Variety (November 1963)

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Bf “ “ee a AS «warning to. producers . that a 7 “greatly increased Quota may force }}' exhibitors. more indifferent _British films, which could-‘only|| reduce. ‘boxoffice. takings ‘and: have “+.\-..-obvious repercussions : on-the . in-|] ~”” dustry as -a whole, was made. by| Ded: (Jack) Goodlatte, ‘managing ||’ “. director Pictures, . speaking at an: industry i ‘of “Associated British luncheon at the Savoy. “Referring: to the. “very. setious || confronting. .;British}]. .. . problems” producers, ‘which . were of “grave concern”. to. all, ‘Goodlatte’ opined there’. were: many persons .. both -within :.and~ outside the’ industry ||. oe who. were . inclined .to blame the; two major circuits. Certainly those} ‘critics could not be.aware. of the|]: facts ‘as. they. ‘affected -the. “ABCIE circuit and. he wanted to. put the} —~ .position into: its. true . perspective, : “In 1962, ABC's first feature Quota|{ 7 reached ‘an average of 42.5% rand} a .the.. supporting Quota an. average/. *of 54.5%. In the current. year,the! _s first feature: Quota would show an _ increase: ‘to: an average ‘of : over |: . 45% and the “supporting |. “Quota. = would. approximately parallel | last “year’s figure. “ ABC ‘was always. only too happy “.to give preference to a-British film which; : in the: company’s ° ‘ opinion, “had-:a. better boxoffice’. potential than product available from: other sources, the figures quoted: proved “that: ‘ABC had more than’ fulfilled} ‘its Quota. ‘requirements. And, as}. there was more fexibility in: “play ing: time. in ‘the. provinces, it was ‘likely that the. final figures. would vary more in these’. areas. than in cL. ‘London. By the.end: of the. ‘current: “year, ABC. would have played 26 -. -Quota first’. features, | yet: despite -” that’ “impressive. figure,” solve: the industry: problems, | . Explaining why. he disagreed ‘with ‘that. thesis, the ABC’ topper -enumerated | these points: -(1). “There. are: already: 59 Quota: ‘films, 7 completed or in production which “-willbe available | ‘for. 1964;: (2). ‘numbers. alone are no. guarantee to. producers. ofa healthy. industry. -There is abundant evidence’ that _certain. British ‘films have failed " injust the’ @ame way... as. indif‘ferent foreign films; and: (3): while ‘exhibition. . “source§, | “ABC,. as. all. recognizes. the. big’ ‘esponsibility to British producers; it also has an equal. responsibility. to the: public ‘in’ providing ‘the best. quality en! nave done the wickets. So some. ‘sort’ of compromise may be]: ‘in ‘the offing to make Cannes both |: ‘an art.and industry affair, ‘at. least | ae ; tertainment.. 5 ‘With a: ‘greatly. {increased Quota, "exhibitors. ‘may be. forced : to’ play: more. indifférent British films. So; far ‘as the present situation is con-| cerned, could it. not. be that some}: distributors «= “had... finaticed more| | films than the market. could: absorb “through their ‘own lack of -‘fore-| sight?. It was paradoxical, ‘he added, |. that. they. should now:-blame exs ‘hibitors, -many of whom . ‘were. ‘screening . British films far in: ex-. . ‘cess of: statutory réequirements.. _Goodlatte pledged :. that ABC| : “would :do. everything possible to. help ‘British production, but he felt ‘there: were oo. many sectional interests who. could. not or. would “not. consider: the problem from the ‘point of. view: ‘of: what: was good. for’ ‘the industry asa whole.. The ‘situation, he. commented, ‘demanded ‘elear -thinking ‘and. clear’ ‘speaking __.. by: people who were. prepared to :place «the: ‘industry ‘before. their 7 own personal. interests. : Soraya: ‘May Do Another _:Preceding ‘Catherine’ Rome, Nov.. 5, “Catherine the:Great,”: Dino: De-: item’ to star. Princess “Laurentiis’ : Soraya and. “slated “for | .a | spring -start, may ‘be ‘preceded by another pie featuring the onetime Empress. New. film: is called “The Of Iran.. Secret,” and is about an. Italian princess. who ‘falls in love with a NATO::. officer.January.’ with Alberto. ‘Lattuada, who also does “Catherine,” direct_ing. Other names: are: still. ‘to. be set.: Reason. for” postponement’ Of. “Catherine” is: the. new possibility} ‘that pic may be partly. shot in Russia.“ Producer has applied. to: Soviet ‘government for. permission ‘to. shoot there. ‘If granted; as’ is-like oy, pic: would ‘roll Jater in 1964, : ait’ was ~~ suggested that a-50%: Quota. would has both, ‘everybody will be happy.|. | It would ‘roll ‘in NST DYSTNRT OORT. TO wit . a tet a . reer iw ee OLE re a VARIETY’S’ ‘LONDON orrica 49 St. James's Street, Piceaditiy” Asso. Bish Boss Wars <P | creased Quota May Force Exhibs To Play More Indi ~ London, Nov: 12.°-4[0 esa Ll Px GERALD ADLER has his own concept of « aw Preséription: Fe or, | ~Coproduction: ‘anisther Iniocmenive’ Featere “inthe upcoming. “seth Anniversary: Number | : ot | charts and crticles Fork BO. Films : Pp aris? ‘Nov: 5 ’ Reports: ‘have. it that. ‘there iit | Be some changes made in. the: Cannes’ Film: Fest rules‘ for the]: forthcoming — festival. next’ year; ‘April. 29. through .May 13. Only. ‘probable new ruling may allow. the -official governmental » Festival Council. to-elect the jury ‘director. rather: than ‘the. .old . method — -of having: fellow. ‘jurors. do it. — -This may. mean. that’. the. next ‘Cannes’ ‘Fest -may have a.combina‘tion art and commercial. trapping. It. is. intimated festival authorities will not. try. to. force. any prizes .or| -hogtie-the jury but probably will try for an. outlook that: will recog7 ‘nize’ commercial possibilities ® in a}. ‘film “besides ‘its art ‘aspects. If ‘it “It’s. ‘also’ “reported: that maybe special prizes will separate unusual. offbeat arties from: the:-more busi-} ‘ness-prone: -entrie$. This isjust -conjecture: in local. film circles at the moment.:-It..may havebeen. brought. on “by. ‘the: Syndicate of Exhibitors: decision: to give.Golden Ducat prizes.:to a local-and foreign |: Be picked ‘by’. themselves, . which ‘they. chances. at ‘the boxoffice: ‘pix. that rarely make. it. at thebox | office: ‘have grown over. the years.. However. “some .. -top™ prizewinners have’ loomed as poor biz bets but ‘in: “its: awards. . Fact Stranger Than Russian Film Script; . .. Moscow,.. Nov. -5.“Russian. films need. fresh slants, . and eéven.-the Parisian technique of “cinema verite” is recommended. . in a recent series of: special pieces: in‘ Izvestia here.: Cited are two Yecent examples of extempore’ pay ing. off. J “Gersteinin: directing adocumentary. called: “Factory Meet ing”. himself ‘thrust: a microphone: in the face of: a worker. To: his and everybody else’s delight this worker proved “witty, original and replete + with: realism,” ~ An even more ‘Wondrous anecdote is. recited in:respect to a film which was : beginning. not long ago-:at| Kazakhifilm: studio ‘in distant. Alma-} 1 Ata: “¥oung director, ‘Akin Asimov, : ‘ran ‘into. resistance. ‘because -everyone declared the plot of his ‘“Tul‘par’ was impossible. detailng as it did. the sale of ‘a.