Variety (November 1963)

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i ee ~ eX aa a rp Bo aT D : er” . . . . a woe aoe . . . te a N . 2 . . y + . i. . . . . ; . My yo 5 0 ‘ y 1 . ‘at os i 4 : des’ h . p " . aan : . ‘ at . x vos a | | . 4 . 4 Sy J * i . . ° an ‘. Piet aaa eo. reo . . = . a vale , . : 4 : : -* on q os . wo , : . . 6 _ an : . ; e:. ; g a me . c raat : , a iy . : a, ‘oe . . 4 7 4 i , wi “ey > ee . a eee NST Oss v . . q . . “ * . . voy noe . Nyon ve eA e ; mT” i . g.. of : . ABT. OP re Ne ee : 4 , . eae 2 eo =< . | js on os . . 7 . Wise TS tet . . % ; ; , : , . s aa. “ee 2c . . " : . i r ¥ . ‘ coe . ‘ . q ag ae . . oo . . , . . . fe ‘ oT . . .q a : v¢ —abe KO abd Ete te Sree ee a mi sien =x ST EEL ME ARN eR ERT ORI ILS A aeeR nT Pet q : 5 ands ot , P ‘ 7 . ap Ae by: peiees Nov de — nit cha taldens rial ami Loe 4 . hal Pm ee a arte ” ED ‘ 3 . 7" ost “st San : : : . : . al “i , ‘ ° . . . . \ . . . . . eo na . : te EE a Lf i ne i [ F rid ih vt | i ti LE | H tao pe! wt ~ lil : [ ! 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See peere aeneniies — ves oo r = eS . , ; tT. . a ¥ f R E i ! : -y ' NS be re EERE GBHTIE fare tits e i ; A fi ih FEE a ; ( fi E i ea __U¥ERE EASE f EF i Hi On ‘Aged a Pale vn “Ter Who Was First? Storm. kicked: up ‘by... the. “April ia Paris”. Ball shows little indication of. subsiding with a sum-. | mors: and. complaint. having been} | 5 {served .on’.Claude C. ‘Philippe, | ante | former veepee and: -general man-i ary | ager. of.the Americana Hotel, N-¥.,4; | : 1 1 gover AMent Or ate re n7 | the 1964 elections and the 1965 in-. | so ‘Thuredaya Reed .at ernmental or priv prese i ; | amgiration: Stephen: e.. Riddie-. period tealo a oR ke'g Law’ mY | gerger continues as Vp. end genon Bridey might i Burke's . Law their owam nations. Also stressed ing down costs fer the future ashington, ‘Nov-12. (eral: mamager “of ABC News,-in|”“Wiiat gave particular. flavor: to | ACentinued. oa page 40° “Sen.. -Stecen Thurmond {B-S. Cc). 1 charge. of. ‘Seusiness affairs, “cost: the Ae honey. pot” was its come charged FCC with asing: the. fair-'. control “and: ‘administration. __ -|-plete. ness. doctrine to intimidate. Iecal |. {a the realignment, ‘John ‘T. Matt : he: radio.. stations broadcasting . com-digan takes avera_ new: position | fu “. “gervative programs: — das director. of ‘Ssasic news. cover| to thee $n ng sn --alternate | Where. the ball was held, Hanor | : ‘Thurmond said the Consmifssian’ S age with Nick Archer as his assign| rights. to. contract te an: alternate and . | recent fairness dertrine repert “ap|ment mamager*in’ covering global’ ce-spensorship in“ peripds which, Productions | ok: apd MBC; Protncer | pears to: be designed | ‘primarily to ‘to: points . with’ ,correspondents and: at the outset, it may elect to.spen-. of the” ball, and’ the Mien serve in implementing the Reuther: cameramen. _Tem-.O’Brien: con-!sor fully. Also time peniod reFrench Foun datio n, of | | Memorandum of 1961 In hat 3 tintes ‘te head. the radio: news op-} newal Tights,” which ABC ‘has Bot | the havity festiviti er oreniain: memo, ‘ke continded, the Rewther| eration. | been -extendiag to'cther clients the: ‘ant is thendelle Produetienel: a He ollyweod, Nov. 22. brothers .advised’ ‘the. Attormey | Most tecenfly engaged in-inde-| past few seasons. . ‘Thus. GF on whith claims: similarities te a tele. _Telefilm’s. first two:hour -series ‘General:-to pressure . broadcasters | pendent. film. pioduction, Zous-4: -would be: guaranteed ‘against. |gees-into preduetion within the airing programs “which Teflect the: mer had been with ‘CBS for 19conservative: point of: view.” . | years before: deaving: that web: . . Already feeling the effect a i ‘the | ia in. 1960: | “ FCC fairness .foctrine report is: Aaron, | _meantime: returns. to’ . the. . Manon ‘Forum, . Fhurmond ‘CBS as’ producer of “ATumni’ Fun,”} “Bal borating, ‘ene. “of ‘Thar| which Sows sn.that network Jan. 5. mond’s aides said. many statians are | i Hayw ard’s Kintner Salute os re Leland. ‘Hayward’s ‘play-. back’ as. exec: -producer “of”: ‘Sunday night's “This Was: the -. Week: That. Was” ‘hour show-" NBC's. Dick Schneider, “who would: “being made for tv yet, the tele ., pave: done ‘the show on a free-|fitm will actually run abeut one casing: | ff. “ {dange basis: Company also claims|pour and 45 vaivntes, rest of the om % take ‘my jhat.o to NBC. that Philippe. peddied ‘the.rights|time being. ‘allotted for comumer‘and Bob. Kintner. There wasn't’ | 9 Monor Productions, headed by4cials and statien breaks, of course. a peep out of .anyone. at: the |:Al ‘Wallace and Hank Alexander | Show has not been cast yet. previa hi to censorship, oa . | Of Videotape buld have “soatiaued If the initial film meets with _ ¢an’t do this or you-can | raghtfully shoul ave continued) the a roval ef NBC-TV brass, .29 the webs since they have 3. monop-': Pilot -acript, written’ ‘by Sidney -_ that’ or go. much as the inger| | with: Chandelle. | more’ two-hour teleflims will be ‘oly.on national bread od on, has gone. into: production, ~<-tion of .a-single.comma, Con* *| ™: -phis ‘year’s show took a critical] put into: production. He called. the FCC. ‘Teport“ani “with. Bill ‘Asher: directing, This, .-: sidering. the areas in which we. ‘| -razzing, ‘and .a rumble .which| Project has been a closely-guard“were ‘trespassing,: that .-spells.” erupted in the ‘press came. from |.ed secret. during. production prep| out courage: in my ‘book. and-}.several. participants in the $150| arations at Revue, with . MCA _ somebody ought to” say” ‘somie_ _ | a-plate charity ball. Philippe re| prexy Lew Wasserman. personally ; J, thing. about ‘ity. signed’. his, Americana: post . supervising. | tl shew and sponsor’ shuffles” that. iS the annual: fa tv. Tights Siegel assigned. as producer-direc: ~ Continued on page. o. tor an the =| Morgan ‘Kent, says it. proposed a_| film in. the .projected series for ‘similar production. ‘tothe sponsor |NBC-TV for’ the 1964-65 season. wary. ‘of carrying the right: wing’ program. .of Dean Manion berause | -* “of the recent FCC fairness, ‘doctrine |. = 2 =. so interpretation, a ; ~ Comedian: “Paul. Lynde has |}: .~ “Thurmond: said ‘the: public tig. formed, his “own production .com-|-‘already subjected . to..a constant’! pany, ‘Heysyl, to produce a “new | barrage of left wing broadcasters | situation comedy: series, .. “‘Paul.|by the three major radio and tele-/ Lynde ‘Show,’ in association with |-. vision hetworks.” He said the fair-: ‘producer Bab. Finkel and ‘Screen mess doctrine should be applied to | Gems... 4 some ‘of the same talent and to be | other attempt to get.our nation to |:will be the first ‘starring series for |" speak with’ one voice—the voite. ‘Lynde, “who was..a_ regular. on. the | . which. preaches : economic: and: ‘S0-. “Perry. Como: ‘Show’? | for two cial equality 0 over’ personal. Uberty.” ‘peasons,: _ tatives ef different. countries on the need to finda way ef marrow suffering fram the same kind of production proposed by. it a year | next week at Revue, with Don. project. “Chandelle; headed . by Vivian “Johnny North” is the initial -of this.year’s:“‘April in Paris Ball] Gene Coon penned the teleplay. ‘| show, Clairol, last. year, featuring | from. Ernest. ‘Hemingway's “The * Killers.” | directed. by -the. same director, |. “Closest. thing to feature. tim { { :