Variety (November 1963)

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San taal Other Bing Crosby 4s returning to the Capitol. label. after’ a. six-year ab-|: gence, His recent deal with. Re“prise Records. was for. a. ‘special |. Christmas. album and a remake.-of | _ Frank. Loesser’s. “Guys and Dolls” | “with. Frank. ‘Sinatra © and. ‘Dean : Martin. : ‘Crosby’ s first. ‘recording’. for issue" overseas. after their: U: S. re-: lease). ‘The’ ‘agreement . marks: the’ first time in ‘over six: years that Crosby. has recorded. for Capitol. He was _ Grece Kelly and Frank Sinatra. “True Love,” a single: culled. from “the track,” “passed. the 1,000,000 _ Sales mark. ‘In 57, Crosby. recorded |. . "for -Cap: the. title tune from the} -MGM pic, “Man On Fire,” in which a he starred...Crosby’s. recordings for: 7 a mas : Cap will be® ‘produced by: Si Rady. ee _ on ‘Paul ‘Anka, here. for a recording: 7 : “| stint, will participate: in’ January's _Although:: Bert Kaempfert has: been. released. in the. U.S.. under: -_.». the Decca banner, -he’s now tied to]: will, raise San Remo stock consid Decca: Bert ‘Kaempfert the: diskery. under -an: exclusive: longterm. agreement. Previously, Kaempfert’s label — affiliation was. with . DGG/Polydor. Records. in _Germany. The ‘terms ‘of. the new “contract “call for ‘Kaempfert’s: ‘@X ‘Deeca for the US. and. Canada: ‘ The ‘negotiations... ‘for Kaempfert were . -handled -byattorney Ben-]} | jamin. Starr: Kaempfert debuted: ‘on. 2 _Decea. réleage. in 1960. with “Wonderland By Night,’ ‘which: ‘sold: over 4,000, 060° single. copies. Coineiding with |. his new: pact is: the release ‘of the ... single. “Jingo Jango” and “Little /2. Brammer Boy.” culled. from. his. ° “atest, LP,” land,” a — “Jubilee: Ruay Vallee: Vallee to Tecord ‘a. .series of. -comedy-albuims. The first: LP, ~“-gcheduled for release’ at the end | 7 -of -November. -Vallee is. currently | “starring in the. Broadway legituner, |.’ “How. To Succeed: In ‘Business. a Without Really. “Trying.” ie Command:. Dick ‘Yan pyke ‘Dick « ‘Van. Dyke; tv a year, this will mark his. debut on the Command ‘Jabel: :He’s ‘on disk ‘with -the -Columbia. release. of the. ‘original Broadway ‘cast album of ~ Bye Bye. Birdie”: and the. RCA Vietor ‘“reléase © of. the. “Birdie” ' soundtrack. : * On -his Comniand LP, “Van Dyke. “"will-be backed by the Ray: Charles. Singers and 20-piece orch:-undér_ {the direction of Enoch Light, .who . also heads the. Command. operation. : ‘LIBERTY. LABEL pics” THE LIVERPOOL SOUND | “London, Nov. 5. | a chance. of crossing the. Atlantic. oy That's the opinion. of. Thomas: :Gar-. rett, a&r exec with America’ '§ Lib-. erty Records, who flew ‘in a couple of weeks. ago to. pick up some Brit ish. talent. for. American | disk: Te> lease. ‘The Liberty’ Jabei “has. just ’ ‘re on “‘Jeaseda. couple. .of.--platters : by. -Billy “J,;, Kramer .& the. Dakotas. which Clicked here. Tunes are: “Do ‘You: Want.To Know: A-Secret” ‘and: _And, according. to: ‘Garrett, “I feel this ‘Mersey, Sound. of. yours. could go over really: big |. ‘in the. States:”: “He added. that the “Bad To Me.” Liverpool : ‘Sound could. be as..ex~ Citing Stateside .as the . ‘eurrent . trend in.surfing music. .° .Meantime, ..'a. gen timpresario _Brian-: Epstein,. . ‘such. present. ‘b.o. ‘winners as’ ‘The Beatles, Billy J:. Kramer & the: _ Dakotas, Gerry :&. the Pacemakers, ... the Fourmost and: others, :is. plan| Als “ging ig promotional. trip ©: with’ ; ‘Kramer to “New York next month. ~ Olmsted a Expands § Staff. | Ray. Rand -and Bill ‘McMeekin “| have. been added to: the staff. of _ | Olmsted .Sound Studios.: “Rand | | joins. the sales . staff assisting | | ‘Arthur Shaer, veepee in charge of | < |Mlan Music Mart Boom May Sy ‘unofficially: disclosed last week," well.as_ assure its aspirations cof. ‘international ‘stature. = ‘elusive | ‘Tecording’ ‘services -for.