-peasant: girl. by. “her. parents... This has once:. Been ‘commonplace: but ‘provincial : pride ‘declared. it was-no longer conceiv-. able. At violated ‘Soviet reality. . This “is. the’ reported | payoff: the ; local. amateur: who play the: girl disappeared ‘and when. tracked}. down ina. distant. village was ‘found. to -be the virtual slave ‘of a | -puffian. who. had~ made ‘a’ contract for. her with her gift-bribed parents. ‘Izvjestia reported: that the’. director liberated the girl, the police. arrested: the: man and the film will. ‘soon be completed “statid asa ‘proof that ‘even in reality. happen things | «. ; Hike: that.” : | German Theatre Guest Stars: Get Rooms Free | | because ‘for. “guest. stars, aoe || rooms are expensive and often ‘dif-j| ‘T| ficut. to’ obtain: An: ‘this . convention~| |: || crowded city: . . |] So-the new City: ‘Theatre, ‘which -1| will have’ its official opening. in| | Decentber,. will: include 10. modern |{ ‘Phas other: statistical ond od detefited 1 | -fense. ‘consider. having . the . ost. . And ‘criticism of art.’ : prizes to Urge Quest of Truth’ | Frankfurt, Noy. 5..-: Problem of. accommodations orl ‘| guest: stars .. appearing: in Frank: | furt is being solved in-a novel. way |. ‘by the city’s new City: Stage. The Frankfurt-sponsored opera play ‘centre has been | concerned |. hotel |[ utility apartments for’ guests. The city has allocated about. $23, 000 | Eto, add the: the facilities, if | Brit. Pix Defense Org. Keeps 1,000. Fis From TV” 5 ot Group Seeks “London, ‘Nov. “12. . “At the end of 1963, it: is antici-. ‘| pated that the Fiim ‘Industry: De| hs (FIDO) — will]: ‘have collected better than: $5,-] ‘Organization | .600,000 in. direct payments from |}. exhibitors’ . -b.o. receipts and. wilt | have. acquired covenants ‘ta -more | than | 1,000 . British . feature ; films, -which-. otherwise. might. have been sold tothe‘ tele networks. . ‘In a-half yearly: ‘reyiew, “from. t March .. 30 tolast’. _Aug.-(31, the FIDO board reports that receipts from exhibitors totalled $317,363, “making a. total ‘since. ‘inception | of ‘$5,070,044... In. ‘the «six ‘months, a \further 62. covenants . were’. ac: .{ quired ‘at. acost of. $674,310, mak ing.a total: .of 899. for a cost of $4,730, 308. ° Rights -for a‘further | seven. are in process’ of. being ac quired: and ‘negotiations are. under “way: for another 61. feature PER. _ “ATALO s VATICAN HONORS Rome, Nov. 12. sonalities | ‘in. lo¢al céremonies.. / Honored: were Leo ‘Hochstetter; MPEA’ Mediterranean’ topper, ‘whoreceived. the’ decoration ‘as Com-. ‘mendatore of: the Italian Republic at a luncheon‘ tendered ’.him ‘byTTtalo: pic industry prexy Eitel Mo-. ‘naco; and: Otto" Preminger, ‘who. was_ handed. the: ‘Cross as Knight: of the. Order .of the Holy~ Sepul-. |chre, ‘one:.of the highest honors accorded ‘by . the. ‘Catholic: ‘Church,, at. a ‘Vatican ‘ceremony, — and | ae _t™ ‘TBrish Pic Producers Hol in : Of Confabs on Film Trade Crisi ~ Bat Higher _ up to Parliament oo. “-pse-rv Impresario, “ SYDNEY. NEWMA! recaps the lack of prudery ond. ‘censorship. @s among the “veasons why British Writers: Like To | Work. in. TV one of the mony. Interesting Features. lathe upcoming. . ogth b Anniversary, N umber _ OFF Plas other statistical ond data-filled. World Mart Pix’ Edinburgh, ‘Nov. 12, The. Films ‘of Scotland Commit tee is. ‘moving towards the. produc-. prexy Robert Clark, which was: ‘tion of full-length films. which. will have a world ‘market, .So said | its’ director; Forsyth Hardy, Tes: -ealling how -his” group: has pro| duced 40 films of all kinds in eight | A further. 