Variety (November 1963)

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The Sireets of New York _ Dingenary &. Jane __ Gilliland Gene ¥ tisical com lighting, B nell; : mes, W. Thomas Seitz; pia Lanny Mevers and Jack -Holmes.. aren Oct. 29. “63, at the Maidman Playhouse, N.¥5 $5.40 top. ‘weeknights, $5.90 week Cast: Barbara. Williams. Ralston HL Gail Johaston. David Cryer, Barry Allan. Stet tae Br a Ren Robe rts, Fred heips; . Ian own, en oO 2 e Cline, JF ‘Clements, Eleanor oan. Edwards. A pleasant: score, talented cast, and tasteful production make “The Streets.of New York” likable enter tainment, But the book, based on. a 19th century. play by Dion Boucicault, iséarth-bound,. and keeps the musical from igniting. ~~ The hearts-and-flowers. sentimentality of the Boucicault story, centering on an evil banker, his .conniving daughter, and their hapless victim, is: handled with finesse by | the actors. But two and a half | ‘hours of tongue-in-cheek drama is: too. much: The songs, however, by Richard B..Chodosh, are delightful. They range from rousing, rhythmic |: numbers to lovely duets and trios. This is Chodo comedy score, and _he should have a. bright future. Barbara Williams, as the banker’ s| am daughter, is vivacious and ‘appeal$4.95 ‘ton Ing, and she knows how to sock across a song. Gail Johnston, as. her sweet rival, is also -excelfent,. with a nice voice and disarming personality.. David Cryer is just right as the third point of the triangle. Raistan Hilt as the villain, Mar| got Hand: as the: heroine’s mother, |. and Don Phelps and. Janet Ray-' mond: as ‘a couple ruined. by the | banker, are all effective, and Barry. Alan Grael, who wrote the book and the generally: clever -lyrics,: is fine as a crook turned hero. A major asset are the W. Thomas: Seitz costumes, which are colorful -and appropriate, and obviously ex-. pensive. The set, by Howard Beck| nell, is very simote, and is revolved | re between. -by aetors bet seenes. -This tends to slow up the pace of the{book is slim. to the. point of non show, and alsa seem a little to The’ characters are]. fanciful for the subject matter. | | stereotvpes. and there is little -wit|. {{ Joseph Hardy's staging is for the | or originalitv... _ : most part skillful, and the musical! Jimmy Randolph, a = play| staging by Neal ; is tep‘boy from New Y¥ ork. sings a cou-j grade. “The Streajs of New Yerk” is a peas the ‘effort that never surmounts the initial handicap ‘of the book. Kenn. — Cerru 1 in the. Palace ef ‘Justice want miwar mad are aien er | : of a drama in three acts by Ugo. Betti, translated by Henry Reed: Sts Richard ‘hy. priteee4 Ritman. oper OS attad aaa Lane TReA s weeknights. eekends.— Hetherington.” Travers. Dianne. Turtey. Ugo Betti’s “Corruption” ‘In the Palace. of. Justice” is ‘a. ‘probing, “ suspenseful study.of guilt and con-; science. Expertly staged at the cherry Lane, ‘it is fascinating the-| 5 Sactlons presentation of a-Roscius : . three acts by William Hairston, based. -on novel. by. Hans. Habe.: Staged -by .Sid“ney Walters; ‘sets and lighting, Ming Cho |. Lee: incidental. music,. George . Fischoff: [| Translated from: the Italian’ by Henry Reed, the play seizes the spectator’s: interest from. the beginging.. of six judges. had. ‘corrupt. dealings with a notorious criminal. Each of the justices fears the. inquiry, and