Variety (November 1963)

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yoo. we . . ’ . 7 . woo. . . TT Sr SWS ee ee ee eee : eee 8 eto SG I Le ett AEN PU EY AD AE 2 9 EA OY A ND OY oT UI : ee et . _ , wor te, . . re ae rs ' . . . eo, ; mee oe a Ce EC oe a a AE San Francisco Ne Way. Out: -after the fall: of Bataan.‘and_ Cor- regidor and ‘during the. release ‘of |Philippine prisoners of: war.’ The} story .centers_ around... a Philippine rebel leader, Leopoldo Salcedo, | + who. has escaped from Bataan ‘and |: resistance | against}: the Japanese : occupation .forces.:.{ . The ‘girl the rebel.: leader. ‘loves. is kidnapped by. the. Japanese in|. order. to..make him give. himself: up.. In‘the meantime, -her : ‘brother, | the doctor,. returning ‘home, is persuaded to join the’ rebels.: ‘The ‘conj ‘Kirsan fiict. that develops . when ‘the . two |. is’. organizing © “women become . hostages. of | the . opposing forces is used to -show | C how ‘war. twists. and distorts -the.|. ~ best of human feeling. In the .end,: ‘Lachard although . the. nurse and her. lover: are killed. by her. father:‘and. the Japanese — forces, their . love has father who has been. destroyed. Although the-. -almost totally incomprehensible and. although . he vis‘ a physically Sung : Ho. still. manages to evoke.| " ‘Sympathy “for the : leader . anxious ta prove: his. Japanese leadership. --.despite some’: Korean’ blood, the _ father. torn between his: daughter. and what he. thinks . ate. his “country’s s. demands. =~’ “No Way Out”. ‘gives. the ‘West“erner “a rare glimpse of the war -fhrough ‘Philippine ‘eyes. and. its. generous ‘umanity: Is. rewarding. ; Judy. Paula Cautiva vf (ARGENTINE) | -Agies Cinematografica (Hector Olivera) ‘" Directed ‘by Fernando: Ayah. Stars Svisana Freyre, "Duilio: Marzio: Marzice; fea: tures Lautaro Murn3, Fernanda Mistral. Screenplay by Beatriz Guido and Ayala from. original -story by : Beatriz Guide; berks Ktchebehere; ‘camerz, Al sound, -Jorge: Vanarelli; music: compesed by “by Aster aia. “Reviewed at. Frisco Rite Tests Nov. 2, 62. Running, time: 95 SAINS.. The major obstacle to enj joyment: “of. this ‘technically ‘good; ‘uramati-. ~cally bad approach to social life and: politico-business. ‘attitudes ‘ ‘in: _ contemporary’ Buenos. Aires’ . is | ‘film's: uncertainty as. ‘to what it’s. ‘fping. 4 Although slickly |" m > ° a] ade, ‘wit top: note otography turned as. the pair: go on for what looks: like “a .light life: of. ‘amiable}-. crime. ‘Miss .Moréau. .is lively” cand: -Only.”.10%. of these’ films, how to“Say. its commercial the global film market: seem:. negligible. “Story has Duilio Marzio, former “Argentinewho -has. become : U.S.: citizen; returning. to Buenos. Aires. __ after 15-year absetice as a. business ‘consultant, -for an: ‘American. ‘com= pany ona big deal requiring ap_proval and signature of ineumbent. . Minister.: On . arrival, . ‘company’s: ‘local-‘rep: : fixes. him-:up (sans. .ex-' _Blanation) “with, “beautiful. “eall . girl” girl, with usual. results. *? Gifl is actually . ‘granddaughter of member.of landed gentry, down. *: to: his ‘last hacienda,:a huge non| self-supporting rane oh: ‘kept. going | with “fake” reeeptions for gullible |. and: monied American ‘tourists -(no|~ other nationally: of: tourist. .is ever. :shown) plus some support: ‘from: a ~-girl,. stipposedly from earnings as a.