13: films | are. now years: .. being made: . ‘Coin . ‘earned ”. by. distribution is ploughed. back. ‘into: strengthen-: ing ‘the resources of the committee. | {oo “We ‘want, in. the future, to make |. ‘!more.use of the’ natural, landscape = |.0F Scotland, a said. Hardy.. Two . “high ‘Italian. decorations make. no mistake, we don’t want: a. this week” went to U. S. film: ‘per-. “But ‘second:. Hollywood or Elstree in. : ‘Scotland... ..We. have: no plans’ at. all: for.: constructing huge indoor’ ‘studios -in’ Scotland that one day might-become useless.” Great. Ships,” ‘about the Clyde, | have. won: awards. at. film. fests. Chairman. of: the. Films. of Scot-. land. ‘Committee is Sir Alexander ‘King, Scot, cinema magnate. F rench Producers See uu Fi im participation; .. like the , “American : -_ ‘Aid Essential * paris, Nov. 12. . -Freneh. ‘fim ‘producers are again | | worrying. about’ Film. Aid .even _']though. they only: got a hike from 15.5%. on domestic grosses to:.14% |. last. February. ‘The trouble is that |. as. of ‘next June. 30,. this. aid runs out: again,. and the. ‘Common: ‘Market pressures for a gradual doing away of national aid. (to have one ‘cen-. tral: coffer for: ‘all ‘CM. : countries) may. lose Iocal producers their needed. support. which pushed film. production to its par 100. this’ year: after a fall to ‘80 last year... ‘All. parts’ of “the. iadustry. have |: been petitioning the governmental: Centre’ Du Cinema to. get ‘a -prolongation; «but. -there.. is. ‘nothing definite so far. Some insiders’ think | that. Film~ Aid. will “still -be. con tinued, but some. more. pessimistic ones think the. ECM. ‘may yet: get} . its. way. ‘a ‘disaster : if their. hard’ .won . aid is: lowered next July. They point ‘out that. after “getting. the: 14%,. there: ‘also. was‘ a concerted effort. to.clean up the actual industry and |. streamline it to cope with the still: great. problems of. declining: film-. ‘going :and shaky -foreign “outlets.. | All.this “is. still” in. the. planning. stages if some headway has. “been made of late, © quickies -to. ‘cash inon ‘this aid. ‘and ‘make. for a‘ few big central caches... ‘An_-export. Office. to ‘take’ the. brunt: off -individual producer sales © ‘headaches aiid callections: from abroad is also under study: .Cufting. down production’. :costs: x “Hby. star’ and creator. deferment: and Producers queried feel it -will pels There was: no: rush: to: ‘make’ Ideas were: broached. to. ‘rev. up antiquated ' distribution methods| If They way, is also starting up .as well. as ‘quickerplayoffs and. even show | case releases. West. Gerniany Sans Film Ald It is pointed' out that West Ger ‘Taany -has' no. Film “Aid, if some. quality: handouts, and isin a bad. state. while Italy’s 14% aid has kept. it..going.. It fs averred: that] ifaid: begins to be cut as of. next}. that even when a major hit comes ‘along, they are denied the chance July, ECM. ,mentors “want, it ould mean: the ‘death knell. of the. harassed French industry: The Ministry. of Culture, through Ats: ‘Centre. Du Cinenia. arm, is re-: portedly ‘all for keeping. ‘up: aid at. its present level until a firmer film setup. can allow ‘for gradual | cutting: down ‘over the years. tilk there. is one ECM. fund’ for: all ‘signatory producing countries. “Need To Keep Film Aid’ — . Burgeoning tele. competition; ‘slack attendance and still only re‘forms in..the: planning stage mean a: ‘continuation -of the. ‘present. aid or a complete crisis... That ‘is the general ‘film consensus. ‘here. One. producer points out that it takes ‘two to three months prepara ‘tion and.then two to three months. shooting and finding. outlets: Téch ‘nicallv no. film:released. after next. June 30. gets Film Aid if it is not _exterided ‘soon.: The offchance that it may. not becontinued could: have ‘production Jagging which could ‘be disastrous.. "Many: producers say theywill gol. ahead on the-hope that the government. will again force the ECM: to allow for ‘Present Film Aid... But others, operating on a. shoestring, may.