the stage bristles with tension and intrigue as each vehemently’ de clares his own innocence and ‘hastens to imply. the. guilt: of an] other. In the second ‘act. the villain. fs YTevealed to the audience, and ina savage. ‘act of ‘self-preservation | he drives to suicide the young ‘girl | who misht: have. exposed him. |: Here the play becomes excessively | melodramatic, but: it is: compelling, and in act three the drama-reaches |. “Its neak. with a spell-binding duel| of-devils between the guilty judge. and a malicious .coHeague who. knows his secret: The ending, with. its réligious symbholism,. is’ inevi: ‘table hut powerful | Betti’s | script. of evil, all realized in the subtle, man. Ontctending ‘in the. capable east is C.K Alexander as a malevolent justices with a bulky. swagger | and a diabolic giggle. The . role: siy in teal ‘the: enigmatic investigator, Maria Tucei. is touching .as ‘the un“. | fortunate’ girl. Muni Seroff’s por-: trayal of an old judge, destroyed | ; Don | by. false accusations, builds in ef: |" Bre ane 7 fectiveness, ‘and John Hethering. quist, Tom Urich, Robert. | Russell Gold and. Diane Turley -Burgie and Loften. ’s first musical |. Be lively 99. Gold | myself. out: Pendletoa, Sy | AD . _ investigation is’ launched to determine. which one abounds with |} sharp insichts: into the’ character.| | from: Germany, shows falent, and.| | deserves, a. better. play®: for’. her [ ‘|i debut: “Richard. Ward: and “Glenn wi | Kezer are capable:.asa sergeant | ‘’ {-and: a chaplain, but director Sidney |. Walters. permits some of the other: | actors to Snel their aly and ak with un tention amusee a ae * -| Nathan: Parnes: Booth;. Frank. O’Connor; Broadhurst,. “Abe Baranoff; -— | Broadway, Fannie Comstock; ‘Carnegie Hall, John Totten: Casine Est, Clifford Hayman; City Cemter, Amgelo Cassalini; Cort, Michael Small; .46th St., Leonard Soloway. (assistant. ‘Allen. Francis); .Gelden, Leonard Sang: Helen Hayes, Morton. Zolotow; .Hel-.. ‘linger; Arthur. Rubin; Hudson; not‘ assigned: Imperial,:Gerson Werner; to dié not orice but twice, and he makes | a difficult role.” “Leonardo Cimino is. excellent as ton, Sy ‘Fravers, Wyman Pendleton, are ‘competent in support. liam ‘Rifman are fine, with | the ‘cardinal-red judges’ gowns and the’ rust upholstery of the fur‘hiture -standing. out against the | black walls of the judicial cham“Corruption in: the Palace | : | never ‘before per-j formed in the’ U-S.,: should. keep {the boxoffice ‘at. the (Cherry. Lane per "Justice, aa busy for. many weeks. Kenn. Ballad fer Bimshire Productions presentation of -by frving ‘Ed Cambridge: attv; ‘choreography, -Talley ‘sets,. Donald Ryder; -costumes, “Mogelle Forte; musical director, Benskin: ” Ossie. Davis. Opened bs Ton namaste ba washes” ‘tos. : a; weekends. '. Cast: Frederick O’Neal. Christine éer, Jimmy Randolph, Ossie Davis, Miriam Burton, Alyce Webb, Bobby Dean Hooks, ' Sylvia Maon, -Clebert. Ford, Fran BenRobert Delphiz. J Trotman, ‘mett, ames. Ural ‘Wilson. Lavren: Jores, Hilda Harris, Chat Barbara Eugene. Ed Good hoy gets good. girl ia “Bak Tad. ‘of Bimshire,” ple of ballads -effectively, and Cle-| bert Ford. makes the most of. a|'— Davis, one of the show's producers, | appears in two. scenes as a snob-|.. -|-bish native. He’s. amusing, but-his | _ | stature and vrofessionalism: serve |: “picaw ‘to