Variety (November 1963)

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ms Festival | . Assn., c Motedto ‘the CMA’s: board’ chair-: : ': manship’. was . Frances. Williams = (Mrs. E. J.) Patterson, who ‘heads: oft Broadcast Music Ine.’ 's 5 Nashville o ice. ; . Jaman Pat Pace ails By RED. O'DONNELL a . Nashville, ‘Nov... 5... The 12th ‘annual Country. ‘Music (sub-title:. Grand | Ole. Opry’ 38th. Birthday | Celebration). “came and. went thataway (Nov. 1-2) -amid rumors that this:was the: last. . During” thepast . 11. " gatherings | Teh Geh Noch. Schule -Manuela. . all a delegate. had. to do to become. = ‘part of the fun and frolic was to| | report at a desk and pick . uP his |. M credentials. 2 pe But. such ‘is not ‘to be the. proce-. ° of the free. sign-in. events, dure: in. the . future, ° ‘according .. to reliable ‘Yeports. .. 41964-a: registration ‘fee: is to ‘be. in: .-effect—probably: $10" a head. Furthermore, would have gone by the boards this. . year -if fest. officials could have de-} -eided where such -funds. should. go.| . _And there was some feeling in re -. ‘the proposal, that if ‘it-. were |‘. “adopted on: short notice’ it might | mo: boomerang" ‘public relations-wise.. It is expected that: the fest spon-. _ Ors ‘(WSM. -radio): will. set..up-.a/ fund whereby the registration fees | -will'-be: “used .to the furtherance |. -of | country: music,” a spokesman | hinted. ul Om other fronts WSM. Inc. presi-} “dent. JackH. . Dewitt: ‘told the: estimated 3; 000°. ‘visitors. “at the. opening session Friday : ‘morning | .(1). that plans: are in the ‘works for a weekly . one-hour... network .tele-: vision Series, starring “Grand Ole Opry” .arti Dewitt explained that. “the. stas tion was ‘negotiating with. a. ‘major New York advertising agency on. -, details.of the show,.‘which ‘would “pe taped during live performances at the “Opry’s” Saturday night sessions, which have: been: broad-| _cast on WSM. radio since 1925. He. added that apilot. likely would _be |: “filmed. around ‘January | 1st, 1964,’ “t Highlighting. an ‘inter-convention: proceeding, Tex, Ritter. was elected ‘president . of’ the. Country Music: “succeeding Gene ‘Autry. To Tane Out Rap on Ohio Dope, Burglary Charges|* : Cleveland, Nov... 5.. sith is Fre load 7 | Kustrian D Dick Best Sellers | . Beginning . in ogy the: no charge: ‘permission Or. Le Vientia, ‘Noy. 5. Ich ‘Will‘nen: Cowboy: . Gitte . *(Electrola) © oe “Barearole in Nacht . . Francis. (MGM).. Jon Baez fits ~ A Diskers With Folksinger Joan ‘Baez: filed: $200,000. ‘gut in N. Y.Federal | ‘Court last . week . charging ‘unau| thorized sale of ‘the Squire Rec-' ords’ LP. titled “The Best of Joan Named © defendants. were | Roulette Records, Veritas Records, Baez.” Squire Records, George ‘Seaman (doing business ‘as ‘The Record ‘Hunter),. om Goody. Inc., Double-, Goody. “Audio Center. day &_:Co. and E.. ‘J. Korvette. October, 1963, the defendants used. the name and picture. of. plaintiff. for advertising and sale.of a:new | ; recording, . manufactured: byreeord.| | companies: and sold by other de| fendams... The: usage.‘was without’ consent. of. Miss. Baez:. Action . seeks. an injunction. -to halt manufacture’ and. sale -of. | the LP: plus $200, 000 damages and. ; an accounting. | {+ Suit also claims. that the dotend| ants assert that. they ‘have the |: | right. to use the name: and picture. 1 to. promote the recording. But, the 1-complaint adds, Miss Baez is un-. dér exclusive contract ‘to the. Van-“.