Variety (November 1963)

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_LOCAL’ TV-RABIO & SYNDI CATION Parl Talbot's Italian, Australia a; — —napelarg 7 roduction Series for World’ TV cat City. . ~ London, ‘Nov. :5. Paul Talbot, . president : ‘of Fre-; mantle Television, .the company’ . which distributes ‘video programs |:. -allover the world except the US:, is embarking on two major vidpic coproduction. series. One’ will be filmed in Italy and the other in Australia. His Italian’ venture, “Secret. of the. Pharoes,” is. being. made in -eolor in association with RAI, and. it is believed tobe the first time Te Yin ‘personnel or. antic ‘Battle Line’ Sales Official “Films: ‘reports a -15-mar. ket regional buy o€ its. archives: | of. local and régional néws. cover-. ‘rod Broadcasting, war series, “Battl | Line,” ‘boosting. M... M. . Fleische :. and ‘Joe.. Gratz. total markets ‘to 110.. Champlin Oil, via ‘Tracy-Lock ad: ‘| agency, Dallas, bought’ a. minute | “spot a, week -in 39. stanzas throughNe En dio So — station. out: the’ oil. compariy’s \ territory. (outlets are in Okdahoma, . Neb-: the. Italo. state. web = has’ become|| raska, “Kansas,: Minnesota, Towa | involved in a: joint project of this | and. North -and. South Dakota). nature. The dea] with RAI calls! ‘Sale ‘is-contingent. on. Official’s. ‘ for 1@ half-hour ‘programs for|¢learing satisfactory half-hour |. domestic presentation, and-also for. ‘time ‘segs, but Official .sales vee|. release in the main European mar-| peeCharles King says the: lineup | . kets. For the English speaking ter-|js 100% assured. King: says Ofritories, ‘notably the’ ‘United: States. ‘ficial Is -also negotiating: “with two _ Broderick « * Crawford: |. Radio. station KBON : of: Omaha |. was sold. for. $325,000 toProfit Re| ‘search Inc. That. ‘firm is. headed |. | by . Sidney. Walton of" New York, . “ The: new owner ‘said no ‘changes a ce ipated.: There will be an ‘expansion | age. Station was: sold ‘by Golden|. ‘Neither ae remain” -with‘they “Chicago, Nov. Be. Personnel piracy from.:. newspaper “ety rooms’ to .teevee news -rooms is rapidly. becoming ‘the rule at: Chi stations, and ‘is speedily. replacing the old tradition of bringing up reporters to .video from. the radio news. staffs. Latest inthe. newspaper-to-camera: march | is ‘Sheri Blair, who: joins. the. WBBM-TV news. team: after several years as a byliner: on. Chicago’ s American. _ _ Mrs, Blair (her husband. is also a. Tepoyter or the American): will. ‘ -signment of women’s ‘features. She’ll do a news feature on the “7 a.m. newscast on:-weekdays and. will. be. a. regular field, reporter on. the 6 and. 10 p:m. news shows. | WBBM | has. -been ‘the: most: prolific of “the ‘newspaper ‘raiders.: “News director Red Madigan was-formerly city editor of the Ameri .can and field reporter Wendell Smith. also. worked: the city side of’ ‘that Paper. ‘Mort’ Edelstein, one of two WBBM-TV assigtiment ‘edi {> tors, was also on. the American. before: stint. with the Chicago.~ | ':. Sanitary District; and Ben Holman,’who moved. up. tothe CBS . ‘network’ staff from: WBBM-TV, .came from ‘the: Chicago Daily News. “‘ghway Patrol’ starrer _; Women do parttime. news’ work. Lee Phillip, whomoderates ‘an | “Highway. Patrol” remaing a. strong | -syndication. winner. ‘First. released i) While Mrs, Blair is the only female field reporter:on:.WBBC-TV .. (and the only* one on Chi’s four television : stations); two other. interview show on ‘weekdays; does news features on that station “s ‘News Special at 6 p.m. on’ Saturdays, and -Susan. Shaw a daily’ -eontrolled by |" handle “hard news” and ‘will not be handed the usual. femme as-... aa ot o : ot . ma : wen etsy “ct . , . . . "; . . ao os ” . . oo, rear : tee « ote . ere .! PANO RARRY E EI IA PR AOR INE WES SE ce ee OTT DT NTI TAM DUA grt ts Cp OPO CY wer sega et and Britain, Talbot is. planning two one-hour specials, which ‘will give in-depth. treatment ‘on. the contribution of the Nile to world history. ‘The skein. has. the. backing -of the Egyptian Government and will illustrate the significance of. the. ‘events. Talbot's Australian deal was: made with Talbot Duckmanton of { the Australian Broadcasting Com|. mission, and calls for. 39 half-hours | in a new childrens” adventure: series, “Magic Boomerang.” Also partnered in this project. is ‘a lécal. Aussie outfit, Pacific Films. ..Gutside the “Lassie” _ believes that this will be’ the first: new. kidvid project undertaken for several years. It has a “superboy": ‘theme, with the gimmics of: the world ‘standing still for all but the hero who throws the boomerang. While these projects represent’ a major. development :in. Fremantie’s policy, Talbot claims that his quota vidfilm programs in Britain. His. company is releasing a :sub-. stantial block. of Australian ‘pro|: s, all of which qualify. for} grams, 100% British Quota, among them, “The Terrible Ten,” “Anzac,” ~“Animal Parade,” © “Tribunal,’” “Country ‘Style’ with: ‘the Lagarde. ‘Twins, and two shows. Claims TY Booze Show nvaded Privacy, Sues Mpls. WICN for 756 Minneapolis,. Nov. 5.. A $75,000 damage suit has been. apolis: resident, who charges the station invaded his privacy. by. showing him and: having -him comment and make statements on a. video program: having to ‘do with liquor drinking. “The plaintiff claims: that: ‘this alleged privacy. invasion. necessitated “psychiatric care. and_hospitalization” to sestore. his “mental health. ” “WTCN-TV is an independent non-network station which occasicnally televises its own. produced documentaries’ of which ‘the. -involved “One for the Road” on “Nov. 17, 1961, was. such a program. : The complaint. charges that: “the nature and circumstances” in which Dauphinais was the documentary: disregarded . his “privacy right” in a way. which “would cause a person. of ordinary sensibilities. extreme embarrass _ Ment and: emotional stress and to|===== be. subject to public ridicule and. : scorn.’ Arthur” Swift, WTCN. manager: declined to comment on the suit. ‘England’ Seg Preems. Esso World Theatre’ | “England: Puritan. Versus’ Cava|. lier,” the century’s old conflict be-| tween the country’s straight-laced_ and romantic seen via |: English literature, will be the first |. production of “Esso World . Thea| tre,’ the of] company’s ‘new hour: series. slated to start: in. : Selected’ : markets. in January. . Sir Ralph. Richardson’ heals the:| east that will dramatize the poetry, | ‘plays or stories of 12 ‘of ‘England’s famous authors. Also featured will} be Angela Baddeley, Anna ‘Massey, | Paul Rogers and Peter Wynegarde. Esso series will have. eight hours.| : ‘dealing with various countries. regional or area sponsors} or. area ‘sponsorships. KWK Rap Sticks Sphinx. and. the. Pyramids on world |: stemming: from’ broadcasts ‘of two. treasure hunts. — series, "Talbot. saying it -fraudulent contests aimed at de-' high. degree . of licensee : Tesponsi. bility,’””. outfit is the biggest distributor of | S27ction. was good, but “rather is a’ ‘reflec musical filler. . + man-E. William: Henry and. Com‘missioners Frederick: Ford and Lee _Loevinger: * ‘and Kenneth Cox. didn’t. participate | : /NBC INTERNATIONAL: ‘brought in -district. court here |. against: Time-Life’s‘ local WTCN7 TV by James Dauphinais, a Minne ‘country. to become a ‘customer of | NBC International in. the rapidly-/|'. -e. xpanding: ‘o’seas syndication | shows ‘and (23 15-minute. .sale Was. Negotiated: through: ‘the ‘casting & Tourism: for Uganda TV: ‘The past. year, he says; has seen a: ‘European: countries ‘now ..: buying | shows ‘from. the. western .:world: These include’ “Poland; | Czech| -oslovakia, Yugoslavia and: ‘Hungary. | “displayed” on|. ‘eal for sales ‘to at least three more foreign countries in. the: next’ few} national: companies : for . similar |! extensive -. run | United. Artists: ‘Television. On Treasure Hunt ~ Washington, Nov: 3: “ROC réfused to reconsider its. revocation of KWK-AM, St. Louis, .first-runshowing, thus resulting |’ in multi-run: ‘programming. Many | of these stations have renewed contracts. for ‘additional runs -equal -Economee: has: been selling the 156 ‘In a 3-2 vote,. FCC turned ‘aside. KWK’s appeal for reconsideration: “cannot countenance. Tepeat renewal basis to the same. station ‘or another station. in the: ‘same: ‘city after the original or re-: ception of the: public. mF | Tun expiration,. ‘according to. Weis. ‘Commiseion :.said the station’ s 2 Sana EERIE PERNCROR conduct -. showed: “a Jack of “any. soonsh aw 20TH's ‘CENTURY IP | INTO 30 MARKETS ‘revocation . eoth Century-Fox TV's: ‘Century’ Sie package. of 46: films, which: went | ‘into. ‘syndication © “this fall, has ‘militates. the FCC. aid: the revocation “Gg not only: warranted but is required in the public. ‘interest.’”: ~ The revocation, FCC said, didn't reflect: on the character ‘of the. stations’ owners, which they: said and = mitigation ‘of :. eight weeks: Sales have. been three | times ‘faster. for this .group thanthe. Century. I. ‘package. of .30: titles that. was offered .a year ago des-. | pite the fact:that the: Second group. has ...films priced . higher on an average of 10%. : a Latest sales of ‘the: Century II. tion on: their. handling ‘of KWKE’s: operations,” © Conimissioners’ “‘Rosel Hyde. and: Robert. E. Lee. dissented. ‘Backing: the order. were Chair ‘Commissioners © Robert Bartley geles; . KCMO-TV, Kansas. “City; |. WISH-TV;.. Indianapolis: in the decision. |: WIOL-TV, Toledo; KBTV,,. ver;: WFGA-TV,° KCBD-TV;” Lubbock, Tex.; WKZO-TY, Kalamazoo, ‘Open End's’ Whopping “Mixed Marriage’ ‘Rating | market, reports Joseph Klein, di-:|." David: Susskind’s ..“Open: End, rector of International Enterprises: | which bowed ‘on’ WPIX,.‘N.Y., last The African. country. has _pacted | month, racked up ‘the biggest. ‘audifor 52 ~ half-hour. “Mr. Wizard”. ‘encé. score in. its ‘five-year history. ‘Watch | with Iast-week’s session on. “Inter-. the World”. segs. Klein says the Mmatriage' of Negro and White.”. The” show © drew" -over.. 1,000,000 steners” with © oe 92: Nielsen average... . and UGANDA MAKES. 69) Uganda, ‘Africa, becomes. the 69th: Ministry~ of Information, Broad steady: increase: in: sales ° of © film } station market, . "and . forthe’ first abroad, ‘particularly. te eastern hour, was. in. ‘second place. Sus-. ‘skind;who: was: hospitalized with. Lae circulatory ‘ailment. “after the. taping of this show,: ‘has’ returned to take ‘over the moderator’s: role ‘on “Open End.” Groucho . Marx -pinchhitted ‘during Susskind’s hos Negotiations curreng, says Klein, months; ing telecast next Sunday’ (10)... No fs & Bats When You' re ‘uily | “Washington, Nov.. 5 with fines for: “willfully: or Tepeated” failure to. identify aprogram — sponsor, FCG. ruled ‘Commission doctrine was handed. down ‘as it ‘affirmed ‘the $500 fines. against. Minneapolis tv stations. The forfeitures: were levelled ‘* against: the stations last year for. not identifying the. merchants “association sponsoring talks in favor ‘of a Sunday closing law.. anid FCC: ‘Bave this explanation of its.action:. | : “Willfully,” only means that the’ Conimission must show. that the licensee “knew that he was: ‘doing the: acts, in Guestion—in short, the. acts were not accidental,” FCC said. . “It doesn’t. require a showing... that the licensee, “knew he ‘was acting wrongfully,” Commission added. mission averred. ' _ Stations. fined “were. “WCCO-TY; _KSTP-TV, WICN-TV and KMSP-TV..