point up the inadequacy: hall they Inisical. . ‘calypso number. The choreography, .. ness.” Kenn. walk. in Darkness: ‘Greenwich Players, Stella: Holt ‘costumes. Irish Ayres: associate producer, Frances Drucker. Opened Oct.. 763, at the Greenwich Mews Theatre, Ne Xs $4.50°|. ton weeknichts, $490 weekends... Cast: Clarence. Willioms. Il, Barbara . Schneider, Glenn Kezer,. Richard Ward, ‘Don Hudson. ‘Wayne Grice, Roger Robin|: ‘ eon. James Murray Arnold. Stanley Saver,. Virginis. Donaldson. Ronald Wiltlouehby.. ‘James Woodall: Michael ‘DeSimone, David |: -Raberts. Alien Rovce; Robert Fass, Marry” White, Tan Jenkins. , Walk in. Darkness” Bie + begins ‘as a credible account of the |”. ; nroblems encountered by a-Negro| < G.I. in occupied’ Germany, it soon | turns into Judicrous, ‘inept melo-. ‘Although drama. | 'The story: German girl; pregnant . with’: his child; is plausible enough at first, and playwright William Hairston’s | ‘denunciation . of the racial preju-|-’ arty dices of both Americans and Ger|mans is valid..But when the Army |: : thwarts. the hero’s ‘attempts. to ; ‘marry the girl; he. goes AWOL and | joins a ring-‘of black-marketeers: Here the play takes.on the aura of:|: a. bad. ‘movie, with gun-play, kid-(| {mavping, and the violent deaths of |: skillfpl staging. by Richard: Alt-| both the hero:.and the. fraulein,. . is an ‘actor’ Ss. dream, since he gets both death scenes memor-. able. As the villain, David Hooks coverplays a little in’ the ‘second act, | but on the wkole. he. does. well with and Donald. Saddler; pansi The sets. and costumes by Wil ‘Ossie Davis, Bernard. Waltzer & Page a Rew musi-cal comedy in twe acts, with: lyrics aad | music: Burgie, beok by Irving | Staged by | dreary. ‘There are .a few. attempts |. ‘to. enliven’ the show with’ “Okla|. homa” =type songs. and: dances, but}: they seem out of.-place,: and. they | .do little to alleviate. the-gloom... |.’ | .The . central’ figure. in ‘the Fred. | Ebb. -book : -is \an’. “~woman,. | ‘Sammy Dick Vance. Stars. wards, Ba Cam2cho, Ray Gilbert, Gloria Higdon; Hilary. Kelley, Joan Peters, Geri Seignious. .. 2 ’" a mew musical | about life in Barbados. ‘I. learned | ‘how beautiful you were as we were |... -swinting those. machetes. together,” ithe thero: says after a confusing: [scene about a. fire in. ‘the “bane / Duchess fields, -and call ends happily. © . @mgels Fear Tread, St. Martins (6-6-62). >| Bed Siting Reem, . Funny. This G0-3-63).'[" Malt 4 Sixpence, Cambridge. (3-21-83). | Shafteshury. 13-28-63)" |" . (18-23-63)... . 4 Private: Lives. 3 Duke. caks (E3-60. | Beatty, is. sometimes entertaining, ° ‘but Irving: Burgie’s: music is un-|" | distinenished.“ and’ ‘his lyrics: are}: trite. “I ‘put the eat in, and locked ‘sings the heroine: typically. And the New Yorker,’ in| | fatuated bv the. native: girl, ‘sings.| |.“Leave -Me, Your Tropical | Mad-. “‘perferma yo ‘What Gees. Us me Royal E. (9.17.83)5 closed ofa soldier. and. ‘al }. What Makes Sammy, S4th. St. Gren. Clarence’ Williams III ‘is effec-.|:° Rugstine. Hellinger. 