Variety (November 1963)

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_Wednesday, November 18, 1963 ¢ Two: weeks onating Oct, 27 27) CES-TV continues. its No. 1 ‘pace in the. newest National. Nielsen _ report released yesterday. (Tues.), For‘the'50 half-hours..spanning. the prime time: periods of 7:30.10 11 (and:.7 to’ 11 on Sundays),.:° “CBS captured 25, NBC took 15: and ABC 10..CBS took five nights‘: “| .: Of the week (the. “Lassie” win at. 7 o’clock giving it Sunday) and. “| ~ -NBC the other two.:Of. the. Top 15 shows CBS. had. A, NBC three |. ‘works. ne or “ and ABC ‘one... Beverly. Hilibilies(CBS) woes ecb ets adebasestervvaess 362 . Bonanza. (NBC) . Hes a weeaee oy BLG.Bob Hope (NBC) eed oe eee ae eee eee ene ee es see. 29.0. Petticoat Junction (CBS) rs « 26:7 | Donna’: Reed (ABC) .....: Sele ee see wale eed cate es wedge. = 25.5. Te! Candid Camera. (CBS) : Serer Se elb el ee oe eee oeas an Peale 2a Red Skelton (CBS):. meen re * sf Dr. Kildare (NBC) -.: ‘Se ots eee ee See ee ee rca ene bee be «24.0 Andy. Griffith (CBS)... stokes vise wee Ve hepa "24.0. . _.My ‘Favorite Martian’ (CBS): . ae 23.9 © ‘Ed Sullivan (CBS) _— ©. oe 23:9 Jack Benny (CBS) Leelee eens wd: wetted + 23,6". Lucy: (CBS) eae Cee sO ee te eee lalate. aed abies ie 23.2. . Walter Thompson),. the Bill Lewises ta. fret: to shore -up this : ‘season's. " | the ‘Jimmy Deans, et ai), the. net| works -to::all intents. and. ‘purposes .|33. shows: (or: maybe. more). ‘which J by “Nielsen decree seem -to be oe Sours 3. | the end: of the: season. _ Lassie ACBS).:. Te wep. os nesiee are cease . seaee ob ales, woes owe . 22.9: . ae — —_ rr Ta ' — =| work is‘ being done ‘here and there, .fthebig emphasis and. the -major} | dedication—-as the Paleys..& Aub Ht ca By GEORGE ROSEN| It's already. 1964-65 at the. wl 7 ~ Goldenson Award {| prexy, has been picked by the While: the’ ‘Danny Seymours @. P y International... ‘Radio’ & Television (Kenyon &. Eckhardt) and the Society’s. 1964 Gold. Medal. ‘Lewis Tittertons (Compton) are in year in recognition of outstanding be. given at. IRTS’ “24th anni banquet. on... March 24 at the Waldorf-Astoria, N.Y. new faltering ‘shows. (the’ Jamie McPhersons”; the Je erryLewises, have pretty’ much ‘written. off the 1 NBC Sets ' Rogues’ headed for certain. cancellation. by. | Prowl fo le ( “While “some "repair ‘and -pateh BADIO-TELE VISION : Leonard H. Goldenson, AB-PT | board of governors, to receive the. Award,. which is presented each contributions ‘to broadeasting, will <The: felevision networks? battle for: supremacy. in’ the. 1964 ‘Presi| ‘dential primaries . and ° elections: opened without. fanfare last. week | _in the: Election Day (5) coverage ~of : Kentucky’s gubernatorial: con-| test. It was'a two-way competition | _ _ for the: fastest :with the mostest | ’? figures “between: NBC :.and ABC, “since CBS. decided: to sit this one out: 7 For Nec: the focus. of the. ‘Ken: of the” techniques | “which: gave it hegemony. in:1960. For ABC, how-. ever, Kentucky. yepresented: a lab oratory workshop for new -.ap .. °“ proaches and. working’ ‘under the Js. “helm: of. Elmer: W. Lower, ABC: “=. News’ prexy who came over. from /NBC_ a few. months ago... ~ For Lower, ‘Kentucky: was ~ an. {deal . . testing... ‘ground. for the web since its “120° ‘counties represents ‘a tough challenge in -vote-gathering: ‘shew, “Pictures ‘of. ‘People,’ has “been: set: for Dec. 25>Funt’s half-| ‘hour: series is a. replacenient: for and. -vote-tabulating. procedures, In addition, Kentucky promises to. be: “va key s the. swing ‘of the: 1964. Presidential western part of the*.state and 6 p.m,.in the. east. . Kentucky * also | has’ a. small ‘area with a “deep {fl south” -character* which may. .tip:|§} -off how the other ‘southern states. i are moving next. November:: -With. headquarters ‘in ‘the WHAS Radio building in*Louisville, ABC | I} .was. operating with -200.. stringers: the -various: wards of Jefferson: ‘County. covering. the “ Louisville | area, and. with one stringer apiecein each of: the other. 