| Clerk in'a fancy women’s store:.: -.Marzio, ‘following: formula, even‘tually proposes -to. girl, finds’ out: her real éalling, gives her up, but. is straightened ‘out. in | his moral} ‘and ‘ political thinking -.when . the " “apparently. occur every: other Fri| day in. Argentina. He decides to stay in Ar gentina, goes. to. girl and | “| postwar, : “The End.” . -.Seript, ‘unfortunately:: never de "ides: whether -it’s a-.comedy. or drama. Some: of the pseudo-serioils “"geenes are frequently funny; some | : ‘of the attempts -at’ humor’ .are| heavy-handed: and coarse. ‘Subtities:| | are’ frequently guilty of bad gram|. ‘mar, worse ‘spelling: and. odd trans-. dation... ‘At one: point -a. character Speaks of ‘Marzio asa “Casanova’’.t “Don | while -thesubtitle: ‘shows . ‘Juan.’ Several: characters ‘portray . American tourists (so: éxaggerated . that they" Gestroy any” intended -gatire). . Miss Freyre, an excellent actress’ with the. international-type. beauty: ~ that should make ‘her‘a natural. for ‘Jeads in. European or American pix, --works hard'to overcome the banali-| ties ‘of: the: plot.‘The other prin ‘eipals,. however,. -including. Marzio, | never. master ~their.. frequently. ridiculgus -parts. Alberto..Etchebe -here’s black and white‘photography ‘of: modern~Buengs Aires sand. ‘the: ranch, .““IuaCautiva,”: isBxcellent: ‘But, ; some | of the, shots are... fre-! _Wednceday, | November 18, 7 Films. production. ‘Stars Jeanne. Jean-Paul: Belmondo; | features..: Claude. Brasseur, Gert Frobe, Jean-Pierre Mari“¢ ele. Directed: by Marcel Ophuls. Screen-. “English”. voice. provided for. Col. .Matsuyama is. {tle spark, and Susana’. Freyre. It follows. ‘formula of. good. ‘boy ‘meets. bad | -| Hye. Jung, Lo ‘Jae: Shin, Yoon ‘Moon: :Chung Sook, Moon ‘Hy 1 Tl ‘Min,’ ‘Lee. & Dae ‘Yup, Choi Myung Su,Ko.:Sul Bong and Park Kyong Joo. SiDirested: by Yoo Hyun: ‘Mok. }Cho one ‘Ki; camera. Stig Bis gee aoe S P Reviewed ‘at. Frisco m 2, Nov. 5, "63. _ all-important “deal”. :falls through. ‘Runnin NS. as result .of. Minister losing office | ‘on. one of those military coups. that. jin: Frisco; ‘Korean © government: interpretors, 1963. a Fest Reviews Continied from. ‘pace t= r quently ‘chopped. off: by. the poor ~~ gharge. of a Philippine: community, editing, Astor Paizzolaa’s score is commercial . and uninspired. to Robe. Peau Be: Banane™ (Banana Skin) (FRENCH—FRANSCOPE) Paris; Nov... 3 Omnia rélease. of Sud. Pacifique-Capitols Moreau, play, ‘Claude ‘Sautet; Daniel Boulanger, Ophuls from book ‘by Charles Williams; off.. ned’. in’ Parts. time, $5 MIMS.” seaste eeeces Jean. Moreau | _ Michel” SINDEN Jean-Paul ‘Belmoondo {. -: harlie ©..:....605.>--Claude Brasseur |: “Bordas 2 .c:cecccecaas 4 ean-Pierre Marielle |. Bontemps. eeteesetes Cewee -..-, Alain Cuny. hard © .....220.0 ‘a Seen ewes ve Gert Frebe ‘picaresque: situation comedy,. ‘Marcel Ophuls, ‘son of the late noqa ‘fed -international filmmaker :Max.} For. ‘a. first pic, Marcel displays a nice. free-wheeling. talent ‘for. witty | H: | costsined "thre ghout fhe hehe 1 ‘1 sustainet ougho e. =]. _.gross and ‘unattractive man, Kim weight pie.” : ‘Ble “Reminiscent. of pre-war Ameri-|* , ‘can. films about likable eonfidence | Men and women fleecing the.