28-60. ‘tive as the soldier ‘in. the first act, but is subsequently stymied. by the | script, which Portrays: ‘the charaeo ing “accents: ‘bya single shot. It was:no~ more unbelievable . than the rest. of the play... . Kenn, “Morning S ‘Sun’ = Edward Hambleton’ ‘& Martin ‘Tahse presentation: ‘of a -hew play. with: rAusic,, on: a story. by . With Mary . Deasy,. book and lyrics by Fred Db. music. “by . Daniel | Paul Klein. Staged _ by. Petrie: dances’.and niusical panes. staged b Strauss; © sets, Eldon. | ‘Zipprodt; orchestrations and a. Karlin; and incidental. music “arrang ‘Berkowitz. Stars Patricia. Neway.. 6, °63, at. Phoenix Theatre, Cast: Patricia Neway, | Bert Danny —Lockin;: Will Max -wood,. Kitty Sullivan, Jam Taary, . Joan .'| August,. Stuart Hodes, . Richard. Hermany, | ‘ -] Miehael Maurer. _ oe "Although: the cast’ of: “Morning ; . Sun” is. ‘excellent, © the. story told in the new ‘tausical drama at’ the}. Phoenix -. is. * Heavy-handed ‘and oldest son isexecuted for a mur| der he’ did “not mean ‘to commit '| does she. relent and. admit her own. | fallibity and need for compassion. | (Continued: on. page. 59). ‘London Shows = \CPigures denote opentng dates) Albatross, "Theatre. Reyal Er. 1-4-63). . Alle, (7-22-82). . AY Drop Hat, Haymarket. (10-363). Cemed 7 a , Her ‘Le’s: Be Frank, VYaudev 1-6-3). Ser Seer eee, See featayna Vv wm Meusetrap, ‘Ambassador a 1-25:52). ‘Maver. Tro Late. Prince. Wales: sO 2E6D. Oh.: Whet Lovely, -W Ottver, New (6-30-90). ‘One for the. Pot, Whitehall’ (8-2-62: Out of Croccodile, Phoenix (10-29-63), ‘Portrait of ‘Murder, . ‘Savoy: (10-24-63), ick, Saville (7-4-6353. | . Pessessed, ‘Mermaid 12-15-88)... Repertory, . Natienal : These 10-22-69). . $avered: Head,: Criterion (6-27-63). Ske: ‘Characters, May: Fair (6-17-63), ESA ARabnOT DRAM, ‘Sound. of. Music, Palace (3-186). ” Swing Aleng, PaNadium Git. . “CLOSED % Man and Boy, Queen’s Gasp: closed: -:.. Saturday (2) after a limited engagement: ‘timer. on the nightclub circuit: be-. of. 68 p*rformances. “So: Much. to . Remember; . Vaudeville 49-17-63); : closed. ‘Saturday’ Qy after 54 ances..y ' SCHEDULED: OPemines Boys Syracuse.D Lane’ (117 Gentle Avalanche: Bese ane ne: (11-7-63).. “ Poor Bitoe,-New Arts 1-13-63), Gentle Jack, Queen’s (11-27-63). ; D'Oviy | Carte, Savoy (12-16-63). No’ Strangs: Her. Majesty’ s 2. 30-63). _ Australian Shows of Week. Ending. Nov. 2): . oa MELSOURNE, . Happy’ ‘invalid, U How ‘to ‘Succeed, Hoe ‘Mafesty’s. Mary, .Mary,..Comedy.. ' Orpheus: in. ‘Underworld, Princess. : Physicists, St.. ‘Martins: .. . SYDNEY | . Annie Ger Your Py. Her. Maitsty's Do You Mind, .P -Geodnight;. rs. Puttin, ‘Royal. King. end 1, Tivoli. Repertory... Elizabethan. Physic? sts,. Ensemble. Sweet. Bird -of ‘Youth, Independent. “SCHEDULED B‘WAY PREEMS Man. and Boy, Atkinson (11-12-63). ‘Cuckoo's Nest, Cort. (11-13-62 ‘Golden. Age, Lyceum. (11-18-63)... nce. for Asking, Booth (a1906%.‘Got.a. Girl, “Music Box (11-36-63). Girl Came: ‘to Supper, B’way12. 8:63), _ Love & .Kisses, Musi¢ Bax : cia 18-63). , : Albatross, -Lyceum (12-19-63 ‘.Marathon ‘33, ANTA: Gage adh. “. _ Hello, Dolly; St. James (1-16-64). Dylan, Plymouth ..(1-21-6@. | After Fall, ANTA-Wash, Sq: (1 23-60) Habimah,. Little. Theatre (2-1-64. Foxy, Ziegfeld (2-1 * _ Mareo. AN A ash. Sq. (2-20-64).‘Funny. GirL Winter Garden” E20. Chariie, -ANTA-Wash. Sq. G-12-60.. Girl to. Remember, ‘Hellinger 26-60). House manager “assignments for ‘the: 1963-64. season for ‘theatres: me Opening: night, a prop. gun’ failed: ‘to. work properly, and two of the ‘characters. were inexplicably. killed. _Wedneodey, November 6, 1963. Ne ew York. and. out-of-town. ‘include ‘the following: NEW YORK: Alvin, ‘al Jones: Ambassador, Arthur: Singer: ANTA, Norman: Mil: batim; Atkinson, Ben. Boyar; Barrymore, :Howard. Wright; Beck, Louis. Biltmore, Lotito (assistant Wiliam Orton); Belaseo, Archie ‘Thomson: . 