|. "Christmas : s Wonder) { Johnny : | and: Nana Moskouri,: ‘to ‘name just. 7 ‘the : foreign. performers.. Jubilee Records has tapped Rudy | film. and} “stage . eomedian, :. will "yecord his} first album. for’ Command Records}. .{n. mid-November: Although he’s] “-:, Been patted to.Command for about {ment for the home, precursor to} | wax, ‘miracle to children—| . ing’ ‘back. Their presence. brings..a|-happy-days-are-here-again”., “ feel 1923. and, though. there: is no. way _| of: these. ‘were. player-pianos. : 1927 -—total -pianos made were 218,147). .of which 95,500: were players. 1929]: ‘were: players. 1931—51,370 pianos made, 2,171 of which: were players.. 1935—61. 178. made: and. only 418 ‘pioneer. of: ‘the | °-Liverpool ‘Sound. and. meator -of.| N M: Tunesmith Slaps ~ Decea With Piracy: Suit. Albuquerque, Nov. . 5.. “pin Whittley, -a “Hobbs, N.M., songwriter,: last: week. filed. an in-|: fringement suit in Federa}.Court-| ““Gapitol, a Christmas single titled | Bere against. “Do You. Hear What I. Hear,” will |} COD be released simultaneously around the world by Nov. 18. (The usual] procedure for records calls. for}. Decca: Records. complaint a3serte ‘that he. “wrote and ‘copyrighted a song titled “The Little’ Little Boy With. the Red Red | | ""Whittley: contends. “that ‘Decca. . made large profits -by. infringing |. | Upon his “Little Boy’: with. its). recorded: song, “Tittle Bandof Gol ne fron that the ‘as an be | = om. liftin é. “represented. in 1956. .with.. ‘the: enjoine r i. soundtrack ‘of. “‘High Sogiety,” with | Anka Participation’ Boosts San Remo} Rome,’ N OV. ::; San Remo Song. Festival, it: was It’s. expected. thatthe report. erably~-and: ‘probably start a: trend back “to: major: confidence ‘in. the} granddaddy of Italo ‘pop events, ‘as Reliable sources -also: reveal that ‘other non-Italian participants: ‘slat--| ‘ed: for San Remo stints are. Little. Peggy : ‘Mareh, ‘Dalida, Alain” Ba i-. | gual. Petula. Clark may make. trip, |. but Connie™due to: other ‘engagements. © There’. -greconflicting... reports | about. other. prospects, though San | Remo: organizers say they are pag-|. ‘ing. Pat -Boone, Francoise ‘Hardy, . Sylvie’ ‘Vartan,. riere, Dalida, and Hermanos. ‘Francis_ can’t: come, Fraternity: Bros., Halliday, . Lucio. Gattica _ Italo. camp is. more. “confused: : “The: ‘with onlyGino :Paoli and Claudio. “-.. “Fumny’ Side of Rudy. Vallee,” is | (Continued . on: Page 48). "His | Aud’s Wrong Movement | movements, not | three. have this’ happen in Boston. is “just _— ‘too much... There was mortification | : ‘and shame amiong’ the ‘little old _,iladies.:: of -Hub:.. who sometimes} . -vamped. ite artists & repertoire ac{tivities into seperate ‘singles ° and a Lynch. ‘Music: ‘Inc., which will -operate. in. association. with. the Aber: back group of. companies. . He ‘will. stay in ‘New ‘York: ‘for’ = three. weeks. .. | Bales, and MeMeekin | Joins as an]: , pengineer. : Rand,: who. also will: be: réspon< | sible for. creating new ‘sales. and ‘services, once headed Audio Video { McMeekin was formerly | : with, Belt Studios and: Mirasound. 1 Studios.. “* ~ Exit Shakes Hab Symph Boston, Nov: 5. audiente walked out at Symphony "| stomp. and’ cheer at. symphony. ‘ “AS for: conductor Richard Burgin, ‘he gota kick out. of ‘the whole. [thing. “As ‘Several hundred ‘of the | audience: got.:up .to .go. when. he: brought. the -third movement :to its close, Burgin faced the customers, |: bowed, . then sighaled for the orch to-up. Then’ he turned his. back to. the audience, and reliable sources: report laughed and. laughed, while. | the music lovers filed out. j Those who knew: theirTehaikov sky. ‘refused. to: budge, and: as’ Bur-. gin ‘began ‘the fourth movement,| some. of. thesurprised ‘departing |. ‘audience turned. around. and. came back ‘to: hear the Test.” “Kenny Lynch's y S. ‘Pub. | : London, : ‘Noy, 5. Kenny Lynch left: London ‘yes-| terday (Mon.). for: New York to}. complete’ the ‘formation --of' his. American , publishing company, Batfs, Amuses Baton |. we ‘Symphony: “buffs. were shook up. here Friday (1) when most. of. the: “More US. Diskery Invasions of lta | —+ By ROBEET F. HAWKINS | | Big Record Spec’ Spins. : Up Tall $6,608 i in Regina, Sask.;. ‘Nov. 5. 