-rich | and. taking. pity on worthy. victims, ‘lit. spins a dizzying. plot. that: manages. to keep from. bogging down: ‘entirely at times. by the: solid ease and ‘workmanship of stars -Jeanne Moreau. and Jean-Paul . Belmondo: and the breezy direction of: Ophuls. Sometimes s lacking are the: brit-. unfiagging ‘pacing j * fof ‘comedies of. this type. But there fis a tongue-in-cheek. grace and ‘Vease that keeps this entertaining. | most of the way. On its star names, | 1it looks a. solid: local’ entry. and could : have: Inatching: international chances if well placed and handled: | Miss Moreau is: out to: pluck. two‘underhanded businessmen: . “who 4 ruined: her father. She. enlists Her’. -l ex-husband into. it, Belmondo, and. is “not above they “are“Off. She doublecrossing her. associates” in the game. It: ‘winds 1 up: ‘through tak-: ing in the brother ‘of: one. of Miss ‘Moreau’s. father's. ruiners| and then ‘the: big man himself. ©‘. -. “But it seems the ‘brother’ was a ‘nice: chap: and his money ‘is -re-: correctly underhanded while Bel mondo’s presence . and timing: Tend: ‘thi ‘of. produc| ‘themselves to this: type of. p th his. strength, is overcome by the ‘tion: . Ophuls handles .it all wi ‘aplomb. and style. if ‘he sometimes. |. -Still .cannot manage to keep. ‘this sparkling throughout.” +But this shows up needed. “new film: comedy: director ‘in. the. mak ing. On the spot, free-and-easy len| sing helps. give this.a freshness. It: is technically. good; with a: fine. supporting: cast also getting into | -.the: ‘spirit, of: this: con-man. charade. _ Mosk. The | Aimiess Bullet. -(KOREAN) ' ‘Kim: “Su ung. Choon * production. Features ‘Kim’ orgah Ryo Chor. "Sub Ryong. .Park ‘Su ron u e Ja; Kim ‘Choon £ pi “Yoo Kae. gcreepplay “by | Lee g: time, NE. “MI “Korea’s “entry: in: “the: Frisco Film Fest is*a: remarkable ‘film. in more ways .than: one; “It’s unre-" mittingly hopeless picture of |: poverty-stricken. ‘Korea. may: come as /a. shock..-to U.S. | -veterans:. of. the: ‘Kofean war, but officials. “of the Republic. -of. Korea | ‘are ‘worried riglit now. ‘about. its ‘shock effect. on :their :own: people. “The Aimless Bullet” was ‘made |: in..1960 under ’.great. difficulties. ‘and. sparse. canital. . It wwasthen. banned.’ by the government _be-. cause of. its. black” picture.‘of. un-j employment ‘and ‘because of. a} phrase. ‘spoken: ‘over, and over by} ‘the... War-crazed~grandmother:. “‘Lef’s: get. out. of “here?” «which. | could... be interpreted ' ‘as Meaning ; “baék to -our. home .in., North Korea: 2, (Director. Yoo ‘Hyun. Mok: insisted, through that it was: meant a cry: to: leave. a. b.iserable ‘situation. ). Richard’ Dyer. MacCann,. U.S:} State. Department, specialist: _and consultant «to: the National : ‘Film. ch Production’ Center ‘im Korea, “dis ‘eovered,."the: film,. ‘persuaded.‘the ‘Korean: ‘government: 40 release i in Seoul so that. at could. “qualify ‘Chin Kyu), . -gamera,. Jean Rabier; editor,» Monique {= as: Possibly... -Runming |. “|” Caechdelovakia Film reduction. | ~ | seetéd by: Peter Solan. . Screenplay, Josef Hen, Tiber | oohta Solan: at familiar’ name: ‘comes: back’ to. ‘the. screen, in this. sophisticated somehow ‘triumphed | and it is. the | via {| needs confused vending. oop mur Fudy. = Betty ‘Loh .. Tih, Try. ‘Ling Fe 3 ‘Jen Chieh, | Eamshane "sound, Wang Yonehua; art. Running . time, 