54th ‘St. ‘Edward Choate; ~ “‘Linceln ‘ Center, Joseph Salyers; Little, Lawrence Rothman; Longaere, |-Lawrence. 'S. Lawrence’ Jr.; Lunt-Foatanne, James Hughes; Lyceum, ‘Roy Jones;. Majestic, Jayne Manners; ‘Miller, George Banyai; Morosee,. -Music Box, Charies, © “Stewart; . ‘O'Neill, Robert Cherin( assistant Nicholas Gray); Phoenix, Raymond ‘Broeder’ (assistant Ronald : .Muchnick); Norman Kean; Playhouse, Abel Enklewitz; Piymouth, Edward Dowling; ‘Rose, David Rogers; Reyale, Edmund DeBobes; St. James; Leon Spach-:.. y|ner; Shubert, Norman Light;, ‘Winter Garden, J Jack: Yorkes: Ziegfeld, WJ. Ross. Stewart. | tion; John. iting, ‘Elder and -Martin "Aronstein: ‘costumes,"| ‘Patricia: vocal ‘arrangements; F ballet . ed by. Sol NYS , $0.50 top weeknights, $5.95. weekends. Convy. “ : embittered. : a: religious . fanatic. -who |} has no mercy: for anyone she. con|siders .a ‘sinner: ‘Only. after her 7 American, Edward: Steinhauer. _ . a ‘TORONTO © O'Keefe; Bruce Corder; Royal ‘Alexandra, Edwin. DeRocher. aa _. WASHINGTON _ | National, Scott Kirkpatrick. ' CmDev. | Princess Pocohontas, Lyric ‘(111463).. at Ford's, Leonard B.: ‘MeLaughtin. "BALTIMORE, ; BOSTON Colonial, Saul Kaplan; Shubert,. M.: D. Howe; Wilbur, Max Michaels. oe ‘CHICAGO 7 Blackstone; Andéew: K. ‘Little;. ‘Opera Howse, a Charles Gilbert; mimy Bates, Naner | Shubert, Herbert’ ‘Ries. . | Cheevers, ‘Elizabeth Wallen, .Nancy Hay-. rae ‘CINCINNATY “ Shabert, William Bium.: 7 CLEVELAND ‘Hanna, Milton Kratz, DETROI iT Nederlander. monic, Ray Nelson. . Shubert, Ben Witkin, ot “hern; ‘Walnut, Thomas. Strain. “Les. ANGELES: Le Biltmore; Chartes E.. Oliver; Hartford, Gerlard O'Connell; Phila. £ NEW HAVEN PHILADELPHIA | Erlanger, Joseph Carlin; ‘Forrest, Laurence Shibert’ Laurence and i ‘Lex Carlin -Jr. (utility); Lecust,. Charles Suggs; “Shubert, ‘Harry “Mulom PITTSBURGH Nixon, William Blair. _ SAN FRANCISCO. . ‘Curran, William Zwissig; Geary, Thomas Earnfred. . ST. LOUIS ~ "She Leves Me “(Eugene O'Neill, N.Y.) the star would have: been more | dramatic at the Oct:.12 matinee ‘of |: “She Loves Me” if. Trude. Adams “weren't such a pro. . Miss Adams ‘role replacing Barbara. Cook, who: | had . sprained her. leg the. night: before, and kept everything hum“| ming: just as though: she had been. _| doing. the part on. stage. forthe close’ ‘té six.moaths of its run: | There were. no.. false .moves,. no | hesitant -starts, and. she was Vo cally ‘sure in every ‘song and dra _..| matically right in every romantic. | and: comedic ‘sequence. : ‘Miss Adams “had been <a longfore ‘deciding to go straight and take a crack at legit. Her saloon orientation probably. prepared her | for working under fire. Ghe came through .with vet stature; and° in: ‘|some future. musical presentation, Court (11-12-63). | rates'an understudy: of her own.: The ‘show, -whigh opened April. 23,.-is .a delight. “It’s a charmirg | ‘affair,’ loaded. with.-sentiment , and: ‘innocence, but .the songs. by. Jerry }:Bock. (music) &> Sheldon Harnick |: --f Cyries): and the book by: Joe Mas-.4 teroft ‘keep . it fromsinking into’ { saccharine’ by. ‘staying bright and |. _ | gay.