{Continued:.on ‘page 46)° : Pat Pace’ 's° “reputation: as. al piane-playing composer of jazz and | ‘serious music. last .week | 4}: ‘Save ‘him “from: four prison terms aa ty on_ narcotic. charges." , . A: Cleveland judge sentenced. the : ‘musician. from near-| by “Akron ‘to two to: five’ years ‘in Vii “Ohio. Penitentiary | for . forging a | . -“prescription. in an attempt to obi _ tain. drugs here... a : Following this: rap, Pace. ‘took: three more on the chin last. week |% in’ Akron ‘courts. for -similar -of . fenses. They included: ‘illegal pos-.} session of narcotics ‘and. forging: another prescription. for-them..On.|f]_ these charges he. drew two. ‘jal ay often terms. of two’ to. five years... ‘The third. count “in “indictment: ; charged the pianist’ with breaking. Falis pharmacy ‘in-effort to: ‘steal : the so-called: For this: the Akron. judge threw.a one-to-15-year. jug {Tf ‘term at him, saying: . “Drugs. have nw into a Cuyahoga . “happy | dust. i) made a. burglar of you.” - All of these three sentences ‘will { ‘Yun concurrently ‘with the. two-to five-year term. handed out t by: the'| “Cleveland court. . ST ARTIME LABEL SPINS 1006 SUIT VS. PEPSI Charging breach”: of -eontract | calling for’ the promotion. of ‘its {8T. “Top Six Hit Records,’ _Startime | | ‘Record Corp: . filed ‘suit in’ N.Y. . Federad: Court ‘last week ‘against Pepsi-Cola Co. The complaint. asks. $100,000: damages. © . at ‘Suit claims that “under. a. “May: a 15, 1962, agreement, Pepsi. in con-fsideration: ‘for Startime~to ‘enter | | According to Sloan, 2006 Piracy Suit The complaint alleges thats aboug. " | BBCTV's light “entertainment | [Brito | Disk Best Sellers [Est ity additonal avenues for chief, is that. Hootenanny—or the | local. equivalent—wiil ‘happen here. 7 round. the. clubs: and. other music } -(Telefunken) J spots ‘in ‘the North, -Sloan’. says | -Lass in die F erne™ Freddy: ‘towns: like: Liverpool. ‘are. loaded = (Polydor) | with folk: groups.aa | ein. Schimmel. . Backus af. ; ; (Polydor) ~ foe a Die Nacht: Ist Mein... Francis . 9” 3 . (MGM) © ap , Wianetous Freund. “Silbersee: +. 1... CBC/Amadeo) ~ Trio |: <4. | "Devil in. Disguise. wee -Presley(RCA) 7 Buona Noite . _:Granata (Columbia): 7 Sukivad wees Blue Disinonds oe ~fontana), : . Jas $ much misic for ‘publishers today |: as-did feature films in their heyday, |: ‘| according toDavid ‘Toff, a veteran -|Jocal ‘publisher.. He ‘ still ‘operates. a. lucrative. ‘business: involving’ a. 12, 000-item: catalog of: which .50 or so are “Solid”. numbers bringing in |: | the. ‘bread-and-butter: royaities, But, for his. gravy, “Toff has turned: to. tv; possibly more | than |. lany other. pubber, In .an. all-out’} by effort: to ‘cash -in on.a medium}. | guaranteeing exposure. ‘such: as no} other can. Toff. has already. picked tip ‘the. musical rights :to. theme:. music from Granada-TV’s| Street,” the country’s’ toprated vidshow. He has “This Is ‘Your. Life,” a BBC. perennial which receives prime ‘time_ exposure,.. ‘weekly. In: addition, there’s “Dixon. of} Dock Green,”. another’ “‘toprater which . BBC: slots in apeak berth. | . Further, Toff has the musical rights | . to the A.P. Films school of product’ which includes “Supercar,” “Fire-{ pall. X15” and. “Stingray,” the. com: ‘pany’s new film: ‘project. According to Toff, it‘is probably | easier to..get disks: on. ‘tv theme: musie ‘than. on many .other forms of music—and: disks are. the-‘all-|-". important-earning.. factor—because: the record. companies ‘are ‘vi ‘interestéd. in: the large amount of -| exposure © ‘Yidthemes get ‘on. “the: airwaves, : :(Continued: on page 48). , it you ; consider yourself, ‘or. your company, th, qualified for, or moving toward the. big time of show. business, you: cannot afford. to stay out of the old. year-new year, setrospective-prospective compilation of fame and the recsons— ‘therefor which j is the. purpose : and ‘substance of loan, the folk music. | performers: and. enthusiasts have: ‘been building -steadily ‘for some i: ‘time ‘and, at. any. time now, the |. -Tmusi¢e will Durst. inte prominence. 1 1. -Shortly to undertake: an. 0.0. trip]... : +f _-Memphis Tennessee. . . Berry . “Coronation. -that area: On‘ “Supercar, ” for. instance; Toff | had disks cut’ by. Columbia (Charles: Blackwell), Columbia. (Nelson . Rid| ‘die}) and George “Young on the: Yank Columbia banner. (Lou Levy. CAP Ta Lendon, Nov: 5. Never Walk Alone | Pacemakers -’ (Columbia) ‘Do You Leve Me? . ‘Tremeloes (Decca) ‘She: Leves You . gece .. Beatles -. (Parlophone) : ‘Then He Kissed. Me. ; Crystals 4! (London). Bs _| Blue Bayeu:..:.. os /Orbison’ ~ . (Condon) |S the | First imesh (Parlophone) I vagevanecesens Bassey (Columbia). a MY Had a Hammer. . a Lopez . wee ‘}sie outfits in the offing, and is -| fighting for the repeal of the juke: | box exemption in the Copyright Law. All this will add to the close. {to $35,000,000 in revenue the So|elety expects to pull in this year. (Reprise) Helle Little Gurl. ee Fourmost “(Parlophone): Mecca)” “tal Aa She Records, Karl Engemann has: been set as.manager of the d epartment ‘with responsibility for all admini-. strative. and — product-scheduling | functions. Additionaily, ‘Engemann will serve as exec:assistant in operation of the: division and in deal ‘to -Voyle Gilmore, ing with artists ‘to -Voyle | He also mentioned that of the orig-. diskery’s a&r. veepee. __ All exec “producers—Dave Cava| Lee: Gillette; Ken Nelson naugh, . and. ‘Si -Rady—will ‘report to Gilmore." Rady, however, also serves |: _as. director of creative services in’ 41 New. York and will continue re-. porting te Cap's . president . Alan: Livingston, -forhis. activities in ter: will continue under the exec direction | of... Dave Cavanaugh. -Cap’s resident. a&r man in ‘Nashville, Marvin . Hughes, will: Teport | to:Ken Nelson.’ Three other exec: producers. will | continue under direction of Lloyd. ‘Dunn, veepeeé for Classics and. in (Continued. on page 46) Replete with facts: and figures, eolor: ond. personality, organized. ‘with an | New YORK 1 10036. 154 w. “46th. Se. “= LONDON, $.W.1 into a-contract, agreed ‘to promote.|§ the’.records. The action further |§} Claims that: the defendant failed to|}# push the disks and’ neglected to} 49 St. Jomen’ s : Street Piccadilly © properly supply. the information |#] : among its franchised bottlers. Contact Your Nearest Representative. | of | The sath Anniversary Edition of | I “HOLLYWOOD 90028 _ PARIS 7 ary Ave. de Bietealt : ; eye to justify its traditional xeputation. as.a useful, preservable, often. delightful special occasion, this Edition: presents: you with a ‘chance to be counted among “those. who: count. in entertainment. : “gt ; : CHICAGO 60611 400. N. Michigan. ‘Ave: .ROME 215. ‘heme Ester: (foreign Press. Club) Nie della: ‘Mercede 55. 