-not have. the conrage to keep |: production: perking. “A decision: on this Problem is: expected, SOON. . ‘{|Parliamentary session, opens. ‘today (Tues;).. Two of the committee’ '« films, } “The Big: Mill,”. about steel rolling. in: Lanarkshire, and “Seawards the’ ing Cinerama. ‘West Was .Won,” ‘course. supper, after the show, at the Cafe Royal near the theatre. | London, ‘Nov. 12. Mounting: activity by British ~ |} film: producing’ interests. to find {an acceptable. solution. to the ‘cur rent British film crisis has resultedi. in a nonstop series of. committee: ‘meetings. during the past week, but the decisive action must inevitably await the start-of the new Ww. hi ich Word has. already gone to the ‘new Board of. Trade prexy Edward Heath that the Federation of Brit lish Film Makers favors emergency || legislation to hike the British Film Quota toa new high of 50%. But jjthere appears to be ample evi|.dence. that such a move. will be. ‘resisted. by the rival British Film Producers Assn. Latter body, which is still.reviewing the prob lems that led to the crisis, is likely | to. take the view that the ‘present evil is attributed mainly to overproduction of British ‘pix. The BFPA, which is crisis con . scious; convened a special exec session 10 days back to consider a | special. memorandum prepared . further debated last Tuesday. (5). In view of the importance of the issues raised therein, it has named a special sub-committee to study the president's report as a “matter of urgency.” Anticipated that the committee will report back to the: full council: at the latest. by the beginning of next month, though a further special confab. is con sidered ‘a possibility. _FBFM Council Meets Again “The FBFM council will be meeting again today {Tues.) and -will have advance reports prepared by. }its action committee. which was set-up only a fortnight previously. This committee is planning the campaign in support of the basic 50% quota demand, which the Federation regards as the essential short-term solution. to present problems, ° Surprisingly, there has. been some support for the higher quota ‘from indie exhibs, mainly because. | they have been hurt by the growling practice | of extended-runs ‘for. ‘big grossing British pix. Varrmety first pinpointed this situation. as a _.|new development aggravating the ‘booking situation on Oct. 2, follow‘Jing extended engagements for “The: we Great Escape.” The problem has,. Jas then anticipated, become even ‘More actute with. such successful releases as “Tom Jones” and “From Russia With Love,” both of which have had holdoyer ‘dates in many key theatres. — Longruns Take Cream Off Tep. Apart: from. the fact that such holdovers. affect the earning po-. | tentiality. of the pix skedded to_ {| follow, the indie exhibs are ‘beef‘ing ‘because. too much of the cream has gone off the top before they ‘get .a chance to play. them in their own theatres, ‘They’re complaining, therefore, of reaping the maximum benefit, which would provide the gravy to help sustain the inevitable leaks ‘suffered when lesser attractions are around, 7 The unions, ‘whose members have been on the receiving end of some. of the severest blows by vir-. -}tue of the growing number of re=: dundancies, have also stepped up their activity. And collectively as a Federation, apart from individual overtures,. also will be making. urgent representations to the BOT prez.. Supper E Plus West? In Manchester For $3.50 Manchester, Eng., Nov. 12. “Dining facilities are being added to. filmgoing here for patrons viewTheatre Royal “is” offering a supper ticket for $3.50, in addition to its normal priced seats. Ticket entitles the customer to a. best seat for “How The. and a three -Record advance’ bookings. have’ been notched up for the screening of this Cinerama pic here.