1 “A two-performance _ “onie-nighter: _ ‘last. week in. the 1,860-seat ._Exhi } > tion Auditorium, titled. “The Big. . ‘Record Spectacular,” ‘|. $6, 608. $2.50. ‘First show. drew: 1,100. ‘and the . second played. to: ‘ Tickets were scaled to about apacity... | On. stage were Hank Snow, Ray grossed. &. Pearl’ Butler, | Skeeter. Davis; “Bob .Luman, — ‘the. Rainbow: ‘Rarich Boys, and | The ‘Teen. Kings. le | Hall after: the third movement. of]. . ——— '|-Tehaikovsky’s ““Pathetique,” believ-. ting it was.the finale of the work. As all good. Symphony Hall buffs] ¥¥ a) 3. ‘know, : this symphony. has: four ne “And, tol” MUSIC 47. Milan, Nov. 5. The Milan. . -Tusical mart is booming,. with at least one major | disk company ‘topper here predict alf in fear of possible ef fects, half prideful of growing local achievements—that it’s very. prob able that more than one U.S. record outfit will move into the. Ital dian market and set up its” own ‘subsid, a la RCA Italiana. Such a step would help. a Yank abel to cash in on this consistent and seemingly solid booni, rather than continue to farm out its re | leases ‘to various Italo groups and | combines. The local platter picture hasn't | changed much. ‘in recent months, . | however. It ‘still goes the gamut, | fromthe. ‘relatively small opera| fion which. does. a big. business, .{ thanks to one or two major-selling ng | singers, to the large, multi-faceted Warner. Bros. Records ‘has Te-. album ‘areas.. The move, according to John K.. (Mike) . Maitland; ‘WB president, :is designed to give the ‘company. flexibility. . Jimmy Hilliard, ‘for the. past two years director of a&r, will con-] ‘tinue In that post and will be responsible’ for. all albums. produced | by the company.’ Hilliard: will -initiate all. albums. as wéll: as work: ‘with’ outside ‘producers and ar| Tangers:on WB album product.: Joe Smith; national ‘promotion |. manager of the company, will take | dic ‘{on additional. resporisibilities for’ _{ the: production of all pop. singles “| repertoire. He will direct the crea-: tion--of all singles material'as well ‘| as work: with: the’ staff: of outside: “producers called in by" WB: ¢] ” Smith. and--Hilliard will work | together in -the ‘production . of ‘albums. that ‘have been. developed } : from . ‘a-single’ click. ‘greater mobility” Away y as By JOE-PRICE. | "Hollywood, Nov.:5 Them . old.: “piano ‘tolls—those’ Tong-silenced* ‘recordings of “paper ‘Shot. full of holes, ‘often inscribed ‘with sinigalong words, once ‘the -prime source of canned. entertain ‘ing to millions. “It stands. before the ‘piano and plays the. keys ‘with tiny, felt-tip-. -ped fingers. ” This. quote was taken _-| from a. _ four-page ‘ad ‘which. ran “SQ: in. exchange for. Care packages. ‘he ‘would ‘send. .me piano: rolls.’’ ‘The Welte plant, a large. edifice}: in, the. centre: of Friedburg, ‘Ger-| ‘many: (southwest corner) was bomb-| | ed. out: in. 1943;. during. thepostwar years, : Simonton shipped : over . ‘700. ‘Parcels, mostly food, | the following,.taken from ‘a:recent|: Study by the U:S. ‘Department of} Commerce, : dees: supply. ‘adequate. lexpioiting. an “ingenious. musical |: invention”. which. would ‘“‘play” a ‘piano. when pushed: up to. the’ keyboard—the | Pianola. It marked the] ; poe | birth: ‘of the player-piano. industry. . hs Mersey. Beat; sometimes ‘re ‘ferred: to’ as The Liverpool Sound; ‘> which. is.currently racking. upmost: me ‘Tecord. sales in this country;. stands” ~The. industry’s. : peak year “was of figuring . ‘the -exact amount of player-pianos -in-existence . today, grounds for the new, estimates:. Tn 1923—347, 589 pianos of ‘every ‘type: were. manufactured; 205,556 130,973 | ‘made’ ‘of which 36,212 of these,“players. :: Thus: marked the ‘decline. ‘and temporary “demise : of the player piano. -The. ‘industry was" ‘staggered | in 1926 with the advent: of radio: 4 The crash. of. 1929. virtually. killed it... . 600,066 in 1962-63 "Last: ‘year. (1962-63) . ‘upwards of. 600,000 music. rolis were manufac-| tured by American. rolleries alone, up. 50% from, the previous-.year. Also last year,. approximately. 10-7 000player: pianos ‘were made,,. and: educated estimates: say ‘the figure -treasure. . _ After Weite’s death: in 1958~the {differ (you..can’t play’ Welte Trolls ‘sameway with’ all.makes) ‘Ameri¢a’s treasury .was. found. to: be ‘Of Those © Old Pi iano I Roll Blues d ndustry ; | will. double jn 1964. = . Kohler & Campbell,: Janssen ‘and. | Kimball ‘recently. threw their. hats -into. the player ring and. now. there are. eight American | player: piano makers -in 8. five . ‘Pond.. “Modern-day ‘interest in. the’ “roll | was ‘reborn quietly in /1946.. when Dick. Simonton, now. .prexy of Mubegan . corresponding. ‘with Edwin’ Welte, onetime’ rollery: zak. ‘Corp.,: king: of Germany. “Weilte was. sick, ‘literally. starv to’ Welte. Simonton’s ‘Treasure a, Salvaged from ‘the Welte. files ‘ized.-that: he’d been. handed a new “was 81), Simonton, now in excel works, .put: the rolls to. wax. Since ‘then even: the. skeptics. Have been | convinced: that the piano. roll is. | an ‘invaluable. and. exact reproduction of. the ‘piano. ‘artistry : of pre-. recording. era’ composers. leries' began léoking into ‘their own catalogs. Though-Welte buffs -will on anything ‘but Welte -pianos— at. least: equal: affluerice: : Aeolian (once: called Due art), Tolls. (Ampico : ‘merged: ‘with Aeol Grieg, Co. of} New. York being the giant ‘with. its! ; brands—Pianola, Hardman ‘Duo; Cable, “Musette | and “Ivers: & were rolis of Debussy; Ravel, Grieg “|and many .other .composers..each. Playing his own compositions. It] wasn’t long. before Simonton real ‘out crack, | ‘Though: the paper: ‘on: which rolls! are ‘reproduced is chemically. treat lent ‘position to promote “these | &4 ‘for -durability,. there’ $s no way. of | time Warner Bros. arranger. “The -way the -old: timers. stand. up to weathering ‘and warping. and ‘drying .out is amazing,” Elliot said: “The -paper has to be -tough. It lias to stand expansion and contraction. It has to be the right porosity: Shortly thereafter American rol | Jan in. early 30s). “have ‘Feeorded| t such immortals as. Gershwin, Prokofieff, Ravel; Saint Saens,. Pader-| ewski,. ‘Kreisler, Strauss (Richard), Rachmaninoff, | ‘and. others,. playing own: “works. “Today there’ are just two roller _Gieseking, . ies in the. U.S.—Imperial Industrial Co,, in New York (their. product is. QRS. ‘Rolls) ‘and Aeolian Music: Rolf. Corp.. in North Hollywood, Calif, subsid of Winter & Co. Though: :QRS is the larger. of the two, Aeolian’ is’ producing approximately . :1,500° rolls daily: A year: ago output ‘was. about half—750 per. day. Inasmuch .as the Aeolian roll three. years, .