Variety (November 1963)

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CBS. Radio has j an ‘unusual : special keyed to, tomorrow's (Thurs). anni} af ioe ot the Bolshevik ‘Revolution... . In a 45-minute ‘outing, CBS News | willcall upon: 12. of its’ corres‘pondents around the world to report the. temper : of ‘the two power } bloes,. East and West. Also featured. will be‘Dr. Philip Mosely, director, of. the European: Institute, Columbia U.; .who : will analyze ‘the: com: parative positions of ‘Russia and the U: ‘s. -today.. “Program titled. ““Where We Stand: 1917 vs. 1776,’ Mid is being produced ; by Al Snyder, . and will be. broadcast at. 8: 15, p.m.. ‘producer of the network’s ‘daily: 32:25 and 3:25: afternoon. newscasts, _ ‘eft on a year’s leave of absence to serve as. an evaluation officer in "'. the Peace Corps. His Government assignment. will take a num-' ‘ber of different ‘nations, althaugh he will headquarter in Washington: | ~"2Replaecing Richter. in his CBS.News assignments. will be Hal ‘Haley, |. who. had been producing the. nightly ‘WCRS-TY, NY, 7 and. AL Pm. . — newseasts for. CBS: ‘News, ising “Co: Purchase price was “in excess: of. $13;500,000.__ _. , Upen completion. of the: deal,::theGeneral Outdoor’ plarits will be-. “eome branches of Foster & Kileiser, ‘Metromedia’: Ss. outdoor. advertising, division. “ECE Commissioner Robert E. Lee flew. to. Western. Springs; Ill: yes terday (Tues.) to ‘participate in a panel discussion titled “Who Controls. Television?”, which was staged: by a grassroots . organization: known as. : “the, Telev Action. Committee: for Today. and Tomorrow: TACT was | evision ittee: for Today. and as “Worldwide Information ‘Service, ‘left for Europe Jast week. to .méet|: organized in the: ‘Chicago .suburb ‘five years ago. and: has. since’ spread. to other cities via the : membership. ‘of school .and. ‘church. groups in. ‘the. central. chapter’ run by Mrs. Ruth. W. Pflager. Basic purpose of the organization is to set. up lines’ of communication between -viewer.and “the general. télevision industry, and ‘to: encourage the membership. to. “write letters of ‘appreciation. or ‘constructive. criticism to stations, networks and advertisers on. specific shows.. TACT’s television. . Appearing on the panel with. Lee: are Robert Lemon, station manager os ‘of: WNBQ,. Chicago, and Dr. Harry. Spedcer, chairman: of. Broadeasting |. and Film Commission of: the Natignal’ Council. oe Churehes.: : do Mat Goode, ABC News UN: conrespoiidint. briefed “officials of: ‘both | the . Justice and State Departments. in ‘Washington reeently on ‘the. situation. in Africa. Goode, a: Negro, : taught | journalism. and radio-tv | ‘seminars in three’ ‘African nations. this summer-under sponsorship :of.| the State Dept: and. the: African-American Institute. . Briefings ‘con-: cerned ‘Goode's. impressions of American Officials operating in Africa. . _ NBC-TV's “Dr, ‘Kildare’ topped CBS-TV’s “Perry Mason” in. their ot .competitive. 9. to 9:30: p.m. Thursday timeslot in the ‘Oct. i ‘ational’ ; “ Nielsen report, not: the reverse as erratuned. . ‘For the half hour, the doc took the dick with | an average. 