{as. well. as romantic), and full CS of -abandon when. Carol Haney . | takes over with. her. choreographic : “ contributions. | “The cast is in tiptop shape. It’s Lan happy: team. effort,from the | | frenzied dancers at: the Cafe Im-|. | periale to ‘the. principals. at. the perfurmerie, “Massey, . including: Jack Cassidy,.. Gros. _Exiter 7 aughiiig (Henry Miller’s,'.N -¥.) THe Joseph Stein’ comedy, based |’ fon. ‘Carl Reiner’s novel,.nowin its |: ninth ‘month. on Broadway, . held up well in-most. departménts.. |Mae Questel has replaced Sylvia. . | Sidney. as the mother and ‘blasts coke ta:’ home. scenes, while. the | .Lother two: substitutions: ‘work: out |.~. oe jp well: Bob Spencer in the Michael | Ide Pollard . “part as the. lead’s’ Pal. 7 ae whe elassic: show biz: story. ‘of | Was. se the understudy taking over for]. would-be.” ‘actor, put more. ‘emphasis: on its’ brash ineptitude, and, since this’ was an: ‘} | Bantastieks, Si |. Jn White. America, Sher. Daniel |. | Barbara. | Baxley, ‘Ludwig: Donath, Nathaniel |: Frey%and Ralph. ‘Williams: . has: iend. od Bion ‘and ‘Vivian. Blaine have. kept their characterizations ‘bright and In ‘the pivotal spot “of. the’ ‘young. ‘Alan: Arkin has overdrawn ‘° character “to begin ‘with, the results are loud but still ‘good for most of the’. show's Jaughs. Possibly it is too much. te expect the burgeoning ‘and: ever increasing delight which:. Robert Morse gave. his “How To. Succeed”. ' part from “other young . actors. ahd Alan ‘Mowbray has. enlarged his: meaty | part as the ham star. _. Cass, . ‘Harry’ MeKee; Fisher, James: ‘Nederlander; Shubert, ‘Fred . “Arkin” now .. shows: a ‘téndency sto bite into ‘the speeches. of -those feeding hin. “Ingenious set changes. “still by ‘the. single © anachronism: ° the -Single-piece .“pay ‘phone. _instrue.. ment. While experiments ‘had _| been. conducted. in the, 1940s, it. ‘was not standard equipment. until the dial coin: Phone: tock over in 1950. -. Leve. OFF-BROADWAY. SHOWS . (Figures. denote opening dates). ._ Ballad: Bimshire;. Mayfair . 19-15-63). ‘Blacks, St. Marks. (5-4-6). | . Boys Syracuse,. Theatre 4 41560. '.. Cages, York (6-13-63); * ‘Corruption, Cherry. ‘Lane. “A 6-8-63).. Cromwell Plays, .: ‘East. End 0-263).° Desire ‘Under Elms, Circte (1-8-63). wilivan . St. {5-3-60). Sq. (16-31-69), Mr.. Simian, Astor..P1. (10 -21-63). 0. Pinter Plays, Pocket.: (11-26-62). Riverwind, Actors Playhotse (1212-60. ‘Six Characters, Martinique (3-8-63) Streets of N. Y., ‘Maidman . 40-29-63), Theatre ‘Of Peretz, Gate. (11-5-63). Watt: in’ Darkness, Mews: (1028-63). E€LOSED. |_ Penny Change; Players (10-24-6305 ‘closed, t.-24 after ene performance remise, Premise (11-22-68); closed Jast te ‘Sunday (3) after 1,490 performances. .God, Man, You Baby, Midway (10-29-6333 t ‘Closed last. Wednesday. 32). after. two ape ‘performances.. . ‘SCHEDULED OPENINGS” | dmmoralist,.BouwerieLane (11-7-62; ‘Malds-Bedlam, 1 Sher. Sa.G1 11-63): ‘'T ‘Burn we. to Ashes Jan Tus; Gils 63): . Thistle. in Bed,. Gramercy. (21-19-69). Ginger. Man, Orpheum: (1-21-63): Net. vA. Sing, Phoenix (11-25-63), Yo (42-3-63)... ‘dhabessoarc: ‘Carnegie Halt: (12-463). -Crime and Crime, Cricket (%211.63). “Mother. Courage, de. Lys (15-64). -elicite audience comment ‘and the 1930. atmosphere remains. flawed , _ Theatre. East 8-27 89. ab s * ‘ “ CR eee