“ Dissenting from’ the ruling were ‘Commissioners Rosel Hyde and Frederick. Ford. s Robert Bartley, Kenneth Cox: and Lee: Loevi inger... to tv in: 1955, ‘it’s. still having .an | = througout | the Tt. . | -country,. according to. Pierre: Weis,.|: ‘Typ: of Economee,: rerun wing: of | oa “patrol”. has.’ been ‘sold in 175. | -first-run markets:to date: Seventy| five’ stations have bought the ‘pro-.|. gram ona rerun basis after ‘the | ‘ing-as much six-to-seven -runs: | easting Co.'s seventh. annual: man-. “Highway Patrol’” episodes -on: this | -dent,. future, policies and'plans at.a “‘hud‘dle of the entire home office exec |. staff and managers of radio and tv | + stations in Cincy, Columbus, Birm been sold. to 30. stations in its first. : ‘group. include. KHJ-TV, ‘Los An-: -KOOL| ~ “TV, Phoenix; WTIC-TV, Hartford: | Den|. Jacksonville; | the “new. look” on WBAP. : _ AN phases. of the -“new, ook” : ‘were: ‘designed for color. as -well as for. black & white. Particular. *|emphasis has been given to: back-’ picture.. a This same -emphasis® has. “been: , carried over ‘to ‘the station’ iden: ‘other’ graphies seen on the ‘outlét. -: Included. ‘originated live’ programs’ are Mon‘day through .Friday, . mornings, “Today’s. Weather;” °7:25: “Today in .Texas,” News,”. 12. noon. Afternoon:. The. stow. was. third. inthe: ‘sixt’ pital stay. arid that segment is. be: “Stations. don't have to know they are violating be slapped as ‘dies Cartoon Show,” 1p.m.; ‘ning for: Tomotrow,”..1:30: pall Scorecard,”..6 p.m.; &s for: “repeatedly,” that. means: “simply, more: than once; ” ‘Comof “ne Station “Tat $ Met. Powwow ‘Cincinnati, Nov. 5. Guest gabbers -at Taft Broad agement seminar, ‘held: last. week at Boca Raton;. Fla. in afoving | ° |-schedule of locales, were headed ‘by Tom Moore, ABC-TV prexy, and included Martin. Beck and Ollie Blackwell,-Katz Agency execs, and | Bernard Koteen, Washington: athe torney. for TEC. | ‘Hulbert . Taft. Ir, board ‘chair-. man, and Li #.. ‘Rogers: It; presi“outlined. the company’s ingham and Lexington, “Ky. Discussions . of sales, Fort Worth, Nov.. 5. . WBAP-TV is “telecasting . all. of: Jocal “live” programs in’ color. ‘The’ {-programs now ‘utilize. the new séet-. tings and introductions aspart: of grounds to. further enhance. the. color: Affectiveness:. of the » video tifications, . program .. titles. and among . the. locally 8:25;.Noon “Date “High . line,” 12:35;. night News,” 12 midnight... Sunday ‘through: Saturday; 7 | “Weather ‘Telefacts,””. 10215. p.m. | and “News Final” at 10:25::p-m. a cunday, . a. ™. * | Martin Show,” at 10:30 ‘~p.m. ' Saturday,’ Johnny Hay at:-7: 30. a.m.; “Foot News,” 6:15 p.m. ‘and. “Weekend | Weather”. at6:25. pm. The stations were fined under the. “willfully or. repeated” doctrine qe ‘OF N: ames ‘Allen Ash ' Official: ‘Films. has named. Allen’ . ‘Ash, formerly. with National Tele-; film’ Assoc.’ S)midwest ‘sales ‘man-~ | ager.. Ash. was. seven™ ‘years with NTA: ‘the. last two as. head. of the. ‘com“4 pany’s: Chicago office and* midwest ‘| operations. ‘Official also has named -l two. new members: to the. board. of directors, David: Bunim, .a ‘business on _--Teonsultant. in New York, and James “In favor. were: ‘Chairman. E. William ‘Henry: and Commissioners ~ Hl. Wiborg,. president. of United “Pacific , Corp. + Seattle, engineering and: programming develop-| ‘ments were .directed by John L.. -McClay,: Donald Chapin, Roger. B: | Read; Wiliam Hansher; Robert T. ‘Schlinkert and Leon Lowe: and Leon. ‘Lowenthal. WBAP $ Ps Tint ‘Entries’, “News ‘at “Six, 7 Bs. “Weather ‘Eye,’ 6:15, “Sportfolio, o | 6:25, “Sports. World, ”» .10:30; “Mid‘ment: “operation, | would know..that increasing ‘the. 4Clutch Cargo” with | “Bud-“plan| “Weekend _ morning weather show and occasional. women’s features. But Not , oo | Many : Washington, Nov. 5. Beast: busting FCC ‘Commissioner Lee Loevinger. moved to clear away: ‘some. ‘of ‘the. flack that followed. his. eriticism of ‘group: ownership: of stations. ~ -Loevingeér said: that his plea for diversity. of ownership “does not —° -Mean . ‘that I: ‘ suggest. that.every licensee. ‘be limited to one station.” ‘Despite those. ‘disclosures’ ‘Loe vinger urged the Commission to be. |“‘more vigorous and more realistic” <.. in. its approach to. multiple: owner-: ship “in order ‘to.‘insure that its. factions. from now on. mave in the direction of diversity: rather than “monopoly.” |. Ina speech. to the: Oregon “Agen. : _of Broadcasters in Portland, .Loe-. vinger also -moved. to brush aside Republican and ‘other “blasts. following his ‘call to the industry. ‘to. | set up an independent news service. |. Without specifically: referring to: = the: service he suggested in an. |... ‘eatlier speech -in “Lincoln,Neb., 1 Loevinger : ‘averred” he: wasn’t trying to dictate'to the industry... InStead he: said he was attempting: “‘merely_to ‘indicate. that ‘there are’ ‘in: fact. _Many.. areas of development. _ which remain open and relatively ‘unexplored: -by the industry.” we: ‘He rapped the industry for show-. : ‘imaginae tion. . or. ingenuity” ‘in: ‘filing re-sponses to FCC’s proposed com-. Q :mercial: time limits... ae . Hé said‘ he could think of several "2. alternatives: to. adopt ‘the NAB... Codes ‘which would offer Commis-: ~~ ing. “remarkably... little *: ‘sion ‘andstations flexibility. in. com-~ ‘mercials and ' programming. ‘Loevinger also got-a' dig his “predecessor Newton Minow. Refer‘ring to plans of Minow. and: others: to. divide the. Commission: into ‘several | functions, © ‘Loevinger -: ‘ealled | “more dramatic Slee these’ proposals — than. efficient.” ~ number of agencies results in more. procedure, Foreige Field Tops ; Domestic CBS“: etgn field: in “syndication: ‘is: re | flected in.the CBS Films operation, | where: the | foreign : field -now has ° surpassed the domestic field © ‘jn. grossing performance. ‘For..past couple of. years. the foréign: ‘field in syndication. has _ ‘been growing, while the ‘domestic | field -has narrowed, as networks. — ‘took up.-more time with their re‘spective: Now, the. biz. of syndication of vid-‘film’series has. followed ‘in the foot‘steps: of :the motion. picture | biz. . Foreign -grosses, evidenced. by the. CBS’ Films ‘situation; . is ahead. ‘programming.‘services, of the grosses: tallied. for” ‘the Idomestic market. He.* expressed. doubt that. this. | policy. would have. been: practical -even .in:the early days of broad--‘casting: and. “in ‘any event, the time se ‘has: long: Passed when serious con-..: “sideration can: be. “given to. such ‘an idea.” es 9} jerome pee = “Anyone familiar: with. governhe. ‘ continued;.. greater. backlog. and © of less expedition. and efficiency.. “Cartoon . Capers,” 8. —— 3 “Christian Questions. ”9:30. “News: Check,” 1:45. p.m.3 ]: | “Weather : ‘Check,” 1: 55 and. “Abe Syndication: Operation Growing. importance. of the for Serer AVAZE FT rears Ss el ar lal oe i a RES poe Sct eng TSS TL TS Awe OETA ETE ! . moa a wo, TE NTE Sd TROT TTT ‘ss atc ATT STI RS TP SAS FE IIT S VEE MEAT SEMEN 2 A