119 counties |: : of the state. By: 6:17.a.m.; 17 min- le Pre-Tet ny. Voting this season out, moves back to its ‘old time: period -Saturday : (16). at '|8:30° p.m.; following. the Jackie Gleason: Show. ye : tucky elections. was: a Sharpening: ” ‘to: date. has proven a weak -Niel‘sen. Jead-infor the Herb Brodkin: series,: and. which had: ‘been’ sand|. wiched between. Gleason and: “De: | committed’ to.Silvers for the full | Season. “Gunsmoke” ‘remains: from: | 10: to: 11 ‘p.m. to. top off: Saturday ate in-indiéating very early | vote. Polls close: at: 5 p.m. in the} being ‘telecast . sons. meet. and scheme. with their replacements next year. With this {work factotums realize that the same —j amount of creative effort required to. shift.a Nielsen point this ‘season | could .exert. three. times . the Niel D DEFEND ERS” ’ GETS. | Sen: ‘leverage. next Season.” ~ BACK OLD TIME SLOT) CBS-TV’s ‘Defenders,’ * which. Stories From the. Bible”. than -a has: been. sagging in: the. ‘Nielsens. “Jamie °.McPheeters”, which it’s phin”’. ‘Robert: Horton, .in: lieu of a “Route 66”. for ‘CBS: Ditto ‘a “Mr. Solo”, ‘New “Phil Silvers. ‘Show, ” ‘which |a James ‘Bond-type character: de “Temple | Houston”. fenders,” will. be ‘shifted ‘to. the |. For. while : this season’ rs Nieisen9:30 -p.m.slot.:'General: Foods ‘is’ gone (with some 45: weeks of this season’s 52 schedule. course ‘still to night for CBS-TYV. ‘Debut. of: . the’ new. “Allen. Funt. feel, as Genéral Foods is. ‘expected the axed “Glynis” skein, currently to kick off the ‘64-’65. selling sea Wednesdays ; “at 3:30, P mm. . (Continued on ‘page’ 40) " LA v "FOR | “YO ’ “utes. after the ‘polls chad. closed, | ABC : ‘announced | “that :-Democrat | ‘Edward | Breathitt:..Jr. had been |: ‘elected: It. was not. an: easy election | to: ‘eall : since “Breathitt only © won | (Continued on page 46). Four Star, NBC Star, NBC ‘the Robert Taylor show,.:hour. ad -yentures from. the files of the Fed|§} . eral, Health,:-Education! & Welfare:| 8} : . Department .that. were replaced by: |Hi oater .law {Ht ‘series, after six of the Taylors ‘were:|#i in the’ can” cat “about $125,000. al | a stanza. . “Temple . Houston,” ” ~All Patched Up | oe Four Star Productions and NBCie ‘TV have pretty: well cleared: up-lfi ‘the financial. and: contractual: litter that -accumulated in the wake: of: “the web’s pre-season. cancellation of | a the. big window. of the. S. ws Geti ‘in n touch with the nearest office. Crux. of “the ‘settlement: ‘is the | _metwork's “There was. also a cash divvy.. “deal: for. Four’ Star’s | David. .Niven-Charles: ‘Beyer. hour, | °“The Rogues,’ ” slated: for the’ 64: “| oe 765. season. (See separate story)... 1.4 : Four Star, meanwhile; has. made: ; _ no -decision. on ‘theshelved half | dozen hours.’ They would--be too | _ ‘expensive. to" ‘syndicate, ‘and, while Ahe’ possibility: of. twisting them: “. into: features ‘is: attractive.andhas | “NEW. YORK 10036 HOLLYWOOD: 90028 . 154 Ww: Abt St. 6404 Sunset. tivd. “LONDON, $.W.1. PARIS: ‘80: ‘Ave: fe Newilly:. 49 St. James’ 's Street | | de! Neuilly-Sur-Seine Piccadilly ‘been contemplated, the. reshooting | vet al involved : ‘would. ‘be. expensive.’ — _ [Peysy the Kintners and the Golden-| key ‘staffers—is . directed. to. their season’s Nielsen ‘die cast, the’ net: veepee,.m likely. to replace.. ‘Or a “Mark. Dol-, (to be retitled); starring \ veloped for MGM and NBC by Ian Fleming and Norman Felton. which : ‘may be the replacement for ‘WB's deficit: programs: may be. far from} follow),. -they ‘are all: but forgotten: as the :tv. moguls immerse themselves in the simulated chess game: -of next year’s. inter-network tour-|nament..And none. too ‘soon, they son at an. unprecedented. early date, : in. the: top 20,” he. said. “HAVE YOU DONE ELY? 7 “You” can imean you as a person or you: as an organizational: nae entity. Bither‘way, the question is pertinent. You ought not neglect = Myoul “Insist: ‘upon being noticed, ‘counted, included i in. Burn. a light: the Soh Anniversary Edition of : + Hollywood, ‘Nw. 12. ‘Mert: Werner, NBC-TV. program next. year is. “The Rogues” out. of Four « Star, starring, Gig Young, ‘David Niven and: Charles -Boyer.. ‘He describes itas. on “The Lavender Hill Mob.” The others: are. “step” deals, ‘by which -NBC’ approves ‘successively the | script: in its various forms, the. ‘casting and production. he ‘will, discuss. deals. with ‘comics ‘there for ‘the NBC. hour ‘series next year, “Funny Funny: World.” Comedians from: all. parts. of ‘the world: will’. appear ‘in . the series, produced in. association with Gen| ‘eral Artists Corp. It will be hosted by. aname. star, Nick. ‘Vanoff. : ‘| eontent of the product. . Fredericks has always given the. produces. . Werner said. it's too ‘early to tell ‘how:: ‘the -lower rated shows will fare the rest of the season. “It takes. time to build.and we're still hopeful. that we'll have our: Share: met ‘last week with studio heads to discuss the 20° pilots to. “be ‘made for the network’ next: ‘| season, The orily series bought for ‘Hence the far greater’ time and ‘attention: devoted. toa. .