Variety (November 1963)

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4 ; “VARIETY’S'. LONDON. OFFICE. oe #. James's Street, Piccaditiy Singapore, Nov. 5. : | -planaing $6,000,000... super. '” first. -floor. ; chairman Heah “Hock..Meng — ] reported ‘here “ also: that the company is. prepping ‘the. con-" ‘gtruction of a chzin. of bowl. Paris, Nov, 12.. + films and ty respectively in aij for more government film aid if a} ‘London, Nov..5. |. aysia. vivendi between pix and tele. It} cording to. official figures: released: |’ Singapore, ne in: the Cine. J.. Ribadeau-Dumas discussed] here. "Total: marks. a. substantial). Park Hotel. : piace during. the budgetary. meet-| $540,000 in 1960. > “egg-shaped”. theatre in’ the his own right and Tast season had| bloc. nations. ‘ Last year, Polish | Tokyo last year. and thesec-. His main point was that the film| ‘the. Iron Curtain, compared with |. — competition, poor foreign’. marts} “Recent, successful 1 Polish exports | hen | r vw New. aid filmmakers. Alsojin The Water.” (The first two al-|in spite of Common Mart insistence j shortly in New “York under the]. Fi Berlin Philharmonic which is aeae im Bi Wo | ied namely. Hans. von: Buelow, ° Artur The French ‘National Assembly ’ had two deputies holding forth ony POLAND’ A FILM EXPORT | recent session. Film rep attacked a tele and also pointed up the needs}. TAKE AT $1,275, 000 : not to ensue. The tv under-} Polish feature films earned $1, .Kieking. . off. ‘the ‘program os writer gave his views for.a modus| 275,000 from export in. 1962,| ” will -be two bowling alleys in’. all pointed up the shaky state. of by. the Polish government and Te-. Tama ‘theatre. and. another. to 7 the film industry . here today. ported. the Financial | “Times: oe go: up near: Cathy’ s own Ocean : film needs while it was-M. Boinincrease over .the film ‘export .re| The ” Singapore . ‘Cinerama:” villiers who batted for tv. It took] turns of Fite 175,000. in’ 1961. and| house’ will ‘be ‘the: third such ings of the Assembly. Ribadeau-| Most of the export. business ap"Bar East. “The: first “super-~ Dumas is also a film producer in| parently was with the Western) ‘Cinerama” house was built in, a Jules Verne pic “Mathias: Sand-j feature pix ‘were involved in 117] _ ond is-shortly to be. com leted orff,” made by his company. separate transactions this side of in Manila, mp! biz was in a bad way due to over-| 8! deals. with “other Communist — taxation, declining filmgoing, tv ‘countries. rising costs. sisted that include “such. films” as. “Kanal,” | 38 A Biee ‘investment Neato a un-| “Ashes: and Diamonds”:and “Knife| | ? blocked to 7 that present Film Aid had to be ready have heen released: in the] Mt 1 Hi kept up past next June 30 deadline ‘States, . with. . third opening. usica aven on progressive cuts leading’ to, 2 seo" ‘of the indie Kanawha | Berlin, Nov. 12." central ECM aid coffer for a | now. in: its new home. has had but a {four conductors: ‘in..:80° -years— “of Pix: | Nikish, Wilhelm Furtwaengler’ and ) ass {Herbert von Karajan. New -estab Culture Minister Andre Malraux Cinerama & Bowling ; eaee “The Cathay. Organization. is” log , construction of -a 4:7 Ti Cineérama | 7 -. theatre here. complete with a. 24-lane bowling alley.on the. ~ Cathay’s -deputy. ing --alleys throughout Mal21 ‘known. in’ ple, industry « *"Tondon ener. Alan Bates, who. was in “The Caretaker”™ on Broadway and in: | the British film version, is reunited. with. director Clive Desner “Nothing But the. Best,’’. which is. ‘being produced by David } for | ‘“Anglo-Amalgamated. Other roles are being: played by De , Harry Andrews and Millicent Martin... “The. Servant,”.. w ‘was one. of: the: three British entries at the Venice. festival ‘and su | sequently represented the U.K. in the.New York fest, opens a. Weet | End. prerelease’ run at the Warner .Theatre tomorrow .(Thurs.),.é | London’s third Cinerama theatre, the Royalty, opens on Nov. 27 with: 4 “The Wonderful World of the. Brothers Grimm,” ‘which: will be | fering from the Coliseum to make way: for Stanley Kramer’ s “Mad. | World,” due’on Dee.’ 2...Carl Foreman’s “The . Victors trans« ’ starts. its round of 5 royal. premieres in London. next Monday (18) when | it will be seen by the Odeon, Leicester Square. It will move ‘to the. Leicester Squaré the following day for an. extended run. Other royal: dates have been ‘set’ in Stockholm: (Dec. 12) and Copenhagen (Dec. °17) ..;.The English Stages Company. and .Beb Swash have issued a disclaimer on the report that J » Lee Thompson had acquired film rights to Arnold: Wesker’s y | | “Chips With Everything.” ” ‘Other negotiations are > pending, says. handout. Robert Aldrich expected here : soon: swith advance. print of “Four for ‘| Texas” to