133 MINS. © e'Ran, Yang | grim: . ‘Problems. of: contemporary ‘musical... tradition: “Of | ‘Chinese’ opera, ‘Jacks | commercial.” appeal | for most Western audiences, the tamerawork is superb. The depth titles, .in addition. to ‘English, * for. those Chinese who spéak the Can-ta tornese dialect. ard ‘vannot lnger-: ; Stand Spoken. ‘Mandarin: as 2 ‘an 1 entry in: Frisco Fest. Film is .a ‘ery: against poverty, W injustice . and aimless _ existence, ‘20 oo told through _the: -story ‘of: one}. . An elder brother.~ (Kim |" | eaged by. his con-]." ‘science. to: workin: a meaningless | . 4 job;. his. younger brother. (Choi |: ‘Mu Ryong), a-jobless. ‘yeteran whol. {turns to crime,’ and. sister (Suh |. {ae Ja), who. becomes. a prostitute. |. : Briltiantly*detailed :. camera|]—_—— | work is matched by: ‘probing: sym-| “pathy and* rich characterizations..: _[_While recurrent theme is the}... . hopelessness of’ fighting .: against |. riot.. too]. subtly,that the.source. of pain: in: fate; -‘it. also. Suggests,. the. toothache... should : be ".elimi- Whe. Meier. (CZECHOSLOVAKIA) -‘Gan Francisco, Nov..'7. 5 > 2 ‘Revie ed at San F gs Film Feruval . Cw r. go ec, OF: s +2 peruse paeee Di zaedape elga . =e ’ veee ‘e.00 "‘Waientina "Thtelore Venzlak: . weee one oar eeen vas ‘Joaef : Willi. oceara -Kdwid Marian Holder sec ceces . Gerhard. Racheld | ‘Ghach. aneusen pecs. eeerene . Jindrich Narenta Stasek eoenece ‘ewoenae M . Fmt: .. ae cone ». Janusr ‘-Bobek eas Lemacccevesetees =~ an. Ke ‘In the: ‘grim sefing: of a centration. camp, Nazicommander” of the. camp : {Man fred’ ‘Krug) is a ‘man whose heart ‘is ‘in. boxing, a: maz |. ‘yearning..for: a sparring’ partner, a man who. ‘goes ‘through life. “ob serving-“the rules’ of the game" “whether ‘they become the rulgs.of war. ‘oF. the. rules of:a prison camp. have ‘attempted to éscape that. they | are being. punished for “breaking |: ‘the..:rules.”.’ When: he spots :. the signs of: -a ‘boxer. in. one ‘of. ‘the troubled by. the aspersions. of. his ‘starving fellow inmates, wanting. to. beat ‘his’ opponent’ and: afraid. to lose. his own’ life’ if. he’ does... . Under ‘Peter -Solan’s | direction, the fight scenes. have the smell. and. authenticity of the Teal thing, ‘ditto --the -concentration camp. There is. -one: memorable seene in. ‘which the Czech boxer; regaining: horror . and ‘sudden black smoke ‘pouring from. the. gas ‘chamber. ; But this-: unrelieved: . grimness. calls. for -a: little. ‘mercy—the: film ; cutting ‘and ‘editing to sharpen .its-.impact,. as well as shorten it. Ht ‘could. also use a. less 4 “The Love Eferne : “' Q@ORMOSA) © ‘Run Run ‘Shaw. production. ‘Features era; Ho director. Chen | i; music, Choa .Lan i-j ping.. At Frisco Film est, Nov. 10,3963. Exquisite: beauty ‘of. the: Chinese. (Formosa). countryside. captured ‘in -this. poetic ‘story of doomed love. in. Fourth ‘Century: China| pro|. :| vided’ a: restful: interlude. in’ ‘the “| Frisco’. Film~ Fest, almost exclu-: sively. . concerned: with ..war' .and life. “Chu. Ying-tai, a young lady. with Suades..her. parents ~tq ‘let: her; -Study,. disg uished asa man, ata} -school far. from her -home... She]: falls in love. with: “a fellow student } ‘who, ..after. three: Years: of constant | companion! ip and. ‘innumerable | hints. from -the’ young. lady, fails |: to