop with his Acre-Productions at U early . Joe ‘Levine screening “BIB “Waiting For...