24.6 s rating . iB: for a 25.9 audience share. to 22.3 for a 24 share. | ‘Institute. of Broadcast Finaneial Matiagement, a. relatively’ Young. a 7 industry organization . encompassing Station . managers: and accountants, |" § wound up its third ‘annual. convention last. week ‘at the N.Y. Hilton |: “with over. 200. broadeast execs. in attendance. . Meeting focussed on | . io accounting practices, . billings. procedures: and time-buying | ime i bee = K. Mikita,:v.p. ‘in charge of finance. for. the: : Westinghouse. a | practices: :. Joseph ‘Broadeasting ehain, was organizer of. the conference. Andrews, Yagemann As. aI ‘quantitative .. factors . | ming, attitudes’ of local advertisers: Leo | | towards the various broadéast facilMetromedia, parent company: of the “Metropolitan ‘Broadcasting’ radio~ 7” ities in each area. _ tv: ‘chain, has expanded its: outdoor advertising .interest by: acquiring {| -the New: York and. ‘Chicago. area. plants ‘of the ‘General’ Outdoor: ‘Adver-|° ‘report asa corrective to. slide-rule in. the industry. Helpfulness of the. pilot studies. has: : ‘sparked -Y&R]... tising Agencies is -also. studying such. a possibility. | World Fair, Several of these: private and. governmental exhibitors | ™ -Have indicated interest: in adver-. premise is: that. the | tising. their ‘pavilions ‘on. radid. and: ‘public. voice can do a. great. deal towards improying television: programming: Politically, : it is. against. government. ‘Gontrol or censorship. ot firm. Worldwide -was ‘commissioned: ; by: Young’ & Rubicam to study’ the Fairfield, “Conn, and ° “St... ‘Peters burg: area to” determing’ such, -non-. ai “station images, public service . prograte Y&R ‘Was interested in’ ‘such: _ time buying practice now’ prevalent thinking. about a. more ‘extended survey..:American Assn:_ of Adver-: * ‘Meantime,’ Gene. King,” vy. D. ‘of with foreign exhibitors at the -N-Y: tv: and want: assistance in. Project: |' au cRANADATYS WORD aie; "Broadcaster Services : “Possibilities of a market-by-marqe ket. qualitative analysis of. service. a by broadcasters has. opened. up ast. ‘a result of a -pilot study. Fecently _ beoncluded: by Worldwide. Informa-. | tion Service, a. ‘market. ‘research: ‘Richard Richter, editor. of: CBS:TV’s “Mike “Wallace News: Show” ‘and. a "Santiago, Nov. 8. The 1 ‘ty: situation ‘inChile: “is at proves. life in. Chile two, years. ago; due to the. ‘incentive. of the vorld Soccer led: to. thé government issuing ‘olic University and University Of {set were ealculated at 30. to -50: while. the . soccer. matches were transmitted. . in Santiago (approx. .2,500,000 inhabitants)” and the ‘Universities, after the ‘Championship, continued transmitting ~ between three and lowing « Sponsors. any: intervention in “programming. Ads © duced . toshowing products. and a reached. the viewers: “by courtesy | preserit full . ef ‘complications and likely. to | ‘get. ‘worse > before it. im Video became c one of the. facts. of ‘Championship: held. in Santiago, It ‘transmission permits to the. CathChile. and also ‘proved a decisive .. element. in stimulating. the man in {the street to buy sets, Viewers per four hours daily. Low budgets led: ‘them fo aécept ads; but. without al were. rée ef Chile went off the air to make | technical. readjustments and move its studio from its “Black Hole of Calcutta” premises at -the en-. gineering faculty, but private en .terprise has been reacting: strongly against. the Universities and the Uz.of Chile: was faced with many | difficylties, | partly due to the preceding and partly ‘because its di rector: Helvio Soto and some of his staff appear too leftish to politicians In the right wing coalition in command in this country. The present situation is. as follows: © — D) President Alessandri is pere sonally opposed to tv, and espe cially. commercial tv, partly bee" cause he fears the inevitable Rhega-. ‘| tive results from a cultural point. At ‘present: there’ are 25, 000. sets of view and also because he wishes ‘to avoid the dollar drain it would eause. on Chile’s already unbalanced. balance of payments. The establishment: and equipment of. ‘commercial channels would obviously cost many a dollar. 