“Great a tv take off By BILL GREELEY Dr... Carlton: Fredericks, the radio _jfood savant recently called “the Frank Sinatra of the Ice Box’! by ‘a listener, could no doubt sell. an } an Amana Freezer. ‘In his infectious and individual: | style of spiel, which is a lyric com| bination’ of glibness: and sincere dedication to the cause ‘of good. nutrition; Fredericks peddled 5,982 Amana Freezers in a memorable 14-month (five spots a week) campaign on the old WMGM, New ; York. The figure represents a. ] volume of $7,000,000. The per-inquiry campaign was e | Amana’s ‘only advertising. Com pany’s approach initially was so | tentative that Fredericks was not ; allowed to use the trade name | during the first six weeks, In those 27,000 inquiries. poured in, ‘and Fredericks says all blind «© weeks, were ‘tossed in the roundfile ex | || he freezer the ,ones that said, “send. Fredericks, who has been in radio for 23 years and currently as neyer before, can unsell as zealously as-he can sell. His unending campaign against white bread (“it’s good for picking up glass”),. “fad American baker groups. reacting’. with furious smear campaigning. ‘Once approached by .a ‘potential ~ ‘sponsor who wanted to know if he could recommend. a certain’ brand. of English muffins, Fredericks said. he could indeed—“as. ‘sinkers: on fishlines. a Likewise, there are’ no monu ments to Fredericks’ in Battle Creek, home. of the world’s largest {maker of breakfast cereal. He has Werner left. for ‘Mexico where continually crusaded: for the day when most. cereal boxes will be. “all premiums and no cereal.” ‘One jof ‘his sponsors is. Familia, the Swiss cereal, which -has a full range of nutritious ingredients and: “which you actually have to. chew,” and he’s: currently trying to get the ‘company to lessen the sugar listender a-100% guarantee on all the products he pitches, writing a check to anyone with a complaint. This meant, he says, that he at one time was the owner of 13 Amana _| Freezers. After 12: years on WMGM, . |. Fredericks has been .on WOR, New York since 1958, and also KABC, Los Angeles. He recently went net; work and syndication with: ABC Radio, and is now. heard. on: more ‘than. 60 stations around the coun j-try (with the. network the feed is + to the west). _ Fredericks’ own energy is a good | advertisement for his preachment. His broadcast. schedule now calis for 11 45-minute shows.a week (for ithe New. York and Los Angeles Stations), five 15-minute shows a ‘week (for ABC) and 15 five-minute ee | shows (for ABC stations that want to use the segs through. the day). | He also is starting a Sunday. col the New York Daily News ‘Til (which he would like to expand to | three a week) and is setting a deal with the Bell-McClure for a syndi{cate column three-.or five times ‘a ‘week. Then he puts out a Nutrition . Bulletin that goes monthly to 25,-. ‘(Continued on ontinued on’ page 4 46) | Huntley-Brinkley Your ideal, once-a-year + opportunity. fo assure yourself s space and * place in ‘the.-most-read, _most-kept,most-referred-back-to | (panoramic “volume: of show business. Usual Advertising Rates For Unusual Value. — Cost: 1006 a Wk. ‘Reuven ‘Frank, producer: of the Huntley-Brinkley news show, has come through the first couple of {months in the battle of. the half {hour news strips handily. There’s.~ | been. only one big: problem so. far, | precipitating the only major } change in approach. CHICAGO 60611. 400 N. Michigan Ave. ROME 3 | Vig Serdeged 43. As for ratings, he’s only amazed that ‘the total daily share of H-B fj and the CBS-TV Walter. Cronkite. {competition together rack up. such an impressive figure; especially, | he: says; when you consider that, in combo with’. local ‘programming, ii Fmost of. the viewers are watching ‘Tan hour of. news.. “He’s not impressed by the ‘slight (Continued on page 46) : oy cr ae “Ay rig