set future production plans ...Jean-Lue Gedard held local. |. Press confab to reveal reasons for removal of his name from Italo vervf sion of “Ghost at Noon” . } drums for his new upcoming compilation “ele. ‘MPEA’s Lee H o feviving traditional Sunday . afternoon: pic screenings, with “PT 109" item... ‘| (The Whip “and the Body): to. be shown. .in -Rome.Court. to answer: | charges of “immorality” against: -Producer. Natale Magnaghi. brought. “by a Roman who had seen pie. eral .. Hareld Lloyd made RAI-TV personal to beat. ochstetter : . Latest ChristepherLee starrer “La Frusta ¢ il Corpo” _Marcello. Mastroianni. may precede his “Casanova” stint with another Carle Ponti pic under ‘direction of Maree. (“Conjugal Bed”): Ferrari... Yank tv footage on Darryl Zanuck shown: over the Italian telenet, coincidentally: with “Cleopatra” opener . . .:show. biz: turnout for. new. Rome dinery, the Papagiulio, boniface Baren Felix Zerbi being widely .Italo papers citing recent: London ‘Times article by in which. director paternity of “The Leopard” in its stateside form, speaking : of arbitrary. editing, . ‘scarce sensitivity in dubbing and ‘inept choice of. voices: _Nisconti. adds: ” Prince Philip and the Duke and Duchess of. Gloucester at. ttt part of French film distrib market. of af it. has. fallen off in the last .two. taly. Zeria still has remained a solid out-{ more international in appeal. Italy|1et felt this is threatened by has pulled ahead of France in the | {2¢ recent moves. ieerative Oe. irket, he clain re | steps on this matter. of about $10,000,000 of which [2nd | $4,250,000 to the French. | accounted for about: felt © |53% of the ona wide ‘Of course anne. eo a turall, and Jaa prestige sense i Algeria*was onée: an important: | years, Since its independence, Al-| ‘So far the] "French: government has’ taken no; | The. local governmental flm. | ‘q jarm,:the Centre .Du. Cinema, re-j Fe let ities. a released ia ‘last pix sta-| mn $1,400,000 went, to Yank distribs’ of startling arrogan .|from. the London ee Board of Trade. this since has declined but Algeria: toached 90 fa tt they wit ments. Two new. concert grands: |}. $4,560, a new. harp:. $4,800, three | new tom-toms, $280. Scotman Fila Critic Rays Si Pix For: _ ag or 12: °° described ad offices thatan. international film highly beneficial: to ‘the industry and the nation asa whole. According to ing alive the. Edinburgh Film i keepi | | Fest: for... iit. ‘years,’ Latter, he run ‘on ° a shoestring. the support of those who. profess to. advance the art of the cinema. For instance, he quoted. how the‘ Film Institute’s quarterly I | round space for reports on the | festivals of Mar. ‘del Plata “and And this, he alleged, despite the. . | fact that the grand ‘prix at Mar del Eh . Plata was:“won by a film of ‘such | of Berlin were. 24,000, ~ | ncrettechons biz underline. whats Gia BR poorest for film ce. az opposed to Pepa? im been known here for’ some. time: | lia Three of .Renk's nabes here now,| arts. West. ‘Germany, Retin is the joverate as hinge houses, on s lease ‘ti attendan ‘| Basis. . Wright compared how the -pro+ international | Soviet Union by Sovexportfilm . | to. U.S.. to choose actors for his: upeoming ‘spoof of Dante’s Comedy”, with. topical justaxpositions .... Richard Scot Fest /rection—we can . ‘back in the States, because the ‘German propaganda films handed. out by the German government are 4 >, Wright, this. ‘by] passes .all ‘the voluntary effort and ’ ri intense -enthusiasm bestowed. : cel{are of. the | “magic of. old Heidelberg,” “idyllic film festi| GS. version was made. without his consent. “Divorce, Italian Style” has been purchased. ‘for showing: in the Girelans . .Marco Film: topper : “Divine. Leacock. pix. to: be screened at upcoming Florence People’s. Festival . Welfe Cohen here for week of talks anent Warners. releasing plang: ‘for. “My. Fair Lady” and other company «items .. 4 does episode under. Mino: . Mereier :. Michele . Guerrinti’s: direction. titled ay Solid. Gold Net” for pic called “Love in Four Dimensions ..: Catherine Spaak’s recentlyfinished stint in. “Empty. (Canvag”. ’ .. (Ponti-Levine) was her. 18th; slie’s also 18. years. old .: mated tt Theatres by Algeria) amet cuss et af ht. ty heu: bar peal. elt | . * paris, Nov.12: | throw, literally, from. the wall of off pth release and in t French film people here are wor-|sharhe separeting West. and East aterlasids, A es: , Tried as the nationalization of hard-|Berlins. Since. the: war. orchestra | { ilms they don't understand, j tops. continues a foes Hore. occupied ‘the music: ete tags e. insisted, a} his did. not -helpj than a of ouses have} With the congratulatory jp: | ¥rer solve their pressing| been taken over by the -govern-| now