2 ‘Fhe pressure groups are headed. by the country’s most 2). ‘powerful radio stations which: want. te extend their activities to com‘mercial tv and also by the ad ‘Mercurio, Chile's most. Hinfiuential daily, is the highly ar agencies. El Game Impresarios; You Name It & They Got tl. : “Ralph: ‘Andrews and’ Bill Nage_mann, Hollywood game show pro-ducers. who are. graduating :their. * “You Don’t: Say” show from. NBC TV daytime: to nighttime Dec 31. “es ‘a. replacement for “Redigo,” -.were in New. York last. week’ try-. . ing ‘to.sell.two mbre game. shows. to the network. Propertiés, “Who's Who?” and “Copy Cat,” _were demonstrated. to. network:.exets. at the Essex House with a live panel | consisting . of ..Darryl -Hickman, Mimi’ Benzell.: and ‘Richard Hayes. Andrews & Yagemann . ‘have..a. deal with KTLA’ in ‘Los. Angeles under’. which: they . ‘develop ‘shows: with: the station paying below. the. line costs. and. -telecasting. the shows for 13° weeks.. If there’s a network sale, the station: gets” a. royalty .cut. “You Don’t Say” is a: : : partnership deal with: Desilu.: ch The Hollywood-team is expand-: 6 '.. ing into. the non-game field with:a | ‘series titled “The Man From Rolls Royce,” a half-hour’’s it. uation ‘comedy. They. left:: for. England after. demonstrating: their shows in: New. York to look’ for <a ‘leading | P Mah and “to establish “You -Don’t . Say” abroad. They. also: have a}. on the air } ——— ‘Auatomy of Crime?‘ ue As 20th Special TE Latehing | ‘onto the ‘recent: crime |... | hearings: in Washington, .20th-Fox . -|TV and Fox Movietone News -have |.: * show, | “Lie “Detector,” ’ ” ‘| : A 4 : ; ' . — E. sat st. | hits : -book,. . video. Journalists: at. ‘work, stir in circles: -weekly. documentary’: -“World..-In/ -Action’ highly topical , “Santiago, Nov. 5= “| ow _-Granada-TV™ has. caused: quite a] with |: “Beries, | “World ‘In’: Action,” ‘which. crept | unheralded..on ‘to the ..commercial |: network:. With. no“drumbeating -or.| . _ ‘promo of ‘any--kind,. ‘the. -station = i% -has‘let the product prove. its own! -f ‘worth: and,... generally.” speaking, | -3f | until: the weekend ‘the hard-hitting} 7 ‘series has: “been. kept. Shrouded : in| mystery. . J But: now: Dimean. Crow has: perie: BR. trated the: ‘barrier of sitence ‘in as | BE 6: ade . 7. oe (World. Distributors: 50¢)and. has | ff related ‘graphically how. the shows | I _get on. the air, who is involved . at: and: the problems they. face. |: It Containing: ‘short, ‘concise .back| § ‘ground stories -to | 24. of the. yarns |. that ‘hit the ‘screens—each, by. the | ‘way, concerning..a-major issue like | if. defense spending, ‘Profumo ‘affair | ‘subject—the | it book “mainly: comprises . adapta|: tions.of the documentaries. “But. it. also’ contains an -enlightening.|. [1 : “preface which: captures" the atmos|.§ phere of the Granada: team. of} J es .| produced. a ‘one-hour special. ‘en[.@ | titled: “| syndication: ‘Lerime .from the pre-prohibition | Bt } days: through’ the ‘recent ‘Valachi} Ff. | Hearings through the use éf news-'|' J. ‘| reel footage, some of it never used: if : before. ee 1 “Anatomy of. -Crime™”: Film . traces’. U:S.. “Sen. John: Le. -MéCléllan,, for ~ | a _who HE. | eonducted the ‘Valachihearings,. at ft introes and closes. the doeumeén|: ft" | tary. William .R. Higginbotham, |: 7 Fox" ‘Movietone: V-P. ‘Produced, ’ — = an Be year the ‘University | (Centinued en page 42) Ns is is talking about: : ee ee nk | \ . solfers, orourke & sabinson ~