-it. is. Significant that ‘it. has. already: ‘amassed ‘some 600: masters... $128" Per Roll sell: for $1.25, Average roll. is. 20 length. ‘They’re spun at the rate of seven feet per-minute when. _<'| tempo: is ‘set’ at 70: Masters’ are| ‘made of. mylar ‘plastic from which] ° 15 sheets at..a time are punched out. At the Acolian plant, several machines operate atonce; one of| them, being ambidextrous, turns telling .’s as effective. a process as the one .used’ early. in: the. century, ‘according to: Bill El ‘liot;, Aeolian west coast exec and son of: the late: Vern Elliot, long and . texture’ to make the vacuum {seal over. the. tracker bar. for. an | infinite. ‘number .of. plays.” | 1 Se “Lawrence Cook, veteran. ar-| ranger” for rolls with | QES since. (Continued on page 48)" ‘and mo). |few publishers) have decentralized stars, I ‘ding ery has only been ‘in production} rent impact (and an impressive With or without -words, Jonghair4 or pop, regardless -of. label,. rolis )} outfits who have. their star: per“| formers, too, but do volume: busi‘hess on a more ubiquitous level. Traditionally, Italian.-music (and eonsequently disk) news is made. and unmade in and near the Gal-. leria del. Corso, a vaulted, glass covered passageway near the Milan. Cathedral: Square (Piazza del Duo‘Only a-few diskeries (and and moved to the relative outskirts of ‘town; where parking space is less of a premium. But “Galleria del ‘Corso,” even ‘more than .a-lo ¢eation, is synonymous for Italo music. . CGD Sees Busy Race ‘Giuseppe Giannini, of the newly ts a busy race ahead, yanking strongly, among others, on ‘French singer Marie Laforet as an up-and-comer to. rival another Gal ‘lic import, Francoise Hardy, in the local ratings... CGD also. has arranged a set of video. p.a.’s for some of its other such as Bob Azzam, Line Renaud. and Miss Laforet. They'll lappear on Mike Bongiorno's. George Lee. will ‘evatinue. to | Weekly quizzer, “Fiera dei Sogni.” represent the © ‘company ‘handling -a&r administration in’ the. east,” All report’ directly to. Maitland. ‘CGD also secured soundtrack of ® p conan Metro pic, “Mondo. |‘Nudo” (Naked World), which Henry Wright.also does on a 45 | as “Il Cielo Nelle Vene” (The Sky jin My Veins). . _V.C.M, (which releases ‘Voce ‘del ‘Padrone, Columbia, Capitol, Angel, | Pathe: and others), is. one of .the few companies. ‘here (RCA is an-. other) which to date have branched ‘out into postal sales via disk “clubs, .ete. The. V.C.M. club, which ‘has it own. magazine, has some 15,000 members at present, and says it-selig some 10,000 LPs per month by the mail route. ‘Disk Company Grows Company also has a pop classic series called “Invito. alla. Musica”. (invitation to Music), which ‘sells for. a moderate 2,200 lire. per plat ‘ter (some $3.50), and is catching ‘on. Spokesman admits 15,600 club members are peanuts compared to ‘reported. 120,000 addresses which. one of its : affiliates, ‘Pathe, has’ in France, but says ‘it. is . building ‘steadily. . ‘Club is making {ts principal cur one, by allt reports) with only two major names, Adriano Celentano (Continued on page 48) ne, MERC PUTS LIMELIGHT _ IN ITS LABEL STABLE Chicago, -‘Nov. 5. _Mercury. Records has launched a new label, Limelight, believed to be the first Jabel started solely for ‘the: purpose of developing ,and | Promoting new writers and artists. First. platter ‘to’ be ‘issued is: ; single,. “My. Special Angel” by. The Classmen,. with ‘Love Is _Gone” on the flip side. The new label will be headed by Eddie. Mascari, g.m. of Mercury’s ‘publishing division. He will be as>| sisted. by ‘-|-Gordon Prince as the label’s na ‘Irwin Wenzlaff, with tional promo manager. Mascari plans to release 20 “Singles under tke Limelight tag ‘in the first year and 10. albums, ‘with most albums deriv ed from: the hotter singles. Prices will: be the standard 99c¢ for singles and ‘$3.98 for. albums. The new label brings’: ‘to four ‘the ‘number of labels in the. com‘pany’s . “stable——Mercury, | Smash and. ‘Limelight. Philips, shaped CGD. Internazionale, pre .