digested some realistic facts: film problems, Prestige was alli ment. Up: till now they have been|of the new building -become. .ap-}'' tight if it did not get in the way mainly. owned. by. Algerian ‘.na-} parent. Heat is. budgeted at $18,Coe ee ee ee cette wens. Inponnded. his| ening bil ot $9800), Once. the _ | . a were impoun This. a ; nee the’ Arty Pix Net Se Much in Demand } could mean finally nationalizing all landscaping 4s ‘completed. there | relay sail ene aiso opined that 4 bs them. It is nat that ‘there: are} will be’ aat of gardeners. for these arty pix but only Hand Liat when one is nationalised, the | yin some’ tew Soeee”¢e Soy | ne aie insistence on ” offbeaters debts of. the previous owners hick off in’ newly painted -and’ carpeted St festivals and as the flower. of pullife to local producers eee tripe | sur K ings. Ue ten rare ne ¥rench production had finally: led pieces: are ‘a iona instru|. By HAZEL. GUILD Frankfurt, Nov. 5. 7 “The American State: Depart: |" {ment and USIS are dumping. so}: manyfree films. on German. tele. | vision that:.a poor film’ -peddier can’t do a detent. job. trying to sell: "| his product here,.’ .a | | 4 salesman repping an. American been. niade ‘by filen Wright. fila for the year. with a gross critic’ of The. Scotsman here.. He | ‘ “a a eonouneinent ft: ce” 2 statement telefilm company. said here recently, ° do. a better job so crummy.” Truth of the. matter is, ° “accord. ‘ing ‘to some ‘of the astute film crix in.West Germany, the West German foreign office and cultural| German government -is turning out offices are trying to make folks} such feature ‘pix. as forget about the Nazi atrocities and. keep them blissfully unaware _of’ | the. tremendous economic. growth. Instead, most ‘propaganda films being : offered by the. German government ‘without charge, to: peddle the. German image ‘abroad, romantic. Germany, ” and While such progressive ‘govern {ments as the U.S. are keenly aware jof the good that they can-do by}:good, and-bad: points. sending other nations films about contemporary. America (and even| frankly seme facets of the Negro h there: are -jeurrently about 500 titles being -; offered by the integration problems), German govern id, | ment in its “Film Catalogue 1963.” ‘will ‘be forced: to: “mpecialize. * 2% | enous the: jamboree. . F ‘Of the. » Ediebargh: festival, he foreign. county said: “Perhaps the most. important ‘category icture | factor in-its favor is its. unique“al| the a | “A Man: an American. “And in. just the: opposite. di-} ‘German: Newsreel Company . Hamburg, for instance. ‘This pri-yate firm has. been turning ‘out: ‘from: German Propaganda Pix Gre Biased, meant View of Natior Say C _ praisal of” the current. ‘political ; | scene in West. Germany. “fisk German-Embassies to Help. - laborers in such firms as Yolks wagen, Siemens Electric company; . and: so forth. Bat the. problems the ‘social’ and sickness insurance, .. .-| the shortage of laborers and the ~ -importation of: workers from other: countries, the growing. demands of labor unions are ‘not touched. on_ in: :. these films, which are produced by. ° the top German. industries only: to show the bright side of the. picture. Instead. of digging into the works a paintThe ‘ers who are frying ‘to keep up with of today’s modern .German } their Paris: «contémporayies, the “beautiful rococo buildings in Germany,”: the “erown jewels. of ‘the..House. of. -Wittelsbach.”. A. film about the late’: ‘great: German’ artist Kaethe Koll-: witz. falsifies the life of this famed: painter in order not‘to remind the viewers that. she spent. time in a | concé because. of. her. a anti-Nazi sympathies. .. : a scenes of the. Rhine” |. category. The country where. the |: ‘Grimms’ Fairy Tales originated has | come. ahead a couple of centuries —but the . government . doeumentaries presented here just haven't ‘kept pace. Newsreels ‘More Realistic A much more realistic picture of -Germany with its growth and difficulties. is being offered by’ ‘the newsreels: and. documentaries ‘that show more. aecurately ‘Germany’ s In. a. “specials series titled “The World in.a Second,” the group has. ‘produced ~ an eight-minute series © which is being shown -in 13--South and. Middle American ‘countries, f{ncluding Argentina, Chile; Colum-: _— bia, | ‘Peru, Bolivia, Urugay, . Costa’ , | -Included: in the “political sec-| Rica, temala,” €OMi tion” of this very limited. ‘catalog n‘Germany, ” about the former Ger-] man Chancellor Adenauer and ‘his|' -Salvador, Gua ‘Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and ‘Mexico. ©. . ‘The: German image ‘broad: would d out . ‘The German. other ..: ‘countries are’ also show the industrial films ‘that show the. happy, contented, “progressive