discover the masquerade. When ‘a Inatthmaker’ telis the “‘heokworm” of. her love,: it is too. late because’:her parents have’ already. betrothed her to another... _: -Adthough’ the: film, -atilizing, ‘the ‘of ‘color: through. the. ‘changing Sea-. fine. Oriental art: The -gercenplay, repetitiousness, . ‘despite ‘some -humor and arm:: ‘Fhere:: are Mandarin. ‘sab Judy. Di. | “ing to provide.the girl witn a ‘proper place to wait after al “The ~ Boxer,” |. | Czechoslovakia’s . offbeat: entry in ithe San. ‘Francisco : :Film Festival, | ‘tells of ‘two men ‘by the rules:of-the: ‘sporting game, ‘the Sn Nas and: his: prisoner. > Fiima. Festival, |X {550° members: to. “less: : today. -He. notes. that increase in| both: brains. ‘and femininity, . per-. versal ‘and: Paramount. ‘Ismael Rodriguez of) -here ‘from the Churubusco studios filméd ‘pic has.-beeh: made on .lo-: . cation’ out . of: that: country. “Dismiss. Psycho’ Suit ._,. Denver, Nov. 12°" The: suit: instigated: in: 1961: : against. the RKO Orpheum’ on’ . -behalf of. a girl. who fainted. cock’s. “Psycho,” . Was. dismissed .here by Judge . Mitchell: Johns... + . Denver’ District Court: ‘suit . claimed that ‘the theatre was “negligent and ‘careless in fail-. : lowing ‘her to buy 2 ticket and are Menying her Bamittagce lonfons, reveals. ‘He. is:.a. man incapable. of seeing | ‘the: irony. in telling ‘prisoners: who ‘plummeted to: Costumer’s IA Local 705 5 rep 3 ‘William Howard’ declared things} were “much, -much: better” in his ‘shop with * ‘anemployment.. having dropped from ‘25% .a.few months ‘back to 11%. presently. . _ A, I. Dennison, biz rep for. Elec| trical. .Technicians: IA: Local . 728, : reports..drop from. a 15% ‘wnem-. ployed. rate to -current 5%, -or .50 1 of. 1008. members out: of work: ‘Cinetechnicians. IA Local 789 biz rep.-Paul .O’Bryant, reports. drop | ‘from 5% .unemployment among his} | ‘feature. and TV. production as well ‘as’ -work in .extra-industry areas has: contributed to upbeat figure. ‘~ Only 15 or.16 of the 300 mem‘bers Of Electrical Workers IA} -| Local 40 are unemployed, reports biz rep. Vince Murphy. Figure rep-} Tesents a.100% improvement over six months ago when 30 men were} ‘Murphy, however, | notes that: he has spotted several: men. in -..slots outside industry | sphere’in “recent weeks, adding} without jobs. I that. ‘production: upsurge has -stiil{ ‘been, basically responsible for im-| jartisans be etched by Yugoslavian proved outlook. Most of the union:spokesman ‘warned against over-optimism, not ing that feature production splurge ‘might prove to be only. temporary: | ‘They’ expressed corigern at low. tlevel of activity. at 20th-Fox, _Uni-} MEXICAN FILM ON LOCATION IN TEXAS} San: Antonio, Nov. 12. Actor Lalo Gonzales 3nd director. ‘Mexico are. here heading.a-troupe filming seg ‘ments fora. Spanish-language. film titled “De Donde Vengo” (Where | ‘Do. I. Come From?). Gonzales is currently one . of Mexico’s top ‘money grossers. Story deals ‘with a Mexican migrant ‘coming for the first: time. .to. a U.S. city with .a large popu ‘sons. and the wisps of fog in’ the Jation of -. people | -of Mexican j. andseape have all. the: quality ‘of escént.. Marina. Camacho is femme lead Jésus §~-Sotomayor,. __ producer, braught a complete’ technical. staff of Mexico City. — : Fhis marks perhaps the