3 ps SE 102818 Mos. Take Byes Fresh Sources of Royalty Com | educational ty, | LL | dent, also indicated | ciety is going to make a strong push “In” a -pealigament of the Satie adapted. He said that ASCAP is & ‘Tepertoire division «at Capitol. Pinky. ‘dissident ‘before ‘the i McKinley aggregation the troupe led by Beneke are rivals ‘{ijin getting bookings in niteries and “FRiin one-nighter situations. | “Porgy &' Bess,” “Christmas With -Coniff,” Ill delphia’ Orchestra’s Hi] Prayer”: and “The Messiah.” | Rhythm,” -The American Society of Com It was disclosed Society's: meeting in New York last week that among the new outlets being investigated as fresh. sources of royalty payments are. ‘community an jtennae, and. symphony and school orchs. -In-addition to these new outlets, ASCAP ts currently in negotia.... jtion with the tv broadcasters om 41a new license contract, has a new {pact with the radio broadcasters coming up at the end. of the year, has new. license negotiations with Muzak and other background. mu-. At the meeting, Jack Bregman, ASCAP. treasurer, revealed that the take.-from licensees for ,the | eight-month period ending in | August ‘was. $25,610,287. Stanley Adams, ASCAP presithat the so-" to protect the author identification * | of. songs that: go into public do are subsequently in the process of making it, a legal: arranger or adaptor of the p.d. | property to give the source of the composition and the. proper credits. Adams also mentioned that the meeting marked ‘the last of ASCAP’s half-century of existence. {The Society will hit its 50-year. mark in February of next year.) inal board of directors only twe members were “still with us’—~ Irving Berlin and Max Dreyfuss. Latter. is head of Chappell. After the official business, the meeting was thrown open to the floor and it was an unusually calm affair compared with the previous -| sessions which got. out of hand by Jim Economides, Cap: a&r. man, | Outbursts from the dissidents. also’ will report to. Gilmore. Pro-. ducers. Bill Miller and Curly. Wal one of the chief kers in the | past, kept his att Hitude in the forefront, however, by handing out a mimeographed memo to the membership. the “meeting began. Billing Clash Between Ex-Glena Millerites Grows ‘As 1 Unit Gets New Tag _ _. Las Vegas, Nov. 5. “The. ‘Swingin’ Years” trou: Ww pe B) has abruptly changed ‘its bil te ‘Glenn M : Original | Singers” for. local sfand in lounge of ‘the Sahara here, where ‘group “last Tuesday (29). And thereby. hangs 2 tale. Unit, composed of ‘Tex Beneke (and band), Ray: Eberle and The : Modernaires, who have been troup ing for some years. under the old “Swingin’” handle, actually were. {ill the vocalists ‘with.the band led by the late Glenn Miller. But some {years.-back it was made clear that title to or any reference to “the Glenn Miller orchestra” “was in| vested in the .batoneer’s widow, } Helen. {i|'whereby, Ray. Mx leading a band. bil ‘Miller orchestra.’’ Later’ she made a deal Kinley is now. “The Glenn The and {COL NABS FOUR RIAA GOLD DISK AWARDS. Columbia Records has racked up |four gold disk awards from ‘the .” Record Industry Assn. of America j in ‘the past couple of weeks. Copping disk for sales | of over $1,000,000 were the sound track set of Samuel Goldwyn’s Ray Conniff’s and Eugene Ormandy. with the Phila “The Lord’s Coniff ‘had received. four , gold | records earlier this year for “Se Much -In Love,” “Concert In “Ss Marvelous” and “Memories Are Made of This,” Ormandy and tke Philadelphians. won a gold disk iast year for “The’ Joyous: ‘Sound. Od Christmas. ”