first.time "large portion of a: Mexican. has superceded Spain and }-nated:. by. ‘the: dentist as quickly ” oR hile waiting Jn in Tine to see |p than .2%"1 ri ‘istry rep was ens . Camera 4, of Pay; Wan Yanks of False Economy ‘Hollywood, Norv. 12. “Cost-piinchy Hollywood producers in. whose dreams. Y: avia taly as |} Europe’s' production. bargain-base ‘ment, will have to revise this “fan* reports Gene Corman.. aust ack from. co-pri : .with h _} brother Roger Uriited Artists’ “The ‘| Dubious Patriots” in Dubrovnik. Pie _lensed 36 days following | This he ‘attributes to the 45° key they Fim. was made for $1,300,000. e. | What coin Was xaved on the lower {wage acale (about 56% that | U, S) was svaliowed by crew and. t transportation costs im Major savings repped by mintmal baste wage of thousands of tby a tax equal to 107% of salary ; which must be js : paid to a health _ Ineligible for subsidies, film re a ‘ceived nothing from the. govern ment save certain “services” for which the producers paid. Hot them. were dummy munitions, use the | at a’steady 50% for some time, has| ‘tress built in the 10th ceniary % was 3 about 16%, accord-. che: ‘Jing... to biz rep. Scotty Miller. for a. match and. insists that it be T. by big a fair ‘and equal one. i “Stefan Kvietik plays the. Crech’ ti boxer. . with a ‘hungry ‘intensity, essential. to a film, he avers. “Patriots” was the only unsubsidized film shooting in iagoa Bry. for “hard currency,” YugoslaVia gets a cut of bo. Teceipts in ‘exchange for preduction coin. Though finding, the Yugostavian technicians enthusiastic and eager to learn, Corman declares. that the lower level-of their technical attainment-made every day’s. Gning a high-pressure effort. to . bar, noting that 45 “interpreters : were. on payroll for the: duration of the. filming, strategically placed fo co-ordinate ac‘tivity in different production: areas, Inexperience ‘of those ‘not-socheap. Yugos{avian extras also ate jup time and money. American ex _tras.on the other hand are “pros” and. “know their. Tesponsibility te ‘the camera” which canbe an important time-saving factor, Corman asserts... Among terms ‘unger. which film was Ziven a government ok to film there was stipulation that the nationals. Group of international. criminals. who war had freed and whese mvolvement with -the partisans. forms crux of story; were Jimned. by. Stewart Granger, Raf ‘Vallone, Mickey: Rooney, Edd Byrnrs, ‘Henry Silva and. Marshail* | Thompson. Though acknowledging that the 1 film’s seript had to be okayed by the Ministry of Propaganda (news. ‘and culture), Corman asserts that government's interest was strictly jin seeing that subject matter was dramatized authentically. One min‘on set for duration of lensing but presented no problems, according to Corman, ‘Producer came away. with a pen erally high opinion of the Yugo| slavian film makers and their fa cilities. .-hut warns against going there with anything but maximum preparation. "This to include bringing a considerable amount of equipment which isn’t yet available there, such as the. Mitchell good. sound equipment (everything is dubbed in’ Yugosla~ Vian films). Next for tire Corman. brothers. will be a biopic of Robert E. Lee which Richard Adams is presently seripting for a pencilled spring . bstart. Pic will lense in Holiywood.